Here is my short list and it is not in order. And I'm doing this by memory, not reality and looking at my film reviews, as I'm re-working my website.
Blade Runner -- One of the most poetic films ever made! And the music was very well woven into the film.
Performance (Cammell and Roeg) -- Terrific film in every aspect and way too far ahead of its time, and folks today would not have the courage to sit through it because nothing is "given" to you!
The Road Warrior -- Brilliant writing and out of this world cinematography made this a visual treat that blew you out of the theater.
The City of Lost Children -- A sad film really, but all in all, the greatest example of how adults intimidate and "kill" children ... and done in a cartoon style (sort of) that we have a hard time relating to.
Prospero's Books (Peter Greenaway) -- The most unusual and unbelievable version of Shakespeare EVER done. And you will remember the words by Gielgud, because they are ever delivered so beautifully and so clear that you can not help "understand" what he is saying!
The Devils (Ken Russell) -- Film known for its ... everythings ... but it is one of the purest films in terms of integrity ever done. Taken from Aldous Huxley's book. Nothing was left out! And certainly not a film for kids or beginners!
Cinama Paradiso - Outstanding film looking at cinema history from the early days in Italy (1940's and 1950's) all the way to several years later. It is beautifully done, and while its "history" is not the major story, in the end, it "becomes" the story!
The Fencing Master (Pedro Olea) -- With the cartoon'ish Basil Rathbone and Errol Flynn pastiches out of the way, this is, by far, the best Fencing film ever done ... and the bad guy will surprise you! Unbelievable costumes and cinematography and beautifully directed.
Carmen (Carlos Saura's version) -- Saura was known at the time for his dancing films. They were all out there and totally outside the Hollywood musical norm, or the Bob Fosse like reality. So what did we have? A fight between the "old line" and "new line" of dancers ... the whole film is a dance ... and you dance with your eyes, not your ass, is one of the most important lines in it. Fabulous film and beautifully choreographed so it could be filmed just as well!
The Fisher King (Terry Gilliam) -- With a well deserved Oscar, it was also very well written and the actors were fantastic. Kudos to Bridges and Williams and then some!
The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah) -- Considered a very brave and bizarre western, in that it did not feature indians and cowboys in the Hollywood style. This was about something else ... let's go!
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Luis Bunuel) -- Not much needs to be said about this film, except that it takes place inside the minds of 7 or 8 people while having dinner ... and only a crazy like Luis Bunuel could pull this off!
Forbidden Planet -- Probably one of the most important films in the "sci-fi genre. Very nicely written as well.
Dracula (Bela Lugosi's) - Not much needs to be said here, but the care with which Bela speaks his lines is so poetically marvellous that it makes the book even better.
La Belle Noiseusse (RJacques Rivette) -- Not a film for everyone because it is almost 4 hours long. But if you have the patience to watch a sketch turn into a painting that is bigger than you and i, then this film is amazing. The problem is that audiences don't like to watch people paint ... they just want the money from the painting ... now you take a look in the mirror and see what it is you want out of music! Same thing here, btw!
Doctor Zhivago (David Lean) -- One of the all time great films, and with masterful music and even prettier cinematography. Based on the Greek writer's novel, which probably would not sell 5 copies to folks that login to PA. Excellent performances and Sir Alec Guiness is ... just as good if not better!
I'm not a great fan of SW, because the stories were cheap and simply a commercial endeavour that started out with a spiritual edge and quickly killed the "spirit" into a mechanical being. I never got over that.
2001 should be here, but it is not Kubrick's best work. It is his most insane and I think that by that time, he didn't care and anything he did was far out. Directing wise, I doubt that anything he did would ahve been better than Dr. Strangelove ... and Peter Sellers should ahve gotten the Oscar!
Enjoy the list ... hopefully you have seen a few of them ... as some are not exactly ... top of the pops, as your list is!
Edited by moshkito - February 22 2015 at 12:40