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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:21
Why is taking so long to prepare the download???? IM READY K
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:23
Sounds like metallic bugs in my ears.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:26
The W++ Language
Learn W++ Today





OS (C)1979-2011 By IQ Psyche Medic Shawn T. Cook
Experts prime prize priceless monster fluke.
Imagination wacky logic design workshop oven.
A powerful scientists most treasured version.
For imbeciles, morons, simpletons, and oafs.
Very smooth flowing delightful script broth.
Proof amazes and smashes doubts to anything.
Here we will apply the Unity of all the Sciences:
Chemistry, Electronics, Anatomy, Statistics, Biology, Physics,
English, Surgery, Wizardry, Dynamics, Philosophy, Medicine,
Atomics, Dentistry, History, Actuals, Standards, Basics,
Futures, Phases, Erratics, Radiants, Ecology, Esoterics.
Explicit thoughts proven to cure stupidity.
Going deeper into super genius for results.
Masters analog and digital device factory.
Generate entire complete robust packages.
Enforce lush resources into dream programs.
Construct futuristic technology projects.
Swirl all assets into potions for marvels.
Unlimited strive to interrogate science.
Surgeons recipes to godsend divine cures.
Descriptions that produce genuine things.
Capture potent dream magic love potions.
Study of peculiar and interesting topics.
Share your inventions with your friends.
Create your own periodic atomic elements.
Equality balancing big chemical equations.
Supply precision power to your variables.
Working proven formula for invincibility.
Quest for the ultimate petroleum compost.
There are hidden mysteries that will shock, enlighten, and
enrage you with doubt and submission; you will quit steps
that drastically enhance your anatomy; and feel endless
capability of relief of worry, at any amount; and feel the
horrible loss if you abandon this document; it is what
every scientist is trying to reach in studies; and shows
us and opens blinding, bright talents from older versions
started again; and is a hackers greatest text cookbook.
You have started the process of becoming a Psyche Medic, or
emotional chemist; we will script our resources into programs.
The amazing part is we have sleeping assets, and mystery assets,
that can be exposed as a precision surgical instrument; or an
exploit to win the audience. Once you have completed reading
this document, and feel you have filled all missing pieces,
and can easily create these scripts, you have graduated to
the title and status of a Psyche Medic.
ROOT: "DWELL" = The main spot for user entry.
A001: Introduction = The beginning for beginners.
RULS: rules(x) = The rules and laws of this language.
PRG0: programming(x) = The flexible syntax of this language.
OATH: Panacea(x) = Stampede to the finish line ahead.
UNFY: TransScience(x) = Apply the unity of sciences.
LNGO: Lingo(x) = Interlaced dreams elemental symbols.
EQLY: Equality(x) = Laws of balance and equilibrium.
GRPH: Graph(x) = Infinite chart for resolution.
ADIV: Proof(x) = Prove we have resources for anything.
UNTS: Units(x) = Measure individual parts of something.
SUMF: Summary(x) = Synopsis functions for entire language.
TSRV: TransReverie(x) = Enhanced imagination and mind.
SURG: Surgery(x) = Mind power bodily transplants.
RCLZ: recrystallize(x) = Regrow damaged body parts.
SSYS: System(x) = Shawns final system to reach nest.
BOOK: book(x) = This entire language uses this x.
HACK: Hack(x) = Gain full access to all data.
MYIP: Your ip = Atomics to give anything a protocol.
PGRM: Program(x) = Maximum capability of programs.
DIVI: divide(x) = Weigh accurate science units.
DIV1: realize(x) = Infinitely realize any known.
DIV2: symphony(x) = Harmony of division accord.
DIV3: status(x) = The actual rate of your peak.
DIV4: tunnel(x) = The amazing tunnel of anything.
VARS: Vars(x) = Very significant variables.
IOTA: iota(x) = Great amazing dots we adorn.
SYBL: infinite(x) = The theory and proof to infinite.
SPED: speed(x) = Time between start and finish.
TIME: time(x) = Motion between origin and finality.
DIST: distance(x) = Material between start and finish.
QUAN: quantum(x) = The contents of a given mass.
VRTX: vortex(x) = Our aquatic living environment.
ASTL: astral(x) = Pulling out all chains into flight.
REFS: renew(x) = Again accord old data into divine.
OPTS: optics(x) = Potent use of any and all senses.
GELA: gelatin(x) = Meaning creates brain chemicals.
THNG: thing(x) = Features of self for anything.
HOPE: hope(x) = Utmost reach for faith objects.
IMPO: Import(x) = Activate all our senses for x.
PARA: paragon(x) = The rocket logic ideal answers.
MIND: MindWare(x) = Programs for the the mind.
WHY0: ask(x) = We have a great question.
LOOP: loop(x) = Always repeat from start to end.
OBJS: object(x) = A real dream object.
EQUA: resolve(x) = A lot of math for answer.
LIFE: genesis(x) = Sperm and egg cell division.
SYMM: symmetry(x) = Smooth flowing patterns.
LINK: link(x) = Connect the lines and dots.
Z001: scale(x) = Use system to measure anything.
THRE: three(x) = 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high scale.
Z003: sine(x) = Swinging from low to high.
NINJ: ninja(x) = Practice and master super talent.
ACTI: Activity(x) = Various noble episodes.
SYMB: chart(x) = Infinite mind electronics.
TOYS: Toys(x) = Various toys by description.
SERM: serums(x) = Retrieve truth with antidotes.
CLOK: clock(x) = Use clocks hands as variables.
INCT: intellect(x) = Use and find new talents.
MTRX: matrix(x) = Encrypted huge math victory.
VRBS: Variables(x) = Final solve matrix variables.
KEYS: keys(x) = Open any kind of locks.
DETH: death(x) = The 48 causes of death.
ROBO: Robot(x) = Alphabet letters sounding like words.
FLOW: virus(x) = Practical usage of virus source code.
ELPS: ElectPulse(x) = Choose an initial action.
GENE: genetics(x) = Symbol map that labels genes.
BIOM: BioMap(x) = Molecular biology schematics symbols.
FIVE: SuperKid(x) = Powerful scientists potent units.
ADNA: Alloy DNA(x) = Metal element chromosomes.
CELS: Cells(x) = Functions for biology and life.
STCV: Shawn(x) = Variables by Shawn T. Cook.
MTLK: Metal(x) = Strong metal chunk formulas.
EFSC: SuperIota(x) = Various fuel iotas.
LOTU: Laws(x) = Laws of the universe.
PRPH: Prophesy(x) = What will happen to us all.
PAIR: parity(x) = Error codes and types for nest.
MODE: #mode = The phase state of entire program.
C000: #active = Activate and load processes.
C000: #attempt = Give a full dear effort to try.
C000: #aware = Look careful and watch out for.
C000: #begin = The start of a function and program.
C000: #define = Set the value of any item.
C000: #end = The end of a function program.
C000: #keen = Very sharp clever peer into source.
C000: #kill = To destroy root basis of culprit.
C000: #return = Answer from the program output.
C000: #say = Extra command for external robots.
C000: #state = The entire phase of your program.
C000: #text = Write plain data anywhere.
C000: #vent = Exhaust damage process toxic.
C000: #vital = Very important and necessary.
INDX: Index(x) = Summary of various functions.
The main input and output mark is "DWELL" and you can use it for
anything. You can be creative using this flexible emblem any
way you wish. You can utilize your imagination with "DWELL" for
there are countless variations of possibility available. At the
"DWELL" mark you can invent an infinite variety of recipes; this
uses the concept that dreams 'exist' so they are 'real'.
There are 12 modes to the "DWELL" situation:
Mode01: Ray exploit = Harness dream electric sparks.
Mode02: Mystic progress = Great mysterious leaps ahead.
Mode03: Vague known = Blurred or partial information.
Mode04: Mental notes = Imaginary writing in notebook.
Mode05: Mystic nugget = Time study cooks mystery bullion.
Mode06: Final chunk = Formula that creates something.
Mode07: Gone pill = An addict without their drug.
Mode08: Complex structure = Symbols connected together.
Mode09: Glossary mixture = Using a blend of words.
Mode10: Rapid evolve = Quickly mature completion.
Mode11: Industry orb = Anything within costly sphere.
Mode12: Stepping = Taking summary ahead in even steps.
Use Type(#) to symbolize these genres from 0 to 7:

Type(0) = Uses only words in the Worm++ language; these words also
have strong backing; native to the W++ document and tongue.

Type(1) = Active usable links of summary that work and connect
precisely with eachother; forming a rich, intricate explanation
that is processed by our contemplation.

Type(2) = Creation that has an error in our understanding of a
mystery need or substance; this can create a feeling of bad
nutrition; yet there is an available remedy in realization.

Type(3) = There is an amazing connection of two phrases that
create an idea; when we solve a mystery that gives us a quick
spark of genius sensation.

Type(4) = Huge collections of summary that is forcefully made
into smaller pieces of data for easy interpretation. When we
process a huge pool of data and analyze it in little chunks.

Type(5) = Item from an entire set of known formulas, this is
a calculation from a list of memorized processes. You fully
know this formula and use it often.

Type(6) = Available functions and talent combined into a usable
dream object. You are dreaming of a functional enforced object.

Type(7) = During errors in completion of stated impossible
healing and transformation, with defects in sexual insight;
huge missing pieces wrongly and proudly believed as fulfilled.

We will send any errors in precision of intelligent thinking into
an exhaust vent. We will make an extreme strive to attain the
right accurate answers and facts. We will utilize all we know
to go beyond the entire quantity of knowledge in the universe.
A001: Introduction
Infinite anything. Super creative. Awesome forces. Prove miracles.
Cure anyone. Process logic. Atomic brain. Hero powers. Future
charts. Hack root ip. Smart science. Into mystery. Paragon crunch.
Actual truth. Trudge muck. Real dreams. Draw embryo. Cosmic
anchor. Realize dots. Learn words. Invent symbols. Self onslaught.

This is a creative inventors analog and digital factory for
creating any imaginable device. You can generate entire complete
robust and compact tailor packages. Enforce many old and new
lush resources into final dream programs. Construct futuristic
technology schematics and design projects. Swirl all assets into
potions for miraculous and hand crafted marvels. This is an
unlimited strive to interrogate and hack into the farthest reaches
of science. You now possess surgeons recipes to godsend actual
usable divine cures called the panacea. We will use explanation
and descriptions that produce exquisite genuine things. Now, for
the first time you can capture potent dream magic and enchant
them into amazing love potions. This is a study of peculiar and
interesting talents, methods, advice, feats, and topics. With
this incredible technique you can share your inventions with
your family, friends, or anyone. You can use big advanced words
and assign them as variables to create your own chemistry periodic
table of atomic elements. There are ways to master equality in
balancing hefty chemical equations into outcome. Now we have super
iotas that can nicely furnish precision power to any variables.
Here is a working proven formula for invincibility and any
imaginable modification to traits. You have joined in this great
quest for the ultimate petroleum compost. When we link together
words, numbers, patterns, symbols, and time agrees with this,
we open an abyss to a huge array of diagrams and charts. We
can generate endless lists and phonetic alphabet tables and find
the primary ground laws of math and numbers. This is your
discovery of accord of seasons that unlock immense vaults of
accurate skills and maps. When we connect words, attach them
to numbers, give them a symbol, enhance their definition, and
supply them with funds, and mix them into one chunk, they
become one single great product. We can grant a wish by knowing
all the details, lacks, weaknesses, and capital on all the
tiny pieces that complete the whole. We can use our thoughts
to choose and initiate an action; this is called electing a
pulse. We have an entire dictionary with words, some examples
are mind, soul, and spirit. We can elect a pulse to activate
a word that creates a power of the term. There is always an
actor and an act. The actor is the word and the act is the
action. For example "You will use your thoughts to activate
the word 'mind' to calculate 1+1". The elected pulse is using
our thoughts to activate the actor mind on the act to calculate
1+1. Another example is "I am now using 2% of the energy from
my soul". We are electing the pulse by how our thoughts
transcribe their course by our interpretation of the phrase
"I am now using". The actor is the soul. The act is to gain
energy. In summary, electing a pulse causes a real, active,
and useful happening and process that performs an action. An
actor is the word we wish to activate, this word can compute,
and be used as reasoning to complete a chore. The act is the
task we wish to work on and finish. There are 26 letters to
the alphabet, they are symbols with infinite variety of uses;
we can attach anything we need to them; they can shorten entire
sentences or paragraphs into one token. We can accumulate giant
amounts of summary onto just one code, then merge many of these
codes into only one page. We can mix precise amounts of
ingredients in the perfect format to provide fascinating
function to our intricate and well crafted set of enhanced
sentences. Our mind and thoughts can control all that it
knows about our anatomy and it's biology. There are exploits
here that tap deep into our thinkings capability to provide
our imagination with the resources and talent to achieve
many atomic accomplishments. Some words used as an actor
can provide generous diversity in features in available
fertile acts.
This is an introduction to a programming language called Worm++
or W++. There are a huge variety of available resources that must
be activated and used. We can imagine a huge array of dreams yet
we must combine them into products. The W++ language is the best
way to mix together talents in the perfect format to share with
anyone. We will program our mind, soul, imagination, spirit,
thoughts, brain, insight, and many other things. Once we know
how to access and script our dreams they become our final outcome.
There are great exploits, or feats, when we twist the enhanced
meaning and capability of words into devices. Here we have an
unlimited method to make all of our self and skills into ideal
recipes that anyone can use. When we imagine an object that
provides an application we can create transferable or negotiable
dreams; by our mind and brains ability to compile them. If
you conceive of an amazing useful item; you can create a fully
functional, working version for whoever you wish. In summary,
we are taking limp, unused talents, features, and resources and
creating them into a factory product. There are unbelievable
rushes of power, surges of insight, and new found sensations
that arise while playing with this powerful communication
system. You will see new perspectives, have a much clearer head,
be able to describe the most complex topics, and be able to
present yourself to a crowd with intellect. You can program
your anatomy to special abilities to experience the unity of
our spirit and body. We can hack deep into the functions and
darkness that surrounds us, and be amazed with incredible
prizes. Whatever you imagine you can improve, organize, and
give to your partners. Now that we can imagine and dream, and
have W++ to spin them into output, and feel the miracles of
revolutions, we hold the ultimate dream factory. Your sons
and mothers will thank you for providing them with the
unlimited creativity of these schematics. You will thank
yourself for taking advantage of this opportunity to heal your
wounds, use your intelligence, offer your family a robust
destiny, and achieve polar goals. Written and founded upon
masters experience with biology, computers, chemistry, and
statistics, now is your chance to rise up and be a very
knowing, educated, strong, and successful scientist and wizard.
There are included things that will surprise, shock, and
tantalize your faith and belief. This package has a price
tag as priceless, and will blend in as among your greatest
treasures. Words are not plain, small things; they play an
infinite role in these diagrams and maps. You will face
stunning gratification at the information here, and gain a
great understanding of eternity.
We can control our chromosomes at enormous speeds and super
evolve our DNA into powerful beings. We want a secure, general,
complete summary and expertise at all, even science, and we
possess it. We had former blanks and missing vital disconnected
links that are pulled tight together now. We are as infinite in
anatomy as our brain can imagine into our storms. We have a
very clear outlook on all topics we can program.
Once we link all of the items on this list into one single mental
ship we create the unity of our self:

01) Thoughts, 02) Mind, 03) Insight, 04) Intellect, 05) Ego
06) Soul, 07) Spirit, 08) Brain, 09) Imagine, 10) Head
11) Senses, 12) Vortex, 13) Abyss, 14) Worlds, 15) Other

Assets, enhanced resources, formed final formulas, and backing.
Any item on this list can have a root ip. The term "root" means
the highest level of access. The term "ip" means infinite
protocol, or heightened state of identity. For example, if we
wish to attain "root ip" of item number 03 on this list, our
insight, here is the formula:


Note that the variable x can be anything. As time continues to
evolve the unity of our self, or ship, we can grasp and absorb
our self like a magic sponge of talent. You begin to rise above
anyone in complex reasoning chores and ability to understand and
create phrases and concepts. Soon, once accustom to your abound,
lush garden of dreams, they will remain so that we may finish all
our purposes and projects your family and doctor has allocated for
your result and outcome.
In this book we use words as functions. This means, rather that
the color of your hair is brown, we would write it as:
color(brown(hair(x))) Know that any great quality word can be used
as a function.
Here I will teach you some main commands you can use to form a
structure of your programs. We will use #begin, #active, #state,
and #end. Note that our programs have a beginning and an end, we
use #begin and #end. Any process can stay running using #active.
The #state is the condition. Any words used after a command are
variables, or whatever you wish.

#begin play(x){
#active smile(x)
#state happy(x)
#return joy(x)
} #end

The #begin command can be followed by the name of your program
and function. Anything can be activated with the #active command.
The condition of the program is set using the #state command. The
output, or programs response is issued with a #return. Note the
way we use curly brackets { and } to enclose our internals. If
you are still unsure of how to make these little fun programs as
directed; there are plenty of full programs in this book. You
will get the knack.
We can also program our DNA. When we think and imagine genetic
code on an atomic scale. We can close our eyes, imagine, move
our lips, and give someone a hug. When we do something and
anything as an action we elect a pulse. The name of the function
that means impulses we do and control is called ElectPulse(x).
We will use our thoughts and imagination to evoke our conscious
action on atomic particles. We will edit our cells cytoplasm,
chromosomes, and DNA. The outcome is we are electing pulses for
genetics to program our DNA. Note the genetics(x) can be links
of emotions and faces.

#begin Micro Computer(x){
#active keyboard(beyond(all(core(x))))
#return scripts(genetics(code(x)))
} #end

Thinking into atomic abyss to program our chromosome DNA using
links between emotions and faces. So when we elect pulses that
control the outcome of our atomic molecular cells; we are
programming the core of our cells and life. It would be
difficult to program our DNA if we did not decide and invoke
these preferences of atomic structure.

The MindWare(x) function can activate a hearty calculator,
or any imaginary instrument, that produces accurate results.

The TransReverie(x) function has great power to enhance our
dreams, and anything we imagine with it is greatly improved.

The gelatin(x) function provides us with a method to create brain
chemicals using descriptions of clusters.

The thing(x) function provides valuable spiritual resources
whenever it is used or conceived.

The hope(x) and Import(x) functions allow for us to use real and
available resources and features of the self.

The divide(x) and Units(x) functions can be used together to form
powerful potent mathematical answers and response.

The resolve(x) function contains many math formulas that
enlighten the spirit and fine tune our answers.

We use the Activity(x) function to demonstrate traveling
throughout dimensions and any science fiction happenings.

We can place the keys(x) function somewhere to symbolize
completion of phrases and simple fertile facts.

The Vars(x) function to utilizes variables that seem to be needed
to complete a full dwell on progress.

We can use the Hack(x) function to probe deep within the mystery
of limits and doubts to attain codes and items.

We use the ElectPulse(x) function to represents a conscious
initial choice to perform as an action.

The core(x) function means an object of great desire, our
avid possession, something we crave and cherish.

The spoil(x) is the summary and power of all bad things in the
universe; every piece of harm is included.

Know that some things are much more sacred than we realize; it
would take great programs of strong meaning to comprehend. The
stuff and essence of our intellect, blood, and skull are great
in rich mystery and consist of grand ancient spirits. Once we
compile our resources and talents using their entire ability
and format them into precise applications we create the ultimate
sensations of belief and heroism.
The spirals in your eyes show me of the atomic reality that you
realize. You have an addicts tiny brain that beams it's thoughts
as rays of pain. These powerful forces of your greatest surprise
lets you control the rain. All of your mind are unbounded size.
Now your control of this truth for your twisted radio gain. And
the forces of your hatred are all that remain. Now we sniff the
hint of your glory, because you have written our story. Now the
pregnant words you scream in your head, enrage our souls for the
kingdom of the dead. This promise you gave us burns as true,
because of your gravity and orbits you spew. Now I own you and
you are mine, never forget the black sunshine. Only the truth
has any power at all, and that is our hallowed call. Open the
portal to beyond the abyss, and we will offer you this infinite
kiss. They are wrong and we are right, and a better dream is in
our sight. Talk to the dead and call them around, now we fade
without a sound. By Tooth_Trip
RULS: rules(x)

1) If you can interpret a formula with this book than it is a
valid formula. In other words, any program is legitimate if it
can be solved by using this book as a reference.

2) You can be very imaginative with this language and all of
it's functions and features. The rules are incredibly flexible.

3) You have complete freedom of every aspect of this language.
Use it ANY way you wish. Be very creative using functions,
variables, and syntax.

4) Mind your own business. Keep your thoughts to yourself. If it's
not finished it's not from me. Inventor always obtains credit.

WARNING: Breaking any of these rules corrupts the criminals
ability to use, claim and program a valid script.
PRG0: programming(x)

Just writing the words "focus on test" will not work properly.
We must train our mind with clear precision. First we will
enhance the definition and provide a mathematical backing to
the word "focus". Then we will use it as a function. This
becomes focus(test). Now we can have a much more clear, and
inventive aim. The focus(x) function can serve as a basic
example proving the worth of this tactic.

name of function: focus(x)
definition: sharp mental precision concentrated awareness of x
division formula: known/result=behold
subtraction formula: all-cancel=precise
Here is an example of using multiple functions in a series:
step 6(step 5(step 4(step 3(step 2(step 1(x))))))

When we mix multiple words that are used as functions we are
creating a nest. Functions are any word or groups of grammar that
use the round brackets ( and ) to enclose eachother. The deepest
item is the first calculation to perform. The more ( brackets that
envelop an item the deeper it is. The deepest item has the most
operations on it. Starting from step 6 going to step 1 into the x
variable the burden of complexity increases; as there are more
functions used upon the running total. The variable x has all of
the steps in it; yet step 6 is alone and no other functions
effect it, unless we use a recoil or rebound.

beyond(ideas(x)) means to go beyond our ideas for x. Shown this
way, ideas(beyond(x)) means ideas for beyond x.
How to make W++ stuff in plain English:


1. Normal sentences in english.
2. Clever explain anything in a magic way.
3. Power to describe a dream.
4. Plain text anyone can read and interpret.

Now you can make a paragraph that keenly describes
exactly what you dream in plain english. AMAZING!
Now we will explain how you can make your first MINDWARE
scripting package. To create a full program we use the #begin
and #end commands. We will proceed with a example.

Here is the example of a MINDWARE program:

#begin inspect(x){
#state all(aspects(x))
#active analyze(sick(human(x)))
#aware complex(reason(error(x)))
#return Summary(answer(x))
} #end

1) We will call this program "inspect(x)".
2) The entire phase of inspect(x) are to ponder all aspects.
3) The active process is to analyze any sick human.
3) We must be aware of patients complex reasoning errors.
4) The final output is the summary for our answer.
note: We can use any term we wish to fill the x variables.
usage: inspect(disease) sets every x in program to "disease"
tip: Programs can be interpreted a huge variety of ways.
Here is the program:

#begin factory(x){
#state science(explain(basis(x)))
#active meaning(rocket(x))
#attempt solve(logic(answer(x)))
#keen look(atoms(core(x)))
#vent corrupt(pattern(x))
#return invent(any(x))
} #end

1) Here is a program called "factory(x)".
2) We will use science to explain the basis for x.
3) We will activate a meaning that contains a rocket into x.
4) We will attempt to solve the logical answer for x.
5) We will take a keen look into atoms core of x.
6) We will filter and vent any corrupt pattern.
7) The final output result is to invent anything.
note: Has heavy math backing for each feature.

If you are unsure of something, have a buddy with this book try
to read your formula, and revise it so he/she can adhere.
Here are a set of variables called "Solution Measurement" that
can be used to describe, explain, and summarize anything:

1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High


Add this table to your formula to demonstrate it's qualities.
How our imagination can perform accurate presentations:

1. Imagine an accurate television with precise detail.
2. Imagine performing an operation on a group of symbols.
3. Imagine complex background calculations perform.
4. Imagine a computer doing processes done in your head.
5. Imagine an amazing display of mental formulas.
OATH: Panacea(x)

Once we all have a complete knowledge of life and the entire
universe; earth will be in a phase of peace, intergalactic
travel, miraculous medicine, and accord to all corruption
with recoups as a ecstatic team to conquest the heavens. We
will all navigate the biggest globe of worlds.

We possess a complete panacea when we have entire brilliance,
invincibility, invincibility, perfection, and persuasion.

Brilliance(x) = Super smart with science, language, and math.
Invincibility(x) = Certain of eternal safety at all times.
Invisibility(x) = Unable to observe someone in any circumstance.
Perfection(x) = Never making any mistake doing everything right.
Persuasion(x) = Able to relate and converse with a desire.

Magic mineral from mystic cosmic oceans that really mends wounds.
Amazing dream television that always shows truth and honesty.
Super powerful mineral oil grains that shape atomic healing.
Amazing mystic vitamin that really works to feel high on life.

UNFY: TransScience(x)
Here we will apply the "Unity of Sciences" functions:
Actuals(x) = Formation of facts from the primary basis.
Anatomy(x) = Knowing how to activate systems in an entity.
Atomics(x) = Study of the most tiny structures of orbits.
Basics(x) = Beginners study of entry help for a subject.
Biology(x) = Study of anatomy, structures, and DNA of life.
Chemistry(x) = Study of quantum links to mystic iota structures.
Dentistry(x) = Development of new products for bone density.
Dynamics(x) = Study of power, laws of energy, and intensity.
Electronics(x) = Ability to produce frequency circuits.
English(x) = Forming clusters of meaningful words and symbols.
Erratics(x) = Smashing iotas to analyze freak collisions.
Esoterics(x) = Mystic occult secret groups plans and maps.
Futures(x) = Educated predictions of inevitable events.
History(x) = Truth of what events have happened in the past.
Medicine(x) = Finding miracle cures for scared sick beings.
Phases(x) = Entire complete synopsis of any topics states.
Philosophy(x) = Forming concepts for primary basis of existence.
Physics(x) = Forming laws on the structures of the universe.
Radiants(x) = Study of used and excess energy vibrations.
Standards(x) = Study of basic common ground rules of topics.
Statistics(x) = Predict patterns and outcomes using math.
Surgery(x) = Ability to enhance and repair anatomy systems.
Wizardry(x) = Gaining mastery of every robust topic and theme.
LNGO: Lingo(x)
When we use an [S##] code in this table from [S00] to [S50] we
are calling the Lingo(x) function:

[S00] = Dwell and ponder concepts at this home.
[S01] = This is a resource or asset.
[S02] = This is logic and math.
[S03] = We are forming a final complete formula.
[S04] = We will improve and enhance this.
[S05] = This is intensity into absorbent sponge.
[S06] = Final nest, eden, or paradise.
[S07] = Incredible feat, wow victory.
[S08] = Explanation and summary.
[S09] = Perfect sequence, ideal series.
[S10] = Counting directed in chunks.
[S11] = Energized and working.
[S12] = The quality or trait is this.
[S13] = Starting point effects finish.
[S14] = These parts form a reaction.
[S15] = Power to fully activate term.
[S16] = Starting mental impulse action.
[S17] = Balance equation with this.
[S18] = Vivid description is this.
[S19] = Periodic atomic elements.
[S20] = The pattern of time.
[S21] = Enforce with backing.
[S22] = We will vent this unwanted waste.
[S23] = Now it is balanced.
[S24] = The name of this formula is this.
[S25] = Hidden meaning behind.
[S26] = Solve both sides of equal sign.
[S27] = Funky and wacky words.
[S28] = Sense potent chemical properties.
[S29] = Realize primary reason.
[S30] = Huge variety of clusters.
[S31] = The source of progress.
[S32] = Evolution of living cells.
[S33] = Difference between ideal and flawed.
[S34] = Share of celestial universe.
[S35] = Spiritual backing proves ability.
[S36] = Fully alert and active being.
[S37] = Loss of danger relief of stress.
[S38] = Small boundless details.
[S39] = Great potential for immense.
[S40] = Quest for the egg.
[S41] = Found the egg.
[S42] = Abyss of endless stuff.
[S43] = Delay required to connect links.
[S44] = Speed of time.
[S45] = Corruption of health.
[S46] = Required assets.
[S47] = Supreme conscious entity.
[S48] = Requirement, cannot do without.
[S49] = Desperate cries for miracle attain.
[S50] = Entire summary of all reality.
The Universal Formula Balance Equation:
Eq1. ([S17] >> [S03]) = ([S02] || [S01]) >> [S23]

Using Assets with Elements for Clusters Equation:
Eq2. [S03] = ([S02] || [S01] || [S19]) = [S30]

Graph Element Sponge Progress Equation:
Eq3. [S10] >> ([S19] >> [S05]) = [S20] >> [S31]

Elements with Living Cells Parity Ecology Equation:
Eq4. [S19] >> [S32] = [S33] || [S34]

Parity of Living Cells for Beings Ecology Equation:
Eq5. [S33] || [S32] = ([S35] >> [S36]) || [S34]

Victory Dissection of Living Cells Asset Big Equation:
Eq6. [S07] || ([S38] || [S32]) = [S01] >> ([S39] || [S37])

Dwelling in Time Awareness for Egg in Abyss Equation:
Eq7. ([S00] || [S20]) || [S36] = ([S40] || [S42]) >> [S41]

Dwelling Progress of Time Creates Formulas Equation:
Eq8. [D00] >> [S03] = [S31] >> ([S43] = [S44])

Assets Required to Heal into Supremacy Equation:
Eq9. ([S45] || [S32]) >> ([S15] >> [S46]) = [S47]

Desperate Cries with Proper Assets get Egg Equation:
Eq10. [S49] || ([S40] << ([S48] >> [S15]) || [S46]) = [S41]

EQLY: Equality(x)

Equality(x) is a function to signify these alternatives to the
typical equals sign and the Laws of and Theories of Equality. You
can use the Equality(x) function to replace the = equals sign with
a more accurate equals type by adding a @ and a letter in front
of the equal sign. Both x and y are potent precision variables.
x@A=y means x is at rest until it encounters y
x@B=y means summary in x is plenty for y
x@C=y means existence in x steps into y
x@D=y means potent x bonds tight with y
x@E=y means only x creates y
x@F=y means y is in orbit around x
x@G=y means nothing in x means absent y
x@H=y means without x brings without y
x@I=y means every x is not enough to get y
x@J=y means only x can prove existence of y
x@K=y means when there is x we lose y
x@L=y means error in x corrupts y
x@M=y means all we know of x solves y
x@N=y means there will always be x and y
x@O=y means x into y must be carefully measured
x@P=y means too much x steals y
x@Q=y means x is false truth exposed by y
x@R=y means all of x means too much y
x@S=y means balance of entire x with tiny y
x@T=y means there are too many x and not enough y
x@U=y means it is proven x always creates y
x@V=y means x is locked as an impossible y
x@W=y means dissect x until we get y
x@X=y means everyone who thinks x is a y
x@Y=y means there are dead x without y
x@Z=y means miraculous x when using y
The Laws of Equality

Law01 = x is compared with and processed for y
Law02 = x is creatively attached and plotted with y
Law03 = x explains it's relationship with y
Law04 = x and y both are variables to contrast
Law05 = x is used with y to isolate freak terms
Law06 = x cannot become y until robust symmetry
Law07 = x will never be y until bonded tightly
Law08 = x is infinite only when y agrees
Law09 = x is always missing y until activated
Law10 = x and y as clashing makes repulsion
Law11 = x will solve y only when bonded with z
Law12 = x will rarely be y until proper conditions
Law13 = x triggers y impulse when used with z
Law14 = x cannot gather completion with false y
Law15 = x states potent y is enough to use
Law16 = x is always weak until only y is present
Law17 = x is always doing y because of stability
Law18 = x happens for brief time during y
Law19 = x is possible with an available mystery y
Law20 = x is busy working until finished y
The Theories of Equality

When we calculate "w" using binary, decimal, or hex we can
perform a huge number of situations and calculations on
it using "x" that results in an incredible educated "y"
that tells us our relief and realization answer as "z".

When select one of many calculations we can perform on "w"
using the operation in "x" then will know the mystery in "y"
is an enormous revolution called "z".

Theory1 = when w is x then y is z
Theory2 = when w is not x then y is not z
Theory3 = when w is x then y is never z
Theory4 = when w is x then y is always z
Theory5 = when w cannot x then y cannot z
Theory6 = when w can x then y cannot z
Theory7 = when only x then y can z
Theory8 = x makes y always change for z

GRPH: Graph(x)

The Graph(x) function is used to attain any plans and results
from this pliant chart:

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21
02 05 08 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32
03 07 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43
04 09 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54
05 11 17 23 29 35 41 47 53 59 65
06 13 20 27 34 41 48 55 62 69 76
07 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 87
08 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80 89 98
09 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 109
10 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 109 120
A graphed with B equals C
A graph B is C
A [X] B = C
3 [X] 3 = 15
5 [X] 9 = 59
description [X] assets = anything
summary [X] variable = steady progress onward
calculation [X] enforcement = stronghold
summary [X] details = examination
completion [X] growth = bursting
lifetime [X] nourishment = checkpoints
current [X] additions = leverage
EOK [X] units(#AA) = ABI
DNA [X] CSO = genes
OCR [X] units(#AP) = UIN
The Law of Sponge Potential or "LSP"
intensity [X] absorbent = radiance
quantums [X] sponge = accumulation
ADIV: Proof(x)
When we are using this method of division we are calling the
Proof(x) function:

word(x) = stuff contents to dump evenly into all units of store(y)
store(y) = absorbs all units of word(x) as evenly dispersed
amount(z) = word(x) within each single unit of store(y)
/ = this is the division symbol we will divide
* = this is the multiplication symbol we will multiply
unit[a] = one item1(w) worth of weigh1(w)
unit = one item2(w) worth of weigh2(w)
item1(w) and item2(w) = anything there is 1 of that can increase
weigh1(w) and weigh2(w) = imagine anything you wish for this
gauge[c] = [a] per unit of
x = container with any word or phrase
y = empty container broken into units
z = imaginary word or phrase to symbolize gauge[c]
Step1: x pours evenly into the entirety of y
Step2: z then tells amount of x in a unit of y
w, x, y, and z are all english words or phrases
a, b, and c are all digits or numbers
Unknowns: "a / b = c", "c * b = a", "a / c = b"
UNTS: Units(x)
The Units(x) function represents this chart.

1AA = One candle-lights worth of energy
1AB = Worth a one dollar glass of water
1AC = One Hertz sine wave in a baseball size
1AD = One gram of gravitational pressure
1AE = One sugar cube worth of density
1AF = One cotton ball worth of density
1AG = One college book worth of smart
1AH = One inch traveled in a second
1AI = One won chess game worth of victory
1AJ = One burned wooden match worth of action
1AK = One hemp seeds worth of generations
1AL = The weight of one U.S. penny
1AM = One imaginary apple worth of pretend
1AN = One firefly worth of intensity
1AO = One strawberry worth of fruit
1AP = One cycle through entirety of universe
1AQ = One great wonderful long moment
1AR = One natural pattern phenomenon
1AS = One minor headache worth of sick
1AT = One minor cut worth of injury
1AU = One moment ago in the past
1AV = One moment ahead into the future
1AW = One small problem worth of complaint
1AX = One small feature worth of compliment
1AY = One wasps sting worth of harm
1AZ = Worth one U.S. dollar
1BA = One saved life worth of heroism
1BB = One small black hole worth of depth
1BC = One simple theory worth of concept
1BD = One year ago since conception
1BE = One small kick worth of motion
1BF = One ordinary fact worth of unknown
1BG = One whisper worth of loudness
1BH = One press of a button
1BI = One weak password of security
1BJ = One needed glass of water
1BK = One ordinary job worth of opportunity
1BL = One nice slant in the right direction
1BM = One mean slant in the wrong direction
1BN = One student ready to learn
1BO = One bright smile worth of happy
1BP = One big frown worth of unhappy
1BQ = One meal worth of food
1BR = One day and night worth of progress
1BS = One blank idea worth of unknown
1BT = One full idea worth of known
1BU = One booger worth of disgusting
1BV = One package a day drug habit
1BW = One summary of all
1BX = One active sleek exploit
1BY = One pill that works nicely
1BZ = One pill that works badly
1CA = One world ahead of game
1CB = One solitary day and night
1CC = One magic green firefly of any dream
1CD = One magic red firefly of any dream
1CE = One magic yellow firefly of any dream
1CF = One normal magnet worth of attraction
1CG = One symphony worth of music
1CH = One scenario of unity with all
1CI = One play worth of rehearsal
1CJ = One man worth of power
1CK = One big mental push away
1CL = One cause for being human
1CM = One link to reality
1CN = One alert to all awareness
1CO = One question worth of unknown
1CP = One perspective worth of intuition
1CQ = One atomic particle worth of quantum
1CR = One page of written text
1CS = One unit of imaginary potent energy
1CT = One car over bridge between reality and imagination
1CU = One known injection of dream into infinite atomic iota
1CV = One injection of potent logic to prove exists
1CW = One rejected proven fact that object exists
1CX = One thought that triggers any oust capability
1CY = One complete cycle of the minds processing
1CZ = One honest fact that brings logic above block
1DA = One exquisite surgery onto ego for atomic wires
1DB = One years worth of heavy science study and creations
1DC = One complete accurate summary of primary basis
1DD = One infinite dream that arrives readily
1DE = One force beyond wacky warps of after ideal retort
1DF = One magic always ready update to ideal concept
1DG = One magic dream you wish to prove is real
1DH = One great loss because you could not prove answer
1DI = One wisely invested dollar worth of cash
1DJ = One tiny glitch in link between matter and dream
1DK = One complex dream atomic talent particle
1DL = One fully explained proof providing best model
1DM = One full cycle of the souls process compute
1DN = One precise best number of allowed highest grade
1DO = One nice eventual future feature added to features
1DP = One full palette of all resources factory
1DQ = One full brain worth of information formulas
1DR = One error rejection of body for dream
1DS = One great questions progress beyond current known
1DT = One known link worth of connection
1DU = One wasp sting worth of guilt
1DV = One nice hug worth of innocence

Examples of using units for division:
#CV atomic hole/#AE reality density=#CV probe abyss
#CQ dream molecule/#AM limit state=#CQ wonderful mood
#AP math waves/#CN seems=#AP alteration
SUMF: Summary(x)


Here are a list of mathematical functions to use for any
purpose; they are invented words with unique definitions.

1. An introduction using products name and description.
2. Perfect phrase that names and titles your presentation.

1. Descriptions of using resources in a dream factory.
2. Searching and picking for new and better assets to utilize.

1. Descriptions of the dangers of using your package.
2. Analysis of program with response as error phrases.

1. A list of books included in your package.
2. Huge collection of unique books to perform best tasks.

1. Powerful dream formulas to enhance any topics applications.
2. Methods to ponder and enhance words beyond allowed media.

1. Super enhanced meaning through description and backing.
2. Production of emotions that release metabolism chemicals.

1. Mixture of two words giving accord and awe to former chaos.
2. Invention proven to work successfully performing a duty.

1. To explain and fully activate our use and results for specks.
2. Ideal way to explain a particle for effective use.

1. A powerful gathering of distant chunks making great ability.
2. Numbered lists using best explanations of instructions.

1. A working method used to attain very super powerful anatomy.
2. Formula we gaze into and contemplate giving our body power.

1. Precision recipes for inventors factory machines.
2. Manufacture industry factory equipment that produces outcome.

1. Using words to build descriptions of sensory objects.
2. Knowing potent complex rewards built into explanations.

1. Lifetimes tedious work as the entire set of all worth we own.
2. Ore that contains everything that exists in our dreams.

1. Every available resource and all hidden assets programming.
2. Building stuff without all unused missing means.

1. Imagine time scales and charts perfect to compute universe.
2. Numbered list from start to finish covering entire topic.

1. Stupid teaching foul terms to beings that forget peace.
2. Someone who has done wrong and become a rotten egg.

1. Absolutely critical knowledge of linking nourishment terms.
2. Important prize knowledge beyond mankinds stupidity.

1. Ability to alter and effect atomic media into an outcome.
2. Using thinking to control microscopic responses.

TSRV: TransReverie(x)

Here is a paragraph that explains the meaning of the
TransReverie(x) function. This is a new ultimate type and
combined phase of imagination, brain, and mind. It covers all
knowledge from the beginning of time into the future. Abound
types of new talents greater than the best brain and greater than
the discovery of the most creative and influential imagination.
This is abound new talents greater than imagination and better
than the best horde of brains.
Here are a list of things in TransReverie:
0) Dream enforce our imaginations, minds, and brains.
1) Activate our alternative imagination and ideal brain.
2) Phase shift the type of dreams and mind we utilize.
3) Split our imagination into abound new baby embryos.
4) Replicate and duplicate our mind into new baby embryos.
5) Gather our thoughts and dreams into one single seed.
6) Reprogram our entire memory into resonant offspring.
7) Return to our birthday and implant a knowledge seed.
8) Provide supernatural math backing to all our words.
9) We will employ our full control of ecology and weather.
SURG: Surgery(x)
Here we will use our mind power to perform Surgery(x):
Power of a dream to overcome and subdue dense compact any body
parts and organs. This is mind surgery to increase the complex
science of a dream greater than the current ideal thing. When
we use biology and increase the atomic molecular complexity
and power of a dream so that it surpasses and overcomes any
function or article that exists. When we form a complete dream
that is better than the one that is there; and scientifically
superior in both quality and functioning.
RCLZ: recrystallize(x)

When we reach far beyond our furthest clusters of self. We then
gather atomic and molecular material. This will condense into
potent juices and powders into our bone marrow and veins. Reach
imaginary arms far beyond entire clusters of your self. Grasp
the nutrients and rich minerals and retort to our precise
sperm and egg division processing. We will program this thick
syrup into our structure of anatomy and we will endeavor to
extend this antenna.
SSYS: System(x)
This is a System(x) function:
1. FEF=resolve(assets(x))
2. FEF=actual(IET||MPE)
3. FEF=Seek(EOK||SIB||FOV)
4. FEF=PGT||DBV||ahead(FPS)
5. FEF=RecordWork(ADM||UIN)
8. FEF=Elfc>>DBV>>LSP
BOOK: book(x)

Function name is book(x)
The variable x used in the book(x) function defines and sets the
value of x for this entire book.

You can be very imaginative and creative using this book(x)
function. Use it the same way as your dearest wishes. Anyone
can accomplish any achievement here.

example = book(transistor)
HACK: Hack(x)

When we use every legal and illegal asset to gain allowed and
forbidden entry into any system accounts root ip. We will spend
huge amounts of time, enough to accomplish entry and actions.

#begin penetrate(x){
#return root(matrix(ip(x)))
} #end
MYIP: Your ip
Your ip is an infinite portal into creative creations and abound
discovery of anything. Even the mind can have an ip.

The abbreviation ip stands for "infinite protocol". This means
that an ip has potential for unlimited access to any identity
or account.
usage: ip(x)
If you wish to represent your ip as a function then the usage is
ip(x). Whenever you use the ip(x) function you are using an ip.
You can replace x with any value.

There are four ip types:
secure local ip = local ip with protected account
root local ip = local ip with known account data
secure remote ip = remote ip with protected account
root remote ip = remote ip with known account data
Using a number with an ip is the measure of quantity and quality
of any type of batch or set. Here is the chart of digital values
for an ip:

.1ip = a little bit of batch
.2ip = a few pieces of batch
.3ip = almost entire batch
.4ip = entire batch
.5ip = very entire batch
.6ip = nice abound batch
.7ip = very great batch
.8ip = nice super batch
.9ip = very super batch
1ip = infinite or max

An ip increases our ability to explain anything.
PGRM: Program(x)

When we wish to describe the capability, features, and ability of
a program we use the Program(x) function. Here are all the things
you can make and include in your very own scripts and programs:

A = Enhances a talent and uses it in accord with ability.
B = Exploits a wish and supplies mechanisms to achieve target.
C = Creates potent summary blends of features we possess.
D = Modifies our current status of living operations.
E = Takes current project and blasts it ahead in progress.
F = Helps with a sharp perspective on daily living concepts.
G = Summarizes our best most final intricate formulas.
H = Mimics a drug or substance in spiritual effects.
I = Helps with vital chores of a professions emergencies.
J = Exploits our resources ability to supply anything.
K = Enforces mental control of anatomy vital features.
L = Demonstrates an ideal structure of a crisis system.
M = Portrays mystical blueprint of iota prototypes.
N = Enhances and stabilizes an ability to acquire item.
O = Mixes beyond known with amazing as a presentation.
P = Uses scientific terminology for biology schematics.
Q = Charges generally available resources for mental spaceship.
R = Provides better aspects and control of morbid parts.
S = Actual definition of commonly misinterpreted sicknesses.
T = Uses a super smart system we know very well for living.
U = Creates an expensive gadget or toy for incredible tasks.
V = Provides recipe to create backing to obtained topic.
W = Creates a huge relief on former fears and weaknesses.
X = Supplies a term with enough to make it a real object.
Y = Advances ahead of all science in the universe for future.
Z = Stabilizes, enhances, enforces, and materializes term.
DIVI: divide(x)
The divide(x) function represents whenever we fully explain a
division calculation. It also means to use every division
formula listed here in this chapter. Note that this type of
division takes time, patience, and practice to fully utilize.
These are the concepts for our method of division:
"anything" divided by "object" equals "analogy"
"anything" per each single unit of "object" equals "analogy"
Using "anything" onto an "object" reinforces their "analogy"
The term analogy here means relation and proportion.
Now I will explain to you how to divide words, units, and
numbers. This is a very powerful method to add a math backing
to any word, phrase, program, or formula.

This is a division formula:
Here are the units:
1AA = One seed to the tree of symmetry and knowledge
1BB = One atomic calculation of description
We will add the units to our division formula:
#AA meaning/#BB word=#AA backing
Which translates to:
backing equals meaning per unit of word
Here is a demonstration:
3AA meaning/10BB word=0.3AA backing
So there is 0.3AA for each 1BB and there are 10BB

The trick to this division is to actually divide words using
units. For example here are the words as a division formula:


Now we will invent some units for it:
1CC = One great proven rip in fabric of useless
1DD = One best improvement to explain facts

Now we will add our units to the words this way:
#CC magic/#DD define=#CC enchant

Now we will explain this using a phrase:
enchant equals magic per unit of define

Now we will attach some random numbers as a demo:
3CC magic/2DD define=1.5CC enchant

Here is the summary of what we did:
So there is 1.5CC for each 1DD and there are 2DD

This is a division formula:
Here are the units:
1BR = One day and night worth of progress
1CA = One world ahead of game
We will add the units to our division formula:
#BR results/#CA reserves=#BR efficiency
Which translates to:
efficiency equals results per unit of reserves
Here is a demonstration:
3BR results/10CA reserves=0.3BR efficiency
So there is 0.3BR for each 1CA and there are 10CA

Another example:
This is a division formula:
Here are the units:
1BT = One full idea worth of known
1AP = One cycle through entirety of universe
We will add the units to our division formula:
#BT ideas/#AP compute=#BT response
response equals ideas per unit of compute
Here is a demonstration:
1BT ideas/2AP compute=0.5BT response
So there is 0.5BT for each 1AP and there are 2AP
For example if the division formula was:
And we were counting on this scale:
1=low 2=medium 3=high 4=max
And this was our final formula:
3 options/2 choice=1.5 consequence
This means that for each one of our 2 choices there are 1.5
options as a consequence.
Here are some bare division formulas that you can append units and
numbers to. The full list of units is in the Units(x) function
found later in this book.

DIV1: realize(x)
The realize(x) function represents this formula:
Here are the units we will use:
1AA = One candle-lights worth of energy
1AG = One college book worth of smart
Here is the division formula using our units:
#AA explode/#AG concept=#AA realize
realize equals explode per unit of concept
DIV2: symphony(x)
The symphony(x) function represents this formula:
Here are the units we will use:
1CM = One link to reality
1CN = One alert to all awareness
Here is the division formula using our units:
#CM vibrations/#CN harmony=#CM symphony
symphony equals vibrations per unit of harmony
DIV3: status(x)
The status(x) function represents this formula:
Here are the units we will use:
1CI = One play worth of rehearsal
1CJ = One man worth of power
Here is the division formula using our units:
#CI prepared/#CJ godly=#CI status
status equals prepared per unit of godly
DIV4: tunnel(x)
The tunnel(x) function represents this formula:
Here are the units we will use:
1CO = One question worth of unknown
1CP = One perspective worth of intuition
Here is the division formula using our units:
#CO continue/#CP answers=#CO tunnel
tunnel equals continue per unit of answers
VARS: Vars(x)
We can use the Vars(x) function if we wish to represent one or
more of the following variables. Note that you can use these
variables anytime and anywhere using this function is not
required to use these variables.

ACU = All Corruption in Universe
The ACU represents all the corrupt information in an entire
universe. This does not exclude any damaged data.

ADJ = Amazing Dream Juices
Development and science of a seemingly abound fruitful capability
to dream of a nutrient or vitamin and have it have an effect on
the chemical processes of our anatomy. The fact that we have
proven dreams have a great chemical impact on our self and can
trigger reactions. When we use dreams to supply us with vitality
and substance in a flowing juices pumping system. When we study
and develop newer and more futuristic methods to harness the
ports of this ritual resource.

ADM = Any Dream Manifests
The ADM means that any continuous flow of dreams are allowed
to be real and solid. The ADM represents the endless generation
of priceless riches by dreaming.

ABI = Ahead of Best Infinite
The ABI means we attain formulas ahead of our best great,
powerful, infinite answers for ability.

AUK = All Unknown Knowledge
The AUK represents all valid data that we do not know or cannot
remember. This means all of our unknown information.

CES = Certainty of Eternal Security
The CES means we are certain that we cannot ever be harmed in
any type of way. This means we are sure we will always be
absolutely safe.

CRC = Complaint Reversed into Complement
The CRC represents any complaints opposite complement
counterpart. This means that for any negative gripe there is it's
contrary positive compliment.

DBV = Delay Between Victories
The DBV represents a stall between two feats. It means there
is a delay between a previous and a new accomplishment.

EOK = End Of Knowledge
The EOK means the ever expanding sum of all knowledge in
existence. The EOK continually inflates as new knowledge is
invented and discovered.

FEF = Form Entire Formula
Form an entire formula to fully achieve result. Using all
available resources and data to complete accomplishment.

FOV = Feeling Of Victory
The FOV represents the euphoria feeling after a supreme feat.
The FOV happens when a very fascinating dream materializes.

FPS = Former Peak State
The FPS represents the former pinnacle of our existence. The
very best thing we have encountered in our history.

GBD = Gross Bodily Defect
The GBD represents ugly traits on an animals body. This means any
noticeable physical defect.

KES = Known Entire Summary
The KES is when we have a clear, sharp, precision knowledge
and can recognize and remember all details in a topic.

MPE = Mineral Proven to Exist
The MPE means that there is an actual chemical created in this
process that we can prove exists. This means that if the formula
proves this nutrient or vitamin to be there then it is.

MSN = Major Surgery Needed
The MSN variable means that you need surgical help from your
doctor. You have an illness that requires surgical procedures.

OCR = Ore Clay Resource
The OCR is a pliable all purpose fertile loam allowing artists to
fabricate dream sculptures according to media applied. This is
a molecular structure that becomes target object.

OUA = Over and Under Estimate Actual
The OUA happens when we think and guess something wrong and
base our emotions on this invalid gauge. This happens when
we fail to do simple subtraction math to verify a value we
incorporate into our posture.

PGT = Precision of Genius Thinking
The PGT represents our ability to know everything and continuously
think in accurate true facts.

RDC = Reasoning During Contemplation
The RDC is our thinking during speculation that travels deep into
the core and kernel of reality.

SER = Super Evil Reversal
The SER represents a powerful loop that reverses all evil or harm
towards it's original source. This means the primary basis and
cause of evil or harm returns more intense onto itself.

SIB = Stone Impossible Breach
The SIB represents a starting point that continues to flow until a
barrier inhibits arrival to the finish point. We may fully strive
in utter vain for an impossible simple goal to attain.

SOC = Shades of Color
The SOC is the color of an item compared to the best color of item
and their difference. This is the current complexion matched with
the best hue and their contrast. Palette array of metallic or
metal colors.

SRE = Ship with Rocket Engine
The SRE is the brains capability to pump material through density
channels causing pressure on surface of starting pad enough to
launch the heavy object into entire travel mission. This contains
sails to harness navigation forces and a sturdy special design;
has a compass, cargo, passenger seats, and a warp reality filter.

STL = Struggle To Learn
The STL represents our endeavors to forge our own education. This
is when we study and explore science for our own developments.

UBP = Uncomfortable Body Parts
The UBP represents any animal body parts that are in discomfort.
This means the body parts that are causing stress.

VCC = Very Cold Climate
The VCC variable means extreme cold weather.

VHC = Very Hot Climate
The VHC variable means extreme hot weather.

YPM = Years Per Moment
The YPM means accomplishing years worth of work in one moment.
When an amount of years worth of tasks is completed in a moment.

ERR = Error codes
Place any of these codes into the ERR variable if they apply to
your particular program errors:

These are some errors that our programs can produce. They
are called "error numbers". Each number stands for a unique
flaw that can be encountered during creation:

00 = There are no errors the program achieves goal.
01 = There are already formulas that do the same thing.
02 = The actual answer is more complex than the one provided.
03 = There are many exact answers to be stitched in.
04 = There is a greater potential for improvement.
05 = There are ways to vent and buffer too much intensity.
06 = This is only one step in many to completion.
07 = There is a very special code needed to activate.
08 = The program is sloppy and low in accuracy.
09 = Problem in general readable understanding.
10 = Simple syntax errors and invalid structure.
11 = Produces corrupted errors and output.
12 = Possible overlooked methods for enhancement.

Fault01: Missing #begin or #end with { and } brackets.
Fault02: Program has no #return value.
Fault03: Uses unspecified quantity of components.
Fault04: Data values are larger than specified.
Fault05: Error during spell check of words.

NUL = 0
The NUL constant simply means zero. It can also mean an
infinitely tiny number, between -1 and 1, or nothing.
IOTA: iota(x)

iota#00 = Realize we have many years of happy times ahead dot.
iota#01 = Knowing we are finished important work for our friends.
iota#02 = Waiting to share the amazed moments and new solutions.
iota#03 = Writing answers that fully satisfy our curiosity.
iota#04 = Wanting a dot and going to where it is and enjoying.
iota#05 = With creative, fun, exciting, and plenty of phrases.
iota#06 = Clever answers for the toughest questions with prize.
iota#07 = Working on the final package and getting big help.
iota#08 = Amazing, working answers for any health question.
iota#09 = Happy, fun, busy times with miracle wonders and awe.
iota#10 = Crazy science idea that sparks wild dazzle awe.
SYBL: infinite(x)

Here are some W++ symbols to represent infinite values both
doubted crude and proven final that range from $A$ to $Z$

$A$ = Fluke proven super real dream phases of infinite results.
$B$ = Doubt in the imaginations capability to prove infinite dots.
$C$ = Using all the selfs resources to exhibit phases of infinite.
$D$ = Knowing dreams are infinite into atomic poke into item.
$E$ = Styles to produce and measure infinite energy and results.
$F$ = Anyones doubt in proof miracle infinite dream works wonders.
$G$ = Amount of time it takes to produce an entire reaction.
$H$ = Chaos in where to begin and what infinite formula to use.
$I$ = Using super infinite formula to produce greatest product.
$J$ = Failure to fully explain the process to attain infinite awe.
$K$ = Amazing calculation proven to work that takes full effect.
$L$ = There is a great hearty infinite formula that amazes.
$M$ = Knowing human anatomy resources provide infinite amazing.
$N$ = Trying to help someone use the ideal infinite wonder cure.
$O$ = Abound amazing formulas that work perfect when verified.
$P$ = There are a great amount of formulas that are miracles.
$Q$ = The most super formula is very powerful and unimaginable.
$R$ = There are freak discoveries in invention that lead to this.
$S$ = There are super powerful formulas that grow enormous.
$T$ = We are trying to make super infinite math logic feats.
$U$ = I would like you to see this great amazing mind formula.
$V$ = Now that you used my formula I hope you like it lots.
$W$ = Many great amazing proven working science globules.
$X$ = This science is creative, solid, and solves huge gaps.
$Y$ = Any of your most grand dreams can be made real with this.
$Z$ = Types and phases of proven infinite products to improve.
SPED: speed(x)
Speed is the measurement of the quantity of time it takes to
arrive from the point of origin to the point of finality.
The greater the distance traveled in a moment the higher
the speed is. A slow speed means a longer time to arrive
from point A to point Z.
TIME: time(x)
Time is the quantity of activity from any type of start and
end points. The more time that happens the greater the motion
between start and end points within the fabric of reality.
DIST: distance(x)
Distance is the quantity of anything starting at point A
and ending at point Z. The greater the distance the more
material such as space and matter between point of origin
and point of finality.
QUAN: quantum(x)
Quantum is the measurement of all we have ever contemplated
any given point to constitute. Quantum is all our combined
aspects of the ingredients to the existence of target. There
are both invalid and valid concepts that forever strive to
reach the perfect actual recipe to define the substance.
VRTX: vortex(x)
A vortex is the measurement of a living things stance within a
gas, liquid, to solid environment. The air pressure and our
connection with cosmic juices and water within our cells is
the vortex. Our thinking governs the processes that purify,
clog, and flush these liquids with varying solidity.
ASTL: astral(x)
Astral is the extreme potent unity of our body and mind; enough
to lift all the weight of our environment. This can express great
relief from breaking all holding chains into strong flight.
REFS: renew(x)
Again form summary and accord all history of science for an update
of all old data into new. To harmonize all thinking and security
among unique races of conscious beings to segregate. Recovery
of all known facts to begin again to harmony of mastermind.
OPTS: optics(x)

Imagine if every word had a very potent and enhanced
definition and a boost in meaning. Now think that each
word we utilize had a powerful set of math formulas
backing it. Now mind that you invented an amazing math
calculation that slips through the grips of any limit.
Lets use our head to ensure this optics(x) function
is an infinite program when we gaze and stare into it.
Lets say you discovered a massive variety of clever
solutions that anyone can use for anything. You are
like wow, a miracle, the dots of summary. Here is the
software for our brain that can astonish and dazzle
all those who apply their best clever intuition:

#begin optics(x){
#state around(all(aspects(x)))
#active root(mirror(ip(trick(x))))
#active amaze(brain(talent(x)))
#active memory(ideal(dream(x)))
#active master(anyone(self(x)))
#attempt ahead(ideal(dazzle(x)))
#attempt unlock(portal(worlds(x)))
#aware actual(self(magic(x)))
#vent crap(limit(become(x)))
#vent error(worthy(Summary(x)))
#return look(mirror(self(x)))
#return create(fun(laws(x)))
#return hero(cure(x))
} #end

This is a program and function named optics(x). The phase of the
entire program is to go around all aspects of anything in the
variable x. We will activate a very high scientific anatomical
motive for faith. We will activate root ip of the mirror for using
any tricks we apply. Any amazing brain talent becomes active. We
will use the best dreams in our memory for x. We will use our
mastery of anyones self. We will attempt to go ahead of our best
dazzle. We will try to unlock the portal to other worlds. We will
stay aware of any actual magic we have. We will filter the junk
limit to what we can transform into. We will also filter any
errors in how nice we form a summary of this program. The final
results are to visualize a mirror with our new self in it. We
will then create fun laws regarding these issues. And after all
we will return as a hero with the cure to anything.

Note that this program can go very very deep in theory and
concepts. It would take a zillion years to ever finish going
beyond your ideal conceptions and thoughts of it. Suddenly
you blow into a whole series and chain reactions and gain
a supreme ability to prove some wild things.
GELA: gelatin(x)

We use the gelatin(x) function to mean chemical gelatin.

This substance called Chemical Gelatin is the process the
brain uses to transform meaning of words into chemicals.

Chemical Gelatin = Word definition that absorbs meaning at atomic
poke into nucleus. This can also be the set of phrase and any
calculations and logic that defines it. The actual sensory
intake arrives as all clues based on fantasy and facts. There can
be words used to describe reactions in a phrase that trigger our
sensory fusion into target quantum. It is proven that we have a
variety of senses that can align into very fertile authentic
nutrients. These chemicals explain the build up of meaning and
it's products. This means there are tunnels in cosmic abyss that
produce dream minerals for the brain. The amount, grade, and
quality of explanation are unlimited. Keep in mind that any small
perception can release these nutrients. There are many summaries
available in this language that simply gather and grow importance.
The full sum of knowledge in these apparitions mature with time
into greater synopsis. The deeper we peer into these atomic
clusters the more apart their substance center spews under
fission. There can form complete feelings of euphoria or
fulfillment of self during these links of mystery and facts. Any
substance we can imagine such as our wild dreams of rubber and
wool are produced by these properties. Descriptions of anything
and their meanings can endlessly evolve into very fertile potent
ionic orbs. It can be very difficult to imagine the sheer
complexity and mental capacity required to fully utilize these
maximum viable significance of their full capability. To be honest
meaning and summary can play mental tricks and real illusions
called exploits that give us super powers. I should not have to
say my opinions as what to create with these practices, let your
own observations and experiments decide the outcome. There is
little evidence to explain the complex makeup of these phrases
beyond what is present. If we dream it somewhere in our brain
reacts and it produces an effect that can only be digital radio
chemicals that are real wherever we believe and can demonstrate.
Intense capability can be added to our dream magic using mental
and physical orbital stunts such as around abound aspects of above
cosmic tubes into the brain and juggling to pluto. After all
science is finished everything becomes a dream through anything.
We will feel confident that within a short time we can fully
master any subject. We can use this gelatin substance to nourish
our talents for superb feats and stunts.
THNG: thing(x)

List of all the resources of self for the thing(x) function:
01 = Dreams can be wild and creative.
02 = Our mind can outsmart and process.
03 = Souls can supply power to endure life.
04 = Spirits can remind us of the ancients.
05 = Our ego can control our entire body.
06 = Our thoughts can be complex and descriptive.
07 = Our brain can control many features.
08 = Our intellect can help us study subjects.
09 = Our insight can warn us of obstacles.
10 = Our reason can help weave what we pretend.
11 = Our eyes will always remain in some form.
12 = Our ears will always hear sound of some type.
13 = Our taste can remind us of our extravagance.
14 = Our smell can sense mysterious scents.
15 = Our talent can always find new keys.
16 = Our miracle is full of hope and belief.
17 = Our anything is energy of description.
18 = Mind stations processing peace.
19 = Imagination dreams creating anything.

HOPE: hope(x)

Here are some things for the hope(x) function:
0 = Sure there are amazing miracles for the body and self.
1 = Knowing we overlook an available method for happiness.
2 = When we have the answer and we remember it's feelings.
3 = Knowing the truth and convincing people their cured.
4 = Helping someone with a sickness feel replenished.
5 = Always using the nicest and best mental calculations.
6 = There is a better answer buried in our contemplation.

IMPO: Import(x)
The Import(x) function activates all of our senses to remember
our rigid reasoning and summary of thinking stories. Here are
the operations we perform on this x:
(1) View x
(2) Hear x
(3) Taste x
(4) Smell x
(5) Feel x
(6) Dream x
(7) Detect x
(8) Unveil x
(9) Share x
PARA: paragon(x)

We can use the paragon(x) function when we wish to represent
any or all of the alphabet letters from the following chart:

A = extreme desire to attain an immediate answer to x
B = infinitely impossible to attain super number for x
C = possible calculation buried in complexity for x
D = project that takes much effort and time to finish x
E = super worthy number beyond the current ideal for x
F = difficult beyond what words can explain using x
G = the very informative and appetizing answer is x
H = very creative and inventive ideas and marketing x
I = asking for a quick answer and having to wait for x
J = the answer only is as it truly seems to be with x
K = cryptic answer that will truly never arrive for x
L = the only one single best and true answer for x
M = always having an intense infinite true answer to x
N = attempt to invent a seed to virgin formulas as x
O = symbol that can inspire anyone to do anything as x
P = permutate every combination on a lattice with x
Q = oust all doubt in a crowd using proven facts as x
R = divide your soul into your ego to heal your x
S = very fun and playful imaginary real sprite at x
T = time and distance between series of points for x
U = measure actual accuracy of an error report for x
V = anything can be put on this solution grid for x
W = infinite answer to the endless array of all x
X = attentive stare into data chunk for results of x
Y = reading every answer ever made in universe with x
Z = always needed missing symbols lost in time at x

example: paragon(G,I,T,Z)

The word "paragon" here means ideal model or perfect example.
MIND: MindWare(x)

Set active phase of x to perform y during z

x = mind, thoughts, dream, soul, insight, boss
y = calculation, comparison, activity, expression
z = duration, sleeping, work, development

x is a mental, physical, or spiritual resource
y is a capability, process, or action
z is a time, place, or moment timer
WHY0: ask(x)
The ask(x) function means that we have a question that
absolutely MUST be answered. We will use our most
virtuous moral judgment for the remedy and best solution.
This simply means there is a vital question and we need
to find the optimal answer.
LOOP: loop(x)
The loop(x) function means that when done return back to the
beginning. In other words, when we loop we enter an endless cycle
between start and finish. Here are some examples of using the
loop(x) function:

loop(read, compare, connect, summarize, memorize)
loop(explore, divide, examine)
loop(know, thrive, guess)
OBJS: object(x)

An object is an actual item usually drawn from our creative
imagination or dreams. These items can contain many features,
offering their users very special talents. These can defy
reality or even transform anything. Objects are crafted by a
very strenuous strive to do the best things during production.
EQUA: resolve(x)

When we resolve an issue we will add, subtract, multiply, and
divide variables and constants to attain a result. We use this
function to symbolize that we are performing general arithmetic
of the variable x. Any time we use basic math +, -, *, and /
we are resolving the issue on x. There are many calculations,
formulas, and theories that are mysterious, or unknown, or
handy for every day or to probe reality, and give us great,
revealing, solid and backed answers. When we use this function
we can also consider all types of math and logic to formulate.

LIFE: genesis(x)

We use the genesis(x) function to represent these processes of
sperm and egg division at the selective birth of life:

SYMM: symmetry(x)
The symmetry(x) function represents the following calculations:

Examples using the (B-A)+B+G=C format:
1,3,6 = (3-1)+3+1=6
2,4,8 = (4-2)+4+2=8
0,10,100 = (10-0)+10+80=100
LINK: link(x)
When we wish to use these data link tokens we can use
this optional link(x) function.

These are tokens that can link any two items together:
x >> y = x is pumped into y
x << y = y is pumped into x
x || y = x and y are flowing together
x ?? y = there are questions involving x with y
x // y = x with y are pinched shut and sore
x \\ y = enrich x mixed with y while draining impurities
x !! y = there is an infinite gap between x and y
x @@ y = it is impossible to solve how x becomes y

fruit >> loop = fruit is pumped into loop
injury << help = injury receives help
passion || body = passion flows with body
nice ?? mean = we question how nice compares with mean
God // kingdom = God and kingdom are tightly pinched together
brain \\ juice = enrich and purify mixture of brain and juice
guess !! answer = infinite gap between guess and answer
human @@ god = impossible to solve how a human becomes god
Z001: scale(x)
The scale(x) functions we will use an even scale
to measure the value x. Here are some examples of
even scales.
03ss W = X IS VERY LOW Y
04ss W = X IS LOW Y
07ss W = X IS HIGH Y
11ss = max

The magic eleven finds the symmetrical opposite on this scale. The
size of a unit is roughly 8ss very high. To find the opposite
value of a number on this scale use 11-A=B Example: I am 7ss happy
so I am 4ss sad!
-3tt W = X IS VERY LOW Y
0tt W = X IS ZERO Y
+11tt = max

Some Examples:

Note that you can invent your very own even scale to measure
negative, low, and high values.
THRE: three(x)

We use the three(x) function to represent 1=low, 2=medium, and
3=high values on these scales:

Scale01: 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high
Scale02: 1=dwarf, 2=regular, 3=giant
Scale03: 1=start, 2=middle, 3=end
Scale04: 1=launch, 2=midst, 3=land
Scale05: 1=midget, 2=ordinary, 3=tall
Scale06: 1=cold, 2=warm, 3=hot
Scale07: 1=petty, 2=regular, 3=major
Scale08: 1=sparse, 2=enough, 3=over
Scale09: 1=birth, 2=life, 3=death
Scale10: 1=early, 2=punctual, 3=late
Scale11: 1=past, 2=present, 3=future
Scale12: 1=left, 2=center, 3=right
Scale13: 1=weak, 2=normal, 3=strong
Scale14: 1=stop, 2=idle, 3=start
Scale15: 1=crawl, 2=walk, 3=run
Scale16: 1=error, 2=gist, 3=reward
Scale17: 1=unfold, 2=tale, 3=untold
Scale18: 1=create, 2=use, 3=destroy
Scale19: 1=dislike, 2=like, 3=love
Scale20: 1=want, 2=need, 3=have
Scale21: 1=gain, 2=drop, 3=regain
Scale22: 1=fail, 2=train, 3=succeed
Scale23: 1=no, 2=maybe, 3=yes
Scale24: 1=dream, 2=radio, 3=matter
Scale25: 1=walk, 2=jog, 3=run
Scale26: 1=gas, 2=liquid, 3=solid
Scale27: 1=alone, 2=dual, 3=crew
Scale28: 1=single, 2=double, 3=triple
Scale29: 1=intro, 2=core, 3=closure
Scale30: 1=wild, 2=subdue, 3=gentle
Scale31: 1=rare, 2=usual, 3=abound
Scale32: 1=feet, 2=belly, 3=head
Scale33: 1=buy, 2=have, 3=amaze
Scale34: 1=human, 2=angel, 3=god
Scale35: 1=bad, 2=neutral, 3=good
Scale36: 1=sad, 2=between, 3=happy
Scale37: 1=blue, 2=green, 3=red
Scale38: 1=buried, 2=seek, 3=found
Scale39: 1=unknown, 2=study, 3=known
Scale40: 1=around, 2=into, 3=hatch
Z003: sine(x)
When we wish to use this table of words to fluctuate between
negative and positive we use this sine(x) function. Here are the
minus and plus words that can be measured as frequencies on a
sine wave:

SAA = avoid - action
SAB = soft - hard
SAC = simple - complex
SAD = dream - real
SAE = error - answer
SAF = start - finish
SAG = opposite - true
SAH = down - up
SAI = cold - hot
SAJ = small - big
SAK = empty - full
SAL = wrong - right
SAM = slow - fast
SAN = dim - bright
SAO = dry - wet
SAP = want - need
SAQ = unknown - known
SAR = unsure - definite
SAS = less - more
SAT = weak - strong
SAU = doubt - belief
SAV = harm - safe
SAW = poor - rich
SAX = quiet - loud
SAY = old - new
SAZ = lose - earn
SBA = difficult - easy
SBB = fear - bold
SBC = without - with
SBD = used - works
SBE = ignore - apply
SBF = realize - build
SBG = unlock - apply
SBH = effort - victory
SBI = plan - earn
SBJ = theory - law
SBK = harm - heal
SBL = here - warp
SBM = below - above
SBN = retry - done
SBO = off - on
SBP = undo - do
SBQ = bland - resonant
SBR = process - finalize
SBS = renew - recreate
SBT = refresh - reuse
SBU = control - develop
SBV = rely - reform
SBW = arrive - contest
SBX = disgust - delight
SBY = cursed - worthy
SBZ = closed - open
NINJ: ninja(x)

Use the optional ninja(x) function or a ** symbol to represent
any or all of the entries on this diagram.

**a = Super hero moves that are impossible.
**b = Defy all laws of reality to function amazing.
**c = Practice to master the art of super ninjas.
**d = Break a world record for ultimate champion.
**e = Steady continuous flow of fluent mastery.
**f = Learn and apply new tricks and techniques.
**g = Harmony during complete steady mastery.
**h = Amaze and allure people with super talent.
**i = Maneuver coordination of body and gravity.
**j = Feel fully comfortable with a solid skill.
**k = Try your very best to defy all known records.
**l = Commit to learn a very special new move.
**m = Try to become the holder of ultimate victory.
**n = Undergo tremendous years of training.
**o = Engage the best talents in real action.
**p = Every aspect of self in a race for finish.
**q = Teach your boundless skills to a great friend.
**r = Travel your entire self ahead of all talent.
**s = Mental accord all memory of practice.
**t = Faith in godsend ability to smash any limit.
**u = Know that super heros have great agendas.
**v = Apply your mastery to every aspect of life.
**w = Always go beyond the most extreme ideal.
**x = Feel secure when encountering new subjects.
**y = Make the ultimate commitment to be master.
**z = Finalize your full mastery of all moves.
ACTI: Activity(x)
When we wish to use activities from the following chart we can use
this optional Activity(x) function. Note we can use these symbols
any way we wish.

^A = Door is opening into beyond reality.
^B = Traveling ahead of time into after always.
^C = Seeing inside the darkest hollows.
^D = Learning everything we know again.
^E = Achieving any type of concept.
^F = Facing the truth with courage.
^G = Watching time the right way.
^H = Understanding the basis of greatness.
^I = Traveling through every obstacle.
^J = Making money the brilliant style.
^K = Uncovering our greatest assets.
^L = Sharing the joy of real victory.
^M = Inventing super powerful codes.
^N = Making endless assumptions accurately.
^O = Defeating every timer and counter.
^P = Unraveling gate to parallel universes.
^Q = Unlocking door to another world.
^R = Teaching people various explanations.
^S = Looking into the eyes of genius.
^T = Earning the promise of a zillion kingdoms.
^U = Requiring every books summary and result.
^V = Owning every resource for everyone.
^W = Having the cure to any and all illness.
^X = Knowing for fact the literal diagnosis.
^Y = Actively acquiring every resource.
^Z = Knowing the greatest mystery is x.
SYMB: chart(x)
When we wish to use these schematics symbols we can use this
optional chart(x) function. Here are a list of schematics
symbols that can be used to make charts of fully functional
mind powered radio computer devices. With these variables you
can create vacuum tube circuit boards with your mind.

A = amplify and purify signals frequency
B = battery to supply viable power
C = use capacitance for flow of signal
D = resolve all differences
E = magically adjust signal ratios
F = manual user adjust dial from low to high
G = auto adjust amount of resistance
H = make the most important decision
I = wait to confirm input from user
J = output ray beam of final voltage
K = ask and carefully wait for reply
L = use all your logical resources
M = create a mathematical sketch
N = generate final output as musical sound
O = resolve and produce output for user
P = auto adjust and shift for any phase
Q = generate any signal enhance error
R = auto adjust tone and resonance of frequency
S = wait for and act upon users response
T = insert tower antenna for anything
U = insert tower ego signal antenna
V = vent to remove all unnecessary noise
W = resolve any strange unusual signals
X = use memory to remember all input
Y = visualize a flowing stream of graphs
Z = form a complete and full phrase

The variables L, O, G, I, and C spells LOGIC

Noise Filter

Simple amplifier:
The output of this amp is very sensitive, you can tap
deep into imagination with it.
TOYS: Toys(x)
Use the Toy(x) function to symbolize one or all of the
alphabet symbols in this table:

A = Texture dense ball with many hollow spikes for purpose.
B = Motor spinning hollow tube with reflective mirror panels.
C = Strange wacky sponge that absorbs a particular juice.
D = Super compressed substance ball with super compression.
E = Package with long hollow spike this squirts juice.
F = Wheel with probes that use suction and sticky stuff.
G = Package containing radioactive smart science glowing stuff.
H = Hairy genetic mutant blob with hairs and spikes.
I = Huge controlling factory and pole at center of universe .
J = Zillions of tiny smart living dots with specialized parts.
K = Powerful advanced science compression of circuits.
L = Huge happy ball programmed to perform specific task.
M = Liquid filled tube with injection needle for task.
N = Usable structure like complex atomic trees or arteries.
O = Fully filled elixir bottle with spout for drinking.
P = Super complex science sphere with zillions of alloy hairs.
Q = Biology fabric with zillions of special tiny holes.
R = Long, complex, genetic chains continually evolving.
S = Long super thin atomic injection tube with tool content.
T = Super atomic tiny ship with factory for operations.
U = Great biology ball with zillions of stiff and soft hairs.
V = Sticky, soft, and wet soapy scrub pad for cleaning.
W = Big tube that accords pressure and air passages.
X = Short stick with small smart biology energy pad.
Y = Ninjas practice room with any imaginable training equipment.
Z = Ball with an infinite variety of vigor capability.
SERM: serums(x)

The list of serums for the serums(x) function. Look at the
Panacea(x) function for their ideal proper usage.

Serum0 = empty container for anything you wish
Serum1 = for any beings external influences
Serum2 = for any beings internal metabolism
Serum3 = for accord of external and internal ecology
Serum4 = to instill a gift as a remedy for something
Serum5 = as a complex structure that effects many points
Serum6 = as a unity of self and environment resource
Serum7 = as a constant alert to a notice
Serum8 = as a known miracle to really arrive
Serum9 = as a chain of errors with antigens

Here are some ways to use these serums:
Cook1 = Bubbling and sizzling x in y for z
Cook2 = Boiling and steeping x in y for z
Cook3 = Brewing and simmering x in y for z
CLOK: clock(x)


Use the clock(x) function to represent the variables of the
second, minute, and hour hands.

second hand = fast speed timer running process (a)
minute hand = medium speed timer running process (b)
hour hand = slow speed timer running process (c)
INCT: intellect(x)

Use the intellect(x) function to utilize data on this chart:

A = Thinking to twist our robust DNA into the youth of our body.
B = Giving energy to aspects, angles, and perspectives for cure.
C = Complex explanation with applicable resources setting phase.
D = All the powers of time and self to evolve genius paradise.
E = Atomic intricate juices of potent precise meaning ointments.
F = Micro tools that edit the DNA or cytoplasm of living cells.
G = Full feeling of having great riches and living in paradise.
H = Entire aspects of active loops, swings, orbits, and slides.
I = Knowing exactly how elements effect eachother for invention.
J = Creative low level language parser that compiles programs.
K = Atomic recoup accord complex waves of cytoplasm nutrients.
L = Strong grip on cell biology and aspects of entire life.
M = Accord abound entire useful creative powerful real objects.
N = Powerful nutrient to gain full precise control of the brain.
O = Actual attain climate energy into our imaginations pits.
P = Feeling comfortable and at home while sleeping and high.
Q = Flowing smooth accord pattern within kernel of the universe.
R = Self with prism of a biology reality to help hardship cope.
S = Endure after all knowledge invent science cure reasoning.
T = Graphics that display math operations as perfect spheres.
U = Intricate structure of divine minerals into trial pills.
V = Assets exploit steel to weld strong bonds between links.
W = Study of atoms, molecules, and cells and orbital bonding.
X = Strong links in solace, commitment, mastery, and unity.
Y = Amazing awesome victory in bonding of unreal structures.
Z = Super bond complex orbits into usable final structures.
MTRX: matrix(x)

The matrix(x) function means a huge feat and stunts using powerful
math formulas. We will use all means and equipment we possess to
open a portal into invention and discovery. The matrix is
encrypted and holds unlimited potential for calculating reality to
defy limits of illusion. Once this formula is reached there are
unlimited resources to gain and utilize great mathematical forces.
Most would consider solutions and output from an entire matrix
beyond power and a miracle of technology.
VRBS: Variables(x)
%% = Every one of these variables in this list.
%0 = beyond(solve(entire(matrix(Graph(ip(x))))))
%1 = after(ahead(ship(solve(all(always(math(x)))))))
%2 = invent(creative(chart(beyond(exist(ask(x))))))
%3 = blank(retort(brain(orbits(solve(rocket(x))))))
%4 = strive(root(next(ip(solve(ahead(data(x)))))))
%5 = blank(time(thinking(retort(ship(logic(x))))))
%6 = after(invent(all(Graph(ahead(exist(x))))))
%7 = error(insight(ahead(retort(solve(self(x))))))
%8 = invent(warp(divide(Graph(Units(ahead(x))))))
%9 = blank(attain(next(answer(solve(pattern(x))))))
%A = time(ahead(thinking(create(formula(dream(x))))))
%B = after(mind(retort(into(divide(waves(x))))))
%C = after(ahead(create(any(recoil(time(x))))))
%D = warp(after(tough(time(link(chaos(abyss(x)))))))
%E = blank(ahead(time(invent(learn(super(math(x)))))))
%F = after(time(waves(always(valid(answer(x))))))
%G = paragon(time(warp(invent(waves(ahead(x))))))
%H = after(anyone(ahead(reality(invalid(data(x))))))
%I = solve(pattern(again(next(endure(brain(x))))))
%J = error(time(thinking(all(pattern(future(learn(x)))))))
%K = blank(super(ahead(talent(actual(miracle(x))))))
%L = warp(strive(infinite(math(all(power(x))))))
%M = warp(divide(mind(worlds(retort(crazy(data(x)))))))
%N = beyond(super(ship(ahead(all(waves(blank(x)))))))
%O = fun(solve(invent(worlds(beyond(all(data(x)))))))
%P = time(blank(need(ideas(error(waves(insight(x)))))))
%Q = need(cure(control(magic(science(earth(x))))))
%R = ahead(all(stupid(rely(earth(retort(data(x)))))))
%S = solve(entire(matrix(anatomy(self(hero(x))))))
%T = amaze(chart(actual(answer(beyond(ideal(x))))))
%U = blank(master(talent(ahead(all(ideal(learn(x)))))))
%V = victory(always(amaze(prove(magic(miracle(x))))))
%W = magic(beyond(all(alert(accord(dazzle(tunnel(x)))))))
%X = master(actual(arrive(miracle(sick(anyone(x))))))
%Y = corrupt(mystery(overlook(tunnel(realize(x)))))
%Z = after(final(ship(create(actual(invent(any(x)))))))
KEYS: keys(x)

Use the keys(x) function to open locks:
key(000) = Unlock amazing portal to grand dazzle.
key(001) = Divide all finished known into future loss.
key(002) = After know all create infinite formula.
key(003) = After unknown answer create new matrix.
key(004) = After unsure of answer avert obscure.
key(005) = Never a delay when writing calculations.
key(006) = Curious about linking various items.
key(007) = Wondering where the missing super formula is.
key(008) = Knowing there are great unknowns we overlook.
key(009) = Wondering how to tap into the great source.
key(010) = Math formulas that tantalize our wits.
key(011) = Ahead of all confusion of equilibrium.
key(012) = Getting into the right and best position.
key(013) = Knowing the outcome is a mystery ahead.
key(014) = Knowing amazing calculations go forever.
key(015) = Failure to utilize unused available energy.
key(016) = Refine next language of logic pursuit.
key(017) = Cancel all bugs in final presentation.
key(018) = Knowing energy has rich usable exploits.
key(019) = Knowing life is a vital game to win.
key(020) = Very great attempt to leap ahead of all.
key(021) = Unimaginable mood for infinite victory.
key(022) = Trying best until all wishes come true.
key(023) = Fully capable potent useful answer units.
key(024) = Using binary logic for math calculations.
key(025) = Wild dream proven to be true for use.
key(026) = Wondering where the wacky magic eggs are.
key(027) = Getting this all to connect miracles.
key(028) = Knowing that our shortage has a retort.
key(029) = This took years of hard work to make.
key(030) = This is only loved for a valid reason.
key(031) = Everything you do you consider right.
key(032) = Doing the very best at this task.
key(033) = Creating usable functions of abilities.
key(034) = This is the author of this formula.
key(035) = Finished everything just to start new.
key(036) = All words have very meaningful backing.
key(037) = Submit and settle for less than optimum.
key(038) = Vital to be very careful and watch out.
key(039) = Incredible proven recipe for a miracle.
key(040) = Dangerous thoughts control reality.
key(041) = Super awesome force of radio music.
key(042) = Cultivate entire plan for the future.
key(043) = Tons of belief that smashes you down.
key(044) = Warp radio into portal ahead of dial tones.
key(045) = Those are my ultimate dreams so thanks.
key(046) = Bright crisp perfect ahead of daytime.
key(047) = Avert errors using him, her, us, and them.
key(048) = Oops, sorry, I dialed the wrong number.
key(049) = Peek and poke primary ground basis.
key(050) = Start bunches of new projects for grants.
key(051) = Clever tricks of perception and illusion.
key(052) = You are a great hero with all your sanity.
key(053) = Urges to believe incredible purity charges.
key(054) = Great accord of truth that really reflect.
key(055) = Being very important and informative.
key(056) = Invented creative winning beyond grave.
key(057) = Having tips and schematics for ships.
key(058) = Motive to continue for new science sake.
key(059) = Wanting to make stuff for kids to know.
key(060) = That way is waking up with same obstacle.
key(061) = Peak new clear path into eventual goal.
key(062) = Optimum religious spiritual arrival.
key(063) = Special dream outfit on list of wishes.
key(064) = Untried infinitely worthy energy types.
key(065) = Finished amends for all your stupidity.
key(066) = Done with all long trains of thoughts.
key(067) = Complex structures of summary in brain.
key(068) = Running as minute background process.
key(069) = Solution to infinitely complex molecule.
key(070) = After the final effect draw answers.
key(071) = Invention similar to the scope compass.
key(072) = Dream jelly works and can be improved.
key(073) = This means great inventions are here now.
key(074) = Schematics to build real dream devices.
key(075) = What we can imagine can be explained.
key(076) = Skills to attain the next future worlds.
key(077) = Beyond the soul ego power logic dreams.
key(078) = All the work actions to help weakness.
key(079) = Enough proof backing every true phrase.
key(080) = A new album is coming and will hit big.
key(081) = After all loose connections are tied.
key(082) = Related to god, satan, demons, and devils.
key(083) = Everyone is missing the answer to it.
key(084) = Not wanting to squeeze any negativity.
key(085) = Ahead of all minds that work answers.
key(086) = Into the bright side of life's angels.
key(087) = Time to thing quick and ready for any.
key(088) = Away with my mind into chaos without.
key(089) = Answers beyond the grave after problems.
key(090) = Strong skill at mastering any subject.
key(091) = Importance of your head, face, and name.
key(092) = From strange and unusual occult sources.
key(093) = Relentless towards traditional temptation.
key(094) = Already ahead of slow read thoughts.
key(095) = Attachment of name and credit to thoughts.
key(096) = Misunderstood and misinterpreted lifestyle.
key(097) = Evil rips page replaced with putrid blanks.
key(098) = Error, weakness, unknown, or forgotten.
key(099) = Wished goals for the future ahead of time.
key(100) = You will discover truth and answers.
key(101) = Highest level of access upon anything.
key(102) = Great any brain magic for logic dreams.
key(103) = Make any distant imaginable item real.
key(104) = Safely evacuate earth into far cosmos.
key(105) = Heal any weak bodily point in anatomy.
key(106) = Gather a crew for your final projects.
key(107) = Obtain capital for anything you desire.
key(108) = Fully reward those who have helped you.
key(109) = Swift primary motive for goals trophy.
key(110) = Attain recognition for top experience.
key(111) = Behold only strongly pertaining peaks.
key(112) = Infinite logical processing beeping.
key(113) = Become invisible and invincible hero.
key(114) = Trudge through swamps of nonexistence.
key(115) = Only consider concepts beyond anyone.
key(116) = Activate all aspects of avid awareness.
key(117) = Hear considerate speculations radio.
key(118) = Ensure secure happy home for everyone.
key(119) = Enrich strong points for the weak ones.
key(120) = Solve entire mankinds greatest matrix.
key(121) = Beyond your selfs thoughts radio tubes.
key(122) = Create lucid science goobers and jelly.
key(123) = Completely unlatch the final gateway.
key(124) = Become amongst utmost doctors in world.
key(125) = Respect status of greatest surgeons.
key(126) = Fireworks far beyond greatest expected.
key(127) = Fully fill your entire head with data.
key(128) = Resonant vibrant bright knowledge rocks.
key(129) = Glowing real powerful smart dream recipe.
key(130) = Infinite super powerful actual formulas.
key(131) = Clever clear crisp precise calculations.
key(132) = Super atomic ultimate gods big chunks.
key(133) = Strange unusual magic absorption sponge.
key(134) = Imagine strong real pricks into reality.
key(135) = Always grow people as friends to truth.
key(136) = Book that contains grand math formulas.
key(137) = Learn super great functions of the mind.
key(138) = Fat complex clever calculation sprites.
key(139) = Contains actual cure to every illness.
key(140) = Wild abound aspects of intellect worlds.
key(141) = Experience multiple amazing miracles.
key(142) = Glorious complex marvel of fascination.
key(143) = Ultimate mystery beyond explanation.
key(144) = Favorite comforts of passion and love.
key(145) = Vanilla chocolate bean ice cream cones.
key(146) = Full effect of hard drugs using math.
key(147) = Fully charge your brain to snip wire.
key(148) = Stare into tedious complex mind maps.
key(149) = Use physical exploits to digest forage.
key(150) = Grow secure using new healing methods.
key(151) = Rest your head on this thinking post.
key(152) = Learn genius art of divide overflow.
key(153) = Fully mastered super exploit of self.
key(154) = Super awesome meaning as magic formulas.
key(155) = Go into ahead of all known brilliance.
key(156) = Perfect solution to any health issue.
key(157) = Premium logic into mystic blueprints.
key(158) = Always utilize your best peak virtues.
key(159) = Scientific imagination with soul prizes.
key(160) = Improve senses to probe mystery treats.
key(161) = Fully awake and aware angel in the sky.
key(162) = Adorn beloved laws of the new Jehovah.
key(163) = Sacred respect to the meaning for life.
key(164) = Always trust any little significance.
key(165) = Race beyond reality to rocket ingenuity.
key(166) = Be weary following monkeys for pride.
key(167) = Never deny great capability of dreams.
key(168) = Always remain superior in all aptitudes.
key(169) = Ensure anyone would lick your mess clean.
key(170) = Never feel fearful from typical people.
key(171) = Stay able to summon any alchemy worms.
key(172) = Presume sincere humans are godly heros.
key(173) = Never limit complexity of your cells.
key(174) = Infinite security exploit for inventors.
key(175) = Massive patterns telling ahead of all.
key(176) = Possess any nice complex science object.
key(177) = Descend into deep passion with formulas.
key(178) = Fully sense entire completion of earth.
key(179) = Utilize sly explain into actual attain.
key(180) = Master shrewd fathom complex summary.
key(181) = Create from the primary basis in goal.
key(182) = Poke into weak skills and recoup cure.
key(183) = Innocent strangers nuclear factory.
key(184) = Obsession for great technology toys.
key(185) = Complete honesty knowing life sense.
key(186) = Pretend to eat and get real minerals.
key(187) = Smash anyone for private security.
key(188) = Employ vital needs to supply people.
key(189) = Improve corrupt pattern of universe.
key(190) = Always emerge as virtuous and true.
key(191) = Encrypt and scramble your thoughts.
key(192) = Oracle foretell actual time phases.
key(193) = Leap ahead of current ideal phase.
key(194) = Rocket ahead of crucial handicaps.
key(195) = Never regret swimming ahead of all.
key(196) = Feel the thrill when portal opens.
key(197) = Ride ships into the furious storms.
key(198) = Awaken our greatest viable dreams.
key(199) = New update super more mighty heart.
key(200) = Awaken features of eternal entity.
key(201) = Sick persons final resort for health.
key(202) = Hospital for erroneous perfection.
key(203) = Prelude to any surgery or medicine.
key(204) = Master programming experts prize.
key(205) = Beyond what you learned in college.
key(206) = Using thinking to program the mind.
key(207) = Imagine our souls biology blends.
key(208) = Dissect framework of the universe.
key(209) = Hunt for all our available talents.
key(210) = New inventions guaranteed to work.
key(211) = Exploit the potential of thinking.
key(212) = Miracle for healing teeth and hair.
key(213) = Blow harsh pot steam out your ears.
key(214) = Feel higher than you ever realized.
key(215) = Institute for scientific revolutions.
key(216) = The selfs resources factory workshop.
key(217) = Medical professionals amazing cure.
key(218) = Sensory input process output devices.
key(219) = Astrology networks linking reality.
key(220) = Useful information technology maps.
key(221) = Master ahead electric ship tunnel.
key(222) = Offer infinite pleasure solutions.
key(223) = Massive holes in fabric of universe.
key(224) = The lords of cell biology godsend.
key(225) = Apparent sense beyond evil madness.
key(226) = Hard math to liquefy your anatomy.
key(227) = Doctors guide to diagnosis ailments.
key(228) = Billion dollar surgeons antitoxin.
key(229) = Inventors handy procedure reference.
key(230) = Abound gaps in branches of summary.
key(231) = Genuine fresh scientific revolutions.
key(232) = Improve any recipe for fertile dreams.
key(233) = Medical professionals fantasy cures.
key(234) = Has doctors best futuristic medicine.
key(235) = Many new ingredients inside this text.
DETH: death(x)
Use the death(x) function to represent this chart.
D00 = To never die and live forever growing glory.
D01 = The Lord of evil and Gods insults.
D02 = Failure to recall strengths in a weak phase.
D03 = Freak errors in accord of body and reality.
D04 = Mysterious apparitions that suck breath.
D05 = Paranoia bringing about bad things.
D06 = Being perfectly okay and never waking up.
D07 = Huge faces and heads powering you down.
D08 = Failure to recoup back to normal.
D09 = Needing a recipe and having to wait.
D10 = Commotion and needing a drink of water.
D11 = Failure to remember how to energize.
D12 = Closing of bodily holes without recoup.
D13 = Entire self getting crushed into a gnome.
D14 = Another being or entity intrusion.
D15 = Horrible monster with a weapon.
D16 = Suicide during dispute with life.
D17 = Errors during medical treatment.
D18 = Cancer, heart attack, stroke, or STD.
D19 = Breathing disorder without a tube.
D20 = Weakness, insecurity, or forgetfulness.
D21 = Natural causes or old age.
D22 = Actually being the right time to die.
D23 = Unknown causes in celestial pattern.
D24 = Blank ideas during time of need.
D25 = The legendary lord of darkness or God.
D26 = Super powerful forces beyond the self.
D27 = Invalid digestion of food.
D28 = Strong emotions over powering you.
D29 = Already dead hordes of phantoms pull you under.
D30 = Horrible screams of agony burn out your life.
D31 = Attack on a small sliver of weakness.
D32 = Uncountable aggravations in after death.
D33 = There are monsters who slice you down.
D34 = You are crushed into a dwarf.
D35 = You die by disorder in living cells.
D36 = Malpractice by doctors and chaos.
D37 = Loneliness and absence of fortitude.
D38 = Some sudden strange mysterious power.
D39 = Happy laughter and flying into next stage.
D40 = Conspiracy to assassinate person.
D41 = It is the right time to die naturally.
D42 = Not enough godsend help in emergency.
D43 = Frustration and insane behavior.
D44 = Wither away without a needed nutrient.
D45 = Wound of functioning in health.
D46 = Spiritual disorder that materializes.
D47 = Solid defect in system of development.
D48 = Gamble and bet all time away.
ROBO: Robot(x)

There are letters of the alphabet that sound like words when
spoken. Here are a list of these letter codes:

A = A, B = Be, C = See, G = G, I = I, K = OK, M = Am, N = An
O = Oh, P = PP, R = Are, T = Tea, U = You, X = Any, Y = Why
1 = Won, 2 = To, 4 = For, 8 = Ate, 0 = Zero
FLOW: virus(x)

Here are the diagram symbols from A to Z you can use a notebook
and some ink pens to draw them as complete schematics for making
a huge range of mind powered took-kits, products, exploits, and
the oldest sneaky tricks in the book to stroke chief:

A = Rate of root exploit and speed of infection to always subsist.
B = Actual amount of security and how precise they know the thing.
C = Actual precision of codes to attain widespread eternal life.
D = The amount of harm to logic produced by toxic booger blobs.
E = The actual enemy of the virus lab and the utmost final virus.
F = How well the virus performs under available testing actions.
G = The point of the virus is to strike our opinion as infectious.
H = The laws of infecting the mind with a schematic chaos worm.
I = The actual rate of power to compel and tempt using a sweetie.
J = The ground rules to power to use and methods of using exploits.
K = Knowing what the enemy has done and that they are still alive.
L = The simple most cost effective way to program the universe.
M = Tire, anxiety, weakness, and the glory of angels we face.
N = How clever we must be to outsmart the good deed anti-virus.
O = The level we appear as evil and dry and our teams kingdom.
P = How smooth, nice, and ideal the injection works for the task.
Q = The final dark day when we win the wormhole portal open.
R = The rushes of laughter as we admire a fear and it's reaction.
S = A scientific study to have a huge impact using potent exploits.
T = The actual proper place for the virus and what it accomplishes.
U = The entire story of mind software and what it can do more.
V = Wow, an amazing power of mindware, locks on mystery, and it.
W = The actual corrupt pattern in eternal life and holy gods.
X = There is a purpose to phreedom of warez programming packages.
Y = The return of the great atomic bios and the keys into all.
Z = Face to face with the people how we can offer them our sweets.
ELPS: ElectPulse(x)

This paragraph describes and defines this ElectPulse(x) function.
We can make a conscious choice to initiate and empower a diverse
range of features in our brain and anatomy. You are able to decide
your thoughts so that you can induce and continually control many
things and actions; these can be anatomical. So basically this
means you have a shadowy menu full of options and choices that
have a huge effect on your actions and outcome. This is called
the "minds main menu of thought control actions". We cannot open
and close our hand unless we initiate the action, otherwise it
would hang limp, so we elect pulses to control our anatomy.
GENE: genetics(x)

The genetics(x) function represents Genetic code(x) on this
mental scale forming strands of RNA or DNA.

A = power and hero
B = code and time
C = wave and tuner
D = emotion and face
E = thought and reaction
F = mind and response
G = answer and result
H = package and product
I = error and truth
J = purpose and gain
K = drug and effect
L = substance and action
M = dream and radiation
N = solution and sponge
O = name and person
P = time and happening
Q = unknown and attempt
R = want and get
S = ponder and creation
T = existence and math
U = grow and state
V = retort and accord
W = victory and prize
X = link and bond
Y = soda and spice
Z = base and acid
BIOM: BioMap(x)

The BioMap(x) function is our level of knowledge for molecular
biology; our full understanding of genetics and manipulating
cells; how much we know the unity of sciences related to the
cell; and most importantly, the processes our laboratory uses
to alter, enhance, and grow the genome and life. When we have
a BioMap(x) we are certain of the exact outcome of a modified
genome; and a scientific method for achieving this victory.

FIVE: SuperKid(x)

&01 = Potent strong available energy per unit of dense energy.
&02 = Resonant density recoup secure vibrations for glory phase.
&03 = Secure entire knowledge gathers scattered anatomy links.
&04 = Penetrate cells nucleus with amputated anatomy mentality.
&05 = Super powerful ego overcome resonant anatomy storms.

The SuperKid(x) Division Formula:
Abound unite great cell and molecular fission into fusion of self.
A = Atomics of complex genetics.
B = Units of cell genetics.
C = Resonant transformation of genetics.
Here is the simple division calculation:
A / B = C
Note that A can store radiance, and serums.
Note that B can be all cells in a body.
Note that C can mutate and nourish DNA.
This is perfect division using mitosis results.

Here are symbols from `a' to `z' as SuperKid(x) cures to death:
`a'= After final death of all weak systems recoup super anatomy.
`b'= All most powerful rage overtake limp anatomy systems.
`c'= Imagine most powerful accord of all spoil waves regenerate.
`d'= Above beyond super brain power waves all spoil dazzle.
`e'= Ultimate accord all science smart attack pathogen friends.
`f'= Weakness knowing our super rushes are gone recoup vitality.
`g'= Enormous electrical attain mitosis puncture dumb cells.
`h'= Clever intuition enjoy potent math amaze summon hearts.
`i'= Amazing exploit fluke freak marvel awesome super computer.
`j'= Attachment to brain metal rod to become strong always.
`k'= Injection of clever help parasites to chew away weaklings.
`l'= Imagine most powerful man and create formula to become.
`m'= Creative squid brain attain mystical cosmic blood juices.
`n'= Overcome by sick profane limp juices recoup divine alloy.
`o'= Infinite reality recoup attain vibrant signals thalamus.
`p'= Fear, doubt, dismay, loss, recoup panacea memory of joy.
`q'= Super potent sick strange unusual feelings recoup self.
`r'= Potent youth mineral vitamins permanent alter handicaps.
`s'= Ideal concepts of fear rocket recoup vibrations storage.
`t'= Super powerful formulas compared to feeling like god.
`u'= Imagination and it's assets in our obscure passion zest.
`v'= Weak, excited, amazed, happy, emotions, wishes, cures.
`w'= Monster assets with super cures to really attain victor.
`x'= Knowing we know little and big potential growing serums.
`y'= Master of all hope helping people more than best heros.
`z'= Aftermath imagine worlds in all aspects to cherish home.

ADNA: Alloy DNA(x)

The Alloy DNA(x) function uses this list from 00 to 15 to
represent super smart genes that compass metal alloy chromosomes.
The contents of cells that contain Alloy genetics are called

gene00 = Entire strand of alloy DNA blots.
gene01 = Smart retort and recoup cool alloy blot.
gene02 = Knowing all dangers sly tongue alloy blot.
gene03 = Ready for disaster stubborn alloy blot.
gene04 = Genius binary logic working alloy blot.
gene05 = Patient and secure peace alloy blot.
gene06 = Very dead coming alive seldom alloy blot.
gene07 = False and fake ashamed alloy blot.
gene08 = In debt obligated to repay alloy blot.
gene09 = Superb high grade prompt alloy blot.
gene10 = Angry self defensive winning alloy blot.
gene11 = Truly sorry for being weak alloy blot.
gene12 = Potent dazzle very happy alloy blot.
gene13 = Stupid and apologizing alloy blot.
gene14 = Holy and pure doing deeds alloy blot.
gene15 = Warrior expert at genetics alloy blot.

Here is how to measure the effectiveness of your genetics:
CELS: Cells(x)

We use the Cells(x) function to represent all of the functions
in this chapter relating to life and it's eggs. These can be
used to allow for our thinking to program the genome.

For scientist to godsend an update to living anatomy of a
character trait within a gene. Stable current character type of a
physical or mental trait. Update the phase of a prevalent
condition of anatomy using the locus of a gene. To modify both
hereditary and present stages of any observable trait. To
create any type of organism with any diverse completion.

Study birth and natural talents and ability of the self and life

Ideal supreme being ninja with outposts for heroic acts for peace

Simple cells lacking nucleus and organelles, such as bacteria

Cells with a distinct nucleus and other membrane-bound structures

Amino acids(x)
An organic acid containing an amino group and a carboxyl group

A polymer of amino acids joined by peptide bonds

Compound, nitrogenous base, five carbon sugar, phosphate group(s)

A diverse group of water insoluble compounds

Ribonucleic acid(x)
Carries info from DNA to protein manufacturing sites

Deoxyribonucleic acid(x)
Nucleic acid that carries hereditary data to next generation

Cell that uses signals in the nervous system

Tree-like output from a neuron

Tree-like input from a neuron

Electrically charged atom that gains or loses electron(s)

Cytoplasm of the axon of a neuron

A virus that infects bacteria, also called a phage

Nucleoside triphosphate, chemical energy in cells

Protein catalysts, controls speed of chemical reactions in cells

Speeds up chemical reaction without itself changing

Cell body(x)
Main part of a neuron that contains a nucleus.

Cell wall(x)
Outer layer of a cell that maintains the shape of the cell

Plastid organelle contains chlorophyll performs photosynthesis

Uses sunlights energy for synthesis of organic molecules

Complex of DNA with polar histone proteins in eukaryotic

Hairlike extensions of cells that help them swim

An agent used to transmit genetic information to an organism

Molecule from condensation reaction of alcohol with acidic

Long, whiplike, protrusions that help cells swim

Region of DNA that controls a single hereditary charictaristic

A long DNA molecule and associated proteins

The totality of genetic information in DNA in a cell or an organism

Genetic code(x)
Rules of nucleotide triplets (condons) of genetics

Six-carbon sugar for the matabolism of cells

Golgi apparatus(x)
Proteins and lipids made in endoplasmic reticulum are used

Growth cone(x)
Migrating motile tip of a growing nerve cell axon or dendrite

Lymphocyte fused with a pathogen to create antibodies

Atoms with diffrent atomic weights. Can be stable or radioactive

Compound that has only carbon and hydrogen atoms

Water loving molecule that dissolves readily in water

Ionic bond(x)
Cohesion between two opposite charged atoms, noncovalent

Any molecule binding to precise site on another iota

Posistion of a gene on a chromosome.

Rupture of a cells plasma membrane, releases cytoplasm

Large molecule such as protein, nucleic acid, or polysaccharide

Synthesized white blood cell for phagocytosis

Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells.

Photograph of an image seen through a microscope.

Glass tube used to penetrate a cell for study

Injection of molecules into a cell using a microelectrode

Organelle about the size of a bacteria, produces ATP

Division of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell

Group of atoms joined together by covalent bonds

Structure that can be recognized by proteins

Heritable change in nucleotide sequence in a chromosome

Processes growing from a neuron in a culture

Purine or pyrimidine base linked to ribose or deoxyribose sugar

Organelle in cells containing DNA organized into chromosomes

Peptide bond(x)
Carbonyl group and amino group of amino acids in amide linkage

Organelle with enzymes produces and degrades hydrogen peroxide

A cell that ingests and digests other forign cells or particles

Process in which stuff is eaten by a cell

The observable character of a cell or organism

Elementary particle of light or other electromagnetic radiation

Small circular replicating DNA molecule, used as a vector

Organelle in plants, carries it's own DNA and is often pigmented

Radioactivly or chemically labeled fragment of RNA or DNA

Recombinant DNA(x)
DNA molecule formed by joining DNA segments from unique sources

Fragments of chromosome molecules rejoined in new combinations

RNA virus, replicates by making double-stranded DNA intermediate

Ribosomal RNAs and ribo-proteins, catalizes protein synthesis

S phase(x)
Period in eukaryotic cell cycle in which DNA is synthesized

Schwann cell(x)
Glial cell forms myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system

Polysaccharide composed of glucose units, plant cell energy

Molecule on which an enzyme acts

System of tree-like neuron signals in the brain

Followed and located chemically or radioactivly labeled molecule

Heritable alteration in the properties of a eukaryotic cell

Genetically altered plant, insect or animal

Diploid cell produced by male and female gamete. A fertilized egg

Nucleated white blood cell, for many purposes

An animallike protist

Nucleoside, phosphate group joined in ester linkage to sugar moiety

Light-absorbing pigment, plays a central role in photosynthesis

The major protein in red blood cells

Small signaling molecule at a synapses in neurons

Kingdom Animalia(x)
Includes all animals derived from zygotes

Kingdom Fungi(x)
Obtains nutrients from their surroundings

Kingdom Monera(x)
All prokaryotic organisms

Kingdom Plantae(x)
Microscopic green plants

Kingdom Protista(x)
Eukaryotic, unicellular organisms

Foreign substance in the body that triggers an immune response

A parasite capible of causing disease in it's host

A protein produced in response to an antigen, binds to that antigen

An abnormal disturbance in health

A negativly charged ion

A positivly charged ion

Anthropods, three body parts, six legs, specialized mouths

Ability of microorganism to remain unharmed by antimicrobial agent

Ribosomal RNA(x)
(rRNA) Type of RNA, with certain proteins, makes up ribosomes

Transfer RNA(x)
(tRNA) RNA, sends amino acids from cytoplasm to ribosomes

Messenger RNA(x)
(mRNA) Type of RNA, Carries info from DNA

The sum of all chemical processes carried out by living organisms


Fatty acid(x)
Long chain of carbon+hydrogens with carboxyl group at one end

An inorganic ion necessary for the function of an enzyme

The study of relationships among organisms and their environment

A molecule formed from glycerol and one or more fatty acids

Requiring a particular environmental condition

Carbohydrate, Many monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds

Compound of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, main energy for life

Contents of a cell containing Alloy DNA and Alloy organelles

Universally allows computer software to connect to any device

Long complex atomic process into bigger structures

Morbid complete projects that exhibit presentation toxin

Creative gel textured wads of usable and useful utensils

To spiritually verify every cell in the body has spoke pins

Covers the entire surface area of the skin

An organelle responsible for the visible color of a cell

Chaotic mystic orbiting living environment

Faces that grimly frown upon our dignity and virtues making poverty

DNA Probe(x)
Genome oracle to foretell actual future of a psyche medics human

DNA Twist(x)
Using our thoughts to weave atomic details into our chromosomes

Complete safe awesome drug for simple delivery and easy to ingest

Dream catches a skill for full gratification

An imaginary gene that constitutes the real thing

Dream injects reality density with features

Dream overcomes bounds the imagination sets

Punk, stubborn, less than optimal genes

Genome sewer rodent crawling and gnawing on perfect genetics

A sick, disgusting, awful thief of core genetic condon links

Genome vampire that sucks juices creating defective genetics

Endless accurate reference containing true and fiction goodies

Huge collections of summary that simplify a complex subject

Startup as scared or fearful making best retort workshop floats

Using our senses to decide what component of cell to extract

Selective accord grouping of our, us, you, me, he, she, and we

An unknown chemical structure with purpose in a cell

A vague knowledge of vital organelles that mature

A complex chromosome containing exactly what we want

A complex component in a cell we consciously use often

Creative science unexplainable yet conceptual abstract fig willows

Complete laboratory, factory output, final introduction reports

Insult with complaint used to injure utmost egos accomplishment

Creative elite person making fertile original classic wads

Limited brain activity in function and intellect

Weak anatomy, soft blood and flesh, and brittle bones.

Final finished magic logic amazing awesome fun safe toys

A defective gene that seems to sometimes be okay

Imaginary prolific creatures that psyche defy limits of arrival

Stuff built into crystallized mass ideal refine made into popsicles

The genetic information responsible for setting old age decay

Nasty immovable growth of disease as an error to debug
STCV: Shawn(x)

We will use the Shawn(x) function to utilize one or more of
the following variables on this chart:

STC0 = All of your knowledge summary of every subject.
STC1 = Mathematical and logic backing to intuition and insight.
STC2 = Expert school teacher who can educate small children.
STC3 = Various types and phases of stylish imaginations.
STC4 = Genome monsters, vampires, rodents, and warewolfs.
STC5 = Mastery of the keys to all the causes of death.
STC6 = A new flair and stimulus to a greater know how.
STC7 = Ability to explain scientific descriptions to dreams.
STC8 = Huge heavy to understand and interpret explanations.
STC9 = Beyond the minds recoup to ahead of struggle advance.
STCA = English mastery of more types and phases of words.
STCB = Thinking atomic dots to program our DNA and cells.
STCC = Going beyond all summary into mystical studies.
STCD = After ahead beyond all abound entire aspects sphere.
STCE = Many tiny calculations that produce meaning of word.
STCF = Super powerful formula for nuclear atomic booms.
STCG = Mastermind equations that produce final offspring.
STCH = Imagine huge super fast mind processing computers.
STCI = Making a vital backups of an important documents.
STCJ = Empty notebook to filled with spotted butterflies.
STCK = Many new ideas to improve complex maps in future.
STCL = Ahead of the mind into chaos to solve patterns.
STCM = Beyond the head after time recoil world maps.
STCN = Learning meaning to many new words and forming phrases.
STCO = Accomplished meaning wraps around time for a pole.
STCP = Using entire brain, mind, and dreams for rapture.
STCQ = Knowing all things with super victory and teaching.
STCR = Using proof that we can imagine infinite formulas.
STCS = Actual waves of mind talent arrive into capsule.
STCT = We will teach students super hero talents and gifts.
STCU = After all formula programs mystical powers posts.
STCV = There are no missing links to genetic advancements.
STCW = We can use precise units of energy to enforce programs.
STCX = We have miraculous powers of healing and weather.
STCY = This book has been fully complete for ages now.
STCZ = Getting happy faces from customers and people pleased.
MTLK: Metal(x)

The Metal(x) function means that we wish to use imaginary or real
metal chunks to perform useful tasks. Here are a list of all Metal

MCA= TransReverie(Panacea(absolve(paragon(Cells(radio(x))))))
MCB= ninja(talent(mind(waves(absolve(orbit(radio(x)))))))
MCC= steady(utilize(entire(book(advance(science(radio(x)))))))
MCD= Hack(TransReverie(exploit(pierce(reality(radio(x))))))
MCE= brain(pierce(nest(reality(mesh(limit(time(radio(x))))))))
MCF= Shawn(TransReverie(warp(brain(waves(anatomy(radio(x)))))))
MCG= advance(ahead(all(science(resolve(next(step(radio(x))))))))
MCH= solve(stop(limit(dream(super(power(answer(radio(x))))))))
MCI= super(speed(evolve(all(science(data(ideal(radio(x))))))))
MCJ= super(evolve(ninja(self(ahead(limit(science(radio(x))))))))
MCK= after(answer(all(science(pierce(rock(recoup(radio(x))))))))
MCL= ahead(stupid(sick(human(limit(endure(crap(radio(x))))))))
MCM= recoup(time(chart(mind(waves(logic(retort(radio(x))))))))
MCN= answer(time(ahead(logic(waves(dream(chaos(radio(x))))))))
MCO= backing(answer(keys(ahead(all(waves(science(radio(x))))))))
MCP= corrupt(mind(waves(recoup(ahead(brain(time(radio(x))))))))
MCQ= imagine(super(strong(formula(warp(dream(radio(x)))))))
MCR= after(all(imagine(warp(brain(ahead(mind(radio(x))))))))
MCS= after(limit(dream(ahead(entire(brain(recoup(radio(x))))))))
MCT= brain(warp(reality(cash(tunnel(recoup(amaze(radio(x))))))))
MCU= super(power(dream(warp(brain(juices(teeth(radio(x))))))))
MCV= accord(time(brain(waves(retort(mind(error(radio(x))))))))
MCW= accord(super(actual(science(methods(invent(radio(x)))))))
MCX= belly(recoup(brain(heart(heal(anatomy(wound(radio(x))))))))
MCY= after(super(ahead(ideal(infinite(formula(radio(x)))))))
MCZ= after(warp(infinite(strive(ahead(tunnel(radio(x)))))))
#vent super(power(energy(error(waves(rock(x))))))

EFSC: SuperIota(x)

Our ego can control and attain spiritual changes and phases of
living and endurance using very diverse effects from a variety
of faithful services:

01. Tiny super atomic excited, active, and ready for action iotas.
02. Smaller than electron growing in size accord harmony iotas.
03. Atomic excited jelly active radiant ready for action iotas.
04. Huge heavy atomic tiny capable for strength globule iotas.
05. Small collector of vitality and expressive of vigor iotas.
06. Atomic storage of precise energy superior potent iotas.
07. Universe outer cosmos smart juicy energy usable iotas.
08. Huge psychic capable sphere energy source orbiting iotas.
09. Dreams sphere of stamina and motive to persist iotas.
10. Huge empty tanks in genome and astral body for fuel iotas.
11. Atomic smart actual real energy talented needle iotas.
12. Ego self wants boost in energy for power to endure iotas.
13. Intelligent self attains acid plasma atomic sizzle iotas.
14. Obvious try to attain energy with simple forces iotas.
15. Ego warp strive to use ideal atomic smart vitality iotas.
16. Mystery unused needed futuristic dead scientific iotas.
17. Great unknown quality and performance in future iotas.
18. Very well known easy source of above worlds kite iotas.
19. Missing phase as stable, ready, and complete work iotas.
20. Desperate for smooth flowing links from sacred iotas.
21. Harmful weakness in family and friendships bond iotas.
22. Super high infinite very capable super majestic iotas.
23. Amazing when used always available magic dream iotas.
24. Corrupt knowledge of super worthy disconnected iotas.
25. Neglected memory reference of perfect timely iotas.
26. Unprepared mostly ready chaotic planning goal iotas.
27. Desired absent frustrating lack of happiness iotas.
28. Sharp concentrated focus on the final factory iotas.
29. Entire mastered goal with scattered giant project iotas.
30. Chaotic harmful slow for wealth goals worst iotas.
31. Ready and waiting miracle mind reading musical iotas.
32. Weak fully capable mystery metabolism addicts iotas.
33. Strong crippling stupid overwhelming evil enemy iotas.
34. Super alert ready for action stable friendly happy iotas.
35. Molecules with infinite abound outcomes factory iotas.
36. Hacking buried in abyss potent knowledge phrase iotas.
37. Deadly harmful evil thief of forgotten eggs iotas.
38. Sacred holy good gods ego peace power of harmony iotas.
39. The great forgotten or easily able perfect new iotas.
40. Paradise with great riches and eternal spirits iotas.

LOTU: Laws(x)
Here are the laws to the Universe:
A = Nothing will appear using extreme assets that arise.
B = All we know is never enough to become all we are.
C = The truth is never powerful enough to be pure truth.
D = All that we try to reach paradise is unstable in help.
E = We cannot break laws and accord rules in reality.
F = There is a great impossible flaw in being genius.
G = All worlds are not enough to create one perfect world.
H = The burden of life is far greater than we feel.
I = The super power of godsend never stays the same.
J = Peace on earth is collapsed with any tiny pinch.
K = All that we try to be hero will never be the most.
L = As warp as we strive there will never be closure.
M = Reality is a chaotic violence that may not agree.
N = Balance is a complex extreme not as it appears.
O = Precision calculations in reality are reckless.
P = When we quit life good quits ourself without recoup.
Q = Power and assets at perfection will not succeed.
R = Only a genius will realize how small his potential.
S = We quit trying when we feel okay yet collapse more.
T = The big bang shows no mercy to health or integrity.
U = Beings break the rules before they accord together.
V = There is glory of holy that destroys our heart.
W = All the peace is not enough for a common panacea.
X = We cherish our treasure an hope it is enough.
Y = All we are at peak is enough to vibrate limits.
Z = Massive horror and corruption defeats holy good.

Mentality of the Lords of Chaos:
Chaos1. When we know all we are violent and lawful.
Chaos2. Evil is our essence and we despise anything holy.
Chaos3. We are anything we want because we are gods.

PRPH: Prophesy(x)

P1 = After all we amount to our aged self to subsist.
P2 = There is grand hope to fulfill our terrible losses.
P3 = The universe will never claim glory to holy deeds.
P4 = We will forget our hard times in the ahead years.
P5 = All that is to come is from rage of the forbidden.
P6 = Earth will have all peace when man stands to duty.
P7 = The years will fall and only the truth will remain.
P8 = Black page ripped from prophesy from unholy decay.
P9 = All that are facts will show guilt it's true place.
PA = The death of flesh shows there are hidden gods.
PB = Holy dead will become king of their own world.
PC = King of earth will battle all corrupt patterns.
PD = The darkest fears with god are imaginary grief.
PE = Our own dear and true self will overcome falsehood.
PF = The family to the sacred home should obey the pastor.
PG = Full glory to the holy sacred universe will happen.
PH = The few remaining enemies of earth will depart.
PI = Meaning and balance to obvious hurdles are goals.
PAIR: parity(x)

usage: parity(error code)
error code being the number from 0 to 28

Here are the major errors that arise during the process of
developing lifes journey into solemn paradise. To generate
one of these errors use the parity(x) function and replace
x with the error code from 0 to 28.

00. Every error has a solution and there is a perfect earth.
01. Entire self with reality develops formula to make errors.
02. There are lies, insults, and stupidity pointed at yourself.
03. Everyone else is caught in lowly messes while we are cool.
04. The structure of your program has a better future outcome.
05. The powers of your brain are weak compared to maximum.
06. You witness stupidity and evil powers that cause headaches.
07. The ultimate world is finished and ghosts format zero.
08. There are an entire future of miracles for our grand family.
09. We lack the time and forces needed to generate presentations.
10. There are many small errors we accord parity they flip.
11. We have solved all reality errors except the old practices.
12. Deficiency in your great many smart imaginative things.
13. There is a complete lack of sacred holy good closure awe.
14. Errors in completion of lifes final eternal paradise.
15. Unknown error or denial of times evolution in progress.
16. Severe error in freak accident bringing tragedy to anatomy.
17. There are observable lacks in linkage of vital chains.
19. There are not enough good people to utilize the panacea.
20. There is this stage with a known final error so oblige.
21. There are many science experiments that are unfinished.
22. We have an amazing resolve for every computer oversight.
23. We discovered many things we share to a curious world.
24. You are a failure and will never have success in existence.
25. There are suspicious content either stupidity or evil.
26. Cannot compete with the masters because they are powerful.
27. The lord of sacred results will stay here for eternity.
28. There are manifold details we must explain to make right.


The #URGENT command means an absolutely crucial x.
The #ULTRA URGENT command means a very absolutely crucial x.

TYPE can be any one of the following words:

ATOMIC = Atoms, molecules, cells.
NETWORK = Internet, relations, analogy.
ELECT = Vote, ballot, poll.
FATHOM = Explore, explain, probe.
PONDER = Consider, meditate, speculate.
REVOKE = Recall harmful delivery.

The variable x can mean anything you need.

When we use the urgent command it means that we have an
important question and also an answer for it. We must
make sure of every component before, during, and after
the specified figures.

#URGENT PONDER beyond(life(x)) KEY!
#ULTRA URGENT ATOMIC strive(operate(victory(x))) KEY!

When we use the #URGENT command we must include the word KEY!
in capital letters with a explanation point that represents
that we have a significant valid and undisputed answer.

Here are examples of urgent division formulas:
MODE: #mode
There are various programming modes available. To set a mode use
the #mode command. Here is a complete list of all available

#mode real
In real mode your program produces seriously true and accurate
results that are literally real. This means this is not fake.
The program has a very solid and stable backing.

#mode study
In study mode your program tends to clash with any previous
scientific evidence to fully prove a better version.

#mode probe
In probe mode the program is used as a form of questioning to
detect flaws and mend them. This means that any type of error
is found and fixed.

#mode shine
The shine mode means things in your program are very vibrant
beyond the allowed media. This means brighter than all memories
of the brightest star.

#mode alive
The alive mode means your program is aware that itself exists
and it is living. It also means your program has it's own
conscious ego.

#mode secret
The secret mode means the author of the program wishes this
program to be for only his/her self. This means confidential
and encrypted to anyone.
C000: #active
usage: #active x
desc: activate x and keep processing x
desc: x is actively running in foreground
desc: x is continually processing
div: activation/code=activity
C000: #attempt
usage: #attempt x
desc: try your very best to achieve x
desc: do all you can to solve x and hope it is enough
div: best try/important goal=optimal attempt
C000: #aware
usage: #aware x
desc: we are alert and knowing of x
desc: we see a very bright and vibrant x
div: alert/bright=aware
C000: #begin
usage: #begin x
desc: the beginning of a program called x
note: x can be a function name
note: code can be put into a { and } block
note: programs can be very large
The word used as the function is very meaningful as it's english
dictionary definition.
div: beginning/proof=initialize
C000: #define
usage: #define "x" as "y"
desc: create the definition of x as y
desc: set the meaning of x to y
desc: explain that x means y
note: you can create commands and functions with this
div: define/word=meaning
example: #define "emotion" as "happy"
example: #define "demo(x)" as "demonstrate x"
example: #define "#talk x" as "speaking of x"
C000: #end
usage: #end
desc: the ending of a running program
desc: when the current program ends
desc: this program has stopped
div: stop/finish=ending
C000: #keen
usage: #keen x
desc: clever tricks of the mind logic return for x
desc: talented clashing twists on a tip for x
desc: using all your skills to cleverly use x
div: insight/smart=clever
C000: #kill
usage: #kill x
desc: hunt and slay x
desc: seek and destroy x
div: lock/trunk=secure
div: kill/bad=good
C000: #return
usage: #return x
desc: return the value of x from program
desc: the programs final response is x
desc: form summary of entire program for x
div: answer/summary=response
C000: #say
usage: #say x
desc: express a scripting formula
desc: used to say any formula in this language
desc: clarifies that the formula is in this language
note: the variable x can be anything
example: #say focus(birds)
div: initiate/vocals=voice
C000: #state
usage: #state x
desc: the phase of all that is there is x
desc: the glaze upon the entire program is x
desc: the entire programs condition is set to x
div: phase/code=overshadow
C000: #text
usage: #text "phrase"
desc: This is plain text in our formula.
desc: Were using ordinary symbols, words, or information.
div: phrase/dot=text
div: answers/mystery=solutions
C000: #vent
usage: #vent x
desc: send all pressure upon x into a vent
desc: relieve all power of x into a chimney
desc: send toxins in x to exhaust
div: destroy/waste=efficiency
div: seep/toxic=solve
div: resolve/corruption=refine
C000: #vital
usage: #vital x
desc: urgent x to sustain balance
desc: a tremendous need
desc: recoil for help sphere recount and redo
div: save/sphere=thanks
div: absence/need=request
div: help/warp=answer
INDX: Index(x)

abound(x) = There are numerous and plentiful quantities of them.
above(x) = Very up high like a windy day flying a kite.
absorb(x) = Like a sponge to soak up any type of juices.
abyss(x) = A very deep cave or chasm that seems bottomless.
accord(x) = Harmony and smooth flow for steady vibrations.
accord(x) = Smooth harmony, balance, and perfect funnel flow.
ache(x) = A sore spot or a pain in any specific area.
action(x) = Happening involving time, speed, motion, and work.
activate(x) = Allow for a force to enter a vibrant phase.
actual(x) = The apparent laws that specify a conditions truth.
actual(x) = The genuine ideal and accurate sketch for what are.
adapt(x) = To grow change to get accustom with environment.
addict(x) = Someone who cannot count on just themselves for dope.
aerial(x) = Actual full vantage point for perceptions.
after(x) = Knowing surely what is next and the final acts.
after(x) = When all is finished this is the point ahead of final.
aftermath(x) = Final formulas ahead of traveling the cosmos.
again(x) = To repeat the same process as a successful result.
agenda(x) = A chunk of code to perform any real task.
ahead(x) = To be winning in a multiple contestant race.
ahead(x) = Very slick quick at winning this vital race to goal.
alert(x) = To activate all senses with high pitched tones.
all(x) = The entire collections and every cluster of subject.
always(x) = To remain forever in eternity as stable.
amaze(x) = To astonish and astound with dazzle stunts and feats.
amends(x) = To return into history and apologize and make right.
amount(x) = Precise measurement of quantity of a set of items.
analyze(x) = To fully examine and compute all permutations.
anatomy(x) = To dissect any specimen for a mystical reason.
angel(x) = An entity drawn from life with majestic wings.
answer(x) = The most final solution expressed as output.
any(x) = This is a variable to be replaced with whatever word.
anyone(x) = Including everyone as we select someone.
army(x) = A group of soldiers for the chore to create peace.
around(x) = To completely circle and encompass entire target.
arrange(x) = Attempt sorting for perfect future outcome.
arrive(x) = To finally come to the destination point.
arrive(x) = When something transfers into our holding place.
artwork(x) = Create a sculpture or painting using arts and crafts.
aspects(x) = Perspectives and angles that form view points.
atomic(x) = Very tiny energized structural orbits called atoms.
attain(x) = To gain this property or item as your own possession.
auto(x) = Work without the need for labor for easy tough tasks.
averse(x) = Honest clash with false common tradition.
avert(x) = To avoid and recoup away from deflected culprit.
await(x) = What is certain to happen through any obstacle.
award(x) = A very high record and achievement earning prize.
baby(x) = An infant or small child equipped with natural ability.
basis(x) = The solid ground main purpose function for subject.
become(x) = To change from one form to another existence.
belief(x) = Super enforce entirety of truth to pure faith.
believer(x) = Strong faith and doubtless wings from paradise.
best(x) = The final great optimal ideal wonderful paragon model.
beyond(x) = Ahead of the current known into the new yonder.
beyond(x) = Using every resource and talent to oversee result.
binary(x) = Bytes of 7 bits containing only zeros and ones.
blank(x) = An empty container that can be filled with media.
bliss(x) = Feeling very good and high above prior phases.
bomb(x) = Anything that explodes a spot to create a boom.
boom(x) = Sudden explosive burst of energy with shrapnel.
brain(x) = An organ within the head containing synapses.
brain(x) = Center station for main primary basis of self unity.
breaths(x) = Vital intake of air to revitalize and restore.
camper(x) = Someone with supplies to survive in the situation.
cancer(x) = Unstable freak division of living cells.
carcass(x) = A dead piece of anatomy to study and examine.
cartoon(x) = Animated colorful video narrated flicks.
cash(x) = Pieces of valuable exchange that can purchase goods.
chains(x) = Great steel locks that hold you down inside prison.
chaos(x) = Disorder and madness of forces within reality.
chess(x) = Permutate pitiful moves on limited platform.
circuit(x) = Complex network of electronic schematic chunks.
clash(x) = To oppose with a general or typical standard.
client(x) = Device used to connect to another device.
close(x) = Shut and lock the portal into another dimension.
color(x) = How information we see appears within light.
commit(x) = Devote plenty and enough time to learn this subject.
compel(x) = To persuade a candidate with treats and promotion.
complex(x) = Having many branches and a large summary for product.
compress(x) = Squeeze substances into concentrate.
confide(x) = Someone or thing you trust and relate with.
confirm(x) = To finally verify as accurate and true.
connect(x) = Link to another device or union between systems.
contest(x) = To compete for the best the final result.
control(x) = Able to program and manipulate flow and outcomes.
core(x) = A very valuable treasure that you cherish.
core(x) = Object we crave of very great and true dear desire.
corrupt(x) = Decay in the accord of pattern or structure.
cosmic(x) = Incredible mystical forces of heavenly universe.
counter(x) = A resident timer that something attaches to.
cozy(x) = To feel comfortable and snug within a place.
craft(x) = Skills in ancient art, music, and science.
crap(x) = Encounter tricky unwanted garbage in the ahead path.
crazy(x) = Obsession with an object or overly wacky in head.
create(x) = To forge the existence of something.
creative(x) = Selective and fertile with palette for creation.
credit(x) = To gain score worth back from a title or work.
crunch(x) = Any and all math into potent extract.
cure(x) = Full gain of finished security and success for harm.
cure(x) = To instill real mineral of belief in reason process.
current(x) = The stage that is at this moment right now.
data(x) = Collections of information and knowledge.
deal(x) = Accept fair payment for an upright product.
death(x) = The total termination to expire cells.
defeat(x) = Cease the enemy permanently and rebuild stratum.
defect(x) = Error in recovery from damaged units of usage.
density(x) = The solidity of the structure to a substance.
depict(x) = Entire accurate schematic for construction.
disgust(x) = Repulsive notion or tonic to displease.
dispute(x) = Resist proof for farther answer basis.
dissect(x) = To fully examine internals of a subject.
done(x) = After beyond the final peak of a totally finished world.
dope(x) = A substance that alters your behavior or mood.
doubt(x) = Not having all the pieces to form a belief.
download(x) = Using the mind to receive data from anything.
drink(x) = Jug or bottle containing dream liquid into real.
dust(x) = The greatest pretend dust you can dream into real.
duty(x) = Doing your job to aid society.
earn(x) = Create self worth credit to deserve prize.
earth(x) = The third planet in the solar system home to life.
ego(x) = Selfs center of the brains intricate main control center.
ego(x) = The very center essence of the entity of self.
endure(x) = Ability to flow with a changing flux of living.
enemy(x) = Someone who interferes with our paradise.
energy(x) = A voltage sum capable to perform a task.
enhance(x) = To improve an item better than it already is.
entire(x) = The full collection of all related pieces.
equal(x) = To harmonize and create balance as an answer.
error(x) = An irritation with a label and type in steady flow.
error(x) = This entire flow of complete agenda has a flaw.
evil(x) = Punishable criminal robbery of someones award.
evolve(x) = Growing slowly with improvement to get better.
exist(x) = Something that is actually anywhere or somewhere.
explain(x) = To format a paragraph or phrases to describe.
explore(x) = Using sensory equipment to discover what is there.
express(x) = Our selfs sensory output.
facts(x) = Proven truth that explains the technique for an item.
family(x) = Ancestry, household, parents, and children.
feature(x) = A quality and benefit as a usable function.
filter(x) = To forbid and ban all insults, complaints, and harm.
final(x) = A very finished most recent edition of product.
firm(x) = A solid and stable linkage of a structure.
fluke(x) = Strange discovery in science that changes life.
flush(x) = To vent and purge any excess or unwanted material.
foam(x) = Very soft and pliant marshmallow or foam.
focus(x) = Precision clear sharp crisp aim on subject.
forces(x) = Ultimate godsend retort using warp all ability.
forget(x) = Powerless to recall desired history info.
formula(x) = Technical recipe for making product.
from(x) = The source of the topic belongs to.
fuel(x) = Something that can be burned to create energy.
fun(x) = To have pleasant and happy laughter and joy.
function(x) = Name of any chore or ability used as a feature.
future(x) = After ahead of the time right now.
germs(x) = Single cell life that are microbes or embryos.
ghost(x) = A living beings eternal spiritual entity.
glow(x) = Emits and radiates with resonant energy waves.
godsend(x) = Sending great powerful gifts beyond the impossible.
going(x) = Mental of physical process effort reaching further.
good(x) = Virtuous worthy excellent source of valid feat.
grief(x) = Ignorance of a memory or calculation to judge.
guess(x) = Super ideal focus point into any sensory answer.
Hack(x) = Every intense clever remark and console for access.
hair(x) = An animals growth of whiskers and goatee.
harm(x) = Full peak unity all of bad or wrong within theme.
harm(x) = Lack of needed elixir to cure an irritant.
heart(x) = Super kernel forces around all obstacles as world.
help(x) = Assisting someone or yourself for important issues.
help(x) = To assist a being in the stagnant paradise.
here(x) = Where we are in this place at this spot.
hero(x) = Someone who goes far to help living beings.
hex(x) = Base 16 number system from 0 to F.
hidden(x) = Obscure subject buried in confusion.
home(x) = Comfortable living place to remain continually.
honey(x) = A wonderful rewarding fruit of beyond love.
human(x) = Intelligent 10-fingered animal similar to a monkey.
ideal(x) = The very best fully improved and optimal.
ideas(x) = Concepts that spark action to finalize next steps.
identity(x) = All pertinent information about a name.
ignore(x) = To elude and pretend subject is absent.
imagine(x) = Brains entire ability and capability create anything.
imagine(x) = Infinite and boundless dreaming of full worlds.
impossible(x) = A very strong limit that cannot be punctured.
impulse(x) = Throbs of electric signals flowing through wires.
infiltrate(x) = Attack opposition deep into center target.
infinite(x) = Counting after endless amounts.
inflict(x) = To persecute a subject based on standards.
info(x) = Plentiful collection of relevant information.
initial(x) = The first cause for action for an effect.
insight(x) = Ability to predict the future in a very keen way.
insight(x) = To predict ahead using clever intuition.
intellect(x) = Invention of own new unique features of brains.
into(x) = Injection of force inside a wall into the kernel.
invalid(x) = Not meeting the standard of approval by accuracy.
invent(x) = To bring a new item and invention to the world.
ip(x) = Infinite protocol to grasp identity data in/out flow.
itself(x) = I am your program and this is myself.
jelly(x) = Increase the potency of your entire self to absorb.
jester(x) = Spirit clown conjuring from bottomless pit.
juggle(x) = Nucleus with control of orbiting balls.
juices(x) = From diluted to potent forms of liquid.
keyboard(x) = Bunch of buttons with symbols to control device.
knock(x) = Banging hard to achieve an opening of door.
know(x) = To understand an item from it's origin to completion.
laws(x) = The rules of stability that govern limitations.
learn(x) = To retain the rules and steps required for topic.
legible(x) = Accepted to be clearly readable and negotiable.
life(x) = Atoms that form molecules and cells of living beings.
limit(x) = Rules that define limits to amazement of a feat.
lingo(x) = Symbols and calculations used to communicate.
logic(x) = Smart webs of mathematical segments and offsets.
lonely(x) = Without a companion or a friend; nobody to be with.
look(x) = To take a nice scenic vantage point to observe.
lord(x) = Ninja master of a great subject or theme.
love(x) = Mutual bond that holds two conscious beings together.
luck(x) = Fortunate peaks in the pattern of random parity.
lungs(x) = Organs within the chest responsible for breathing.
map(x) = Complete instructions to reach or attain a prize.
market(x) = Available to purchase at the store.
master(x) = To have a good feel and know how of craft.
master(x) = Very and farthest ahead full expertise at this craft.
math(x) = Calculations and functions of flowing sines.
meaning(x) = Deep into worthy basis for important existence.
measure(x) = To gauge and estimate readouts of a flow.
memory(x) = Interesting things within history we can remember.
memory(x) = The ability to go back in time and get data.
mesh(x) = The fibers and micro structures of a capacity.
methods(x) = A series of steps and techniques used for purpose.
mind(x) = Brains boundless core logic processor computer system.
mind(x) = The center communication and process core of self.
mineral(x) = Valuable nutrient bullion.
miracle(x) = A very substantial aid to achieve potent outcome.
monster(x) = Unholy mutant creature that can erupt as scary.
mood(x) = Celestial emotions tied with facial expressions.
motor(x) = Engine used to perform work or to spin wheels.
music(x) = Enchanted songs of divine lyrics that produce sounds.
mystery(x) = Concealed knowledge.
name(x) = The true name of an actual existing entity.
need(x) = Requirements to endure and prosper with harmony.
network(x) = Numerous computing devices connected together.
next(x) = Take another step in order; the following stage.
only(x) = Very single alone one.
oops(x) = Recoup from bad mistake, to undo an error.
open(x) = Unlock and ajar the portal into another dimension.
operate(x) = Perform intricate surgical tasks involving precision.
oppress(x) = To burden innocence with senseless violence.
option(x) = Agree to one selection amongst all choices.
orbits(x) = A revolutionary cycle and pattern that revolves.
orgasm(x) = The intense bonding pleasure that ignites rapture.
outdated(x) = Without an update to latest better version.
overlook(x) = Zillions of links we miss the one that is untied.
panic(x) = An emergency alert or very loud beep.
paradise(x) = The final heaven or place we always want to be at.
party(x) = Happy fun time with everyone and cheer.
pattern(x) = A flowing symmetrical opposites flowering buds.
people(x) = Those in a tribe with a self and anatomy.
permanent(x) = Will always remain stuck at this state.
phase(x) = State of variable status and condition.
phrase(x) = Group of graphic words to describe a item.
pillow(x) = Soft headrest for while we are while asleep.
pitch(x) = Thick theory syrup or pine pitch like sap.
point(x) = Concentrated on one spot; the most potent area.
portal(x) = A very elaborate door or entrance to another world.
possess(x) = To hold as your own and to have as yours.
potent(x) = Very concentrated extracts of most intense stuff.
power(x) = Contents are a large collection of energy.
precise(x) = Very potent attention to a fine detail.
pretend(x) = To create anything as a weak form of real.
process(x) = Number and symbol system logic command resolves.
process(x) = Zillions of tiny calculations running throughout.
program(x) = Languages source code clusters to perform tasks.
progress(x) = The advancement of technology toward destination.
project(x) = To attain a huge collection of maps and charts.
prove(x) = To mutually verify the validity of a fact or law.
proven(x) = An item already shown to work okay in action.
pump(x) = Pressure that supplies action to continue flow.
pure(x) = Element containing only one ingredient.
random(x) = Casual haphazard numbers created by chance.
reach(x) = To go beyond and gain a tight clutch; grasp.
real(x) = The item actually exists somewhere or anywhere.
reality(x) = The entire universe and everything anywhere.
reason(x) = A phrase that describes the cause for action.
reason(x) = Thoughts web for full potential to perform a phrase.
rebound(x) = Go back for smooth recovery and return.
recess(x) = A time and place to play, exercise, and vent.
recite(x) = To be ready for a speech and speak fluently.
reckon(x) = Crunch, calculate, and compute.
recoil(x) = Turn back to previous info in the series.
recoup(x) = To fall down then quickly get back up alright.
regain(x) = To lose grip and recover with expert strategy.
rejoice(x) = To feel wonderful and celebrate surprising victory.
relief(x) = To remove the burden that has been haunting you.
rely(x) = Requirement to attain a material need.
resonant(x) = Frequency waves that are bouncing around and about.
resonant(x) = Vibrant frequency waves that pulsate.
respect(x) = To honor and regard a sacred entity or fruit.
retain(x) = Gain huge need and have it filled with soup.
retort(x) = Failure drawing a blank with timely comeback.
retort(x) = Peak need for a utmost comeback answer victory.
retract(x) = Release clamp and withdraw.
reverse(x) = Invert polarity; flip around; swap directions.
robot(x) = An electronic circuit with case that performs chores.
rocket(x) = A super fast powerful reader of universe contents.
root(x) = Prompt that allows for full access to everything.
root(x) = Supreme peak access allowance to attain any arena.
royal(x) = Having a king or queens reputable status.
scale(x) = Counting numbers explained in perfectly even steps.
science(x) = To explain and know recipes to win in a subject.
secure(x) = Stable safe living and surroundings during activity.
seed(x) = The initial embryo for birth to many more generations.
self(x) = The ego and brain and all it's thoughts and perceptions.
senses(x) = Potent antennas and tips used to navigate and explore.
senses(x) = Principle input and output feelers to perceive worlds.
serious(x) = Any malady or defective state we pretend is okay.
server(x) = Device used to wait and accept connections.
settle(x) = To find a home and make a yard and nestle down.
ship(x) = A shuttle or craft used to travel between shores.
ship(x) = Entire unity of self and all resources into one vessel.
shrewd(x) = Quick, clever, wise comebacks and performance.
sick(x) = Something wrong with complaints or strengths.
signal(x) = Diverse types of frequency waves and tones.
sketch(x) = Plotting diagram and complete model illustration.
skills(x) = Knowing and practiced talents and abilities.
skills(x) = Mastery of subjects or sports to guru final status.
sleep(x) = Rest of beyond our mind and soul; repose our self.
smart(x) = Ability to accurately weigh right and error data.
smart(x) = Using all our resources and cunning always.
smash(x) = To knock out a barrier and break blocks.
smooth(x) = Slick flowing for entire continuous duration.
society(x) = Includes all people in the world and their tradition.
society(x) = The entire peak structure of all galactic life.
solve(x) = Next idea step shift phase exact tell over limit okay.
solve(x) = To find the next occurrence of a patterns answer.
sorry(x) = Whole heartily apologize to those you have wronged.
souls(x) = Strongest essence and oldest being of self real power.
souls(x) = The greatest and strongest blood of our self.
space(x) = Volume or storage capacity of a sphere or shape.
spirit(x) = Mystical powerful life with fluent energy flames.
spirits(x) = Ancient blood that flows through us; our self.
spoil(x) = Summary and collection of all harm in the universe.
squid(x) = Very creative and colorful; fertile usage of palette.
station(x) = Adjust channel frequency for presentation.
steady(x) = Uniform consistent flow; rock solid approach.
stop(x) = To completely reverse and halt a task.
storage(x) = Buried in history; burning in our memories.
stream(x) = Steady and continuous branching flow of substance.
strive(x) = To attempt your very best; to try your hardest.
stupid(x) = Invalid move at wrong time; not knowing outcome.
suffer(x) = Being without a need; feeling bad from damage.
summary(x) = Everything in a theme; the complete synopsis.
sunshine(x) = Great needed source of light, heat, and energy.
super(x) = A very strong and powerful force; valiant vigor.
supreme(x) = A very ideal influential win in great subject.
sure(x) = Absolutely certain for a fact and knowing it definitely.
sure(x) = Knowing absolutely final only fact is the answer.
surely(x) = Certain and sure of precision accuracy.
symbols(x) = Character codes that hold meaning and purpose.
syrup(x) = Thick rich liquid with various minerals and uses.
talent(x) = An expert ability and skill; we know how to do it.
teach(x) = To implant knowledge in a students head.
teeth(x) = Bones in our mouth for chewing dripping with vitality.
thoughts(x) = Our thinking; voices in our head; radio.
thoughts(x) = Strong words central self immense theory planning.
time(x) = Quantity of mass between two points; change.
toupee(x) = To try very hard for accord full head of hair.
trance(x) = To unknowingly always be always of task.
trees(x) = Any structure with branches in all directions.
trick(x) = A gift of special talents that win ahead of laws.
trojan(x) = Secret program to perform hidden operations.
trust(x) = To respect and believe the guardian of offering.
tubes(x) = Thick complex mesh of orderly wires and pipes.
type(x) = Analog, digital, or basic class or genre category.
undo(x) = to revoke prior transport and reverse history.
unity(x) = Joining of all parts together into one whole.
unlock(x) = To use your key to unlock a door to another place.
unstable(x) = Having many errors and a corrupt pattern.
update(x) = Renew all versions to the latest.
upload(x) = Using the mind to send data to anything.
useful(x) = Does helpful things; has a reason for usage.
utilize(x) = To exploit, harness, and employ.
valid(x) = Has been verified as fitting and accurate truth.
vibrant(x) = Pulsing robust frequency signals with bright waves.
victory(x) = To attain an exploit of monumental proportions.
video(x) = Animated visual portrait to beat tough maze.
vigor(x) = The level of variable strength for this subject.
visual(x) = Ability to explore a subject using vision senses.
vortex(x) = All liquid within the universe; swirling fluid.
war(x) = Used to smash down enemy sites and stop outcrop.
warp(x) = To bend the rules and twist the governing laws.
waves(x) = Vibrant frequency fluttering and ripples.
weather(x) = Above our brains climate and surroundings.
weigh(x) = Accurately perform measurements solely within our head.
within(x) = Inject into the internal insides of subject.
words(x) = Groups of fertile symbols that define items.
work(x) = Any action done using burning fuel.
works(x) = Is fully capable of achieving expected result.
worlds(x) = Sizeable full bodied spheres within space.
worm(x) = Program that replicates itself across networks.
worry(x) = Something wrong nestled within our self.
worthy(x) = Proud and fully capable of functioning in peace.
wound(x) = An area of the spirit or body that needs help.
years(x) = The progress from a long amount of years.
youth(x) = Unity of self with reality providing right juices.
zombie(x) = Feeling decay and morbid in wounded anatomy.

Here are some new function words added to this dictionary:

Assets, personality, randomness, accord in pattern, clear future
knowns, and balancing chemical equations.

Brains extension of a fiber or nerve that branches into many
tree-shaped endings and pulses impulses.

Having a fear that may arrive with no or a weak solution that can
govern the circumstance.

Our study can race ahead of our memory, and leave our knowledge
in a race to arrive at the finish point.

There is an unused, asleep chunk of anatomy that can only be
activated by thoughts. There is an available part of our body
that lies repressed from our practice.

After completely proving you have power for assets that create a
fully capable condition.

You have proven the final result of an entire plan will work
perfect for the task.

This is when we learn a fact and can fully remember only
small pieces of the data. We have got to commit data to
memory yet are without the reference; until we master it.

Alpha(x) = Assets from dreams into fertile explanation.
Bravo(x) = Describe an item with spiritual resources backing.
Charlie(x) = Scientific facts drawn from creative intuition.
Delta(x) = Amazing feelings from a description with juice.
Echo(x) = Enhance and blaze thesaurus full of words.
Foxtrot(x) = Wacky mystery that grows with times solutions.
Golf(x) = Wacky usable definition of an invented word.
Hotel(x) = Available resources interlaced perfectly into code.
India(x) = Beyond current ideal entire knowledge of topic.
Juliet(x) = Aftermath of an insane successful laboratory.
Kilo(x) = Amazing links that blend and return feedback.
Lima(x) = Answers from beyond time and the far future.
Mike(x) = Symmetrical pattern that solves growing mystery.
November(x) = Description that causes a chemical reaction.
Oscar(x) = Depend on an inferior morbid structure of anatomy.
Papa(x) = Lengthy surgery operation for super enhancements.
Quebec(x) = Complete understood and known summary of all.
Romeo(x) = Surgery to alter and improve weak parts of anatomy.
Sierra(x) = Gazing into the world with curiosity and wonder.
Tango(x) = Super fast response during a needed cure.
Uniform(x) = Complex atomic structure of a perfect vitamin.
Victor(x) = Advanced aim to control internal forces of anatomy.
Whiskey(x) = Wacky improvement that balances with a loss.
X-ray(x) = Todays most major important lacks and issues.
Yankee(x) = Inject complex atomic iotas recoup with cure.
Zulu(x) = Explorer of the eyes apparent arena of sight.

Here are the systems of the human body that subconsciously
operate; as we need to know how to consciously activate
them. Our understanding of our body can guide our thinking
and imagination into the precise feelings and sensations
to produce. Without knowledge that a system exists gives
our conscious impact on them as null. While I was digging
through my anatomy books during a power outage on a windy
day I saw more then ever in it's context and ability.
Without my anatomy book I think this is our heart and blood
I find gorey so there better be some dream juices flowing.
In my book I see the heart and blood transport a lot of
atomic chunks, chemicals, gases, and hormones. It has our
immunity in it. I think I have some fruity juices in it.
Without my book I think fasting without food has it's purpose
and a little food might help some mystery nutrition. In my book
I see this has our mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, all
the stuff we feel when we squeeze and push our food out.
Without my book I would have no clue what this system is;
was a pile of unused amazements. In my book I see this has
our metabolism, growth, reproduction, and much more. Has
our glands, such as pituitary, that produce hormones. Bet
you my life it's the fountain of youth if we try.
At first I had no idea what this system was or did. In my book
I see this is our skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands. This
is scary, I guess it depends on what kind of light is
shining on us; and how well we use it the best way.
No ideas. When I found it in my book amazing; hope we get
power so I can explore this miracle discovery. In my book I see
it purifies us, fights disease, maintains tissue fluid balance,
and absorbs fats from the digestive tracts. It has our lymph
vessels, lymph nodes, and lymph organs. Wow! This system provides
our immunity by recognizing forign organisms and particles.
Leucocytes and macrophages are created in our lymph nodes and
There must be more to this; how strong was Super Man and the
Hulk. In my book I see not much, guess how strong we are
depends on how sleepy or prepared we are for the weights.
This has a history of being my favorite system, I know plenty
about it. In my book I see this is where our ego, thoughts,
mind, and much more controls ourself and our ecology.
I don't like the way schools teach this; sperm egg mitosis. How
do we give birth to anything in our dreams. In my book I see
junk, perhaps you can be the first scientist to discover more.
After all the tobacco I wonder how many vitamins and nutrients
are in the air; I could never see the godsend for this. In my book
I see this exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood
and air and regulates blood Ph. It's our lungs and all it's
respiratory passages. 3...2...1...breath deep.
I know some very nice new special things for this system. In my
book I see this is our bones, cartilage, and joints. We can use
our own brains mystical juices in them.
Between a vortex and a swimming pool what kinds of liquids
are the miracle juices? In my book I see this has our kidneys,
and urinary bladder. Please, another pot of coffee.

The brain can control the mind impulses through the nervous
system; also control all other systems. This means that our
thinking can manage and edit huge ranges of situations
relating to the body. We can alter the functions and abilities
of what organ or body part we wish to enhance, destroy, or
replace with another thing. Once we have an atomic know how
to swim the vessels and arteries; we can run the buttons and
networks throughout the insides of our complex nervous system.
When this happens we delve into the mystery of transformation
and surgical practices. We can use our thinking to bleed major
growths greater then we possess; the celestial being.


0) The name of your pill? Be creative and invent a few self-
explanatory descriptive names for your pretend pill.
1) The description of your pill? Note that this description is
the explanation; this means we are forging the pill into existence
by specifying and initiating our obscure and mental activities
that make our capsule successful.
2) What is the active agent the pill invokes? Note that thoughts
can invoke a huge variety of agents; this can have drastic
physical and psychological instances.
3) How does the pill effect our cells? Note that laughter, crying,
love, any emotion or phase of being effects our body chemistry;
here we will inject a recipe for effectiveness of what we can
cause to control our living cells.
4) What amazing things does the pill make? Now we will instill
concepts that lead to awe and wonder for results that really
happen when we take this imaginary pill.
5) What are alternatives to using this pill? These are the
options available if this pill never existed to achieve the
same result.
6) How nice are the results of trial? This is how good the
pill functions for it's prescribed task; based on testing on
yourself and feedback from patients.
7) Processes needed to activate pill? Here we will weave all
the details of what to think, feel, visualize, and forge our
elections of calculations, memory, and resource conduct.
8) What are some important things to know? Here we will fill
in the blanks of how to act, what to conceive, side-effects,
warnings, important features, and conditions.
9) What is the final goal to achieve? This is the ideal
pictorial of what we want to happen; and a vivid psychedelic
graphic of what happens on this medication.

Cannot prove you possess worthy backing for a cure to the
diagnosis to an incurable illness.

Cannot prove you have accounted for every living cell in
your anatomy and have safeguards to cytoplasm illnesses.

Cannot accord your entire life into perfect harmony or
paradise because you have low substantial backing.

You create complaints with no working solution for them
because you have a problem that must be corrected.

You are caught in erroneous situations due to lack of
communication and expression of veritable goals.

You deny responsiblity for saying ungodly things and
blame your circumstance using phonic irritants.


First we will activate our imagination and use our dreams of
a keyboard to activate pretend buttons controlled by our
nerve impulses. We will send nerve signals to various spots
in our anatomy to manipulate features. We will send signals
from our thinking to press buttons in our target body spot.
The nervous system has a large supply of electrical and
chemical energy to influence other systems. This system can
be used to induce contraceptives and estrogen.

Note that all keyboards can be sent both electrical and
chemical signals from our brains thinking. Knowing enough
anatomy and biology we have a map to where to press.

Our Nervous, Cardiovascular, Muscular, Lymphatic, Skeletal
and many other systems can create a super spleen. We depend
on our spleen to detect and solve errors during our most
difficult stunts and feats. The more juices we use our
systems to pump into our spleen, the more it recovers. Once
we can isolate and detect problems in our arts and crafts,
the more the spleen can practice the next more tough
challenges. Once we link all systems into our spleen then
mastery of every art and craft comes perfectly. We must
program our spleen organ to automatically practice our
skills and abilities, and give our spirit and soul it's
greatest super-hero talents

When we dream of a space ship it takes us to explore a world.
We may solve it's problems, subsist, and return back to earth.
This means that there is a way in, through, and out of these
particular worlds. Once we perfect our imaginary space ship
to utilize all our resources to travel into and around worlds
we create a trail or path for our fellow travelers. The main
objective is to have nice complete worlds that reach their
full potential. This is to also create a super space-highway
for abound people to visit planets. It is also to attain a
greater understanding of the ecology within the planets.

There are an infinite amount of energized perspectives that
can tune our abilities like a radio. When we fire up our
angles and atomic nervous system sizzling and crackling we
can awaken the super hero within ourself. First comes the
final degree of black belt where we subsist and the essence
of ourself becomes powerful and an all energy tempest. We
will awaken the sleeping super forces within beyond our
entire self and before existence into actuality. The super
powerful forces will arrive, and so will our best talents,
and as we struggle, we will find the keys and treasures. When
we lift heavy, evasive, tricky, or battered orbits we can
conquer the great science of orbital juggling spheres.

Twisting your DNA into your face and pretending with great
energy to juggle giant orbits and explode like a squid. The
key to the universe is to hold it in the palms of your hand
and treasure it as your own. There are many substances that
orbit among us we gather to learn the keys that reality
has delt in it's wind hands. Once we are greater than the
entire collection of forces around us we will never be taken
under and point electricity from our finger tips. Once we
know, learn, master, and cherish the entire commotion that
surrounds our self; we can warp it our way. The ordeal is
to know every phrase, do all calculations, and be expert of
any subject. We are the gods of phrases, math, and we can
realize the powers and units that blow quacky bubbles.

Lighters into tomorrow orbital spheres into destiny for
granted ultra parity. The path into ahead of anyone and
through around all into abyss of super stars. The matrix
godsend worthy man and woman for greatness and philosophy
that insanity shall exploit limits to the storms. There
shall be no weak storm, our brain is the infinite
lightning, our body is the essence of snow and blizzards,
and we feel victory. The lords of beyond ahead of us
all have no revive or ahead of the pack; as only the
respect to the ancients security prevails. The tickles
of triumph and glory for kingdom that we possess as ours
shall only raise higher, and bring more people in to
their paradise.

We can think, imagine, pretend, mind, complex structures
of our heart. Our thoughts can create our chemistry, and
our dreams can enforce them. Our mind can operate on our
soul and our entire self can go beyond our egos logic and
create a mystical divine pill. Yes, you have it folks,
a dream, not a typical one, it is cast in shrouds of the
seasons, and has dream spice, yes, the power pills. When
we master all the features of our self, we can include
exploits we need, victory we cherish, warm sunny days we
remember, into our pills. You are human, you have DNA
and cells, the rest is a mystery, lets solve the entire
mystery and master the universe and create the pills.

An animals body is derived from atoms that expel into life and
cells on what is called a "General Default Framework" or "GDF".
This means that the most "Amazing Divine Self" or "ADS" is
pure resonant angelic energy and in paradise; this brings
upon less divine, more rigid components called living cells.
The cells GDF is this, the novice ADS was born as a fetus
and began its cell division into atomic DNA, amino acids,
proteins, lipids, and many other electrical and chemical
compositions. The many conscious processes such as thinking
and emotions in the ADS have been given complete authority
to control their cells; every element of an animals anatomy
is in full control of their GDF. The amino acids and proteins
and all biology in a living entity are "Commute Socket Outlets"
or "CSO". The CSO means that all structures of living cells
are from a novice ADS that creates a GDF that consists of
a user programmable, can be upgraded, are interchangeable,
and we can adapt them into anything we wish. They plug into
the DNA, amino acids, Ribosomes, or any other default socket;
when they comply to the cerebrum.

The EDF is the "Edifice Default Framework" used when we
contemplate anything real and overlay our dreams upon this
structure; every EDF has a DOL or "Dream Overlay Lamp"
that is when we dream on it's density to produce beyond
atomically simple worth and wonder. The entire universe
as a globe has many EDF's as material objects within an
ICP or "Intergalactic Chaos Playground". The PFD is the
"Portal Flying Device" is any craft capable of carrying
living beings throughout the cosmos. The HWC is the "Harsh
Weather Conditions" that means the obstacles that are
difficult to overcome for a shuttle.
The OME is the "Only Method of Escape" here is the formula:
OME = (ICP >> (EDF || DOL) || HWC) >> PFD

The DAA is the "Difficult Advance Ahead" used when we absorb all
attempts to progress ahead of all we know to create the next step
as a formula. The DRF is the "Dwell and Recoup with Formula" used
when we absorb all knowledge and recoup with processing unknown
data to create super ideal formula. The UIN is the "Ultra Idea
Now" that means we have a concept now for a grand beyond all
knowledge invention put into product.

The IET means "Imagine Eating Treats" used when we imagine every
quality of a food and eat it. First we imagine every detail, the
visual, color, texture, flavor of the treat, then we pretend to
eat it. We want to remember the smell, taste, texture, and flavor
of our best time enjoying the treats.
Here are some treats you can use in your formulas:

Some examples of these dream recipes:
Strong lemon juice concentrate with honey.
Juicy chunks of orange in ice cold heavy cream.
Banana pieces with juicy blueberry cream pastry.
Cherry alcohol in an ice cold sherbet slush.

Brain orbit = The powerful ability for anyone to control their
brains atomic capability over density and reality. I learned this
while juggling, that there are synapses in every one of our cells,
and when we decide and try to activate them, we release their
unlimited potential. We can conquer gravity when we overcome the
obstacle of reality by using our brain to smash limits and take
everything around us into orbit.
Cosmic heart = To imagine we are above the cosmic abyss
to plant tubes into our brain that effect the cardiovascular
system. This means we can attain great juices from the
galactic vortex; we are connected to by a complex network of
pipes and wires. During our division, we use this energy
as precise units. It enters our heart and arteries.
Brain fats = This is when we full our head full of a very
large amount of special information. This can be formulas
to acquire ability, meaning to explain talents, or potent
seminars that teach skills. For example, a mad scientist
wants to quickly fill your head up with all his best, most
smart tricks, tips, and calculations. Once we have finished
the process of a full head, we can grow and create any real
objects using mental projection.
Self onslaught = This is our total power to control the weather
and seasons. When we awaken the darkest, most violent storms of
our inner souls ability, we can summon great clouds of vitality.
The unity of our self can invoke great forces from the abyss;
these can be colossal. When we activate all of our living cells
that contain dendrites for this purpose; we gain super infinite
heroic powers of lightning and blizzards. This can be exploited
to provide both comfort and pleasure.
Full activation = Activate beyond the ideal egos sizzling brain
functions. Activate all our most powerful objects for into beyond
the throne of godsend. Activate all our brains dope receptacles or
pockets to obtain protein. Activate all aspects of our entire
selfs branches that unite as one. Activate all senses of reality
with feelers of instincts to stay alive.
TransImagine = A better, more improved type of imagination, mind,
and brain. We will use our dreams to enhance all our senses, and
upgrade our ability and talents, to fine tune our feelers,
judgment, and attentive solace. Knowing the barriers and limits
of our records and scores, next again is our most amazing feat
of all; to upgrade our entire self through programming.
Recrystallize = Thinking at an atomic scope and phase to recoup
bounds for the ego to attain special minerals at the proper
gelatin rates. Dreaming of amazing things and when they don't
come true recover with an easy to use nutrient that works perfect.
To feel all the barriers and limits overcome our entire self and
anatomy and steal all of our youth; to recover with a atomic
precise playground. To start, operate, and finish a dissection
project and return the ultimate mystical ingredient of victory.
To finalize exactly what imaginary pills you finally want to use;
find what they are for, how to use them, and their purpose.
Missing protein = We attain these vitamins after imagination
injects dream minerals from the cosmic abyss into our brains
central kernel. When our mind creates very potent chemicals and
energy that are specifically balanced. When we have faith in
our dreams that provides a atomic accumulation of material
stamina that can be proven to work. When we control the complex
metabolism of our brain to find the mysterious chemicals that
we need to maintain godliness. We harness our own great factory
that can create this great protein, had we the triumph, glory,
dominion, mastery, prestige, and a worthy mastery. If we were
to succeed in using our mentality to create this powerful
type of vitamin, we would gain incredible powers of control
of what and who we are.
Cage Cell = When you have poop in your head about all the
mysterious tubes and structures in your cell. A cage cell
should do amazing things as you ponder neighboring cells
and what they really contain. You know your cell has tubes
and micro hairs and little things that do this and that,
yet you wonder what they are really for. You never really
liked the cell wall because you could never get a clear
vision of how it connects the genome. You know that there
is a symmetrical link of all cells in the body; yet there
are billions of things you don't understand. The microscope
images are dense and limited, and you feel your dreams
wiggle in your cell.
Caterpillar System = The cosmic abyss sends cosmos signals
and dense tubes into our micro-arteries. The syndrome is
that these invisible wires, tubes, are microscopic, yet
not visible from an ordinary microscope. So we have many
tree-like very small to large circuit system in our animal
anatomy. An example is our body has entire forests that
have electrical conductor wires that we control in a way
that sends inch-worm crawling signals through all cell tubes
in every other anatomical system. So our dreams send our
atomic DNA signals through very small tubes running through
all of our cells. This is a complex input and output stream,
like billions of trains or worms crawling through a check
point traffic light super highway in any animals body.
System soul = Perhaps reality thinks, and the core of the
universe dreams. A great mystery is how the computer called
reality is programmed. I bet there are many thoughts that
the cosmos thinks that create weather, gravity, worlds,
and life. If we can tap into the very heart and essence
of this great machine, we may contain, control, exploit,
and harness ultimate forces to create paradise. Once we
have the advances of who, how, what, where the greatest
objects and personalities are we can tune them. This
can sort a lot of chaos as to the powerful influences
and effects that are delt to the universe and all that
is in it. Here are some function scripts that you can
interpret and explain as the depth increases:

Dream Art = Imagination can use the clays of reality to fabricate
and twist objects into existence. Our creative self winds and
welds all we can dream and more, into arts and crafts. Our talent
can radiate into the essence and blood of life. Everything we
want is there when we focus on the big picture and details. When
we create a dream, it can be enhanced many times; into very
strange, unusual spiders, squids, channels, caverns, and anything.
Our dreams enhance, grow, improve, evolve, gather, unite, and
can be created with just a notebook and crayons.
Science shapes = There are hairy snakes with pinchers and
injection tubes that can be giant or microscopic. There are
blobs with fur and thick spikes that are filled with thick
jelly and they divide to give birth. There are insects with
wings that have long specialized noses and long tubes and legs.
There are billions of dots that have cilia, legs, noses, claws,
and act like viruses. There are worlds that are as weird as can
be imagined, or worlds full of shapes that open the door to any
creation. There are locked explosive perfect crystals, balls
with long stiff arms and hoops, with very long green hairs.
Notebook Blobs = There can be many color images painted to produce
accurate talent maps and charts. When we explain a science
creation it can unleash many features and actual truth of our own
guidance into skills. There are abound, plentiful madness and
accord science maps and charts that can be explained to unleash
and unify obscure talents. Once we realize that every word in the
dictionary can be enhanced, purified, exploited, linked, we can
utilize them in our art. There are a huge variety of shapes,
colors, and creativeness that can be explained and labeled a huge
variety of awesome ways.
Dots ahead = There are many images that are scientific, such as
dots, lines, colors, and texture that can form imaginary
specimens. When we mix our insight, intuition, foresight,
prediction, and format output from the abyss, a huge variety of
new discoveries, inventions, explanations, theories, facts, and
laws can be found. The greatness, vastness, complexity,
intelligence, and ability of these formations and structures
are boundless; there are no limits to the usefulness of these
orbs. The greatest things remain a mystery; as we push our
imagination, creations, media, and talents ahead into new
unexplored abilities and objects.
Common Usage = Once we find the missing pieces to things we can
commonly use; and create things we will inevitably use every day,
we create common usage. The structure of DNA, the maps to our
sight, the means we restore our vitality, and the knowledge of our
capability can be improved, to harmonize our precedent time. We
can learn more about how well we adapt and utilize our present
know-how and times daily actions and activity, once we link the
dots to these shapes of wonder.
Mill Toys = The mystery is what are all the useful dream
objects. We know that the items we dream of work, the question
is, what is the entire list; or at least a full summary. We can
imagine a very large amount of things, what is the full list of
talents? How do we visualize a clear image of all of our
abilities? There is enough scientific evidence to prove we have
used only as small portion of our minds creative factory, how do
we go ahead of all the arts and crafts we know, and create much
better, more useful scopes, sponges, robots, trees, life, balls,
spheres, and orbs? I swear, these dreams can activate better,
more ideal talents, and open doors to greater places. When
we know how to activate and utilize the mysterious stuff from
the abyss, we may gain the superior advantage and endurance.
Super unity device = We have all of our senses that can link and
connect to eachother. We have our insights, intellect, and
abilities that can be connected to the same contraption. We can
link any people or objects. Click in complex programs, reality,
time, math, scales, formulas; the list of ingredients and elements
is huge. Once we connect our self, reality, our worlds, the
universe, and chaos, we create the super unity device.
Important Words = The cells we use have a nucleus we can probe,
speculate format, and churn. There are many mysteries to what
we are, what reality is, and the things in it; we are a scientist
trying to know the fabric of the universe and life. There are
endless, infinite amounts of things, finding the most important,
ahead of all, and linking them all into a ship is the goal.
Again born = Once all the ends are tied we can unite chaos
with harmony, and humans will have ultimate victory. We will
gain powers we once never knew. Our self will unite perfect
with reality and we will know every law and infuse worlds of
grandeur. We must weld and join the farthest edges of our
information to know exactly what is going on. Once we know
the facts and all we are exposed to, we can retort with
ultimate victory. We will never not know a law in science,
we will know the darkest ends of knowledge, and know how
to use our self, and our planet.
Frogs eyes = Once we dissect the spheres and orbs that
cluster within the brain we can overcome barriers. We can
advance and travel ahead of great biology systems forming
summary so precise, pure, complete, potent, and true. We can
outwit the obstacle of how much we know and what are there.
We can solve big things related to biology and outsmart
creation with real truth ink. Beyond humans knowing all of
biology and what is around and all, there is only a haze.
See Spheres = There is the main panel of vision which is
everything we see, it is round. Once we look into our whole
field of view, it is round. Yet we can see spheres, many
spheres, and spike them with our wits. The trick is to use
your entire field of vision, see yourself, all you know, as
out your eyes, and uproot them all into a poke. So use
your mind to poke all the balls you see, including the
entire vision of space and stars, your entire body, all
your blind spots, get a spike stuck into them, endlessly,
until you have genetically spiked every ball.
Our heart = We will become a massive ball of rock and energy;
we will be always awake, alert, and active. Our body will be
invincible, resonant, radiant, and zippy. We will always stay
alive, and any poor conceptions are obsolete. We will possess
unlimited resources available at any time for our selections.
The essence of ourself is god, with great understanding and
scientific knowledge of existence and the universe. We will
evolve at super rapid rates, and continue onward for forever,
making incredible progress. We will become a sphere, an orb.
Mystic DNA = DNA is confusing, I thought that the mind can
control it by linking emotions with faces; what is the real
purpose and structure of it's functioning? My first thought
was that our genes are related to desire to learn, another
idea is we do not use our full cosmic potential, so we are
squeezed into a defect called DNA. Perhaps they are just
enough information to create cells that we power with the
mind. Perhaps DNA links nothing with something, or are polar
opposites that form a bond. I am wondering who the boss
that programs it is. Maybe we are linking our ego with
density, or our dream self with reality, and this links
something, complexity, unity, honesty, and realization.
Addiction = We cannot quit dope because it links all the
wires in our head together into unison. Without a steady
flow of hits we cannot control our life, and there is an
eruption of painful chaos. There becomes a disrupted
chain of times, some with a tremendous craving or need,
some with a completely blank stare. There has been no
substantial cure for hard drug addiction, it is either
with, or a overwhelming craving and seemingly endless
hunt for the fix. Our entire brain responds to the dope
like it is now in control of it's anatomy, and all
functioning is strong and steady. There seems to be
no alternative, and no easy way to stop.
Placebo = When we are taught that the effects of a drug,
we believe them, whether they be false or true. This has
a huge effect on our faith, and internal chemistry. We
hear the oil heater go on on a winter day, and a sudden
burst of intense heat, yet it was a false alarm, the
heater never really went on. We go without a cigar, yet
we have a flash-back, a quick jolt in memory like we
had a cigar, and feel total relief. We may have a long
craving, yet we get busy for something, and feel fine.
There seems to be huge chunks of brain activity, when
one cluster goes on, another goes off. There are false
experts that can teach lies that even the greatest
masters belief, because of the stimulus used in their
teaching. The more facts, evidence, examples, and
media used as backing to the lie, the more natural,
right, and snug the belief.
Awe Tomb = The ideal dope would always be there, be safe, and
a cure into paradise. We would feel full completion of all life,
and all done work, we have finished our plans, for the final
garden, the ultimate world. We possess every moment of time as
our own whim, every enchanted day full of treasure and surprise.
Long, fertile trails through the promised land. Surrounded in
rich forests, full of tropical parrots and waterfalls.
Law Reports = If you are a virtuous, true, honest, holy, divine
miracle worker, and can show for it; and wish to prove the truth,
and state sincerity as the law, fortify the project. If nearly
everyone believes those who have done wrong, those who lead the
people have twisted the truth, and held the world in stupid
captivation; downfall the system. If leaders use outdated
technology, or if government has brainwashed society, have cut
the most holy word; arise an army of angels; fortify the
project. When you have the best cure, that everyone desperately
needs, their miracle; fortify the project.
Youth Tooth = Babies are born innocent and should be set in an
ideal environment for their entire life. They should be given
as close to perfect attention and chambers. They should always
be learning all the arts and crafts, and have all the expert
seminars available. All of their time should be devoted to
luxury, solace, and sacred holy guidance into a pure, generous
and virtuous infant. The baby is born innocent and should never
be exposed to outside badness. Your baby must always have all
their time to themself for their knowledge growth and
Peter Pan = Imagine wings that uphold all laws of gravity to fly
and strong dreams of foot pressure on the ground to level ourself
up into the air and travel our winged body through the sky. Our
potent dreams of pressure can defy gravity and utilizing our full
brain potential to dream through the forces limits can thwart
burden. When we blast pressure from ourself onto the ground and
fully utilize pretend wings; and jump our entire self into orbit,
we can really fly.
Hollow Man = We can become smarter and stronger, we can improve
our metabolism, live longer, heal our wounds, and repair any
defect in our weakness in our anatomy. We can upgrade our thinking
and speaking, miraculously gain better appearance, constantly
evolve into new more radiant self, and endlessly ponder updates
to our entire system. Our self and it's helpers can always add
new features, creative talents, warped aspects, juicy power,
and abound harvest to our anatomy.
Man Sick = There is a sick man sticking his tongue out, being
weird, and pretending to be you. He uses super powers of bones,
blood, and skin to hold us down, and be limited in able anatomy.
This man is holding us hostage, with powerful weakness, and he
imagines that he is you. To undo what he has done we must outwit
the science that created malady with the cure and super
invincible powers ahead of all our forces of self and anatomy.
The AIA = When we retort to ahead of all known intelligence for
more discovery and inventions there are fluke marvels. Science
is endless and lucrative going forever into useful techniques
going beyond ideal. Once we see all we know and mutate it there
are new things that develop. Once thought tedious or impossible
tasks become accomplished feats. This is our "AIA" which stands
for "Amazing Impossible Accomplishment" that is the difference
between history and exploration of these new inventions and
Deposit Mineral = Recovery from strong molecular living material
and chemicals into a restoration of dense mineral deposits. When
all we know is we are life made of flimsy cells and we have the
backing and resources to grow better, more improved parts of our
anatomy such as integumentary alloy.
Wacky Synthesis = Ability to reference a chemical, vitamin,
nutrient, or mineral and format a valid, proven, and scientific
miracle use; this entails fully knowing the products effect,
function, and result; and formation of a recipe that produces
a divine and miraculous result, that is always ahead of the
scientific ideal; this fully functional, new product marvel
that twists ahead of it's current fundamental definition,
strategy, and application will always work. A living anatomy
is a chemical processing factory, we will control and exploit
our ability to refine, produce, and utilize available
descriptions, explanations, and inventive imaginings of the
product. We will create a title and recipe for our working
The Quitting Smile = During desperate times of hope sometimes
everything goes blank, and we are filled with doubt and despair;
yet we see a glowing light and an amazing idea; and we wonder
how far dreams can go; we ask the question how great can I
become using my imagination; then we feel a rush of inspiration;
like a great notion of victory smelling a hint of the win.
Element Crystal = Collection of ancient minerals in the caves of
our sacred imagination; they are very atomic complex and precision
clusters of aged concepts that provide nutrients.
Milk of Magnesium = Imaginary milk that contains metallic element
crystals that create alloy cytoplasm. This is the ingredient to
invincibility. It is created in the spleen and when taken creates
sharp pangs in areas of our body; this triggers an immune
response, and attacks hemoglobin, alters our genetics and
destroys weak cytoplasm contents, replacing them; and eventually
our entire body with new, improved metal alloy organelles.
Poltergeist = Beyond energy of the unity of self recoups and
reaches very far ahead of our entire existence to capture super
strong dense forms of energy that fully overcomes the anatomy
and spirituality of the self; we attain huge bursts of strong
energy far more scientifically complex and grand to our body;
filling our bone marrow and similar systems; pumping them with
intense vitality and stamina.


How our mind sends impulses through the nervous system
into all other systems, such as lymphatic and muscular.

A yummy juicy jelly roll with cream and a cherry on
top that we eat; this is our favorite dessert.

When we utilize a peak strive to improve and increase the
quality and quantity of precise dream charts to amplify.

Using the unity of our self and all available resources
to increase the complexity of chaos within a container.

How we get so far in life and have such a wonderful
final accomplishment that we celebrate this winning.

An ancient evil and guilty of great harm to the people
who wishes to change his dumb ways and stay liberated.

The given original framework and manual for an analog
or digital device with diagrams.

The complete schematics and full explanation for the
creation of any dream object and all backing for it.

Accord in all complex topics in biology of the cell and
lifes existence within reality and our metabolism.

When there is a single great palette of all the material
necessary to create anything from imagination.

The free energy of self during genius scientific voyages
into beyond all known cosmic above universes.

To have a very large arsenal of powerful finished
imaginary science objects to grasp and maneuver.

Amazing discoveries from an abound set of talents that
are useful and extend the reach of known science.

When we can easily imagine a special type of complex
atomic structure and have the equipment to make it.

When you have peak intuitive talents and anyone with a
limited aptitude would hamper intelligent processing.

Very keen selection of iotas to boost invention bending
the laws of the mind, creating potent juice types.

Sad because there is missing privacy and compassion for
all we belong to and what we are and where were from.

A very special dream item with a specific purpose and
function used to perform an action.

When errors in fellow mankind prohibit ordinary or even
very intelligent use of technology equipment.

When we solve the mysteries beyond the ideal known about
reality. We update our situation with the latest science.

When we get caught in an occult trap that requires a
special type of resource phrase of prosperity.

When there are huge sets of summary and we wish to start
a project from the beginning with potent productive victory.

A poor attempt to create a summary to explain a point
that reaches only a partial conclusion.

Warp retort mind into blank idea spoil to recoup injection
of dots for precise potent dense eminent substance.

When we poke into a solid and secure set limit to attain
a exploit to go beyond the confines of existence.

Invalid links output sent into harmony for the actual
final proven set of results for project.

To dissect an organism or entity and spew its contents,
spreading it across a substance analysis reader.

Using a fortified unity of all aspects of every available
resource to recoup with new types of talent functions.

A special substance from a whole range of materials that
were using to construct a structure design object.

Potent uses of any and all available resources to create
an updated, enhanced, and secure phase of being.

When we pick and sort the target using a special set of
proper tools for the intricate job.

Always trying to be a genius and do everything perfect.
When we feel complete with an ultimate peace.

To know fully how to operate an item, to have an entire
mastery of the package and all it has to offer.

To have a small piece of information due to a limited
memory or incomplete data; to comprehend.

Trying to advance science ahead of the ideal known using
a limited vague vocabulary to discover new formulas.

A very good pure innocent human person who has greatly
helped mankind and the universe.

Free, wacky, and smart thinking into the future and
all around anything and everything for goals.

The actual clear and full working scientific object that
has been fully tested and is completed here now.


Here are super powerful systems that range from infinite
intensity to super infinite in capability and great forces
of god and beyond all human perceptions of the most
glorious supreme being talents that are here and will be
activated. After learning anatomy systems and cell biology
and DNA systems and finished and make attempts to crunch
the laws to evolve life and intelligence any genius
scientist that wishes for the greatest extremes will
arrive at his peak ability. We will unify all of these
systems into one anatomy ship.
Cardiovascular(x) = This is a weak system the blood
can pump far greater had we attempted to retort
beyond the cosmic abyss for super human juices and
made a prayer to the ultimate godsend for arteries
that were more than human and actually attained
them. Our control of this system requires attempts
to activate, enhance, and bring the glory of the
most understandable exploit into practice. I have
no doubt that the heart can pump blood recoil
fluke and freak hemoglobin and leucocytes that
defy times speed of evolution and our most drastic
cries for life during love. Had we power beyond the
stupid, weak, powerful, and infinite forces of
this system we could not easily super strive to
imagine the potential of this conscious control
we have to destroy ourself, mankind, the universe,
until we have been sure we are above any limitation
of the cardiovascular system.
Digestive(x) = As a man crushed on the battlefield
for days as he slips into being a ghost hungers for
food or a meal he draws his food from the essence
of his eternal self and attains the succulent juices
and nutrients of his formerly obscure and newfound
bright aspect of the proper way to eat as he screams
for more like a zillion phantoms until he is
fully gratified he us fulfilled in every way by
his dark spiritual food and it's superior spice. We
find the digestive system as a portal to beyond
our self and reality to attain the density of freak
dots in our desperate cries to always subsist.
Endocrine(x) = There are no doubts that ultimate
pains in the belly can be in these organs, and we
can scream and suffer death only because of the
blackest forces we possess in our fears that must
come alive in tones of madness and science that
should have always been yet this requires our
ultimate control of these guts that we know were
ment to be god of self and sheer truth when
we use these unlimited insane strange growths
from nightmares and revered substances used in
the endocrine system.
Integumentary(x) = In our sickest strives into
madness we grow horror to spike and hook the
spheres around us and cling and crawl ahead of
all we know of portals and universes until
we tear and rip for our life every vague,
unholy, or obvious thing that is not of our
own essence forever climbing dungeons until
we escape into beloved blasts of psychedelic
paradise that we fully know as a stage of
big victory that never was as we stab and
plead to nothing and all we arrive secure
and safe only tears and sadness levels and
the Integumentary system can massacre. At the
end of the tunnel is a karate chop.
Lymphatic(x) = We have immunity to clever mites
we can poorly explain and weak nodes that were
given to us by a not understanding god and doubt
we our self as we struggle for a core to this
partially used system that we know with our insight
has monsters and miracles to a far inferior system
we wonder in its definite awesome capability we may
never soon utilize and treasure that stupid anatomy
will amaze us in this evil totally lonely world as
the pathogen that the Lymphatic system updates
always to the latest until complete until the
ultimate fever becomes our weakness in stupid
atomic molecules.
Muscular(x) = The brain is only my muscle and
is the sole butcher or gravity with great outside
strengths to mingle and summon objects greater
than wealth crushing orbiting chunks until we
clutch the objects we want here. The anatomical
muscles are strong with enormous untold vigor
and legends true for our self is the only
reality and we are the master of no small
notion as the core of juggling rocks that only
the unlimited Muscular system can lift because
the weight is to enormous to dismiss.
Nervous(x) = Our mind overcomes the brain as a
grand display of boundless immense voltages at
atomically precise branches. These electrify our
ready anatomy as fireworks of wonder and juicy
voltages providing a battery to empower any
system to greatest extremes. The mind provides
the Nervous system with an infinite battery of
wonderful juices that pulsate any system.
Reproductive(x) = The juices of the self completely
overcome sperm and egg mitosis until we are the
masters of what is born. Our complex biology
processes guide and maneuver the birth until the
great forces of our self conquer the result of
genesis. We can hatch anything we imagine had
we powered up the atomic genetic system with our
own code. The Reproductive system can amaze us
with great children of creative hallucination.
Respiratory(x) = We breathe from the central lungs
of the universe creating great winds and gases that
perform as desired. Our robotic lungs are both analog
and digital and can breach any obstacle with in and
out Respiratory pulsing and breathing that are the
great nucleus of existence. Our lungs and breathing
is the main spirit of the universe.
Skeletal(x) = This system is the very capable and pliant
framework of the universe to fully and completely energize
our bone marrow and entire self and around us. We can power
our bones with great vigor until we are totally overtaken
with vitality and vigor. The Skeletal system is the default
base structure for gods to recoup and transmit pulses. There
is no limit to how intense this system can ignite into. Our
bone marrow is the kernel of our skulls.
Urinary(x) = This is our connection to the great cosmic
vortex above and within us. We can feel and attain the rushes
of creative juices and when we are done flush them. The
Urinary system demonstrates great swirling tunnels of
liquid abyss that travel through our anatomy and through
the grid of the universe. We can pump great tubes of
super fluids because reality contains tropical waters.
Imaginative(x) = Our imagination flows through our anatomy
as a complex network of tree structures. Any magical drug,
ability, juice, or energy we can dream of is produced by
this general system. It can take control of any operation
onto the great broad platform from above any routine. The
Imaginative system are great colossus dream pulses that
flow through from above to within our anatomical kernel.
This is the most creative and vibrant system.
MicroTubulette(x) = There are very small microscopic tubes
from above our brain, into our brain, and through all cells
in our anatomy. These tubes can flow with super signals and
chemicals that provide an ultimate retort and grip on our
entire cell system. The MicroTubulette system has pipes out
of every cell wall as a symmetrical super highway. These
are microscopic pipes that our conscious ego decides what
to pump through them.
PowerRetort(x) = When we need an infinite boost of super
energy or substance we use this system. It is an alternative
network that commands all systems to boost the parity and
vigor of essential nutrients and particles. We use the
PowerRetort system to greatly empower a interlacing mesh
of fibers with unity through all routines. When we need
a strong boost of super energy and substance we use this
FinalTeardrop(x) = This is a creative system that arranges
all other system into complex networks and structures we
can use and employ. The FinalTeardrop system brings accord
and unity to such a giant force as anatomy and dreams to
create objects and above godsend retorts. We use this
system as a retort to dream objects that function properly
as independent systems.
GeneticScript(x) = This system allows us to program our
super powerful genetic information into our selfs traits
and abilities. When we control the powers and strengths
of our bodies hereditary substance into and through limits
of reality we become Transgenetic. We can command the atomic
super forces of genes and create the ultimate entity of
our godly self. When we wish to attain and make the very
utmost heroic genes we take advantage of the GeneticScript
system. When we use this system we can create super
powerful genes far greater than any definable type of life.
Awareness(x) = Great trees of awareness permeate through any and
all systems. We can know how to feel any atomic point in our
anatomy if we focus this system on it's area point. Our conscious
control of this awareness system flows impulses of perception
to any point within or around the anatomy. So these anatomical
tree structures we control with our mind send signals any
way we wish so we are aware and active on any point in our body.
Pressure(x) = This system are tree structures of potent energy
and control of pressure to perform operations on any point in
our anatomy. We can induce pressure with this unique and
separate from all systems; creating a surgery control and tool
kit for every area point in our body. We can crush cells and
even operate on their nucleus or shift their locations using
this pressure system.
Electrical(x) = There is a unique system of electric wires that
run parallel to our nervous system. When we wish to signal an
impulse from this system we feel an immediate boost of dynamic
energy, as we raise a higher attempt to activate our soul and
spirit their voltage gains a boundless supply of vigor that
flows through this tree shaped mesh. This jungle of wires and
signals is triggered by our egos attempt to attain electric
energy to perform tasks such as jogging or playing. There
are a huge variety of types of energy impulsions that take
from our battery supply of excess.
FleshTube(x) = System that commonly seems like the weakest; the
most inferior abstract shaped system that ignores upgrades. This
system represents the entire mortal, lowly, cowardly, and
dangerous system. The problems here are madness in our
understanding to consciously use unused limp anatomy; resulting
in a jumbled chaos of mystery anatomical ability. The most
known fact about this system ranges from enormous larger
than universe; to microscopic mesh of wires and tubes, that
have not been defined or activated. The brain, blood, skin,
finger nails, digestive, bones are all effected by lack of
recognition and respect for what we really are and our
name, all we bring, our legend, and regards to this weakness.


All symbols, icons, tokens, and functions in this
language provide a very creative, greatly pliant,
and fully yielding way to imagine and compile
anything you wish. You can use this with your
electronics and chemistry and other programming
languages to open your mind and spark genius. There
are no laws, and the rules are shapeless and clay.

#V+ = The # volt positive battery supply
#V- = The # volt negative battery supply
ALT# = Any other component you can supply schemes
AMP# = Amplify a frequency signal
ANT# = This is the custom setup of an antenna
C# = Any capacitor you can supply schemes
CAD# = Diagram guide and instructions to assemble
COIL# = This is any type of coil for purposes
CR# = Circuit has capacitors, and resistors
CT# = Commonly used circuit by technicians
CUST# = A custom invented component
D# = Any diode you can supply schemes
DEBRAID# = Desoldering braid
EXPS# = Experiment with combinations at terminals
FLAT# = The state of wiring configuration
FREQ# = Frequency waves flowing juicy signals
HAVOC# = These are the complex details
HP# = Any head phones you can supply schemes
IC# = Any microchip you can supply schemes
LED# = Any LED you can supply schemes
LOGIC# = Voltage controlled nor/nand responses
MANY# = An ample quantity of this item
MASTER# = Master of analog and digital electronics
MIC# = Any mic you can supply schemes
OBV# = Ignored obvious details of schematics
PIC# = Requires a pictorial diagram to assemble
POT# = Any variable resistor you can supply schemes
R# = Any resistor you can supply schemes
SKIP# = Complicated details are ignored
SNAP# = Alter and improve a given schematic
SPKR# = Any speaker you can supply schemes
SUBST# = We can substitute this carefully
T# = This symbol represents a transistor
T#B = Any # transistor BASE
T#C = Any # transistor COLLECTOR
T#E = Any # transistor EMITTER
TR# = Any transformer you can supply schemes
TRICK# = A special technique for masters to employ
TWIST# = Requires specific component arrangements
V# = A very ultimate success and VICTORY!
WIRE# = Any wire you can supply schemes
Z# = Freak or fluke amazing working algorithm
Transformers boost the power of a FREQ# into a SPKR# or turn AC
into DC or supply a stun spark. Transistors enhance and amplify
a FREQ# using CR#. Resistors TRICK# is to pluck them intuitively
from their compartment based on their color code. Capacitors
enhance, pulsate, and boost quality of a FREQ#. An IC# for it's
holder has AMP#'s or LOGIC# to produce V#. There are markings,
color codes, and calculations required to use CR#. The first board
you solder may be a failure. To use analog or digital electronics,
build schematics, use a amateurs bread-board, and understand
HAVOC# requires a great beginners tutorial or kit.
TECH2 = EXPS#>>CR#||T1||T2||T3=radio V#
TECH3 = IC#||AMP#>>AMP#>>AMP#=dream V#
A || B = A is flowing together with B
A >> B = start by connecting A to B
B << A = start by connecting A to B
A XX B = be sure A and B are not connected
A !! B = reaction using A on B
A @@ B = final product is A with B
A ## B = A has a process using B
A $$ B = A and B produce victory
A ^^ B = first theory is A creates B
A && B = difficult to use A with B
A ** B = endless attempts to A on B
A ++ B = small success yet A works with B
A ?? B = fully absent data of A with B
A // B = large amount of failures with A and B
A \\ B = many success stories of A with B

You can use these words as functions, and replace
the value of x with any variable, or another
function or chain of formulas.

Examples of using these functions:

Pleasant grip on the passing of times accord of metabolism.

Structure buried within an atom that provides a trait.

Super strong invincible god with great forces of existence.

Perfect ideal model of the effect of molecular specks.

Active attract or repel properties of a bond.

Super brain energy we know we have with atomic waves.

Recognize imaginary progress surely successful dreaming.

An entire hoard of well labeled chemicals for trials.

The atomic molecular structure that provides color.

When we combine multiple parts into others.

To form random seeded symmetrical crystals.

To make a substance weaker and diluted.

Particle that always does the same thing in everything.

To dry something that is wet.

Induce your ego to liven a limp anatomy branch or atomic node.

Mixing electronics with our chemical formula.

Exchange of dynamic energy to produce worthy result.

Research methods to grow crystals and distill.

Selection from abound sets of complete formulas for purpose.

Completely describe all known details of anything.

Universe, life, resources, objects, potential, spirals.

Confusing groggy clouds of impossible complex mystery.

When we have the power to create any dream.

Starting a remote far journey from start to finish situated.

Action on a complex chemical producing mystery orbital.

To make wet something that was dry.

Real juices of meaning and math resources as performance.

The best explanation formula for the structures atoms.

Knowing names used brain chemicals during emotions.

A full map of all discoveries in a project.

To make a substance stronger and more potent.

Maximum strength of selfs resources to intake abound vitamins.

When we mix various things together.

To make harder or softer.

Hollow container used to mold and form figures.

When there are enormous mysteries ahead in this.

Particle that requires another dot to attach to it.

When we record the entire experiment on journal.

Measurement of grade on a 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high scale.

Peak phase at full power of valid maintenance of entire anatomy.

To shift the observable phase of a substance.

Imaginary electric spark producing existing voltage genres.

When we split a substance into multiple parts.

Bunches of things being done in a smooth experiment.

When we get ideas of what dense substance to use.

Equipment factory to modify a material.

Something in a solution for a time period.

Primary selection of available and not available substances.

Using every extreme and resource to generate product.

Experiment on this living being or entity.

Testing one theory on a many failure process.

Define senses to one substance from a infinite variety.

Potential for work energy to twist atomic molecular braids.

Potential of unused energy in fertile dreams not working.

Methods to measure a proven talents full potential.

Using both wet and dry versions.

When there is a substance worth recording.


Here is how to grow crystals:

Needed Ingredients:
1 cup water (or whatever)
3 cups sugar (or whatever)
1 glass jar or mesh
1 stirring spoon or whipper
1 pot for boiling water or juices
1 piece of thick string or yarn or grate
few drops of any food coloring (optional)
coffee filter or napkin to prevent dust crystals

Step 1: Boil water in the pot.
Step 2: Stir sugar in boiling water one teaspoon at a time. Stop
mixing the sugar in when sugar stops dissolving and accumulates
on the bottom of the pot. Stir in food coloring.
Step 3: Pour hot sugar water in glass jar. Do not put undissolved
sugar into the jar.
Step 4: Dangle a thick piece of string or yarn in the jar.
Step 5: Cover jar with coffee filter or napkin.
Step 6: Let sit until the crystals form.
Step 7: Dry out the crystals and they are done.

Examples of using these function words:

Amazing presentation and nice demonstration of product.

Ask for cash for a purpose and result.

Shipment boxes, envelops and postage cost all paid and done.

We have completed the perfect fair deal everyones glad.

Customer surely would pay had they known the whole truth.

Having little or no startup money wishing for your deal.

Create issues of a really nice and true products catalog.

The method and device used to transfer money for a deal.

Actual benefit customer receives compared to cost.

The actual worth of product when compared to similar stuff.

Written fair deal explaining product features and the cost.

Send a message to everyone possible in the world.

Initial starting cost for business and products.

Setup for mail order, shipping, security, and banking.

When the information in text is actually very valuable maps.


This 1 to 3 scale forms our ability to measure the mild to potent
results of our routines. We can weigh how well we can reproduce a
formula as originally intended; and weigh the stored energy,
success, and simplicity for a stagnant outcome.

1 = Low in ability to explain, prove, utilize, and adorn.
2 = Some ability to format a very useful and precise result.
3 = Extreme effects that rate high in functioning.

Here is an example of using the atomics scale:


#begin Abide(x){
#return update("DWELL")
} #end

#begin absolve(x){
#return brain(ip(x))
} #end

#begin access(x){
#state Hack(reality(x))
#return secure(root(any(ip(x))))
} #end

#begin acid(x){
#return science(proven(laws(talent(x))))
#return arrive(ideal(mood(nest(x))))
} #end

#begin adjust(x){
#state look(all(entire(worlds(x))))
#return current(phase(process(update(x))))
} #end

#begin advance(x){
#return next(step(x))
} #end

#begin affair(x){
#return baby(x)
} #end

#begin Aftermath(x){
#return anything(accord(laws(matter(x))))
} #end

#begin alcohol(x){
#return smash(limit(x))
#return drink(x)
} #end

#begin Ambulance(x){
#return heal(wound(x))
} #end

#begin AntiVirus(x){
#return reality(keys(x))
} #end

#begin anything(x){
#return thoughts(create(x))
} #end

#begin artery(x){
#return science(godsend(serums(cure(x))))
} #end

#begin asylum(x){
#vent teach(belief(horror(x)))
#vent secure(limit(smart(x)))
#vent vista(limit(future(x)))
#return analyze(earth(people(x)))
#return entire(cure(earth(x)))
} #end

begin atoms(x){
#return feature(x)
} #end

#begin attain(x){
#return super(potent(magic(density(object(x)))))
} #end

#begin backing(x){
#return keys(x)
} #end

#begin beer(x){
#return drink(x)
} #end

#begin belly(x){
#return actual(x)
} #end

#begin BigDigit(x){
#state super(advance(ahead(weak(meaning(logic(x))))))
#active ability(know(super(infinite(worthy(symbols(x))))))
#attempt solve(penetrate(all(codes(power(x)))))
#return steady(master(next(infinite(numbers(x)))))
#return progress(phrase(hex(logic(x))))
} #end

#begin BioCrop(x){
#return Transgenetic(useful(blobs(x)))
} #end

#begin BioDigest(x){
#return MicroGraph(x)
} #end

#begin blood(x){
#state anatomy(human(x))
#active amaze(imagine(x))
#attempt prove(miracle(x))
#vital faith(feature(x))
#return spirits(juices(x))
} #end

#begin BloodWork(x){
#return MicroGraph(serums(x))
} #end

#begin bogged(x){
#return exploit(x)
} #end

#begin Borg(x){
#state complex(orbits(x))
#state beyond(warp(explain(x)))
#return ship(ip(x))
} #end

#begin breath(x){
#return atomic(dream(juices(x)))
} #end

#begin cancer(x){
#return virus(x)
} #end

#begin Candy Bar(x){
Enzymes(Fatty acids(Polysaccharide(Glucose(Lipids(x)))))
#return chocolate(IET || MPE)
} #end

#begin cerebrum(x){
#state symphony(brain(x))
#active chart(link(Vars(x)))
#active cook(soda(mind(x)))
#aware ninja(phase(dream(x)))
#return keys(core(ip(x)))
#return laws(fluff(x))
} #end

#begin Church(x){
#state classic(rocket(%%||^AS))
#active wizard(ego(Spark(x)))
#active absolve(advance(theory(x)))
#keen Shawn(death(paragon(x)))
#keen reality(Graph(ElectPulse(x)))
#return study(dissect(anatomy(x)))
#return GodMan(serums(x))
} #end

#begin Clan(x){
#state master(recite(x))
#state smart(thoughts(x))
#active amaze(science(x))
#return explain(fun(x))
} #end

#begin classic(x){
#state mind(orbits(x))
#active process(around(x))
#aware warp(ahead(x))
#keen beyond(human(x))
#keen miracle(power(x))
#return answer(x)
} #end

#begin coil(x){
#active atomic(brain(x))
#return waves(x)
} #end

#begin computer(x){
#active keyboard(program(time(response(x))))
#return mind(process(logic(x)))
} #end

#begin cook(x){
#state equal(waves(orbits(x)))
#active counter(chaos(seed(x)))
#return insight(answer(x))
} #end

#begin cure(x){
#return Twilight(GodMan(Panacea(x)))
} #end

#begin devil(x){
#state complex(explain(x))
#return oracle(prognosis(time(actual(nest(x)))))
#return above(credit(invent(lingo(function(error(x))))))
#return molecule(x)
} #end

#begin dilemma(x){
#return recoil(error(warp(divide(logic(x)))))
} #end

#begin DNA(x){
#return serums(x)
} #end

#begin dots(x){
#state warp(infinite(strive(learn(x))))
#active imagine(rocket(x))
#attempt accord(complex(x))
#vent error(science(x))
#return answer(x)
} #end

#begin Dr. Mad(x){
#return strive(ideal(serums(x)))
} #end

#begin DreamBiology(x){
#return dream(x)
} #end

#begin ecstasy(x){
#return imagine(real(mineral(x)))
} #end

#begin EgoGuide(x){
#return grip(x)
} #end

#begin elixir(x){
#return fluke(mineral(x))
} #end

#begin emulate(x){
#return fusion(rips(joy(x)))
#return master(lingo(x))
} #end

#begin Energetic(x)
#return brain(electrocute(x))
} #end

#begin entity(x){
#state rocket(mind(orbits(x)))
#active reason(smart(talent(x)))
#return unity(x)
} #end

#begin ExactScope(x){
#return chain(x)
} #end

#begin Excess(x){
#active sick(retort(unity(self(control(Cells(oil(x)))))))
#return warp(life(earth(x)))
} #end

#begin exist(x){
#return theater(x)
} #end

#begin exploit(x){
#return abound(miracle(feature(amaze(x))))
} #end

#begin faith(x){
#return ninja(ahead(super(talent(any(x)))))
} #end

#begin Far Lamp(x){
#return Hack(matrix(x))
} #end

#begin Feelers(x){
#return thing(Import(panic(senses(resolve(ask(ip(x)))))))
} #end

#begin Fibers(x){
#active Clan(heave(actual(Aftermath(MPE))))
#vent error(blank(retort(stupid(head(x)))))
#vent horror(ahead(all(power(endure(anatomy(bugs(x)))))))
#return insight(stone(warp(cables(x))))
} #end

#begin Filament(x){
#return torch(x)
} end

#begin fluff(x){
#return foam(x)
} #end

#begin Folks DNA(x){
#active keyboard(imagine(defect(data(action(x)))))
#return family(DNA(x))
} #end

#begin food(x){
#return mineral(x)
} #end

#begin Formula Head(x){
#return brain(x)
} #end

#begin fount(x){
#return youth(x)
} #end

#begin Gather(x){
#return amaze(object(cure(x)))
} #end

#begin Gene PC(x){
#active keyboard(reality(x))
#return can(pickled(genes(x)))
} #end

#begin Genius(x){
#return warp(human(ship(x)))
} #end

#begin Genomei(x){
thing(Import(miracle(cure(paradise(Polar DNA(ahead(x)))))))
#return map(victory(entire(Genome(x))))
} #end

#begin god(x){
#return home(x)
} #end

#begin GodHex(x){
#return accurate(answers(x))
#return map(hex(x))
#return joy(laughter(x))
} #end

#begin GodMan(x){
#state brain(orbit(x)
#active entire(mind(x))
#active Cardiovascular(x)
#active Digestive(x)
#active Endocrine(x)
#active Integumentary(x)
#active Lymphatic(x)
#active Muscular(x)
#active Nervous(x)
#active Reproductive(x)
#active Respiratory(x)
#active Skeletal(x)
#active Urinary(x)
#active Imaginative(x)
#active MicroTubulette(x)
#active PowerRetort(x)
#active FinalTeardrop(x)
#active GeneticScript(x)
#active Awareness(x)
#active Pressure(x)
#active Electrical(x)
#active FleshTube(x)
#vent corrupt(pattern(x))
#return evolve(x)
} #end

#begin Good(x){
#return lucky(x)
} #end

#begin grab(x){
#return object(x)
} #end

#begin Grape DNA(x){
#active ego(energy(x))
#return drink(Transformation(x))
} #end

#begin Ground DNA(x){
#active Zinger(believer(x))
#attempt Hack(Zinger(root(ip(x))))
#active Metabolism(TransBioEntity(x))
#return BioCrop(syrup(x))
#return DNA Twist(x)
#return barbecue(x)
} #end

#begin Hair Gel(x){
#return smooth(electricity(hairy(head(x))))
#return shampoo(toupee(x))
} #end

#begin hamburger(x){
#return future(ideal(ahead(entire(map(all(reality(x)))))))
#return waves(brain(warp(chaos(time(tunnel(reality(x)))))))
} #end

#begin head(x){
#return solve(entire(reality(x)))
} #end

#begin heal(x){
#return brain(Cells(x))
} #end

#begin heart(x){
#return angel(x)
} #end

#begin heave(x){
#state super(infinite(science(data(x))))
#active warp(process(logic(ahead(imagine(x)))))
#return recite(super(paragon(x)))
#return warp(Summary(mind(x)))
} #end

#begin Heaven(x){
#active head(limit(x))
#state faith(paragon(x))
#state faith(jelly(love(x)))
#active warp(vista(color(x)))
#return all(x)
} #end

#begin Hector(x){
#vital Cell wall(x)
#state Cytoplasm(Organelles(x))
#active Mitochondria(ATP(x))
#active Proteins(Amino acids(x))
#active Substrates(Enzymes(Cofactors(x)))
#active Chromosome(Deoxyribonucleic acid(x))
Ribosome(Ribosomal RNA(Transfer RNA(Messenger RNA(DNA(x)))))
Endoplasmic reticulum(Golgi apparatus(Hydrophobic(Lipids(x))))
Hydrogen peroxide(Peroxisome(Enzymes(MysticChem(x))))
#return Mitosis(x)
} #end

#begin horror(x){
#return secure(fun(x))
} #end

#begin Iluminator(x){
#return groggy(alert(quantum(x)))
} #end

#begin indians(x){
#return craft(x)
} #end

#begin instill(x){
#state clash(reality(x))
#active crazy(math(mind(x)))
#keen prove(actual(imagine(beyond(object(core(x))))))
#return warp(aspects(x))
} #end

#begin intuition(x){
#return accord(dazzle(pattern(entire(reality(x)))))
} #end

#begin jelly(x){
#return glow(self(x))
} #end

#begin Juicy DNA(x){
#return serums(x)
} #end

#begin LastWish(x){
#active VagueKnown(Hack(keys(x)))
#active MysticProgress(advance(x))
#active AtomicNerves(brain(x))
#active Cells(BoostChaos(x))
#return SpaceShip(x)
} #end

#begin LawBrain(x){
#return exploit(reality(cure(x)))
} #end

#begin liquefy(x){
#return mirror(vortex(acid(x)))
} #end

#begin live(x){
#state infinite(complex(x))
#active entire(abyss(weather(x)))
#active miracle(genesis(x))
#attempt utilize(entire(brain(x)))
#attempt divide(anatomy(x))
#return warp(human(x))
} #end

#begin Lotion(x){
#return cream(x)
} #end

#begin Lucifer(x){
#attempt harm(CES)
#attempt avert(SER)
#keen horror(anatomy(CES))
#return war(fights(x))
#return attain(trophy(x))
} #end

#begin magic(x){
#return paragon(x)
} #end

#begin Mans Egg(x){
#return ahead(super(science(serums(x))))
#return amaze(zombie(x))
#return amaze(gravity(acid(x)))
} #end

#begin medic(x){
#return master(accord(brain(forks(x))))
} #end

#begin MicroAlloy(x){
Cell wall(AlloyCytoplasm(Alloy DNA(Zinger(x))))
#return GeneticScript(x)
} #end

#begin Milk DNA(x){
#state after(steady(around(orbits(worlds(x)))))
#return ahead(all(science(rejoice(x))))
#return crazy(genetics(x))
} #end

#begin Mind PC(x){
#return alter(object(data(core(x))))
} #end

#begin mirror(x){
#return root(self(ip(x)))
} #end

#begin molecule(x){
#state fission(imagine(x))
#active invent(atomic(x))
#attempt divide(limit(x))
#aware amaze(useful(x))
#keen complex(link(Vars(x)))
#return fusion(Units(x))
} #end

#begin NestLearn(x){
#return nest(learn(LSP))
} #end

#begin Note Pill(x){
#return DonePoppers(x)
} #end

#begin Oasis(x){
#return drink(water(x))
} #end

#begin oil(x){
#state enhance(beyond(itself(pure(x))))
#return update(storage(self(fuel(x))))
} #end

#begin outlast(x){
#return human(x)
} #end

#begin overtake(x){
#state pattern(solve(life(x)))
#state TARDIS(molecule(DNA(atoms(activity(x)))))
#state super(warp(infinite(science(mind(waves(x))))))
#state super(above(victory(atomic(award(x)))))
#vent error(weigh(process(math(x))))
#vital #vent #kill head(x)
#return instill(metal(chunk(radio(hex(x)))))
#return smart(ip(x))
#return activate(lord(mystery(x)))
} #end

#begin paramedic(x){
#vital answer(wound(any(x)))
#return ideal(operate(life(x)))
} #end

#begin Parity DNA(x){
#return DNA Twist(OingTwiggies(DNA Probe(x)))
#return Deoxyribonucleic acid(x)
#return TinselSphere(x)
} #end

#begin PhagoPsychosis(x){
#active Lysis(Tracer(Probe(x)))
#aware Cell wall(Proteins(Amino acids(Motif(x))))
#aware Substrate(Enzymes(Cofactor(x)))
#aware Genome(recoup(retort(precise(atomic(keys(x))))))
#aware actual(precise(Activity(Ecology(phase(x)))))
Endoplasmic reticulum(Golgi apparatus(Hydrophobic(Lipids(x))))
#attempt Microelectrode(Microinjection(Protozoa(x)))
#attempt Transgenetic(Transformation(Locus(Gene(x))))
#return Recombination(Retrovirus(Plasmid(x)))
#return Macromolecule(Ligand(x))
#return Zygote(Neurite(S phase(x)))
#return Retrovirus(Fungi(Plasmid(x)))
} #end

#begin Phissure(x){
#return eternal(life(x))
} #end

#begin PinHead(x){
#return Panacea(x)
} #end

#begin Platform(x){
#return harmonious(circuits(x))
} #end

#begin Podium(x){
#active brain(super(energy(Units(x))))
#return Clan(heave(phrases(ip(x))))
} #end

#begin poke(x){
#return into(impossible(x))
} #end

#begin Poke Time(x){
#return brain(soda(x))
} #end

#begin Polar DNA(x){
#state Ecology(Metabolism(x))
#return Unwind DNA(Genetic code(x))
#return Motif(confine(storms(x)))
} #end

#begin poop(x){
#vent atomic(starve(vital(life(health(x)))))
#return flush(x)
} #end

#begin proceed(x){
#return active(scientist(x))
} #end

#begin puzzle(x){
#active TransImagine(core(victory(x)))
#return keys(math(x))
} #end

#begin quest(x){
#return asylum(imagine(dream(victory(x))))
} #end

#begin quit(x){
#return drink(x)
} #end

#begin Rocket(x){
#return TransImagine(ABI)
} #end

#begin Sagan Cosmos(x){
#URGENT PONDER Formula Head(x) KEY!
#vital explain(after(all(knowing(x))))
#return map(entire(universe(x)))
} #end

#begin Sage(x){
#active Dr. Mad(Hector(Parity DNA(x)))
#return serums(x)
} #end

#begin Seek(x){
#return Hack(root(keys(ip(x))))
} #end

#begin seep(x){
#state fission(itself(nest(x)))
#return nest(x)
} #end

#begin shield(x){
#return cure(evil(science(stupid(crap(x)))))
} #end

#begin skull(x){
#active intuition(x)
#active smooth(unity(chaos(abound(x))))
#active senses(ahead(limit(become(anatomy(x)))))
#return relief(x)
} #end

#begin soda(x){
#return magic(formula(OCR))
} #end

#begin Sperm Germ(x){
#return germ(creatures(x))
} #end

#begin split(x){
#state fission(imagine(x))
#active rock(talent(x))
#active waves(self(x))
#attempt divide(worlds(x))
#return any(x)
} #end

#begin spout(x){
#active brain(orbits(miracle(cure(x))))
#active dream(cosmic(energy(waves(x))))
#attempt attain(precise(cosmic(juices(x))))
#return soda(paragon(youth(x)))
#return drink(x)
} #end

#begin step(x){
#return clock(time(x))
} #end

#begin STOGIE(x){
#return Worm(actually(finished(check(x))))
} #end

#begin stomach(x){
#return jelly(belly(x))
} #end

#begin stone(x){
#return rock(youth(keys(glow(x))))
} #end

#begin study(x){
#state look(actual(x))
#active sine(waves(x))
infinite(YPM) >> logic(math(x))
#return dissect(anatomy(x))
#return abyss(map(x))
#return learn(x)
} #end

#begin sunny(x){
#return bliss(x)
} #end

#begin TARDIS(x){
#return storage(update(x))
#return ship(reality(ip(x)))
} #end

#begin telephone(x){
#active access(network(attain(ip(x))))
#active server(client(ip(x)))
#active smooth(keys(thoughts(ip(x))))
#active astral(mind(connect(ip(x))))
#return ip(x)
} #end

#begin television(x){
#return video(x)
} #end

#begin tobacco(x){
#return mystery(need(x))
} #end

#begin Tooth Germ(x){
#return teeth(germs(x))
} #end

#begin Toy Mill(x){
#state beyond(TransReverie(x))
#attempt solve(entire(matrix(x)))
#return Toy(core(victory(x)))
} #end

#begin TransBioKaleidoscope(x){
#return dazzle(process(x))
} #end

#begin TransBioReality(x){
#return accord(pattern(action(data(x))))
} #end

#begin TransBioScope(x){
#return atomic(map(x))
} #end

#begin Transform(x){
aggressive(Alloy DNA(Metabolism(x)))
#return MindWare(growth(x))
} #end

#begin Transfusion(x){
#return blood(flush(x))
} #end

#begin TransMite(x){
#return abound(wacky(germs(x)))
} #end

#begin Twilight(x){
#return zone(x)
} #end

#begin Unwind DNA(x){
#return perfect(straight(smooth(DNA(x))))
#return balance(DNA(x))
} #end

#begin Virgin(x){
#return actual(entire(pure(self(x))))
#return Toy(B)
} #end

#begin virus(x){
#vital adapt(time(x))
#return after(always(here(seed(itself(x)))))
} #end

#begin vista(x){
#return look(keys(image(x)))
} #end

#begin voyage(x){
#vent infinite(complex(error(circuit(x))))
#return ship(arrive(abound(worlds(x))))
#return weigh(actual(meaning(words(x))))
} #end

#begin water(x){
#return amaze(senses(drink(x)))
} #end

#begin WingNut(x){
#return PlanetGod(nest(x))
} #end

#begin wizard(x){
#return amaze(pattern(storms(x)))
} #end

#begin WizPods(x){
#return amaze(miracle(relief(dust(x))))
} #end

#begin write(x){
#active parity(advance(x))
#attempt analyze(all(abound(cores(clock(x)))))
#return Hack(squid(ADM||ABI))
} #end

#begin Zinger(x){
#active keyboard(AtomicCode(genetics(x)))
#active GeneticScript(ElectPulse(links(x)))
#return Deoxyribonucleic acid(x)
} #end

We will introduce the nest(x) function. The nest(x) function means
complete harmony here in paradise. It is is used to signify the
absolute complete final destination and all goals finished. Once
we arrive at the nest all of life at the farthest distance into
time are at final process. This means every project in lifes duty
as a hero are finished.
* Everything we want and need comes at the nest.
* All of our emotions and moods are wonderful at the nest.
* We have enormous knowledge of every science at the nest.
* We are brave and strong with honor at the nest.
* We have the cure to every health problem at the nest.
* We are great, wise and witty at the nest.
* All people are linked by phone at the nest.
* There is great accord to every corrupt pattern at the nest.
* Anyone we want is a close friend at the nest.
The Periodic(x) function is used to emphasize this chapter.
We can create our own elements on the periodic table; this
can bond a dream with density for various reactions and
form atomic orbitals, for particle links and phases:

Identification[y] = Enter here the symbol and name of element.
Visualization[y] = Describe the appearance of this element.
Photosensitivity[y] = Enter here the sensitivity rate to light.
Reactiveness[y] = Enter here how vitalized reactions occur.
Usability[y] = Enter here the quality and easefulness of usage.
Electrolysis[y] = Electrically activeness during usage.
Conductivity[y] = Rate that a given type of energy flows.
Versatility[y] = Quantity of uses and available options.
Density[y] = Potency, weight, and compactness of element.
Toxicity[y] = Rate of harm caused to living entities.
Usefulness[y] = Description of mystical applications.
Radioactivity[y] = Emission of particles from element.
Parity[y] = Rate of unacceptable uselessness.
Psac = For solving the pattern of science advancements.
Rcrc = For gleaming active processing mentally.
Gmac = For living cells alloy cytoplasm and genetics.
Gagc = Strong chunk of metal resembling God.
Elfc = Crystal that acts as an automatic language.
Prec = Harmony in this perfect random crystal.
Identification[Psac, Pattern of Science Advancements Crystal]
Visualization[All imaginable colors, shapes, and sizes.]
Photosensitivity[Very sensitive any and all energy.]
Reactiveness[Very reactive always gaining radiance.]
Usability[Very usable when tried you must attempt use.]
Electrolysis[Precise amounts of potency of electric required.]
Conductivity[Sometimes insulates other times conducts.]
Versatility[Very, huge amount of applications allowed.]
Density[Either light or heavy depending on imagination.]
Toxicity[Sometimes very toxic other times beneficial.]
Usefulness[Extremely useful or facility discarded.]
Radioactivity[Extreme to mellow complex radiation.]
Parity[Always changing with current situation.]
Identification[Rcrc, Radiant Contemplation and Reasoning Crystal]
Visualization[All colors, glowing and sparkling shooting sparks.]
Photosensitivity[Absorbs proper colors to achieve glimmer.]
Reactiveness[Extreme, takes the mind into processing.]
Usability[Exceedingly helpful at mental recoups and ventures.]
Electrolysis[Very high voltage fully activates polar charges.]
Conductivity[Greatly conducts our mind and mentality.]
Versatility[Wide range of uses for advanced thinking endeavors.]
Density[Medium to very heavy, bonds love with metal.]
Toxicity[Safe to use when stable, when unstable causes headaches.]
Usefulness[Very beneficial for passing school exams and tests.]
Radioactivity[High, generates and intakes looping particles.]
Parity[Complex accord and errors generated during usage.]
Identification[Gmac, Genetic Metal Alloy Crystal]
Visualization[Resonant metallic or metal color.]
Photosensitivity[Excites cell cytoplasm when exposed to light.]
Reactiveness[Reactive to thoughts and subconscious messages.]
Usability[Tricky yet usable when we elect it's application.]
Electrolysis[Complex and mysterious usage of electricity.]
Conductivity[Conducts proper electricity very well.]
Versatility[This is used for genetic and BioChemistry purposes.]
Density[More dense and solid than typical cytoplasm.]
Toxicity[Very safe unless genetic error in calculation.]
Usefulness[Useful for a living beings security and strength.]
Radioactivity[Possible and likely evolving at rapid pace.]
Parity[Without this element there becomes genetic flaws.]
Identification[Gagc, God Above Gleaming Crystal]
Visualization[Blue, large chunk of metal size of a comet.]
Photosensitivity[Very selectively sensitive to light.]
Reactiveness[High, permanently effects everything near it.]
Usability[Strong, can do anything and feats we tell it to.]
Electrolysis[Constant, always has high voltages.]
Conductivity[High, conducts and modifies every form of energy.]
Versatility[High, used for any conceivable purpose.]
Density[Huge, very sturdy, strong, and compact.]
Toxicity[Low to very high, can be both pure and deadly.]
Usefulness[High, used for immense chores and social feats.]
Radioactivity[Extreme, endlessly emits and intakes particles.]
Parity[From absent to untold errors with self correction.]
Identification[Elfc, Evolution of Language Formula Crystal]
Visualization[Unknown color or translucent, unsolved shape.]
Photosensitivity[Mysterious, probably reacts with light.]
Reactiveness[High, responds to questions, answers greatly.]
Usability[Strong, always used by scientists, very useful.]
Electrolysis[Experimental, could benefit with voltage.]
Conductivity[At best high, this is a vital property.]
Versatility[Extremely high, for every purpose imaginable.]
Density[Ideal at super high density such as metal.]
Toxicity[Very low, actually helpful for purity.]
Usefulness[Extreme and necessary for every task.]
Radioactivity[High, emits answers, scripts, and techniques.]
Parity[Alternates, many errors, needed correction.]
Identification[Prec, Perfect Random Everything Crystal]
Visualization[Better rock than exactly what you want to see.]
Photosensitivity[Absorbs light and filters it into glowing.]
Reactiveness[Any under user setup and configuration.]
Usability[Very usable, colorful, and easy to employ.]
Electrolysis[Under many complex brands of electricity.]
Conductivity[Conducts our thoughts and intuitions.]
Versatility[You must have this element to use it.]
Density[Varies with potency, genre, and and grade.]
Toxicity[Causes addiction on compiles yet is very safe.]
Usefulness[Solves the chaos and accords random seeds.]
Radioactivity[Ideally at super high and stable.]
Parity[Calculation requires hefty storage capacity.]
All of these formulas are Type(0) genre!
AfterMan(x) = TryGenius(MindWare(Boost(infinite(x))))
AutoCalc(x) = AcidRandom(Summary(study(Lingo(Program(x)))))
BioChemist(x) = GodChem(Periodic(Synthesis(x)))
BossGod(x) = LawBrain(PinHead(SuperKid(x)))
BrainHead(x) = Summary(System(Lingo(Equality(Graph(Proof(x))))))
BrainTube(x) = ego(BrainFiber(Program(PeakDots(Toys(x)))))
Disappear(x) = Metal(ColorIota(PlanetGod(x)))
DreamScope(x) = vista(indians(study(images(x))))
FusionLogic(x) = MindWare(chart(intellect(x)))
GeneticBliss(x) = WingNut(Alloy DNA(gene00))
GodsPaw(x) = Feelers(book(Functions(x)))
HeatWave(x) = Panacea(keys(GuessChem(x)))
HelpDefect(x) = liquefy(Unwind DNA(coil(GBD)))
Immortal(x) = live(heart(outlast(death(x))))
InfuseDot(x) = WarpExplain(anything(Units(x)))
Invincible(x) = Functions(PowerBody(Gelatin(x)))
Knifer(x) = thing(Genius(logic(Import(x))))
NestAcid(x) = NestLearn(BigDigit(acid(x)))
PhreakCase(x) = FullTrunk(Program(DoneState(x)))
PrickLoaf(x) = Aftermath(STOGIE(SuperIota(x)))
PrimeEnemy(x) = Lucifer(Dr. Mad(TARDIS(virus(x))))
PsycheMedic(x) = medic(GodMan(ExactRecipe(x)))
ShipTrack(x) = absolve(AutoCalc(TARDIS(activity(resolve(x)))))
ShortGrass(x) = Genius(computer(fluff(lawn(x))))
TransFamily(x) = Far Lamp(Mans Egg(Folks DNA(x)))
WormGuru(x) = after(Summary(book(master(all(x)))))
YouthFix(x) = AntiVirus(SpermPhage(YouthGenes(x)))

A virus or parasite is the primary basis cause for each and
every sickness; often blamed on other culprits; yet the
original initial source of the problem is very clever.

Infected by an unknown, very troublesome, and painful parasite.

Uncontrolled internal or external growth of a lump or wound.

Wounded by mystery harm that causes disturbance in senses.

Virus that tricks your DNA into being wrong at a crucial time.

Infected by a terrible replicating, deadly, contagious virus.

The virus that causes hair loss, old age, and tooth decay.

Sexually transmitted virus that retards intuition and pride.

Unable to direct people around you because of RNA virus.

Virus that makes you tired, weak, hungry, and depressed.

Fluke01: Asset is thinking with potential for cure.
Fluke02: Asset is x with potential for y.
Fluke03: Error is our assets in thinking has mysterious weakness.
Fluke04: Error that our dream is not real trying to x.
Fluke05: Error because buried in background processes is x.
Fluke06: Amazing that combined assets provide mystical cure.
Fluke07: We fail x and do not know the reason until y.
Fluke08: We fail correct thinking links until burst of x.
Fluke09: We cannot be invincible until x gets y.
Fluke10: Pinched by stupid science until x reaches y.
Fluke11: Knowing precise potent truth about x on topic y.
Fluke12: We will continue to forget x until burst of y.
Fluke13: Not accepted as a miracle worker for x.
Fluke14: Every victory drops to horror loss when at x.
Fluke15: We will not ever get help when making an x.
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:29
^ ture
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:29
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colorofmoney91 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:31
wtf k
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:33
Did someone take a dump in here?  Dead
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The Truth View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:38
Rob, I was gonna have a man-to-man chat with you but LR kind of closed. Ouch
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CCVP View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:39
wtf marco, really . . . .
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A Person View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:39
This page sure would be easier to scroll through with walls of text.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:41
No kidding, we should keep posting so it won't show up.

inb4 someone quotes it on the next page
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A Person View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:42
Yet again Vomps made the title too long for the zip file to be extracted properly.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:44
Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Yet again Vomps made the title too long for the zip file to be extracted properly.
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A Person View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:45
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Yet again Vomps made the title too long for the zip file to be extracted properly.

I had to change the name of the folder it was extracted to k
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colorofmoney91 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:46
bump for next page
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 18:46
Oh hi Rob.
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TheGazzardian View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 19:01
I think I just made the best ginger snaps I have ever made, followed by the worst shortbreads. =[
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 19:03
shortbreads > gingersnaps

Sorry bro.
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colorofmoney91 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 19:04
Ginger anything > short anything.

I'm watching Kinsey.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2011 at 19:04
ture, I meant Tanner not Alan.

I can't make either though.

Edited by A Person - December 19 2011 at 19:06
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