Someone should put this to music...
Five days out on an infinite sea, they prayed for calm on an ocean free,
But the surface of the water was indicating some disturbance.
The raft was hurled by and unseen source, two hundred feet,
With frightening force
And a dark mass rising showed to be
a giant fish eating therapod thing that would one day evolve
into a sparrow or a chicken, I dunno, may be a flamingo or something
Rising out of the angry sea,
towered the creature's enemy,
a quite large crocodile thing,
one that would no doubt later evolve
into a, well, smaller crocodile thing,
may be an alligator or a caimen,
or perhaps a gharial ...
...anyway, that's not important
And so the two sea monsters
closed for a battle
armed with well-thumbed copies
of "Stand Up Comedy for Dummies",
"The Idiot's Guide to Slapstick",
and the Rachel Welsh Dirty Song Book,
(skimpy yellow polka dot fur bikini Jurasic edition)
Crocodile's teeth, lizard's shoe,
bloodshot eye, stained the ocean blue
Moving close to their raft's side,
the two men prayed as one and cried
"Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer?
Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!"