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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 03:00
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

My system sounds transparent AND musical. There are billion dollars ultra high end systems based on digital source and solidstate amplification only, using the best loudspeakers, which are extremely transparent and precise but unlisteneable because not musical: too cold, electronic, which is the contrary of a natural, lifelike sound. The kind of system you'll stand five minutes because there's no pleasure whereas i can listen my system whole days without fatigue.


Transparent = nothing changed from input signal to output signal (or as little as possible)


You cannot have two transparent systems with one "cold, unlistenable" and another "natural, lifelike"



Perhaps you're confusing this with separation, where you can hear individual instruments well. While a good set up of your stereo will make a difference for this, the mixing of the source will make a MUCH bigger difference. If the recording is in mono and had no EQ on the mixing end, it's going to be narrower and more muddled and your  system is only going to be able to do so much.

In true life, there are systems which are transparent (the ability to reproduce detail) but because of digital + solidstate, the harmonic's issue makes it sound cold, electronic, lifeless and not very present.
You'll get tired very quickly whereas my system is both transparent and musical (hard to define term)thanks to tube and various optimization tips.

Soundstage is linked to the "amount" and the deepness of low.
If i turn off my subwoofer, the soundstage suddenly gets very narrow whereas you get a 3D effect with the sub on.

Another unpredicatble effect of a good sub is a greater extension and smoother extreme highs which is very surprising and i snot reflected by theory once more.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 04:54
Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

My system sounds transparent AND musical. There are billion dollars ultra high end systems based on digital source and solidstate amplification only, using the best loudspeakers, which are extremely transparent and precise but unlisteneable because not musical: too cold, electronic, which is the contrary of a natural, lifelike sound. The kind of system you'll stand five minutes because there's no pleasure whereas i can listen my system whole days without fatigue.


Transparent = nothing changed from input signal to output signal (or as little as possible)


You cannot have two transparent systems with one "cold, unlistenable" and another "natural, lifelike"



Perhaps you're confusing this with separation, where you can hear individual instruments well. While a good set up of your stereo will make a difference for this, the mixing of the source will make a MUCH bigger difference. If the recording is in mono and had no EQ on the mixing end, it's going to be narrower and more muddled and your  system is only going to be able to do so much.

In true life, there are systems which are transparent (the ability to reproduce detail) but because of digital + solidstate, the harmonic's issue makes it sound cold, electronic, lifeless and not very present.
You'll get tired very quickly whereas my system is both transparent and musical (hard to define term)thanks to tube and various optimization tips.

Soundstage is linked to the "amount" and the deepness of low.
If i turn off my subwoofer, the soundstage suddenly gets very narrow whereas you get a 3D effect with the sub on.

Another unpredicatble effect of a good sub is a greater extension and smoother extreme highs which is very surprising and i snot reflected by theory once more.
Unfortunately (for you) this is supported by theory. This  cannot change the highs but it will alter the lows, which will give the illusion of changing the highs (moving the lows out of the way gives space for the highs to be heard - I use this technique when mixing an album).
What this means is that the system is no longer "fidelity", it is no longer a faithful reproduction of the recording - the monaural subwoofer is cross-coupling the left and right channels for low frequecies (the subwoofer is also anti-phase, in-phase subs sound awful, this anti-phase cancels the lows from the normal stereo speaker pair) - this left-right cross-talk at low frequencies is no longer a verbatim image of what is present in the recording - essentially by using a subwoofer you have created the cross-coupling I referred to in my previous post on this subject, but you have done it acoustically rather than electronically - this acts like the "wide" switch on a boombox but only for the low frequencies - it's perfectly valid and if you like the result then that's fine, but fidelity and transparency it is not.
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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 06:32
Interesting technical point concerning the sub, the "illusion" of better highs it creates make it sound "better" with than without on most records.

Of course, subwoofer brings its own problems but talking about preserving the recording integrety, we may also rise the trend of over compression and even remixes (especially in "rock" and so progrock reissues)which ruins what the original albums/recordings were. Without talking about the limitations of digital Vs analog (the muddy bass on DSOTM CD versions, compared to the tight, deep bass of the original recording faithfully reproduced on a 1st pressing vinyl).

BTW, it's quite well known that CD sounds harsh in the mid highs Vs vinyl, it's less known that it's also inferior at the other end of the spectrum, good analog giving a much more powerful, quicker and tighter low than digital which sounds like a "skeleton" because it lacks flesh.

Considering that solidstate suffers from the same thin harsh sound, it's not surprising that a system with digital source and solidtate amplification only is not pleasant to listen to.

It's the reason why Hifi attracts so few people today and even partly the reason why people don't listen to music anymore: their system doesn't give pleasure so it's just a pain to listen to music.
So most people end up listening to the radio (better source than CD)in their car and that's all.

When i bought my first Jolida amp (the starting point of my journey in high end hifi), i was so astonished by the sound that i was listening for 15 hours sessions at good volume, something impossible with a non-musical system.
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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 06:54
Interesting article about a cable's test:

Interesting, the reviewer says in substance the same that what i tried to explain about precise and transparent "Vs" warm and laidback:

"Yes you read it correctly. "Smooth and detailed." The characterization is not a contradiction. I know that many believe cool, bright, and edgy are often synonyms for detail, with smooth at times representing warmer, more laid-back and rolled off sound sans detail. Not here."

Edited by oliverstoned - September 13 2011 at 07:00
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 08:18
This is a tool used by beginner mixing folks all the time. Many of the characteristics you're talking about oliver are EQ characteristics. 
Many "Good" systems sound great by adding frequencies in the low end to give more thump and harmonics in the high frequencies to smooth over brittle or sharp sounds. This is not transparency.
Jumbled sounding recordings typically have too many things going on at the same EQ, which is just bad mixing. And your system can't fix it. 
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 08:25
It's transparent because it goes further at both spectrum ends so you get informations in the extreme high and exteme low that you'd not have without the sub.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 08:55
That is not transparency.
Furthermore, the human ear has frequency response issues at those extremes. Some system improvements ADD in order to compensate.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 08:57
Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

It's transparent because it goes further at both spectrum ends so you get informations in the extreme high and exteme low that you'd not have without the sub.
Aww Unhappy - now you've gone and spoilt everything. Disapprove
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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 09:23
This is the illusion it produces. I'm only interested in the illusion, the illusion being the result.
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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 09:31
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

Jumbled sounding recordings typically have too many things going on at the same EQ, which is just bad mixing. And your system can't fix it. 

Certainly, my system sounds neutral (made of only choosed neutral sounding components, including cables, because some cables on the market are colored) and if the record's bad, it'll sound bad.
BTW, there are huge differences from one record to another, proving how neutral the system is.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 10:12
Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

This is the illusion it produces. I'm only interested in the illusion, the illusion being the result.
This is a wise observation...if it sounds good, it is good to you. It's the old saying with wine. Doesn't matter the cost or what the critics say, if you like it, it's good. But if you like Boone's Farm, don't get into a discussion with a critic. Or a winemaker, or a wine scientist.
Some positive motion is happening I think.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 10:13
Its why I will not use one, everytime I audition one my ears get the sense that something is "off kilter", I feel like I am walking and leaning to one-side.....Plus I really don't care to shake the plaster off my walls. I have always been a 2-channel system person, to me that gives me the best audio reproduction on any source I am listening to.
Now for DVD viewing of movies I agree a sub is pretty cool to have available in a 5.1 setup.......But I guess to me a 2.1 audio system does not reproduce the source in the most natural state possible.
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 10:29
Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

BTW, there are huge differences from one record to another, proving how neutral the system is.
I don't understand this statement......All media is not recorded the same, CD, record to another they are different, agree.
So if your system does not "color" the source and reproduces as "neutral" as possible, of course the two medias will sound different.
But how do you know what the source is suppose to sound like..naturally? So are you saying if the source is not neutral, your system will "make" it sound neutral??
I'm confused........forget itConfused
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 11:01
Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

So most people end up listening to the radio (better source than CD)in their car and that's all.

Really??? Confused
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 11:21
^ Yes really!! How come you did not know that....jeeezzzz!!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 11:30
^Yes... My bad... I mean nothing beats the frequent interruptions that driving under a tunnel generate on the music... It gives one a moment to relax, to analyze. Not to say anything about the crystal-clear clarity of audio that comes from the radio waves, totally free of interference or noise of any kind. 

Yes, I'll throw away all my cds in favor of radio, which, I forgot to say, adds the distinctive pleasure of not having any choice on what the hell I will be hearing next. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 11:33
^ you get it.....I was begining to loose faith.....Glad ur back on board!
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oliverstoned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 12:35
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Its why I will not use one, everytime I audition one my ears get the sense that something is "off kilter", I feel like I am walking and leaning to one-side.....Plus I really don't care to shake the plaster off my walls. I have always been a 2-channel system person, to me that gives me the best audio reproduction on any source I am listening to.

Now for DVD viewing of movies I agree a sub is pretty cool to have available in a 5.1 setup.......But I guess to me a 2.1 audio system does not reproduce the source in the most natural state possible.

A real sub must be at least 38 cm diameter to do real extreme low

When a sub is well setted (and you have to re-set it everytime you change something in the system) you don't hear it, it's perfectly integrated into the whole by playing on two parameters: volume and freq cut.

A good well setted is not intended to shake the walls (even if it may, at times) but to provide the matter, the soundstage and even the extreme highs and the smoothness as well.

It's an alternative to bi amplification but it can added to bi amp as well. You can even use several identical subwoofers, each sub you add, the better it is as it divide the work by the numer of subs. Crazy installation but crazy result.

Edited by oliverstoned - September 13 2011 at 12:37
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 12:40
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

That is not transparency.
Furthermore, the human ear has frequency response issues at those extremes. Some system improvements ADD in order to compensate.
I think what Oliver is calling 'Transparency' (transparence) we would call 'Clarity' (clarté) - a transparent soundstage would be empty of all sound after all whereas clarity in a soundstage would allow individual sounds and instruments to be identified ( ie 'details'). similarly I think his meaning of "Neutral" and "Coloured" isn't the same as we would use, though I haven't worked out what they are yet, because whatever it is that valves and subwoofers add to a system I personally would not call "neutrality" and whatever the unmeasurable and undetectable difference between cables is, I would not call it "colouration".

Edited by Dean - September 13 2011 at 12:43
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2011 at 12:44
On-topic:  I ordered a couple of CDs yesterday.
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