I have been on a quest for David Gilmour tone for many many years. I've played with Big Muff pedals and the like but never ever really came close. But like all things it finally came when I wasn't looking for it directly.
I've had a strat for 15 years now and almost immediately after getting it I got a Lace Sensor Red in the bridge to have a humbucker-like tone as an option (it isn't a metal pickup but it's very hot and distorts nasty if wanted, Billy Corgan used it alot on the classic albums)
In any case, I'd kept stock pickups in the neck and middle for years, but as I've brought the electric out to gigs more lately, I wanted a better palette. So I shopped and listend and decided on a Lace Sensor Light Blue in the next which is supposed to be the jazzy warm tone.
I've been jamming with this thing for several days now and it is sweet. But the wonderful surprise was that I can now nail "Brick in the Wall" tone almost exactly. To be honest, my ear needed more development to know what I was actually looking for but man this combo is great.
The Red is too sharp and harsh for clean, but gives a great distorted option. The Light Blue, however, is going to probably be my main pickup for a very long time. Very happy.
So curious what other people with strats have done over the years, etc.