Awesome list ... !
Tornatore did one of the prettiest and nicest films around that won an Oscar. It's a must see, if you like things on this list. Cinema Paradiso.
Bertolucci is Bertolucci, but his cinematographer is the man that makes his films go, often coloring with a filter a whole portion of the film, that is not noticeable when you are watching the film. But when you catch "Visions of Light" about cinematographers, you will be stunned and totally surprised at the creativity and design of some of his things.
Fellini, is without question the ultimate kid in a clown's costume, doing anything that the kid can get away with. And sometimes people get offended! Too bad, because those moments are also the funniest of all!
DeSica is film history, and his films in the early days were scary, because all of a sudden they had stories, and they were very serious, unlike the Hollywood soft crap! But when he sets out to have fun, look out ... get a hold of "After the Fox" with Peter Sellers, and dig the fun and total satire on anything, including Italian films and scenes.
Dario Argento is the department of weirdness here in this lilst and no one knows him? Excuse me, but you have heard all of those Goblin albums? Granted, the music was misused in everyone of those films and I don't think I can think of one of his films that is better and worth mentioning!
Wertmuller kinda lost her credibility as a woman film maker when she went "pop" with her films. She was more interesting when they were different, and strange, and even weird.
Antonioni, for reasons I can not really figure out, is not one of my favorites. I did not like the peep hole mentality in "Blow Up" that I found boring, and his films have a tendency to go slower and slower to make sure you get the point. Very visual filming style though, and very clever angles.
Zeffirelli is better known for his two Shakespeare films, both magnificent, and nice to watch, and there is no better Taming of the Shrew, than the one with Burton and Taylor, and the combination is magnificent! Mostly he did a lot of Opera and also filmed it, something that probably none of us ever saw any of them. One other film that was really good, but no one got, or cared for it, was his film about Saint Francis of Assissi. Take aside the hip thing with Donovan, and the film is fabulous!
Visconti I can not tell you enough and I do not remember The Leopard well enough.
Pasolini, is quite different, and loved using non actors for a lot of his roles, and sometimes, it makes you wonder, but the films come off ... strange, different, sometimes weird! His Gospel film could be considered off the wall, but it comes off ok, like we don't know what the whole thing is about anyway! So, that makes it more interesting.
Mario Bava, made the original "Black Sunday" with Barbara Steele, and it still is one of the alltime scary films, and is moody as heck, besides being filmed not in color, which made it darker still.
I have, probably 50 of these films reviewed and will see about uploading them to my website.
Edited by moshkito - October 30 2013 at 12:14