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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 19:33
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Gerinski, no cheers here. I have a question for you and hope for an answer to your comments below:
Again I must quote you here: "I'm sorry Kati, I didn't mean to offend you, of course not, it's just that you have more than once posted reactions towards negative reviews from that band and I just got carried away thinking that this was also related to the same case."?
Where have I ever said or done such things?
The only time I discuss them is on reviews reporting thread to help clarify things or if anyone happened to mention them but never started it by myself.
Dear Kati, please understand that I'm not willing to spend a lot of time searching for posts from you which might justify my words. I fully agree that you have never started anything by yourself, only that you have reacted to some reviews in threads like 'reviews reporting threads' or perhaps in even less explicit threads, I hope that you will agree to that and leave it as that without needing further discussions. I have no problem discussing with someone who loves a band which I don't, this should never become a 'fight', and I expect the same from the other side, I will never take offence if somebody criticizes some band I love as long as he/she does so respectfully and in an articulated manner.

I repeat, I never meant to offend you and if I did so please accept my apologies. I believe that as critic as I may have been I have always stated my opinions in a respectful and opinionated manner, if you agree with this please let's leave it like that. Otherwise I will need to spend time searching for posts from you which can more or less justify my words, which I find rather unproductive.
You are accusing me of something I have not done, thus it's only fair for you to prove me wrong and show me where I said that? On the Reviews reporting thread I NEVER MADE ANY CRITIQUE ABOUT A SPECIFIC REVIEW nor have I ever mentioned anyone on them, quite the contrary I have came to the defense of 3 reviewers (and some collabs too) because I know them and felt that it was unfair, never said a word of critique specifying any reviewer or review.
Couldn't find right now one of you discussing the dislike of the band (will continue to search) however meanwhile I found this which also fitting to what I said above:





Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

It's a very interesting topic and one for which I don't have really an answer. Practically all Queen albums from Sheer Heart Attack up to Jazz might be considered incoherent in the sense that they contain such a wide variety of stuff. Can you get more different songs mixed together than Sheer Heart Attack, All Dead, Sleeping On the Sidewalk, It's Late, My Melancholy Blues etc? And yet they have never stroke me as incoherent albums and I have never heard them being criticized for that, A Night At The Opera is almost unanimously considered a masterpiece album.

They are 'individual songs' albums, but I wonder if had they put the songs in a different sequence, would they work just the same? Is it simply enough that every song be good on its own? I think that in a 'songs album', deciding the songs order can change the way an album feels.
On the other hand, coming back to the Corvus Stone albums, every time I listen again to any of them, I can't help a sense of incoherence and lack of collective meaning (sorry Colin!). Why does it happen and not with most Queen albums (for example), do not ask me.


Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Probably, The Beatles White album would never have been accepted in this dane prog age LOL I love that album, except number 9 grrrrrr that track one listen, just a bit and it stays stuck with me for days, arghhh bah! In my head, the voices... number 9, nonstop playing over and over again WinkHug

That did not deter me from thinking you are a very nice, sincere and sweet person at all. Another Hug
Sorry, I forgot to quote Gerinski above Stern Smile I do love him I must add, even if our moozik tastes are not quite parallel, I do like him a lot.  Approve very much infact! hugs to all Hug


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 19:27
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

You are accusing me of something I have not done, thus it's only fair for you to prove me wrong and show me where I said that? On the Reviews reporting thread I NEVER MADE ANY CRITIQUE ABOUT A SPECIFIC REVIEW nor have I ever mentioned anyone on them, quite the contrary I have came to the defense of 3 reviewers (and some collabs too) because I know them and felt that it was unfair, never said a word of critique specifying any reviewer or review.
Really Kati, it would take me some time which I am not too keen on spending at.
David (Guldbamsem) has quite confirmed that he understood my point even if I may have been wrong.
So let's state it loud and clear: OK You were not referring at all to any reviews on Corvus Stone. Reviewers should be judged too, and that's a completely neutral statement, nothing to do with any Corvus Stone review, it was about judging reviewers who give low ratings to Queen, Supertramp, Yes, VDGG, Big Big Train, Riverside, Magma, Kayo Dot, Devin Tonwnshend, Knifeworld and Perfect Beings. 
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 19:08
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Gerinski, no cheers here. I have a question for you and hope for an answer to your comments below:
Again I must quote you here: "I'm sorry Kati, I didn't mean to offend you, of course not, it's just that you have more than once posted reactions towards negative reviews from that band and I just got carried away thinking that this was also related to the same case."?
Where have I ever said or done such things?
The only time I discuss them is on reviews reporting thread to help clarify things or if anyone happened to mention them but never started it by myself.
Dear Kati, please understand that I'm not willing to spend a lot of time searching for posts from you which might justify my words. I fully agree that you have never started anything by yourself, only that you have reacted to some reviews in threads like 'reviews reporting threads' or perhaps in even less explicit threads, I hope that you will agree to that and leave it as that without needing further discussions. I have no problem discussing with someone who loves a band which I don't, this should never become a 'fight', and I expect the same from the other side, I will never take offence if somebody criticizes some band I love as long as he/she does so respectfully and in an articulated manner.

I repeat, I never meant to offend you and if I did so please accept my apologies. I believe that as critic as I may have been I have always stated my opinions in a respectful and opinionated manner, if you agree with this please let's leave it like that. Otherwise I will need to spend time searching for posts from you which can more or less justify my words, which I find rather unproductive.
You are accusing me of something I have not done, thus it's only fair for you to prove me wrong and show me where I said that? On the Reviews reporting thread I NEVER MADE ANY CRITIQUE ABOUT A SPECIFIC REVIEW nor have I ever mentioned anyone on them, quite the contrary I have came to the defense of 3 reviewers (and some collabs too) because I know them and felt that it was unfair, never said a word of critique specifying any reviewer or review.
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Gerinski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:56
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Gerinski, no cheers here. I have a question for you and hope for an answer to your comments below:
Again I must quote you here: "I'm sorry Kati, I didn't mean to offend you, of course not, it's just that you have more than once posted reactions towards negative reviews from that band and I just got carried away thinking that this was also related to the same case."?
Where have I ever said or done such things?
The only time I discuss them is on reviews reporting thread to help clarify things or if anyone happened to mention them but never started it by myself.
Dear Kati, please understand that I'm not willing to spend a lot of time searching for posts from you which might justify my words. I fully agree that you have never started anything by yourself, only that you have reacted to some reviews in threads like 'reviews reporting threads' or perhaps in even less explicit threads, I hope that you will agree to that and leave it as that without needing further discussions. I have no problem discussing with someone who loves a band which I don't, this should never become a 'fight', and I expect the same from the other side, I will never take offence if somebody criticizes some band I love as long as he/she does so respectfully and in an articulated manner.

I repeat, I never meant to offend you and if I did so please accept my apologies. I believe that as critic as I may have been I have always stated my opinions in a respectful and opinionated manner, if you agree with this please let's leave it like that. Otherwise I will need to spend time searching for posts from you which can more or less justify my words, which I find rather unproductive.
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:56
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Sorry Sonia, but I made that exact same assumption myself when you made this thread. It's not that far fetched really. You've commented on reviewers before and how you would like to see them write with the respect.....often in the wake of a negative Corvus Stone review. That may not have been a factor at all and I'm sorry it wasn't, but you can't really blame people for thinking like that....even if they're wrong.
Guldbamsen if that was the case I would be direct and say so.
And no I do not blame people for misunderstandings but also don't appreciate being accused of things I have not done meanwhile taking this opportunity to further deliberate and go into details their dislike of something or anyone, especially while knowing that I (idiot here) have praised him before for his reviewing skills in regards to that exact less favorable review even if he still took upon himself to discuss it further into detail. 
I find it no longer interesting to read, twice was enough for me and see no reason for repeating this for a third time while replying to me.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:43
Um, some persons I know would have been seen as being in a compromising state if they mingled with PA in their past. Hmm, I wonder who it could be? Ermm
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:33
Sorry Sonia, but I made that exact same assumption myself when you made this thread. It's not that far fetched really. You've commented on reviewers before and how you would like to see them write with the respect.....often in the wake of a negative Corvus Stone review. That may not have been a factor at all and I'm sorry it wasn't, but you can't really blame people for thinking like that....even if they're wrong.
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:30
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

I recently heard from reliable sources that bands can pay money to have negative reviews removed from PA, is this true?


god those were the days... 
hahaha Vompatti, you are very naughty LOL
P.A. as a respectable site and a serious business do have an option for paid publicity, this is only for i.e. to allow bands to stay for a period of time  on the P.A. Main Page that top row (Top Popular Artists, top 50 last 24 hours) with all sorts of bands from 70's to date inc. those who did not pay but earned their spot by being popular at the time.   This is what you get.
Hug Hug

Edited by Kati - January 29 2015 at 18:36
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:13
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

I'm sorry Kati, I didn't mean to offend you, of course not, it's just that you have more than once posted reactions towards negative reviews from that band and I just got carried away thinking that this was also related to the same case.

Any review is by definition subjective, and we must allow critical comments if the reviewer honestly thinks so, but of course we must demand from reviewers to be polite, respectful, and articulate in their opinions. Just bashing an album without articulate reasoning is not acceptable.

Love and peace Hug Beer  Handshake
Gerinski, no cheers here. I have a question for you and hope for an answer to your comments below:
Again I must quote you here: "I'm sorry Kati, I didn't mean to offend you, of course not, it's just that you have more than once posted reactions towards negative reviews from that band and I just got carried away thinking that this was also related to the same case."?
Where have I ever said or done such things?
The only time I discuss them is on reviews reporting thread to help clarify things or if anyone happened to mention them but never started it by myself.
I never post about them except once recently, it was a competition to win a signed cd from them but the quiz was not at all about them, it was about guessing 10 artists from 70's prog/rock era, this was just for fun and for some interaction, infact they get the wrong end of the stick from me because I post so many things about other bands and songs but nothing from them to avoid all this..
I have tried to keep things separate, this is not the reason why I stayed here on PA, I have become very fond the members in this group here on PA, I feel happy being here.  
I am not here to defend myself, all you have to look are at my ratings, especially band releases in 2012. I have not rated much this last year.
I have not asked anyone here to write a review on their new album because I did not want to place anyone in an awkward position due to conflict of interests.
Now back to what you said, where have I said what you accused me of doing, as quoted?
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 18:01
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

I recently heard from reliable sources that bands can pay money to have negative reviews removed from PA, is this true?


god those were the days... 
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HolyMoly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 17:54
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

I recently heard from reliable sources that bands can pay money to have negative reviews removed from PA, is this true?
I just bought a new car. 
My other avatar is a Porsche

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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 17:47
I recently heard from reliable sources that bands can pay money to have negative reviews removed from PA, is this true?
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Gerinski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 17:39
I'm sorry Kati, I didn't mean to offend you, of course not, it's just that you have more than once posted reactions towards negative reviews from that band and I just got carried away thinking that this was also related to the same case.

Any review is by definition subjective, and we must allow critical comments if the reviewer honestly thinks so, but of course we must demand from reviewers to be polite, respectful, and articulate in their opinions. Just bashing an album without articulate reasoning is not acceptable.

Love and peace Hug Beer  Handshake
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 15:33
^Sounds good to me! Hug (now I  can sleep in bed!) LOL
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 15:29
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

K. says "right back at you." Hug
(but I still have to sleep on the couch!)
hahahahahaha!!!!! I am laughing here so much, so funny LOL
Group hug Hug
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 15:28
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

A wise old carpenter once said that a tree is known by it's fruit.
Find a reviewer that relates to you and that you have trust in, and all will be well in the Land of Oz.
It is the only path available.
He was a very wise man indeed Approve
SteveG, I love what you wrote above! Brilliant, this would be a fantastic slogan for i.e. P.A. and everywhere Clap
~ Find a reviewer that relates to you and that you have trust in, and all will be well in the Land of Oz. ~ SteveG
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 15:26
K. says "right back at you." Hug
(but I still have to sleep on the couch!)
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 15:22
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Ban me if you wish, I find this all very silly.
Sonia, you are gem among an ocean of rough stones. But you do throw me sometimes as you knock some silly posts but than post a few of your own.
Don't worry, my wife is on your side. She keeps reminding me that it's a woman's prerogative! So she sends you many hugs and says that I don't deserve any! 
So from K. to you:Hug
(Yea, all you women stick together!)
Hahahaha!!! SteveG
K. is awesome, very funny too and I love her! Thank you very much, K. (Steve's very nice wife)
That pic above is pun for MTV  hehehe
I actually love reading humour from others this make me smile and unfortunately also leave the topic and derail into silly things tooLOL
I am a very happy nincompoop, you see Big smile
A massive big hug Hugto K. who is smart sweet funny aka your wife.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 15:07
A wise old carpenter once said that a tree is known by it's fruit.
Find a reviewer that relates to you and that you have trust in, and all will be well in the Land of Oz.
It is the only path available.
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 14:55
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

Then there are the odd cases which strongly polarise opinions, and we all know where were you coming from, and you must recognise that it's one of those strongly polarising cases, some people love it and some people find it very weak. Personally I belong to the latter, I was very critic with their first release and given that I felt the same about the 2nd one, I refrained from reviewing it, at least for the time being, because maybe I need to see it as an album from a genre I do not like, although in all honesty I don't think that's the issue in this case. It's genre is something I should in principle like, but I find it very weak, with all my respect for the effort they made.
I am absolutely speaking in general Gerinski,  not singling out anyone or being specific.
In regards to that you are referring to, I have said nothing but praised you many times on PA for your writing and articulate skills, also mentioning that although I may not share your view, it was a well written and well thought review!
Thus what you wrote above I find quite offensive as I do not know where it comes from?!
I believe that discussing reviews (not rate them) in a nice and polite manner could set higher standards which would also greatly benefit the prog reviewers and the site a lot.
See quote copied below from comments made previously on this thread.
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

well the short answer is yes .. especially when it comes to factual errors.
but aren't irresponsible reviews judged already - by the very virtue that people will publically disagree with them?
are you talking about in general, or just on this site?
Walton Street, I am talking in general, the two examples I gave above happened to be on here, however many prog sites deal with this SAME issue, not only P.A.
Having bad written reviews with no content also is not fair to the reviewers who actual do care about what they write both positive and also negative views (both are necessary as it creates some kind of balance).
Thus that one can write anything not related and call it a review with impunity is total B.S.   
another hug to you, Hug
Now seriously Confused I am losing all praise I had for you because you always have to make a point by bringing up and singling out one band with me which is not part of the discussion here! You have done this twice before, however I still praised your work on those topics but this stage is coming to an end for me now because quite frankly is making me see you in a less positive way.

Edited by Kati - January 29 2015 at 15:05
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