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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2014 at 05:41
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2014 at 05:43
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

The videos on FB are getting really boring now.
This sums up the whole thing for me very nicely.

Respect! Big smile Thumbs Up
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 26 2014 at 01:37
I've had enough of it with these ads that roll over on webpages when you don't want them to.

Now, usually I'm prone to thinking violent things when something like this happens. However, so as not to scare anyone and comply with the rules of the forum (if there are any pertaining to a case like this), I abstain.
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HolyMoly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2015 at 11:21
I can't stand it when people leave me a voicemail at work, and rush through the part of who they are and what company they're from so that I can't understand what they said.  These people usually are careful about being clear when they say their phone number, but now I have a phone number and no idea whom I need to ask for.  So then I call and I'm the one who looks stupid because then I'm just some schmuck calling a busy practice and I don't even know who I'm calling for.

And this goes double for people with thick accents.  Where "accent" can be broadly aimed at any voice that doesn't sound like mine.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2015 at 11:39
^Half audible call back numbers is the prime reason that I don't own a gun. What's wrong with theses idiots! Thank god for texts!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2015 at 15:08
I barely check voicemail anymore.  I have most of my contacts trained to use E-mail.  There's always a fast easy response and a written record of what is happening.  Quick for printing too. 
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Walton Street View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2015 at 07:01
I recently moved from the city to a small rural town of about 16,000 people.
I'm originally from a similar sized town and left 25 years ago because I hated the small minded people and the lack of  .. anything.
As an adult I can handle the small town - if I need to go to the city - I can drive there. I never get bored - I have plenty of things to do - working on the house alone will keep me busy for years.
But here's the thing - I recently joined Facebook again just to post photography.
I LOATHE Facebook. (That can be a whole other rant) but it's good as a picture warehouse.
I only have a couple of friends on it and I hide their feeds.
I discovered a number of local area Facebook pages that are buy and sell forums ..
All kinds of stuff - usually really cheap.
I haven't bought anything yet but I have given things away to needy people ...
and that's my rant - what the hell is it with these small town hick morons having kids at 17 - 18 years of age - with some baseball hat wearing truck driving unemployed moron who cant even begin to take care of the family he's responsible for ????
These are the people constantly on the buy and sell. I'm looking for used CDs, maybe camera equipment - and all I see is kids looking for free stuff that needs to be dropped off because they have no transportation ...  yet their profile pic shows them in a cheezy posed department store photo hugging some punk.
I guess this crap has been going on for centuries .. it's just the first time in 25 years I've come face to face with the thing that drove me out of my hometown in the first place. (not to mention the bigotry, sexism, and homophobia)
Ok - I feel a little better now.
Does anyone read these things or is it just therapy?
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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2015 at 11:30
Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

Does anyone read these things or is it just therapy?

Speaking as the OP of this thread, I do read these once in a while; think of it as a forum based catharsis centre

Incidentally, I agree 100% with your opinion of what I call ICBMs (irretrievably common breeding machines)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2015 at 12:59
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

Does anyone read these things or is it just therapy?

Speaking as the OP of this thread, I do read these once in a while; think of it as a forum based catharsis centre

Incidentally, I agree 100% with your opinion of what I call ICBMs (irretrievably common breeding machines)
future rants are sure to be:
Facebook - the constant need for validation
People who drive and text
People who drive and don't signal
People wearing hats in restaurants
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2015 at 02:59
Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

People who drive and don't signal

With you on that - Check out my very first post in this thread.

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Star_Song_Age_Less View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 01:53
So here's a thing that keeps popping up in my head and bugging me.  What is it with the modern culture of including just about everything everywhere?

I think we can all agree that various genres of music are, in fact, music.  Rock, symphonic, jazz, experimental, rap, prog (of course), metal, etc. etc...
And I can at least somewhat understand the logic of calling things like bird song music.  Okay, sure.  Not music to my ears, but then again neither is most rap.
However... you'll get some overly-fluffy, politically-correct-to-the-extreme person spouting nonsense like, "The sunset is music."  But wait.... he doesn't mean that in a metaphorical sense.  He'll actually argue with you that the sunset itself is, literally, music.  And I know this because several years ago, it happened in a class full of adults on the physics of music.

Since then, I've noticed this sort of ultra-inclusivism all over the place.  It hit me on here a few nights ago and I had to take a lot of deep breaths and shut the computer off to calm down.  Because this one really bugs me: 

"Music is science!"

NO!  No it's not!  Science is science!  And music is music!  And here I am ranting about it relatively calmly because I've had a few days to recover from constant fuming.  This one bugs me a lot because I am both a physicist and a musician, and while I can explain musical principles scientifically, I understand science enough to know that music does not fall into the same category is biology, chemistry, geology, physics and astronomy.  Those things are trying to explain the natural world through a very specific set of procedures.  Music... is more like an attempt to cope with or describe the world in any sound-related way you can.  To me, trying to call music science is no different than calling prose science.  It just doesn't make sense.

Among other, to my mind, insane inclusions in music are:
"Poetry is music" [No, poetry can be part of music but in and of itself it isn't].
"John Cage's 4:33 is music" [No... no it's the equivalent of a blank canvas.... though I know many would argue with me about that, this is a rant right?]
"The world around us is music" [Arrrrgh!  No, it's just the world!  You have to make music out if it!]

Those are only the music ones though.  It's more just this general culture of being so unwilling to exclude anyone or anything from any category that makes everything seem cross-referenced with everything else.  This may be exaggerated for me because I work on a campus, where these notions seem to take flight thanks to the endless head-banging of the philosophy majors.  (One of whom, by the way, once attempted to argue with me that science was less real than philosophy - which I suppose stemmed from "I think therefore I am," meaning to philosophers thoughts are more real than observations of the world around them.  I find that delusional.  Again, rant.  Weirdly, though, that is not a new-age idea at all, that's from way back in Ancient Greece at least... maybe further).

The rant took a turn!
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 02:16
Clap Lovely rant and I'm with you all the way Jamie. Approve

We can analyse some (not all) birdsong and identify that some of it is kinda pentatonic, and we can describe scientifically that the harmonic pitch relationship between those tones follows a mathematical formula, but we can never call birdsong music even though the same mathematically described harmonic pitch relationships form the basis of what we can and do call music. As I have said many times, music theory is the after-the-event analysis and description of what we call music, not the predefined rules that are used to create it. Science can increase our understanding of the physics of sound and harmony, but it cannot define our aesthetic appreciation of it.

Nice to see someone else take a swipe at 'philosophers' for a change Wink
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 02:23
I once had a fight with someone over the same issue; he believed any audible sounds could be construed as music, and as adorable a notion as that is, he refused to acknowledge that the two must be different or we wouldn't perceive and define them as different.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Star_Song_Age_Less View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 03:12
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Clap Lovely rant and I'm with you all the way Jamie. Approve

We can analyse some (not all) birdsong and identify that some of it is kinda pentatonic, and we can describe scientifically that the harmonic pitch relationship between those tones follows a mathematical formula, but we can never call birdsong music even though the same mathematically described harmonic pitch relationships form the basis of what we can and do call music. As I have said many times, music theory is the after-the-event analysis and description of what we call music, not the predefined rules that are used to create it. Science can increase our understanding of the physics of sound and harmony, but it cannot define our aesthetic appreciation of it.

Nice to see someone else take a swipe at 'philosophers' for a change Wink


Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I once had a fight with someone over the same issue; he believed any audible sounds could be construed as music, and as adorable a notion as that is, he refused to acknowledge that the two must be different or we wouldn't perceive and define them as different.

Bless you both!  A breath of fresh air.  Sometimes it's nice just to know you're not the only one out there.

'Philosophers' drive me insane.  It took 2000 years for humanity to rise above the idea that Aristotle was right because he was a thinker.  I don't want to go back now.  Thinking is important, but no matter how much you think the world has the last word.

I've had several people in various versions of this class argue the same, that any sound could be music to a particular listener.  The idea that we have different definitions for music and sound tends to win over all but one or two people.  I decided to run a class experiment to tell the difference, but it is a bit late and I'm getting tired... don't think I should type out the particulars right now.  Maye will attach at a later date.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 03:31
I suppose one interesting venture would be to try to delineate at what sonic point does sound end and music begin.
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 07:43
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

People who drive and don't signal

With you on that - Check out my very first post in this thread.

Drives me mad. Increasinly large numbers of people don't bother with their indicators round my way. &rseholes!
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Dayvenkirq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 08:06
^ In that case may I add trucks that drive in the fast lane? ... You have trucks driving parallel to each other on the fast and the slow lane. I'm not surprised why we in Reno get heavy clogging every morning of a business day.

Edited by Dayvenkirq - January 29 2015 at 08:07
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Walton Street View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 08:09
Originally posted by Dayvenkirq Dayvenkirq wrote:

^ In that case may I add trucks that drive in the fast lane? ... I'm not surprised why we in Reno get heavy clogging every morning of a business day.
we don't get that where I am .. it's illegal and they are strict about it.
last night I followed a POS in stop and go traffic who was in the passing lane - and left a 30 car space ahead of him.  I finally got a chance to pass him and in doing so, he looked at me and sped up - waving at me like a little %&*$ ..
lucky for him I have a kid I want to see again or his passive aggressive would have met my manic aggressive
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 11:07
Originally posted by Dayvenkirq Dayvenkirq wrote:

^ In that case may I add trucks that drive in the fast lane? ... You have trucks driving parallel to each other on the fast and the slow lane. I'm not surprised why we in Reno get heavy clogging every morning of a business day.
One of the major causes of motorway tailbacks imo. One lorry in the inside lane doing 56mph, another lorry in the middle lane trying to overtake it uphill at 56.0001mph so everyone has to go in the outside to get round them. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2015 at 11:39
This growing e-cigarette culture is making me grumpy. Not only do people look incredibly foolish sucking on those ridiculous sonic screwdrivers, but they just love talking about the new flavor juice they just found.
And it seems like there are more e-cig supply stores popping up than weed stores in Colorado. Unhappy
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