"Freedom" thread or something |
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Prog Reviewer Joined: February 10 2010 Location: Barcelona Spain Status: Offline Points: 5154 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 15:53 | ||||||||||||
Yes, I do argue that limits on the economical power should be enforced. How much would it take to get someone to feature on public TV licking a pig's a****le? I tell you, there are thousands of people doing worse things for money right now, so they wouldn't mind too much. We people with money would be happy and laughing watching it. The channel would probably get record audiences. No thanks, I prefer to have it banned by law |
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 15:53 | ||||||||||||
^Space travel, Pat. By the time we are anywhere close to overloading the planet with people (if ever) we will have colonies on Mars that we can start filling up.
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 15:55 | ||||||||||||
You have weird tastes in television. Why do you want to ban a practice you admittedly want to witness? Also, why do you want to prevent someone from taking what, from his perspective, is a good job? Suppose it was the only job he could get, would you rather him starve because the law says he can't work at what he's good at? |
Forum Senior Member Joined: June 24 2011 Location: Chattanooga, TN Status: Offline Points: 1708 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 15:59 | ||||||||||||
Ooh! Ooh! I'll explain why it's seen as extremism. Now you want us to believe that your motto is "live and let live." It's a nice saying. But there's a couple problems with it. First of all, you have people like Rob who talk about holing himself up at home with his guns and shooting anyone who comes to collect taxes, if the government ever does raise taxes on us. That's extremism. And it won't accomplish what you think it'll accomplish. You should look to the life of Gandhi for a better idea. Second of all, the "live and let live" motto is missing something. This poem illustrates what I think it missing: First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Catholic. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me. It's missing this: "live, let live, and protect life." You see, you believe in the illusion of non-choice. To illustrate what I mean by that, picture a young couple sitting on a bench. The male reaches down and grabs the hand of the young girl. She is not sure how she feels about this young man. She thinks he's alright - definitely not a bad character, and not ugly. But she wonders if she could do better. But maybe she couldn't? She doesn't know. She doesn't want to grasp his hand and make him think she returns the feeling...but she doesn't want to pull her hand away and hurt his feelings. So she sits there with her hand completely limp, not taking any action. She believes in the illusion of non-choice. But non-choice is a choice. The young girl thinks she is avoiding a message, but she is still sending a message. In the same way, when we refuse to help the sick and the dying who do not have the means to help themselves, we are showing that we believe in the illusion of non-choice. We think we do not have responsibility for them. But if we have the means through which to help, and we refuse to, we are responsible for their deaths. |
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 15:59 | ||||||||||||
I think you're wrong, but considering I have neither he means nor the energy to conduct a survey, we will have to leave it at that. The people who are actually affected by regulations often have a big problem with it when it destroys their livelihood, but can't seem to translate that into libertarianism. What about unelected government employees like those at the EPA or FDA? Or are they okay because they were hired by someone who was appointed by someone who was elected? |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 30 2007 Location: Raeford, NC Status: Offline Points: 32552 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 15:59 | ||||||||||||
Libertarians do not promise a dearth in "evil overlords." Neither does any other philosophy of rule. So it's unfair to single out Libertarianism for this. What Libertarian does do (which no other philosophy of rule does) is assure people that aggressive infringements upon their person or property are not legally sanctioned. I'd like to know how an "evil overlord" would come up in a truly Libertarian society anyway. You've given me no reason to believe your hypothetical situation is realistic.
What would happen is somebody rose to power in a government world? What happens? What has happened? What do you think would happen in a truly Libertarian nation if a thug decided to try to start running things for himself? What do you think would happen? I think you should answer your own hypothetical.
Has your sense of morality seriously never changed? Mine has. And the only way that happened was by talking to people who disagreed with me. So you're wrong because of me. And because of The T, by the way, who used to be a socialist and now is a Libertarian.
An ideal based on a single moral principle.
I'm not trying to make your statement look silly; neither am I proving your "point" (not even sure what that is yet). A chef being okay with sickening his restaurant's guests is an extension of his moral code. My point was that moral codes are relevant to everyone in all walks of life. If I think it's morally right for me to beat you to death because you looked at me funny, my moral code becomes very, very real to you, does it not?
What about assassinations?
That's not true. Lots of regular citizens have and can start wars. They're called revolutions. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 30 2007 Location: Raeford, NC Status: Offline Points: 32552 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:01 | ||||||||||||
You don't know me at all. Wow. |
Prog Reviewer Joined: February 10 2010 Location: Barcelona Spain Status: Offline Points: 5154 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:04 | ||||||||||||
Someone thinking that licking pig ass for the enjoyment of other perverts is the best he can do in life? Alright let him perform his craft
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:08 | ||||||||||||
You seem to have mistaken me for a pacifist. I detest pacifism and I detest Gandhi. Non-aggression is not pacifism. Of course life should be defended. I am not a big fan of guns, myself. I don't own them, don't enjoy shooting them, but neither do I think I have the right to take them away from others. I agree that such rhetoric as you describe is off putting,which is why I like to describe my philosophy in the simplest possible terms - don't kill people and take their stuff. Your relationship analogy makes little sense, as you seem to be suggesting that someone who "knows better" should be in charge of decided whom young girls are allowed to date. Do people make bad choices? Of course, but what is there to show that others are more capable of making good choices for them, when they are necessarily removed from the specific circumstances of that person's life? Finally, if you have the means to help and don't, you are responsible is not something you could possibly believe. You have a computer. You could sell it and send the money to a starving person in Africa. Does the fact that you do not do so make you responsible for their death? Every person in America has vastly more than the majority of people in the world. Is every one of them a murderer because they don't sell everything they own to help the world's starving people? You seem to think your logic only applies to those you term "the rich." Well, guess what, you are rich. You are vastly richer than billions of other people. So start helping them, if you think you're so responsible. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 30 2007 Location: Raeford, NC Status: Offline Points: 32552 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:11 | ||||||||||||
And I'm going to take a chance and be forthright here: You analogies are just awful. Atrocious, really. Maybe there should be a government program to help people make better analogies, I don't know. |
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:11 | ||||||||||||
I realize it's a silly example, but this happened with Dwarf Tossing, which was made illegal. A lot of the dwarfs complained, because they made good money at it and it did them no harm. I'm not saying I condone the practice, but I don't see why people should be prevented from making money in a way to which they willingly agree. |
Forum Senior Member Joined: June 24 2011 Location: Chattanooga, TN Status: Offline Points: 1708 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:19 | ||||||||||||
Do I need to find posts where you talked about this? Have you changed your mind on the subject? |
Forum Senior Member Joined: June 24 2011 Location: Chattanooga, TN Status: Offline Points: 1708 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:21 | ||||||||||||
You only think they're awful because you disagree with me. The point is that there is no "non-choice". |
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:22 | ||||||||||||
No one is disputing that. "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." I don't see what point you're trying to make. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 30 2007 Location: Raeford, NC Status: Offline Points: 32552 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:25 | ||||||||||||
I'm not worried about you finding my posts. You ignore them anyway. |
Forum Senior Member Joined: May 21 2010 Status: Offline Points: 1199 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:34 | ||||||||||||
People are always angry when something bad happens to them. But not everybody who gets fired becomes a communist, so I don't know why you would think that somebody would become a libertarian just because he is mistreated by government.
Fine, but I don't see the practical benefit in that. Like most people, I believe that "infringements" (can't really call it an infringement on something if I don't believe it's an absolute right) upon someone's person or property aren't necessarily a bad thing if conducted fairly and transparently by an elected organization. Which is a very roundabout way of saying I don't have a problem with taxes and similar things. Likewise, I don't believe that it makes a big difference if an unfair infringement is legally sanctioned or not - arbitrary murder isn't made any better if there's a law that allows it.
It happens every time there's an election. Especially in the Western world, most of these elections seem to go over rather well and don't involve "evil overlords" of any sort.
The thug could, for example, pay and arm other thugs to aid him. People would naturally revolt against that, it would lead to a civil war and if the thug loses, the remaining citizens would probably establish a government to keep that from happening again. Now I'm not speculating on the likelihood of hypothetical scenarios, but since you asked me, that is a fairly plausible scenario I can think of that would be far from ideal.
I find it hard to conceive of a way you could convince me that a person has the unalienable right to their property, or a way I could convince you of the opposite. Some moral convictions are such absolute fundamentals of our thinking, there's no way to justify them because our whole worldview is based on them. Maybe it's possible for people to just change their minds about these beliefs, but I seriously doubt that would be because of rational thought. So please, continue talking about morality. I see no benefit in participating.
I don't see any significant difference between the two definitions.
Okay, I guess I should be more precise. Your moral code might affect me personally in the sense that your actions are based on it, but it's not relevant to the way I think, and vice versa.
Considering you're trying to abolish the very government that would punish you for that, I guess it's worth a shot (pun sincerely not intended). But good luck if you fail or nobody supports you.
A single person doesn't start a revolution. A large group of people starts a revolution, and that group doesn't get to exert any (permanent, at least - there's no way to get rid of temporary exertion of power in any kind of system) power unless they gain enough public support. Edited by HarbouringTheSoul - June 17 2013 at 16:40 |
Forum Senior Member Joined: May 21 2010 Status: Offline Points: 1199 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:38 | ||||||||||||
Sorry, but no. I agree that there is no non-choice, and I still think that was a terrible analogy. |
Forum Senior Member Joined: June 24 2011 Location: Chattanooga, TN Status: Offline Points: 1708 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:41 | ||||||||||||
I was thinking about this. I remember a few years ago there was a story where a man was hit by a car, and died on the side of the road as people walked by, doing nothing to help. The whole thing was caught on a traffic camera, and was repeatedly aired on the news stations around the country. I remember because it was in Hartford, CT, and I lived in CT at the time. People in CT were so upset, and would say things like: "how could they do that? Just walk by? Couldn't they at least call 911? How could this happen in my state? I'm so disappointed in us!" Do you hear that? Society is sharing the guilt. We know that these people should have helped, and we know that they should feel guilty for not helping. Now, if a family is unable to get cancer treatment that the doctors say should cure their family member because they don't have a bank account with a balance in the millions, I believe society should step up and help this family. And I believe that if they do not, they should feel guilt. It's not such a crazy stretch to make. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 30 2007 Location: Raeford, NC Status: Offline Points: 32552 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:42 | ||||||||||||
I'm seriously retiring for the evening. I'll come back with a fresher mind perhaps tomorrow.
Good evening all! |
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
Posted: June 17 2013 at 16:48 | ||||||||||||
I remember that, and I completely agree that people should have helped. But there is a difference between "should have helped" and "are responsible for the death." Are you going to address my point of why you don't sell your computer (or your clothes, or your DT albums) to help those worse off than you? |
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