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Posted: July 26 2014 at 10:50 |
dwill123 wrote:
Overrated? Lady Gaga, yes. Robert Fripp, no. |
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 10:06 |
I'd say Fripp is underrated if anything. :D
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 08:41 |
Crimson_King wrote:
My good man, there is no such single entity as a "bad self"......nor is
there what one might want to call a "good self" for that matter......according
to RF, actually, (as well as several other so-called "philosophers" and
"theologians" throughout the centuries) ..........there are an
"infinite" number of selves wrapped up inside one particular human
body.......This particular admirer of Fripp, Crimso Output may go ahead and bring an end to this conscious existence very soon,......however, I doubt that Fripp would mind, BUT ONLY if he doesn't know who I am or why I am dying........The
chances are very good that Robert Fripp will not miss my little measly
41-years of existence on this planet anyway..... as if I'm not as worthy
as his mother for an acknowledgement of death and
mourning........perhaps because his mother died of "somewhat" natural
causes at a "reasonable age", but my death was self-perpetrated.I have a mother, and there is NOTHING that he will say to her, period, and,
honestly.....why should he say something anyway? I would doubt that he
would be interested in communicating with the mother of a suicide
perpetrator. ha! For all that I know, he may feel extreme contempt for
both myself and my family members! hmmmmfph!in fact, he most
likely will not even be made aware that someone committed suicide with
"Starless & Bible Black" playing in the background.......ha!And
forget about Bruford.......he would NEVER EVER come to the knowledge
that someone admired his work for x number of years, then committed
suicide..........think about it, and think about the general attitude of
these 2 men specifically when applied to "enthusiasts" or
I don't know about you people but I'm never going to listen to KC again, it's Lady GaGa from here on.
Edited by SteveG - July 26 2014 at 11:37
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 08:27 |
Dayvenkirq wrote:
Now you are just confusing me. We were talking about articulation, but all of the sudden you are talking about excellence as a criteria. This post makes no sense. |
No, I was talking about articulation not about excellence. I only said that some say Kurt Cobain was an excellent guitarist which is also a personal opinion.
Dayvenkirq wrote:
The guitar work is a part of the composition. Since you have so many years of experience of playing the instrument, question: If the guitar work on "Fracture" isn't complex, than what is? |
articulation isn't about complexity, it's about how you hold the strings, hit the strings, bend them etc...
Dayvenkirq wrote:
Study it first then judge it for chrissakes.
study these classical pieces you say Fripp would nail (I really doubt it).
"Du gehst zu Frauen? Vergiss die Peitsche nicht!"
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 07:21 |
Overrated? Lady Gaga, yes. Robert Fripp, no.
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 01:35 |
^^^ Fripp might be underrated in the overall musical world in your opinion but in the prog world he is overrated
smartpatrol wrote:
Crimson_King wrote:
Hello there,
My VERY FIRST POST! exciting! hmfff! (he says with a nasty glint....)
No, Robert Fripp is not overrated.
.....Yes, I am a 41-year-old virgin who has never been able to secure a date or a "holding-hands session", or a kiss from any woman......and that's the d*mn truth!
So, take it from there.
| This is the best post on this f**king website, man.
Edited by ProgMetaller2112 - July 26 2014 at 01:39
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 01:32 |
Fripp is underrated.
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 01:25 |
Frippy. Overrated? A little
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart
The Doctor
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 00:33 |
You win the internet.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 00:20 |
Okay, scratch that. THAT is the best post on this site.
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 00:18 |
Crimson_King wrote:
Hello there,
My VERY FIRST POST! exciting! hmfff! (he says with a nasty glint....)
No, Robert Fripp is not overrated.
.....Yes, I am a 41-year-old virgin who has never been able to secure a date or a "holding-hands session", or a kiss from any woman......and that's the d*mn truth!
So, take it from there.
This is the best post on this f**king website, man.
Forum Newbie
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Posted: July 26 2014 at 00:16 |
My good man, there is no such single entity as a "bad self"......nor is
there what one might want to call a "good self" for that matter......
to RF, actually, (as well as several other so-called "philosophers" and
"theologians" throughout the centuries) ..........there are an
"infinite" number of selves wrapped up inside one particular human
This particular admirer of Fripp, Crimso Output may go ahead and bring an end to this conscious existence very soon,......
however, I doubt that Fripp would mind, BUT ONLY if he doesn't know who I am or why I am dying........
chances are very good that Robert Fripp will not miss my little measly
41-years of existence on this planet anyway..... as if I'm not as worthy
as his mother for an acknowledgement of death and
mourning........perhaps because his mother died of "somewhat" natural
causes at a "reasonable age", but my death was self-perpetrated.
I have a mother, and there is NOTHING that he will say to her, period,
honestly.....why should he say something anyway? I would doubt that he
would be interested in communicating with the mother of a suicide
perpetrator. ha! For all that I know, he may feel extreme contempt for
both myself and my family members! hmmmmfph!
in fact, he most
likely will not even be made aware that someone committed suicide with
"Starless & Bible Black" playing in the background.......ha!
forget about Bruford.......he would NEVER EVER come to the knowledge
that someone admired his work for x number of years, then committed
suicide..........think about it, and think about the general attitude of
these 2 men specifically when applied to "enthusiasts" or
The Doctor
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 23:20 |
Crimson_King wrote:
No "Doctor"......not trolling......
I remember YEARS ago, in 1995 when I met Fripp, he told me that many of his younger fans were:
"Earnest young men with facial hair and spectacles......"
(both of which my friend and I happened to have at that time! ha ha)
He was right on the ball.......
and it IS a proven scientific fact, you know, that these types of men end up dying alone as virgins with their cherished copies of Lizard clutched tightly to their chests, and only their mothers to discover their decomposed cadavers weeks after the suicide.....hmmf.
Righteo then. Carry on with your bad self.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
Mirror Image
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 22:12 |
I don't think Robert Fripp is overrated. Even if he was, who cares? I sure don't. I admire his work with King Crimson and think he's one of the more original guitarists to perform this music. For me, it's Hackett, Gilmour, Fripp, Lifeson, and Howe all the way. These are THE prog rock guitarists. I'll except no substitutions.
Edited by Mirror Image - July 25 2014 at 22:12
“Music is enough for a lifetime but a lifetime is not enough for music.” - Sergei Rachmaninov
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 21:44 |
No "Doctor"......not trolling......
I remember YEARS ago, in 1995 when I met Fripp, he told me that many of his younger fans were:
"Earnest young men with facial hair and spectacles......"
(both of which my friend and I happened to have at that time! ha ha)
He was right on the ball.......
and it IS a proven scientific fact, you know, that these types of men end up dying alone as virgins with their cherished copies of Lizard clutched tightly to their chests, and only their mothers to discover their decomposed cadavers weeks after the suicide.....hmmf.
The Doctor
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 21:34 |
Can't decide if providing TMI or just trolling.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 21:28 |
Hello there,
My VERY FIRST POST! exciting! hmfff! (he says with a nasty glint....)
No, Robert Fripp is not overrated.
.....Yes, I am a 41-year-old virgin who has never been able to secure a date or a "holding-hands session", or a kiss from any woman......and that's the d*mn truth!
So, take it from there.
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 16:57 |
LSDisease wrote:
seriously, jazz a complex form music? I don't know where this opinion comes from but it's not a scientific source for sure. |
I simply disagreed with your statement that jazz is overrated. I never said jazz was a complex form of music (as a whole, though sometimes it is complex). Those are two different arguments, the latter of which you just included into this discussion for no apparent reason.
LSDisease wrote:
[QUOTE=Dayvenkirq] Again, that's just an opinion. I hear plenty of articulation. | sorry but I don't care what you hear, ... .[/QUOTE]Try not to be rude. This is just a music discussion.
LSDisease wrote:
some say that Kurt Cobain was an excellent guitar player. It's not the criteria, I told you what the criteria is. |
Now you are just confusing me. We were talking about articulation, but all of the sudden you are talking about excellence as a criteria. This post makes no sense.
LSDisease wrote:
Dayvenkirq wrote:
How do you know? You are not me. This is just a matter of perception, and you have to recognize that. I've explained why "Fracture" sounds complex to me. That's mostly a guitar-oriented piece, but by and large it's a group effort. | we were talking about the guitar work and the guitar work in Fracture isn't complex, as far as I recognize being a guitarist for over 20 years. | The guitar work is a part of the composition. Since you have so many years of experience of playing the instrument, question: If the guitar work on "Fracture" isn't complex, than what is?
LSDisease wrote:
Dayvenkirq wrote:
Super-fast and unmemorable lines? No, Bob is not just some guy playing a classical piece (written by another guy) really fast on his guitar, and the fact that I've seen too many speed-obsessed metalheads do a rendition of a classical piece ... that's just not Fripp's style. I'm sure Robert could nail that rendition of Caprice if he chose to ... but I don't remember him ever choosing to. He is not as much of a speed-obsessed musician.
| "unmemorable" that's a personal opinion nothing more nothing less. To me most of KC stuff is unmemorable and we can argue about that for another 5 hours. |
I know. That's why we are having these discussions on this forum. If this forum was all about facts, then it would be just an informative medium, right.
LSDisease wrote:
"unmemorable" that's a personal opinion nothing more nothing less. To me most of KC stuff is unmemorable and we can argue about that for another 5 hours. Does it change anything? Study it first then judge it for chrissakes. | Study and judge what? That sentence needs an object.
Edited by Dayvenkirq - July 25 2014 at 17:02
The Doctor
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 16:42 |
Dayvenkirq wrote:
<span style="line-height: 1.2;">
LSDisease wrote:
Jazz is overrated as Fripp is. |
I'll just pretend you didn't write that.</span> <span style="line-height: 1.2;">
LSDisease wrote:
Fripp wasn't good in that area [of articulation], his ideas were sometimes outrageous, but without all those instruments used on KC albums everything would be as naked as beatles let it be naked. |
Again, that's just an opinion. I hear plenty of articulation.</span>
LSDisease wrote:
So if it sounds complicated to you it's not because of Fripp's guitar work. |
How do you know? You are not me. This is just a matter of perception, and you have to recognize that. I've explained why "Fracture" sounds complex to me. That's mostly a guitar-oriented piece, but by and large it's a group effort.
Unless you cut that up and put it under a microscope and send it off to be analyzed by the scientific community and have at least 3 scientific papers analyzing Fripp's work to back you up, how dare you claim Fracture is complex.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Posted: July 25 2014 at 16:18 |
ProgPassion wrote:
No-one said Jazz is complex. Although, a fair amount of it is. The fact that you think Jazz is overrated is hilarious though. |
ok maybe I wasn't precise. But when I read all those prog heads, their ultimate argument is: jazz this, jazz that, jazz is a noble kind of music. No it's not, it was played in night clubs in the 20's and 30's America it was music to entertain people on the f... dance floor.
"Du gehst zu Frauen? Vergiss die Peitsche nicht!"