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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 17:15

So how long does everyone give the BEST ALBUM EVAR phase before it turns into the inevitable NOT THE BEST ALBUM EVAR phase swiftly followed by the U SUCK NO U phase?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 17:39
It's a good album, 3.5 stars prolly. I'm a HUGE FAN, i just don't have blind love.

Edited by Horizons - June 12 2012 at 17:39
Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 17:50
Yeah there is a bit of blind adoration going on but that's to be expected. Did you see ACR's love letter review?*
I am a big Rush fan, I have huge respect for their commitment to the idea that rock music can be fun AND smart. And Clockwork Angels is an entirely respectable album, better than most bands of any stripe are managing 40 years deep. But like you say, I'm going with 3.5 stars so far as well. The kneejerk-five-stars phase you have to sit through when a new album by a legendary band comes out is unavoidable but later come people who listen to the album not because they're fanboys but because it's so highly rated. These people tend to rate it lower than they might due to unrealistic expectations so it sort of balances out.
*ACR: Not trying to start something, just felt it was a bit too enthusiastic/florid. But it's great that there are people as passioante and enthusiastic as you, they're what keep bands going.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 17:51
Originally posted by MattGuitat MattGuitat wrote:

Me and my buddy got our Rush tour shirts from last year, went up to Best Buy and each bought a copy of Clockwork Angels and haven't stopped listening to it since! Big smile (and we got Chick fil la LOL)

The Best Buy in my area is next to Chick fil A


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 17:54
4.5 stars is a no brainer for this album, considering some of the out of line ratings some bands get. As a whole package, its probably the best album of the past 2 years. It also hits different genre groups...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 19:40
One thing about Rush is that they're one of a very small number of groups that can make a new album you want to hear live. Often you go to a classic band hoping they don't lean too heavily on the new crap- who went to see Yes hoping to hear lots of Fly From Here- but I wouldn't resent the inevitable numbers from Clockwork Angels at all.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 20:43
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

One thing about Rush is that they're one of a very small number of groups that can make a new album you want to hear live. Often you go to a classic band hoping they don't lean too heavily on the new crap- who went to see Yes hoping to hear lots of Fly From Here- but I wouldn't resent the inevitable numbers from Clockwork Angels at all.

I know three tracks from Clockwork Angels and I would not want to hear it live.

Fly from Here is an album that rejuvenated me personally and made me excited for the band despite Anderson's absence.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 20:54
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 21:04
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:


You say, "Who is your fourth favorite band of all time?," and I say "Rush." 
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 21:15
Originally posted by Fox On The Rocks Fox On The Rocks wrote:

AtomicCrimsonRush: I know this is a Rush thread, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your recent Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun review. Great read. I love that album dearly - one of my all time favourites. Big smile

Thanks! That was a chill out album after the heaviness  of RushWink

on the Rush topic. I woke up thinking about 3 song melodies in particular, The Garden, Halo Effect and Animate.

haha - Animate perhaps because I heard R30 yesterday with that song. The songs on CA do grow on you so I hope it gets decent reviews not gut reactions. It aint S&A and it aint Vapor Trails - its very unique and concept is worth looking into.

Anyone buying the CA novel when it surfaces? Amazon have got it on pre order.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 21:20
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Yeah there is a bit of blind adoration going on but that's to be expected. Did you see ACR's love letter review?*
I am a big Rush fan, I have huge respect for their commitment to the idea that rock music can be fun AND smart. And Clockwork Angels is an entirely respectable album, better than most bands of any stripe are managing 40 years deep. But like you say, I'm going with 3.5 stars so far as well. The kneejerk-five-stars phase you have to sit through when a new album by a legendary band comes out is unavoidable but later come people who listen to the album not because they're fanboys but because it's so highly rated. These people tend to rate it lower than they might due to unrealistic expectations so it sort of balances out.
*ACR: Not trying to start something, just felt it was a bit too enthusiastic/florid. But it's great that there are people as passioante and enthusiastic as you, they're what keep bands going.

Fairy snuff.

I guess it had all that I consider makes a great prog album - excellent melodic songs with strong musicianship. Incredibly well thought lyrical content, a sci-fi theme and awesome singing, with lengthy instrumental breaks and lead breaks.

i am well into Ayreon for same reason, and also Yes, King Crimson and ELP. These are the bands I could never tire of when they are at their best. Not everything Rush touches is gold, but with CA they hit the mark squarely, and finally created something that is special rather than just another rock album. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 21:38
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Yeah there is a bit of blind adoration going on but that's to be expected. Did you see ACR's love letter review?*
I am a big Rush fan, I have huge respect for their commitment to the idea that rock music can be fun AND smart. And Clockwork Angels is an entirely respectable album, better than most bands of any stripe are managing 40 years deep. But like you say, I'm going with 3.5 stars so far as well. The kneejerk-five-stars phase you have to sit through when a new album by a legendary band comes out is unavoidable but later come people who listen to the album not because they're fanboys but because it's so highly rated. These people tend to rate it lower than they might due to unrealistic expectations so it sort of balances out.
*ACR: Not trying to start something, just felt it was a bit too enthusiastic/florid. But it's great that there are people as passioante and enthusiastic as you, they're what keep bands going.

ACR is one of the best reviewers on here for those reasons. 

As i said before, i'm a fanboy of Rush. I like their post-Signals 80s material and their 90's albums. Snakes & Arrows, to me, was a very powerful album. They had a direction on that album that really was absent from their past material, which is amazing after their expansive career. But i still dislike seeing blind loyalty to a band, which you see a lot of here at PA. I prefer being honest about a band someone is so passionate about, instead of just cushioning what you are actually hearing and your true opinion. 

Edited by Horizons - June 12 2012 at 21:38
Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 21:43

A love letter?? Nahh....More like an indepth review by someone here who worked on 1000 Prog Albums list, an extensive Genesis catalog review and other stuff. CA has a very deep, involving storyline that is not easily understood on the surface, it will take a lot of listens to probably get the storyline as well as reading the band interviews on their take of the storyline.

ACR I think was doing what he does best in trying to relay that storyline song by song in his review, of course his enjoyment of the album certainly shines thru......nothing wrong with that. But the length of the review is good as it gives a non Rush person a very good story recap as well as his own take on the music, lyrics, production.
I could careless about a rating number, 2-3-6-100 stars....who cares. What gets me interested in an album from a reviewer is the commentary, how does he/she feel about the album and what has it done to them while listening. Give me all that indepth commentary and I will be more interested in trying it out rather than the 1 paragraph review with the staple..."really like the song writing"...."yea that 14 min song is great cause its long.."...."I really enjoyed it, I think you will too.." Most of those style reviews are BORING.
There are a few on the PA who do a great job in their reviews ACR is one of them as well as Lazland, EasyLivin and a couple others.
Sure some of ACR's review was love.....but ignore that portion and its a well written account of the album. More of that is needed if you feel an album is worth telling other people to go buy it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 22:05
I dunno, I've never liked gushing reviews. They always make me suspicious. But true, it doesn't mean that the gushing is never justified.
Horizons: I agree with you about a sense of purpose/direction. There was a time when Rush made albums because it was a job and they had to do it to keep the business going, which eventually resulted in weak sauce like Test For Echo. Vapor Trails seems to have signaled them realising they don't need to churn 'em out anymore. Now they only converge to make an album when there's an actual intention or purpose behind it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 22:08
Another topic: I wonder how CA will chart. Snakes And Arrows made it to #3 on the Billboard albums chart, which is just about the best any prog band at all has done in recent memory. CA is a better album but obviously that doesn't mean it will chart higher or even the same... how do you think it might fare?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 22:11
It would make my life if it made #1! LOL

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 22:16
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Another topic: I wonder how CA will chart. Snakes And Arrows made it to #3 on the Billboard albums chart, which is just about the best any prog band at all has done in recent memory. CA is a better album but obviously that doesn't mean it will chart higher or even the same... how do you think it might fare?

You stole my question!  Smile

Any idea what they are up against?  (Not that I would have ever heard of any of them.)

ExclamationLet's go for number 1!!!Exclamation
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 22:26
Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

It would make my life if it made #1! LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 23:10
I picked up the CD today. I've given it a cursory listen on my computer and therefore will not comment too much. Some music jumps out at me immediately, but most (especially in this genre we call progrossive rock) takes some time to sink in to my ears then often all becomes clear once it's listened to at appropriate volume. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out Noctourniquet.
But back to Rush. Understand, they've never been at the top of my list. Give them credit, and I don't mean to damn with faint praise here, for this is a solid piece of music, probably the best album I've heard this year. Most bands of this kind of longevity (I'm thinking Stones, Metallica, even Sir Paul, and many others) just crank out some swill to stir up interest for the next tour, which will somehow be a pathetic nostalgic rerun ("Okay, for song three in the set we play Under My Thumb"). At least Rush tries to do the right thing (make an actually vital, intelligent, listenable album) and have retained their skills. I'm not sure the same holds true for others who began in their era. The tribal casinos in my area are littered with those other bands. Anyone want to buy Foreigner tickets? I didn't think so.
There is one song (wasn't looking at the titles while listening) where Geddy just drives the song with his bass, old-style (Moving Pictures-style). Man that was a welcome sound to me. I look forward to giving this one some serious listens on the ol' hi-fi stereo, to see just what lives in there. Don't worry, I'll let you know what I find.

Edited by jammun - June 12 2012 at 23:13
Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2012 at 23:11
Originally posted by infocat infocat wrote:

Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Another topic: I wonder how CA will chart. Snakes And Arrows made it to #3 on the Billboard albums chart, which is just about the best any prog band at all has done in recent memory. CA is a better album but obviously that doesn't mean it will chart higher or even the same... how do you think it might fare?

You stole my question!  Smile

Any idea what they are up against?  (Not that I would have ever heard of any of them.)

ExclamationLet's go for number 1!!!Exclamation
They'll be up against Justin Bieber and will lose. 50,000,000 tweens can't be wrong.Ouch
Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
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