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Ytse_Jam View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 10:33
Implicitly, this whole discussion in based on the "what's prog" topic and, actually, even SW and RS emails argue about this very topic in the end..
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 10:37
I know, but if we're going to have another one of these, then let's discuss it outside a framework that started out as a negative interaction between two people who are not evenly matched. Let's face it, Steven is a native speaker of the lingo, whereas Roine is Swedish.

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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 11:11
Actually, if it was just about defining what is and what is not progressive music, this would hardly be such a contentious issue.   As I mentioned before, Wetton did comment once at length about how a lot of modern prog wasn't very progressive anymore and it had become about a genre and all that but he didn't talk about bands hurting the movement by choosing to play 'retro'.  It is irrelevant here what Wilson thinks or does not think is progressive.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 11:16
...and interestingly, Wetton felt the climate in which he could pull off ambitious improvisations in concert with KC didn't really exist anymore in the 90s (when the interview was published) and they had to restrict themselves to more modest stuff.  Quite the opposite of what Wilson suggests, it would appear.
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Ytse_Jam View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 11:51
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Wetton did comment once at length about how a lot of modern prog wasn't very progressive anymore
I didn't read that comment, but seems like Wetton and Wilson share the same opinion. The difference is that SW explicitly focuses his attention on a particular type of modern prog ("retro prog") while Wetton does not. I may be wrong, though..
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 12:52
Originally posted by Mirror Image Mirror Image wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

No one can actually define exactly what is 'progressive music' least of all Steven who obviously has his own agenda. Its the fans that decide what is progressive not the musicians. You pays your money you takes your choice is an old adage and one I adhere to. Another way of putting it is the public gets the public wants and if the puiblic wants recycled prog then there were always be artists like Stolt happy to deliver it.

The fans don't decide anything. The fans also don't dictate what a band does or will ever do. I think you're reasoning here, especially in regards to Stolt is pretty damn negative. If anybody is the death of progressive rock, it's YOU.
not given the amount of money I spend on prog it isn't
I downloaded (regrettably) the new TFK album and its just the usual heartless stuff that I will doubt I will want to revisit.Stolt knows his market oh too well. Music needs to be driven by something other than formulas imo.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 19:24
Originally posted by Ytse_Jam Ytse_Jam wrote:

Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Wetton did comment once at length about how a lot of modern prog wasn't very progressive anymore
I didn't read that comment, but seems like Wetton and Wilson share the same opinion. The difference is that SW explicitly focuses his attention on a particular type of modern prog ("retro prog") while Wetton does not. I may be wrong, though..

I would say Wetton was even more harsh in his judgment for he saw right through Thrak and pooh-poohed it in comparison to the LTIA-years.   However, his tone throughout was respectful and devoid of the cribbing element in Wilson's comments.   FWIW, I don't agree with the turn that this discussion has taken - that musicians cannot judge what is and what is not progressive or people like richardh are the death of prog for disliking TFK.  This is rubbish, people are entitled to like or dislike music as per their preferences.  I have said earlier on too that I don't see anything wrong with Wilson judging TFK as retro, he just shouldn't try to blame them for supposedly bringing down prog.
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[email protected] View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 19:32
I have been a PT/SW fan since 2003. PT nor SW is progressive rock, though elements exist therein. If you listen to PT live at XM I , he catalogs the band quite well. He is a talented song writer/performer. He writes mostly dark material that is far from what progressive rock is all about.
SW solo efforts are good but not PT quality. The other musicians of PT carry the music over the weaker parts. Not true in his solo efforts. The experimental parts of the solo works offer the opportunity to get out side of the PT footprint.
I hope his employment in remastering some of the classic works has not caused his ego to get out of control. The interview in question seems to give that idea credence. 
His Dad died before the second solo album, and probably had a lot to do with its tone. I hope he has recovered from the loss.

I hope he can return to earth, use his ability to write great melodies, and write some brighter compositions. He has the potential to be among the most memorable composers of his day.  
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prog4evr View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 21:18
Originally posted by Mirror Image Mirror Image wrote:

Originally posted by prog4evr prog4evr wrote:

Originally posted by Mirror Image Mirror Image wrote:

Now, those that read this, what do you think about it? Who's right? Who's wrong?
First of all, who gives a f**k?  Secondly - Stolt is awesome beyond words...

Evidently you do or else you wouldn't have posted on this thread. LOL
Touche!  You caught me in a drunken rage.  You are right - I do care...

P.S.  I totally agree on your adulation of Shostakovich!  I would add Rachmaninov to him as well...

Edited by prog4evr - August 05 2012 at 21:19
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Mirror Image View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 21:45
Originally posted by prog4evr prog4evr wrote:

Touche!  You caught me in a drunken rage.  You are right - I do care...

P.S.  I totally agree on your adulation of Shostakovich!  I would add Rachmaninov to him as well...

Hmmm...can't say I'm a fan of Rachmaninov. I'm more of the Myaskovsky/Prokofiev/Shostakovich school. I also adore Stravinsky....since we're talking about Russians. Shostakovich is, above all, my favorite composer of all-time.
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lop View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2012 at 22:33
hehehe. this funny. wy can't we all just get along.

thank you stoltClap

i love both bands but...

steven wilson doesn't do it for me on guitar... especially live. his solos sound like john petrucci age 5.

flower kings have good yes :)

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Kashmir75 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 03:26
I prefer SW of the two. TFK sounds like retro prog to my ears, and thus not really 'true' prog. He was a little arrogant in this interview, lol, but that's Steve for you. I don't think it's cool to diss other bands or your contemporaries. I am a big fan of Steven's music, though
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Roj View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 08:01
I'm a big fan of both bands.  They are both in my all-time top 6 bands.
Personally I love the direction of SW's last few releases.  Both solo albums (especially Insurgentes) are superb and The Incident is the best PT album of them all, imho.   However his comments (admittedly some years old) are for me inaccurate and unfair.  The death of prog?  Really?  Is this the same Transatlantic who embarked on a world tour selling out venues everywhere, and selling a hell of a lot of albums to boot?  If anything they are one of the bands who have helped lead the resurgence of prog.  I think SW has got this seriously wrong.  Anyone would think PT are a completely out of the box and groundbreaking original band.  Much as I like them, they are not.
As to The Flower Kings, those who know me are aware of my fondness for this wonderful band, so don't expect me to stick the boot in.  I listened to prog in the 70s so I know my stuff.  Whilst the base of TFK's style is strongly influenced by the first wave of 70s prog music they really do not sound like those bands.  There is much more to TFK than that.  Sure there's the odd reminder of Yes, and Stolt will sometimes play with a style that may remind one occasionally of Zappa, Howe or Gilmour.  But they have a sound of their own, one that is markedly different from their predecessors imo.  Us TFK fans love the diversity of their music which moves in so many directions. 
Interestingly, Ricardh slated the new TFK album.  Well, a lot of TFK critics got what they wanted with Banks of Eden, a cd stripped of "filler" as some call it.  They're still not happy are they.  Anyone who's not heard it, just give the new album a proper listen.  If that album sounds like Yes well I think I'll call it a day.  And remember this is from someone who's been listening to Yes albums since the late 70s.  I've probably worn out 3 or 4 copies of CTTE and GFTO!     
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 14:52
^ not convinced that the album is stripped of filler as you state although I do like the powerfull drumming and its certainly better than Glass Hammer's 'If'. I think if I was to review it I might give it 3 stars for being a throughly professional job on the playing side. Production is decent enough also. Overall its not terrible thats for sure and I will listen to it again despite my admittedly over the top reaction to MIrror Images equally OTT post.
BTW Flower Kings have been around for about 16 years. In what areas would you consider that they have evolved?
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Isa View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 15:01
I think SW is still caught up in the early 20th Century dogma that art has to be as original as possible to be good. Many of Beethoven's earliest works were completely influenced by the composers from 30 years before. Why not the Flower Kings? 

It sounds to me like SW is stuck in a old form of thinking that has grown kind of stale in its 80 year existence.
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infandous View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 15:02
Roj, you said it perfectly!

I love both Wilson and Stolt's musical outputs.  I find Stolt to be a bit more modest and diplomatic (certainly in this case, of the thread topic), but really both are very, very good at what they do.

I have never thought of Porcupine Tree as Progressive at all.  Honestly I don't see much "progress" between Signify and The Incident (in terms of style, musical approach, atmosphere, etc.).

The same is more or less true for the Flower Kings, though I think they have made far more of an effort to change it up from album to album.  Which is something others might not notice if they haven't followed them from album to album, which I have done with both PT and FK.

I love Wilson's latest solo album, and Storm Corrosion.  However, I don't think it gets much more "retro" than those two albums, in just about every possible way.  Still, I wouldn't call them "copies" of anything, just heavily influenced by early 70's prog (mainly Crimson, but some others as well).

As to the interview, that was not the first time I read an interview with Wilson where he came across as smug and superior.  I think that is maybe just how he is, which is fine with me, as long as he keeps making good music.  I don't have to like him personally to enjoy it.  And maybe he's not really like that in private, I don't know.

I think the moral of this thread is that everyone thinks they know best what is prog and what isn't, and that the rest of us must be deluded for not seeing the supreme wisdom in their musical viewpoints.  We all want to believe we are special, and we probably all are in some way or other.  Music, however, is what it is, regardless of individual opinions.  Both of these individuals are skilled and devoted creators, and for that I am grateful, even if I don't love every note they produce.

Edited by infandous - August 06 2012 at 15:04
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 20:20
Originally posted by Isa Isa wrote:

Many of Beethoven's earliest works were completely influenced by the composers from 30 years before. Why not the Flower Kings? 

As Ytse Jam said, this is fast becoming the what is prog thread reloaded.  Anyway, simple question:  would Beethoven still be regarded the powerful influential force he is if all he ever did was to compose in a style entirely dictated by older composers?   After all, how can he influence who is only influenced all the time and has nothing to say of his own?   I am sorry but originality in some or the other aspect of art is very important, even if it is not everything.   Perhaps, if there were no original artists at all and just complacent retro music, we would better appreciate what we stand to lose with the diminishing importance of composition.
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zumacraig View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 20:34
hey guys, i'm going to post some old articles that show gabriel and anderson feuding over prog rock!LOL
Stardust we are.
-Roine Stolt
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Biff Tannen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2012 at 20:56
Keep in mind that those comments are all from many years ago, and Wilson has mellowed out about such attitudes in recent years, so while he still might not like modern symphonic prog rock bands like TA and TFK, he'd probably be a lot more diplomatic about it nowadays if asked. 

And for the record, I love PT, TA and TFK, but I think PT is definitely the most progressive of the three in the most literal sense of the word.  TFK and TA are more progressive in the stylistic sense (in that they generally follow the blueprint written by the symphonic prog rock bands of the 70s), while PT is much more modern. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2012 at 06:50
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by Mirror Image Mirror Image wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

No one can actually define exactly what is 'progressive music' least of all Steven who obviously has his own agenda. Its the fans that decide what is progressive not the musicians. You pays your money you takes your choice is an old adage and one I adhere to. Another way of putting it is the public gets the public wants and if the puiblic wants recycled prog then there were always be artists like Stolt happy to deliver it.

The fans don't decide anything. The fans also don't dictate what a band does or will ever do. I think you're reasoning here, especially in regards to Stolt is pretty damn negative. If anybody is the death of progressive rock, it's YOU.
not given the amount of money I spend on prog it isn't
I downloaded (regrettably) the new TFK album and its just the usual heartless stuff that I will doubt I will want to revisit.Stolt knows his market oh too well. Music needs to be driven by something other than formulas imo.
stolte's guitar solos are anything but "Heartless"....BoE (And I bought direct from the FK's site to support the band).
is very derivative...but derivative from all that was good about mid 70's prog,,,thus you have an absolute stonker of a CD that will be very hard to beat this year IMO....
Every CD thats produced now is "Derivative" - given the sheer volume of music that has gone before...unless you class the more avante-gard - farting in a bottle type of music which is quite unlistenable to most but the weirdos who like to listen to something that would be anathema to 99.9999999% of other sentient beings....(and thats the attraction for them)....
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