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Posted: August 26 2012 at 05:54 |
Schlager music or like Agi calls it dansemusik  Hansi Hinterseer and Thorleifs. Play me their music and be barfing over in the corner - thinking about how cruel life can be.
Conversely, my grandparents utterly love this stuff. As much as it kills me, it rather seems that they get some of the same enjoyment out of the music, as I do with mine. Although I've never seen them close their eyes or get chills, but they feel elated and smile - wanting to dance and cheer. If that's not akin to the real power of music, I don't know what to call it. Still stinks though  And remember that back during the second world war - Goebbels actually claimed Schlager music to be the national music of Germany. Mostly due to his incessant warfare against art and entertainment with a political footing, which again also was frowned upon (meaning if you did that, you'd probably be shot or just conveniently fall out of a window...).
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Posted: August 26 2012 at 05:46 |
Modern Country & Smooth Jazz and most of the stuff that makes the top 10 in the UK charts that my granddaughter subjects me to.
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Posted: August 26 2012 at 04:40 |
hip/hop and rap - like trance/techno/house/dance/rave - like rock/metal - like punk (post-punk) - like jazz - like classical music - like folk music - like disney music - like David Foster - like
country music - respects but mostly cringe and dislike danseband - the most vile music, dislike
i basikli find myself hard disliking most music, im extremely tolerating and i am grown up with alot of pop musisc before i found prog, and I never say goodbye to things i was into in my the past i mostly is a hyporcritical prog fan cause i am not haitng comerciality, i love hooks, catchy corouses and singable songs, techno beats and gangster rap
but i also love dissonants, epics, wonderfull chord sequences, modulations of chords, wall of sound,
i can and will never choose to not be fan of comercial music like Pet Shop Boys, Elton John, Disney, Bon Jovi, 80s Chicago,
nor will i ever stop being fan of my prog favourites
but i will never stop listening and lighten up when my favourite trance, techno and house tracks are played on the radio, ( I was trance/techno DJ for 6 years) from 13 to 22
not my love for shamltzy pop songs i burned on four CDs in my teenz full of Cetera, Phil Collins, Diana Warwic, Barbra Strisand, Sting, etc,
I will never forgett that i once was a hip-hop dancer and breakdancer, so my love for hip hop is always strong, 90s hip hop, i can't hide that i can dance and are unable to not dance when any rythem or pulsating beat is heard/felt, my legs outomaticly do dance mooves, becouse i can, and don't look like a fool doing it ( have danced in 4 years in my teens before i found prog, i was a hip hop coreagrofied dancer, like those in Britney Spears videos type of dancing)
I can dance hip hop and DJ trance music so effing arrest me progers, couse im a darn hyppocrite :D
Edited by aginor - August 26 2012 at 04:44
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Posted: August 26 2012 at 03:56 |
Never warmed to ambient, free jazz, latin/salsa, thrash/hair metal, glitch, techno, country rock, soul, raga, anything released on Gabriel's Real World label, flat packed wait
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Posted: August 26 2012 at 03:18 |
I would probably say hip hop or ambient but I am not exposed enough to these genres to know and I might have simply heard the wrong artists.
But I definitely don't like the whole idea of a female pop diva and every diva I have heard, from Diana Ross all the way to Christina Aguilera. The songs they sing are usually very boring, their very vocal skills are grossly overhyped and overestimated by the media and, worst of all, they proceed to butcher respectable originals with their masturbatory pyrotechnics. Ok, I wouldn't say Ross was particularly guilty of the last aspect, but Whitney Houston started it and ever since, it's been a tiresome niche and unfortunately takes up a lot of charting time and shuts out other good pop from the mainstream.
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Posted: August 26 2012 at 03:11 |
Not a big hip hop fan.
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Posted: July 05 2012 at 02:39 |
Although there are several genres I don't particularly enjoy (such as modern pop), I can usually appreciate why someone else would like that genre. We have different philosophies about music and expect different things out of what we listen to.
The exception is smooth jazz. No one should listen to that.
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Posted: July 05 2012 at 02:33 |
bytor2112 wrote:
21st century pop music is the WORST kind of music that has ever been. |
Yup, it's certainly one of the worst. It has produced only a few gems, but mostly it is no good.
However, there are some pretty bad pop albums that were not made in the 21st century.
Example: Please Please Me.
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Posted: July 05 2012 at 02:28 |
I don't really have that much knowledge of most genres to choose and anyway, I think most genres have some great artists.
Of Illuminati wrote:
And you can't choose hip-hop. |
 Do so many people hate hip-hop that you have to single it out and say you can't choose it?
I'm sure if anybody learns of the masterpieces that genre has produced, and doesn't just focus on the bad albums, then they will realise hip-hop is not that bad after all.
My smile is stuck, I cannot go back to your Frownland.
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Posted: July 05 2012 at 02:09 |
colorofmoney91 wrote:
I generally dislike pop-country stuff, but I do enjoy Taylor Swift, and sometimes even her music. |
I know it's been said a million times on the PA but I genuinely think 21st century pop music is the WORST kind of music that has ever been. In the genre of prog I would say my least favorite sub-catgories would be the Experimental/Post Metal and Post Rock/Math Rock which I rate on the same level. I simply dont care at all for these genres, but hey that could all change. I actually have some respect for hip-hopp/rap and some country *some*.
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 21:25 |
Fox On The Rocks
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 21:21 |
Modern pop music, yes. Other than Rap and Hip-Hop, I'd say 60's German Crooner music and 50's Rockabilly/ Pop.
Ambient Hurricanes
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 21:18 |
colorofmoney91 wrote:
I generally dislike pop-country stuff, but I do enjoy Taylor Swift, and sometimes even her music. |
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 20:36 |
I generally dislike pop-country stuff, but I do enjoy Taylor Swift, and sometimes even her music.
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 20:11 |
For Uncut Magazine's Free CD of the month for the last 10 years or so, Americana seems to be disproportionally represented either within most CDs or a there is a complete CD of the genre. What are you English people doing...don't you enjoy your own music or is this genre just the preference of the editor of that magazine?
Please explain.
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 20:06 |
If we can talk about types of music also....
On top of the list of worst music, I think I will say modern music for children. I haven't explored much of it, but what I have heard is very upsetting. The sound I'm thinking about is sort of in a commercial pop style, but cheaper, a crisp sound with compression on the singing, which is also very articulated making it overly clear, and it's provocatively silly in a way I can't describe. The general mood is also constantly happy, extremely lightweight and silly, without the slightest humour or charm. I mean , when I was a kid I liked real music. When I was five I loved a solo album by Peter Baumann (my first big musc experience, still a big favourite). A gloomy album by the way, not at all happy. But I guess all kids seem to like this music . and parents seem to love it, which is even sadder. But I'm certain that I wouldn't have liked that sort of music if I had heard it at age 5. Despisable. Things made for children is very superficial and mindless, the toy industry is a very sad commercial business.
The second type of music I hate is rock cover bands. They play songs that everybody knows, for example glam rock hits, like Bon Jovi and...well, classics. It's totally meaningless to me, and it is sickening, I can't stand it.
Well on the third place I guess I have to put the swedish dance band music. It's a special sound, a very degenerated form of music, like a sad joke, but people enjoy dancing to it, that's why it is successful out in the country. I haven't found myself being forced to listen to it for a longer while though, so I don't feel any special anger towards it. becasue far from everyone likes this type of music, it helps relieve most of my potential frustration towards it.
Not really a type of music but a selection of music, rock and pop classics , is something which I have a big problem with, and of course that's the thing that commercial radio stations play all the time. It's a particular selection, and the songs are so well known and recognized that it is beyond ridiculous. I really feel bad when having to listen to that sort of thing, but it rarely happens.
Commercial pop music. The sort that is aimed towards radio play. I keep away from it, but sometimes I hear something, and it's always amazing how some chord sequences can apparently be used an infinite amount of times. And that's just one aspect. Everything sounds the same, very streamlined. It serves some kind of purpose, but it's unhealthy for people that really listens to music and has a passion for it.
In terms of styles commercial pop music can be different styles like hip-hop or dance related. I don't like hip-hop in general. But rather than talking about genres I'll say I don't like music that's commercially adapted, or being made to suit a specific audience, trying to keep in line with what is current by imitating current stuff.
Edited by wilmon91 - July 04 2012 at 20:09
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 18:22 |
Country and bluegrass music.
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 17:46 |
smartpatrol wrote:
Modern pop music. |
Hey, Mondo Cane is a really good album though it was suppose to be released back in 2008.
Of Illuminati
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 17:26 |
SolarLuna96 wrote:
inb4 pop. I don't really know, there's normally at least a couple good artists in every genre. I guess I'd say neo-prog, since it's beating a dead horse, and grindcore since I've never been able to get into that. |
I actually like grindcore. The Locust and Napalm Death are kickass.
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Posted: July 04 2012 at 17:23 |
Any Colour You Like wrote:
I hope you're not leaning on my main man, Kenneth G. |
Never speak his name around me again.
Maybe, though I like Magma they do tend to fall into a bit of a habitual sound anymore, eh?