Found this on the net, thought it would be fun to post it here!
Yellow - gives you the ability to read the thoughts of any person within 100 meters from you. You can use it 5 times a day, it works 30 minutes.
Green - gives you the ability of flying (100 km/h). You can use it 3 times a day, it works for an hour.
Blue - you immediately become the best in the world in any sport competition. You can use it only once. After the consumption you will live for 10 years at most.
Orange - gives you the ability to evoke the effect of any drug (narcotic) on yourself. Does not make you addicted and does not harm your health. Usage: 4 pills a day, each one works for 45 minutes.
Red - gives you the ability to connect to the internet with your brain. You can use it 6 times a day. It works for 1 hour.
Pink - gives you the ability to take shape of any animal or human. You can use it twice a day for a 2 hours long effect.
Grey - gives you the ability to make somebody love you with a simple touch. You can use it 10 times in your life. You can remove the effect.
Black - lets you foresee the future 5 years ahead. You may use it only once.
OK, let's see how it goes!