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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2009 at 15:37
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

!st and foremost is film, and it's use of music


Very interesting observation Clap
There are more interesting and very valid observations in the other paragraphs - but that is one that I've overlooked.
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote: still needs to evaluate The Doors ... and the fact that they are all film majors ... 

Totally agree with this.

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

All in all, there is no "progressive" music ... it is all a continual development of music ...

Disagee with this. 

Some music is progressive, some is just a continuation of what went before, and some is just a poor money-spinning regurgitation.

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 you can not rate the music of today with the "tools" of the past ... music has changed forever! 

Music is still changing, but any music that is rooted in the Western diatonic traditions can be assessed with the tools of that tradition.
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

However, most academia will not recognize progression in music ... specially stuff that comes off popular idioms.

This definitely isn't true - at college I was set the task to write a dissertation on Progressive Rock.

Analysing music through the ages gives an understanding of how it literally progresses - and it's widely recognised that popular music is at the heart of much "artistic" music (for want of a better term).
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 but if you are around people that think that Mozart is music and the rest is not ... you are in the wrong place and need to go to school in Berkeley, where this study would make sense!

Or you could go to Leicester or a huge number of other places - academia is nowhere near as blinkered as you think. On the contrary, those who have not been through a musical course at degree level tend to be very suspicious of people who have - as if the learning counts for nothing, and is merely "academic"!

This is patently not true. We go to college to learn about music - not sit there and theoreticise about it.

One guy in my class gave a presentation on U2, and another on Punk Rock - and this qas quite a while ago. Give up the stereotypes - colleges are halls of learning, which keep a close eye on the "real world".

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

There is nothing a violin can do that the guitar can not and vice versa ...

Hang on a moment Wink

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

These are, for the most part, musicians that were influenced by classical music and wanted to use that inspiration within the rock context.  What's so big about a teacher and school telling you about Beethoven and Mozart that you would not want to do with your guitar just for fun, and in some cases ... more than just fun?
Give the public and regular people some credit plz ...

Umm, I think some people should give academia a little more credit Wink
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I think this would have to be put in perspective ... otherwise the majority of "prog" will never be here or discussed! But again, they are also less known than a lot of other musicians, and to me, this is the biggest thing about "prog"
As an example, around my roomie when he was playing Golden Earring at that time, the other dj nosed in and said "it's not rock'n'roll" ... to which my roomie immediately said ... "who cares! It's great music!"
You need to take the same stand!
And this is what you have to do ... you can not elevate prog because of a guitarist ... or a keyboard or Keith Emerson, or some other idiocy. But you can elevate a lot of music and redefine the concepts of "music" including the addition and advent of popular music into the definitions ... of which those we consider prog are a lot more aligned with the history of the arts and it's development than anything else ...

There are ways of measuring whether the music is in some way "superior" or not, thanks to music theory - but, as has been pointed out, this requires a framework.

You can't just say, "Oh, it's great music, let's include it in Prog Archives" - or what would be the point of having a site dedicated to Prog (and related) music?

Keep the right prespective here, is all I'm saying!

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Skills (virtuosity)
The point of view here, should be "individuality" ... not skill. 

Fair point

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Skill is not exactly a measurable qantitative anything ... and should be dropped. 
Yes it is and no it shouldn't Smile

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

But the individuality added to many compositions by each and every one of these people made the work they did quite historic and helped put music on the map ...

Not really - there were plenty of people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time with an instrument. "Each and every one...." is a bit of an exaggeration, is my point.

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 but a point must be made clear that the rigid'ness of classical music concepts make it impossible for any virtuosi to flourish and grow ... 

That's quite an assumption. 

Mozart was a virtuoso, and so was Beethoven - and Bach, and so on and so on...

People forget that all the greatest composers were also incredible improvisors - and that improvisation was key during performances, and key to great compositions.

True, there are large sections where everybody has to pull together in symphonies and the like, but in concerti, improvisation by a star performer is the point of the piece, and in small chamber groups, improvisation was all part of the fun.

It's probably more true to say that improvisation isn't taught as much as it should be - but how can you teach it?

Who taught Miles?

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

and the pop/rock/jazz elements have embraced that spirit, which most academic and classic environments reject.

Not any that I've ever encountered - maybe things are different in your country.

This is a baseless assumption - both Debussy and Stravinsky embraced jazz techniques in their music, and Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" is way ahead of its time.

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Genres, styles
Raga .. needs to be developed more as there are many european bands that blatantly took this concept to heart, and you should discuss Agitation Free as an example. If you do not know/understand what a raga is and what it is designed to do, then any music that employs this concept is wasted. In general a lot of long cuts and improvisations have a lot more to thank a raga for than anything else, the musical elements (sonata, etc etc ) notwithstanding, as they can be a meeting point at any time in the music itself to help the musicians come together in the end, for example.

The point is not so much using the technique, as using the technique to create new sounding music. Does Agitation Free's music sound unique or fresh in some way?

Listen to Turangalila Symphonie by Olivier Messiaen - a composer who used raga extensively. To me it sounds fresh and free-flowing - not like you'd expect "Classical" music to sound at all.

It's the music that matters to the general listener, not how its created. That is the domain of the composer and the analytical listener. Advanced or unusual technique utilisation is not "a waste", but a useful way of writing progressive sounding music - and if the technique is used well, will create bona fide progressive music.

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 The english scene in folk in its variations and combinations is far more progressive and experimental than we give them credit for.

True - and not just the English folk scene, but folk scenes around the world.

Some good points and some incorrect assumptions - and some very astute observations.

Nice one!

Edited by Certif1ed - July 22 2009 at 15:42
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2009 at 16:30
My own reflections on this project: be careful.
This project has a "intelligent design" flavour: the idea that popular music "progresses" leads to the idea that progressive rock is neither a genre, nor a MOMENT in the history of Rock music, but the logical conclusion of the history of popular music.
Reading "Prog was initiated as a cultural phenomenon" is historically wrong: it was A PART of the counter culture, not a whole phenomenon. Elsewhere, how could we explain the split evolutions of jazz-rock, psychaedelic, R.I.O....?
Just as moshkito wrote it, you have to point the connections between music, cinema, literature (SF?) and even comics.

Moreover, there are some elements in your sketch you should have corrected: the sole jazz artist you mention are Miles Davis and Sun Ra, and you seem to ignore free jazz, the "third stream" and other subgenres in jazz.

Some sentences are also to be corrected: ItCotCK is not a concept-album. Quoting Miles Davis' "Porgy and Bess" as a concept album is also an error: it was an opera written by Gershwin.
Saying Pink Floyd and Soft Machine had "entire prog gigs" is inaccurate: I guess you wanted to say that they were some of the first Pop bands improvising on stage.

A last thing: creating a historical diagramm about progressive music that goes to the 30's... Two decades before Rock'n'Roll??? Innacurate again! At this rate, you could also add operas.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2009 at 16:41
Excellent! I dove right in and keep coming back to this.
Love that Miles Davis is considered to be not just jazz but prog!
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Alberto Muñoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2009 at 20:43
Add Clark Hutchiston.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 08 2009 at 10:35
Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

Feel free to list clubs, concert venues and labels that were important in the development of proto-prog.

Clearly in the UK: Joe Boyd's  Middle Earth, with regulars like Machine, Floyd, Tomorrow, Incredible String Band. other London venues in London would have included 100 Club, 12 Bar Club, Ronnie Scott's Club Upstairs, (put onbands like Soft Machine), Tiles.
There was a blues club circuit in the home counties - which slowly changed from being all blues rock and straight blues to more prog and underground bands more between 1967 and 1972. I regularly went to the Toby Jug at Tolworth one club on this circuit for 3  to 4 years (gigs Wednesdays and Sundays) and it was clearly from the and in Melody Maker, that bands like Timebox, Spooky Tooth, Edgar Broughton were following each round the circuit.  Aylesbury was renown for a club putting on prog bands, such as Genesis. Without the album in front of me, i.e. Machine's Third, one track was recorded at a club in Birmingham -  clearly there were venues well out of London too .
However, the university and colleges  student union circuit  in the UK probably was as influential as anything at promoting established and new prog bands from 1967 through to 1977/8 - when students seemed to go for punk. My university, Loughborough had Barclay James Harvest as early as 1968 or 9, one of the Nucleus live albums was recorded here, I saw Babe Ruth, Kevin Ayers, Beck Bogert Appice, Flash, Sweet, Just Us, Isotope, etc. etc. here  - the Bonzo's last gig was here. One of the Soft Machine live albums was recorded at Nottingham SU. I saw Traffic at Central Middlesex Poly in 1970 (part of Welcome to The Canteen was recorded then), my brother caught T2 and  (actually booked) John Martin at Middlesex Teaching Hospital SU in 70-72 period. Obviously Leeds SU is renown for The Who Live At Leeds as well as John Martyn Live At Leeds. Steve Hillage came out of U of Kent, whilst Van Der Graaf out of Manchester U.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 13 2009 at 18:18
Originally posted by Alberto Muñoz Alberto Muñoz wrote:

Add Clark Hutchiston.
You beat me to it! Tongue
Totally agree with that. Totally.
Les mains, les pieds balancés
Sur tant de mers, tant de planchers,
Un marin mort,
Il dormira

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 14 2010 at 10:19
I've been listening to lots of early Israeli prog and I've noticed that ther are some bands that could be considered under the proto-prog label because of their style and influence on the developing scene.
This may seem odd becaouse some of this bands where around dourin the 70's but Israeli prog developed rather late in comparison with other countries.
Some examples:
The Churchills:

Behind the Sounds:

Arik Einstein:

Arik Einstein & Shalom Hanoch:

Shalom Hanoch:

Matti Caspi:

Michael's Sonic Kaleidoscope Mondays 5:00pm EST(re-runs Thursdays 3:00pm) @ Delicious Agony Progressive Rock Radio(

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2010 at 08:28
Thanks for your input ProgressiveAttic and others.
I feel it's time to continue my work on the subject.
I have briefly scanned some of the music that lead up to proto-prog and thought about how to present it. Rather than doing it chronologically I will attack the development of proto-prog by this process model:
Research --> Ideation --> Conceptualization --> Development --> Realization --> Commercialization --> Operation
Re. "Conceptualization": KC conceptualizes Prog with ItCotCK in other words Prog was born as a concept; proto-prog had reached the album stage rather than just a few Prog songs scattered on an album - Prog becomes an album genre! Prior to this Prog was conceptualized on the song (or even parts of songs) basis only and eventually developed and realized as many of the Prog sub-genres (Prog Folk, Space Rock, Symphonic Prog, Eclectic). On the album level entire albums of Prog Folk, Symphonic Prog etc. emerged after ItCotCK. After these genres were realized, they were commercialized in the early 70's.
On the song level, many Prog genres were successfully commercialized in '67 (Doors, Pink Floyd, Procol Harum etc.).
Re. "Ideation" and "Research": think pre-'66 (pre-) Proto-prog, see
Reseach (pre-1960):

Printemps, symphonic suite for chorus, piano & orchestra, L. 61: Movement 1   Claude Debussy (1882)

Printemps, symphonic suite for chorus, piano & orchestra, L. 61: Movement 2  Claude Debussy (1882)

Verklärte Nacht: Grave                                                                                                   Arnold Schoenberg (1899)

Verklärte Nacht: Molto rallentando                                                        Arnold Schoenberg (1899)

Verklärte Nacht: Pesante                                                                     Arnold Schoenberg (1899)

Verklärte Nacht: Adagio (229)                                                               Arnold Schoenberg (1899)

Verlärte Nacht: Adagio (370)                                                                 Arnold Schoenberg (1899)

Central Park in the Dark, for orchestra, Kv 23                                                           Charles Ives (1906)

Tone Roads for orchestra No. 1,  'All Roads Lead To the Center'  KkV38           Charles Ives (1911)

Parade, ballet                                                                                                                  Erik Satie (1917-1919)

Hyperprisme                                                                                                                    Edgar Varèse (1923)
Mystery Symphony for theremin and orch                                                                
Pashchenko (1924)
Poème Symphonique                                                                                                   Levidi (1928)

Goodnight Irene                                                                                                             John A. Lomax; Leadbelly  (1932)

Oraison, for ondes martenot                                                                                        Olivier Messiaen (1937)

Imaginary Landscape                                                                                                  John Cage (1939)

?? (pioneer of electronic music)                                                                                 Raymond Scott (40’s)
Concerto to End All Concertos                                                                                  
Stan Kenton (1946)

This Land Is Your Land                                                                                                 Woody Guthrie  (1947)

Music Out Of The Moon                                                                                                  Les Baxter (?/? 1947)

(electric guitars and multi-track recording techniques)                            Les Paul (1947)

Étude Pathétique                                                                                                            Pierre Schaeffer (1948)
Etude aux Chemins de Fer                                                                                          
Pierre Schaeffer  (1948)

Cinq Études de Brutis                                                                                                    Pierre Schaeffer  (1948-50)

Symphonie Pour un Homme Seul                                                                              Pierre Schaeffer  (1950)

??? (Bach + jazz)                                                                               Jaques Loussier (?)

Williams Mix, for 8 channels of pre-recorded tape                                                   John Cage (1952)

Mess Around                                                                                                                    Ahmet Ertegun; Jesse Stone (1953)

Déserts                                                                                                                              Edgar Varèse (1954)

Gesang Der Jünglinge                                                                                                   Karlheinz Stockhausen (1955-56)

Forbidden Planet                                                                                                            Louis and Bebe Barron  (1956)

?                                                                                                                                         Lennie Tristano (?)

Poème électronique, for tape                                                                                       Edgard Varèse  (1958)

Kontakte                                                                                            Karlheinz Stockhausen (1955)

Milestones                                                                                         Miles Davis (Feb-March/Sep '58)

So What                                                                                                                            Miles Davis (March/Aug '59)

All Blues                                                                                                                           Miles Davis  (April/Aug '59)

Take Five                                                                                                                         Paul Desmond (July '59/? '59)

Blue Rondo a La Turk                                                                                                   Dave Brubeck  (Aug '59/? '59)

Cindy Electronium                                                                                                          Raymond Scott (1959)

Thousand guitars                                                                                                            Tracey Pendarvis (?/? 1959)

The Big Hurt                                                                                                                     Miss Toni Fisher (1959)

Drums of Passion                                                                                                           Babatunde Olatunji (1959)

Edited by earlyprog - February 17 2010 at 16:16
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 18 2010 at 04:31
In agreement with the aforementioned model, modern prog is Prog in the Operation stage ("business as usual")...lacking the progressive aspects of the Development stage.
Truly progressive acts are in the Development stage.
When a Prog sub-genre is realized (see Realization stage), the music in the genre can no longer be progressive ?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2010 at 10:02

For easy reference - and as a basis for the subsequent analysis - here's a list of references for the years 1960-1965:

Song                                                                                                     Artist (recorded/released)

Interlude                                                                                                Stan Kenton ?/1966

Malaguena                                                                                             Stan Kenton ?/1966

Dragonwyck                                                                                           Stan Kenton ?/1966

Angels and Demons at Play (album)                                                        Sun Ra (1960)
Orbit Around the Moon                                                                            Joe Meek & the Blue Men (1960)

Glob Waterfall                                                                                        Joe Meek & the Blue Men (1960)

Magnetic Field                                                                                       Joe Meek & the Blue Men (1960)

Dribcots Space Boat                                                                              Joe Meek & the Blue Men (1960)

Apache                                                                                                  The Shadows (1960)

Man of Mystery                                                                                      The Shadows (1960)

Lonely And Blue (album)                                                                         Roy Orbison (1960)

Wooden Heart                                                                                        Elvis Presley (‘60/’61)

Wireless Fantasy for tape                                                                        Vladimir Ussachevsky (1960)

Apocalypse~Part 2                                                                                 Tod Dockstader (1961)

Olé                                                                                                        John Coltrane (1961)

Cresent                                                                                                  John Coltrane (1961)

Runaway (w/ clavioline)                                                                           Del Shannon (?/?  '61)

Hats Off To Larry (w/ clavioline)                                                              Del Shannon (?/?  '61)

Last Night                                                                                              Mar-Keys (?/? ’61)

Nivram                                                                                                   The Shadows (1961)

Wonderful Land                                                                                      The Shadows (1962)

Guitar Tango                                                                                          The Shadows (1962)

Perfidia                                                                                                  The Shadows (1962)

This Is It                                                                                                 Alan Watts (1962)

Twist Uptown                                                                                         The Crystals (1962)

Time Beat b/w Waltz In Orbit                                                                  Ray Cathode (Maddalena Fagandini & George Martin) (?/? ’62)

Man In Space With Sounds                                                                     Attilio Mineo (?/? ’62)

Ridin' the Wind                                                                                       The Tornados (July?/? '62)

Telstar                                                                                                   The Tornados (?/Aug '62)

Green Onions                                                                                         Booker T. & the MG's (June?/Aug '62)

We Travel the Spaceways                                                                       Sun Ra & His Arkestra (?/? '62)

Percolator                                                                                              The Ventures (? '62/Jan '63)

Robot                                                                                                    The Tornados (?/March '63)

Costa Monger                                                                                        The Tornados (?/? '63)

All the Stars in the Sky                                                                           The Tornados (?/? '63)

Foot Tapper                                                                                           The Shadows (1963)

Atlantis                                                                                                  The Shadows (1963)

Pipeline                                                                                                 Chantays (?/? '63)

?                                                                                                           Rebels (?/? '63?)

More (w/French electronic music instrument Ondioline)                             Kai Winding (?/Aug ’63)

Chinese Checkers                                                                                  Booker T. & the MG's (?/June '63)

Mo' Onions                                                                                             Booker T. & the MG's (?/Dec '63)

Dear Olde Benny Green Is A-Turning in His Grave                                    Soft Machine (? '63/2001)

Man in a Deaf Corner                                                                             Soft Machine (? '63/2001)

Thither and Yon                                                                                      Sun Ra & His Arkestra (?/? '63)

Not a Second Time                                                                                The Beatles (Sept/Nov '63)

Glad All Over                                                                                         The Dave Clark Five (?/Jan ’64)
Baby Let Me Take You Home                                                                  The Animals (Feb/March '64)

The House of the Rising Sun                                                                  The Animals (Feb/June '64)

I Call Your Name                                                                                    The Beatles (March/June '64)

A Hard Day's Night                                                                                The Beatles (April/July '64)

She's Not There                                                                                     The Zombies (?/July? '64)

Cantaloupe Island                                                                                  Herbie Hancock (June/? '64)

The Egg                                                                                                Herbie Hancock (June/? '64)

Exodus                                                                                                 The Tornados (?/Aug '64)

Things We Said Today                                                                           The Beatles (2 June/10 July '64)

Zoot Suit                                                                                               The Who (The High Numbers) (June/July '64)

I'm the Face                                                                                          The Who (The High Numbers) (June/July '64)

She Knows Me Too Well                                                                         The Beach Boys (June/Sept '64)

I'm Crying                                                                                              The Animals (July/? '64)

When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)                                                               The Beach Boys (Aug/Sept '64)

Wine and Roses                                                                                     John Fahey (Aug '64/'64)

What the Sun Said                                                                                 John Fahey (Aug '64/'64)

Run Run Run                                                                                          The Gestures (?/Oct '64)

I Feel Fine                                                                                              The Beatles (Oct/Nov '64)

Go Now                                                                                                 The Moody Blues (?/Nov '64)

Tell Her No                                                                                             The Zombies (?/Dec? '64)

I Can't Explain                                                                                        The Who (Nov '64/Jan '65)

A Love Supreme, Pt. 1: Acknowledgement                                              John Coltrane (Dec '64/Feb '65)

A Love Supreme, Pt. 4: Psalm                                                                John Coltrane (Dec '64/Feb '65)

The Indians                                                                                            Ennio Morricone (?/? ’64)

Almost Dead                                                                                         Ennio Morricone (?/? ’64)

The Result                                                                                             Ennio Morricone (?/? ’64)

Sixty Seconds to What?                                                                         Ennio Morricone (?/? ’64)

The Showdown                                                                                      Ennio Morricone (?/? ’64)

For a Few Dollars More                                                                          Ennio Morricone (?/? ’64)

Raga                                                                                                    Seventh Sons (? '64/'68)

For Your Love                                                                                        The Yardbirds (?/Feb '65)

In the Back of My Mind                                                                           The Beach Boys (Jan/March '65)

Bull Session with "Big Daddy"                                                                 The Beach Boys (Jan/March '65)

Subterranean Homesick Blues                                                                 Bob Dylan (Jan/April ’65)

Play with Fire                                                                                         Rolling Stones (Jan-Feb/Feb '65)

I Knew I'd Want You                                                                               The Byrds (Jan/April '65)

Ticket to Ride                                                                                         The Beatles (15 Feb/9 April '65)

You've Got to Hide Your Love Away                                                         The Beatles (18 Feb/6 Aug '65

Here Without You                                                                                   The Byrds (April/June '65)

Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere                                                                   The Who (April/May '65)

California Girls                                                                                       The Beach Boys (April/July '65)

Summer Means New Love                                                                      The Beach Boys (May/June '65)

And Your Dream Comes True                                                                 The Beach Boys (May/June '65)

Heart Full of Soul                                                                                   The Yardbirds (?/June '65)

Out of Our Tree                                                                                      The Wailers (?/Oct '65)

Like a Rolling Stone                                                                                Bob Dylan (June/July '65)

Desolation Row                                                                                      Bob Dylan (June/Aug '65)

Yesterday                                                                                              The Beatles (14 June/6 Aug '65)

See My Friends                                                                                      The Kinks (?/July '65)

We Gotta Get Out of This Place                                                               The Animals (?/July '65)

It's My Life                                                                                              The Animals (?/? '65)

I'm Gonna Change the World                                                                   The Animals (?/? '65)

From the Bottom of My Heart (I Love You)                                                 The Moody Blues (?/? '65)

Still I'm Sad                                                                                           The Yardbirds (?/Oct '65)

It Won't Be Wrong                                                                                  The Byrds (Sept/Dec '65)

Stranger in a Strange Land                                                                     The Byrds (Sept '65/1996)

The Little Girl I Once Knew                                                                      The Beach Boys (Oct/Nov '65)

Stingray                                                                                                 The Tornados (?/? '65)

My Generation                                                                                        The Who (Oct/Nov '65)

I Ain't No Miracle Worker                                                                         The Brogues (?/Nov '65)

I See the Light                                                                                        The Five Americans (?/Nov '65)

Dirty Water                                                                                            The Standells (?/Nov '65)

Just Like Me                                                                                          Paul Revere & The Raiders (?/Nov '65)

You Ain't Tuff                                                                                         The Uniques (?/Dec '65)

The Good's Gone                                                                                   The Who (?/Dec '65)

The Ox                                                                                                  The Who (?/Dec '65)

Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)                                                   The Beatles (12 Oct/Dec '65)

If I Needed Someone                                                                              The Beatles (16 Oct/Dec '65)

In My Life                                                                                              The Beatles (18 Oct/Dec '65)

We Can Work It Out                                                                               The Beatles (20 Oct/3 Dec '65)

Nowhere Man                                                                                        The Beatles (21 Oct/Dec '65)

The Word                                                                                              The Beatles (Nov/Dec '65)

Think for Yourself                                                                                   The Beatles (8 Nov/3 Dec '65)

Girl                                                                                                       The Beatles (11 Nov/3 Dec '65)

He Was a Friend of Mine                                                                        The Byrds (Nov/Dec '65

Pet Sounds                                                                                           The Beach Boys (Nov '65/May '66)

It's No Secret                                                                                        Jefferson Airplane (Dec '65/Sept '66)

High Flyin' Bird                                                                                      Jefferson Airplane (Dec '65/?)

Shapes of Things                                                                                  The Yardbirds (? '65/Feb '66)

Orientasian                                                                                           Soft Machine (? '65/2001)

The War Lord                                                                                        The Shadows (?/? '65)

Bye bye butterfly                                                                                   Pauline Oliveros (?/? '65)


Need further research:


                                                                                                         The Dave Clark Five (?/? ’64)
Hesitation Blues                                                                                    The Holy Modal Rounders (?/? ’64)

Live at Klooks Kleek                                                                              Graham Bond Organisation (?/? ’64)

There's a Bond Between Us                                                                    Graham Bond Organisation (?/? ’65)

The Sound of 65                                                                                    Graham Bond Organisation (?/? ’65)

Seal of the Blue Lotus                                                                            Robbie Basho (?/? ’65)        

The Magic City (album) + Heliocentric Worlds (album) w/clavioline             Sun Ra (?/? ’65)
The Voice of the Turtle                                                                           John Fahey (?/? ’65 (68?))

A&M sessions                                                                                       Captain Beefheart (?/? ’65 (’66?))

Bare Hugg                                                                                             Manfred Mann (?/? ‘65)

Crescent                                                                                               John Coltrane (?/?)

"Mixtur" and "Mikrophonie I"                                                                    Karlheinz Stockhausen (?/?)

?                                                                                                          Terry Riley (?/?)

?                                                                                                          Steve Reich (?/?)

Out to Lunch                                                                                         Eric Dolphy
Dance, Sing and Listen                                                                          Bruce Haack

?                                                                                                          Skatellites

PROJECT 1                                                                                          Gottfried Michael Koenig 

?                                                                                                          Georgie Fame

?                                                                                                           Alan Price

?                                                                                                           Zoot Money

?                                                                                                           Dick Hyman
?                                                                                                           Sandy Bull
Machine Head                                                                                        Jon Lord's Santa Barbara

The crying game                                                                                    Dave Berry

Terry                                                                                                     Twinkle

Laugh Laugh                                                                                          The Beau Brummels

?                                                                                                           The Lovin' Spoonful

Everyone’s Gone to the Moon                                                                  Sara Hickman

I Can't Get no Satisfaction                                                                       Manfred Mann (?/? ‘66)
Friday On My Mind                                                                                 The Easybeats (?/? ’66)

Edited by earlyprog - February 23 2010 at 09:31
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2010 at 15:47
.........and a list of references from 1966:

Song                                                                                                     Artist (recorded/released)

Eight Miles High                                                                                   Byrds (Jan/March '66)

Why?                                                                                                   Byrds (Jan/March '66)

You Still Believe in Me                                                                         The Beach Boys (Jan/May '66)

Good Vibrations                                                                                  The Beach Boys (Feb/Oct '66)

Pop Art Goes Mozart                                                                          The Tornados (?/March '66)

Tobacco Road                                                                                     Jefferson Airplane (Feb/Sept '66)

Blues from an Airplane                                                                         Jefferson Airplane (March/Sept '66)

Come Up the Years                                                                             Jefferson Airplane (March/Sept '66)

I Ain't Got No Heart                                                                           Frank Zappa (March/June '66)

Who Are the Brain Police?                                                                  Frank Zappa (March/June '66)

Help, I'm a Rock                                                                                 Frank Zappa (March/June '66)

The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet                                            Frank Zappa (March/June '66)

Seven & Seven Is                                                                                Love (?/June '66)

Psychotic Reaction                                                                              The Count Five (?/June '66)

Here Today                                                                                         The Beach Boys (March/May '66)

Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder)                                       The Beach Boys (April/May '66)

Rain                                                                                                     Beatles (April/June '66)

Tomorrow Never Knows                                                                     Beatles (April/June '66)

Eleanor Rigby                                                                                      Beatles (April/Aug '66)

I'm Only Sleeping                                                                                 Beatles (April/Aug '66)

Love You To                                                                                          Beatles (April/Aug '66)

And Your Bird Can Sing                                                                      Beatles (April/Aug '66)

Doctor Robert                                                                                     Beatles (April/Aug '66)

Yellow Submarine                                                                                 Beatles (May '66/Aug '66)

I See You                                                                                            Byrds (May/July '66)

What's Happening?!?!                                                                          Byrds (May/July '66)

2-4-2 Fox Trot (The Lear Jet Song)                                                     Byrds (May/July '66)

Bad Little Woman                                                                                Shadows Of Knight (?/July '66)

For No One                                                                                         Beatles (May/Aug '66)

Over Under Sideways Down                                                                The Yardbirds (?/July '66)

Hot House of Omagarishid                                                                    The Yardbirds (?/July '66)

Turn into Earth                                                                                      The Yardbirds (?/July '66)

Ever Since the World Began                                                                 The Yardbirds (?/July '66)

She Said She Said                                                                                Beatles (June/Aug '66)

Break on Through (To the Other Side)                                                  Doors (Aug '66/Jan '67)

Soul Kitchen                                                                                        Doors (Aug '66/Jan '67)

Light My Fire                                                                                       Doors (Aug '66/Jan '67)

A Quick One, While He's Away                                                          Who (Sept/Dec '66)

Boris the Spider                                                                                   Who (Oct/Dec '66)

Cobwebs and Strange                                                                          Who (Oct/Dec '66)

Third Stone from the Sun                                                                     Jimi Hendrix (Oct '66/May '67)

Happy Jack                                                                                         Who (Nov/Dec '66)

Mind Gardens                                                                                     Byrds (Nov '66/Feb '67)

Today                                                                                                 Jefferson Airplane (Nov '66/Feb '67)

Comin' Back to Me                                                                            Jefferson Airplane (Nov '66/Feb '67)

Embryonic Journey                                                                             Jefferson Airplane (Nov '66/Feb '67)

White Rabbit                                                                                      Jefferson Airplane (Nov '66/Feb '67)

Plastic Fantastic Lover                                                                        Jefferson Airplane (Nov '66/Feb '67)

The Duke of Prunes                                                                            Frank Zappa (Nov '66/May '67)

Invocation and Ritual Dance of the Young Pumpkin                             Frank Zappa (Nov '66/May '67)

Is That a Ship I Hear?                                                                         The Tornados (?/Aug '66)

I Had Too Much to Dream (Last Night)                                              The Electric Prunes (?/Nov '66)

Blues' Theme                                                                                      Davie Allen & The Arrows (?/Dec '66)

Strawberry Fields Forever                                                                  Beatles (Nov-Dec '66/Feb '67)

Everybody's Been Burned                                                                   Byrds (Dec '66/Jan '67)

Renaissance Fair                                                                                 Byrds (Dec '66/Jan '67)

C.T.A. – 102                                                                                      Byrds (Dec '66/Jan '67)

Man from U.N.C.L.E.                                                                        The Ventures (?/? '66)

Hot Line                                                                                             The Ventures (?/? '66)

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly                                                      Ennio Morricone (?/? ’66)

The Candle Burns                                                                               Beatles (?/? ’66)

The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music                                              Beaver & Krause (?/? ’66)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 12 2010 at 13:49
References of 1967:
(In hindsight the list makes me wonder if proto-prog can be explained without using Cream as a reference. Your views?) Is Cream proto-prog?

Song                                                                                                  Artist (recorded/released)

No Time Like the Right Time                                                              The Blues Project (?/Feb '67)

Johnny Was a Good Boy                                                                    Mystery Trend (?/March '67)

Get Me to the World on Time                                                             Electric Prunes (?/March '67)

A Day in the Life                                                                                The Beatles (Jan/June '67)

Only a Northern Song                                                                        The Beatles (Feb '67/Jan '69)

I Don't Live Today                                                                             The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Feb/May '67)

Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!                                                       The Beatles (Feb-Mar/June '67)

A Whiter Shade of Pale                                                                       Procol Harum (Mar?/May '67)

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds                                                          The Beatles (Mar/June '67)

Within You Without You                                                                    The Beatles (Mar-Apr/June '67)

Incense and Peppermints                                                                    Strawberry Alarm Clock (?/Apr '67)

My World Fell Down                                                                         Sagittarius (?/May '67)

Optical Sound                                                                                    The Human Expression (?/May '67)

I Live in the Springtime                                                                       Lemon Drops (?/May '67)

Are You Experienced?                                                                       The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Apr/May '67)

Lady Friend                                                                                       The Byrds (Apr/July '67)

Astronomy Domine                                                                            Pink Floyd (Apr/Aug '67)

Dropout Boogie                                                                                 Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Apr/Sep '67)

Electricity                                                                                           Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Apr/Sep '67)

Abba Zaba                                                                                        Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Apr/Sep '67)It's

Mindrocker                                                                                        Fenwyck (?/July '67)

It’s All Too Much                                                                               The Beatles (May '67/Jan '69)

Baby You're a Rich Man                                                                    The Beatles (May/July '67)

Tiny Goddess                                                                                     Nirvana (?/July '67)

Sunshine of Your Love                                                                       Cream (May/Nov '67)

Dance the Night Away                                                                       Cream (May/Nov '67)

Tales of Brave Ulysses                                                                       Cream (May/Nov '67)

We're Going Wrong                                                                           Cream (May/Nov '67)

You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)                                    The Beatles (May-June '67, Apr '69/Mar '70)

Pow R. Toc H.                                                                                  Pink Floyd (Apr/Aug '67)

Interstellar Overdrive                                                                         Pink Floyd (Apr/Aug '67)

EXP                                                                                                  The Jimi Hendrix Experience (May-June/Dec '67)

If 6 Was 9                                                                                         The Jimi Hendrix Experience (May-June/Dec '67)

Strange Days                                                                                     The Doors (Feb-Aug/Sept '67)

When the Music's Over                                                                     The Doors (Feb-Aug/Sept '67)

Bang Bang                                                                                        Vanilla Fudge (?/Aug '67)

Stra (Illusions of My Childhood, Pt. 1)/You Keep Me Hangin' ...       Vanilla Fudge (?/Aug '67)

Old John Robertson                                                                          The Byrds (June/July '67)

Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony)          The Beach Boys (June/Sep '67)

She's Goin' Bald                                                                                The Beach Boys (June/Sep '67)

Vegetables                                                                                        The Beach Boys (June/Sep '67)

Little Pad                                                                                          The Beach Boys (June/Sep '67)

Wonderful                                                                                           The Beach Boys (June/Sep '67)

Conquistador                                                                                      Procol Harum (June? '67/Jan '68)

Repent Walpurgis                                                                                Procol Harum (June? '67/Jan '68)

Homburg                                                                                             Procol Harum (June?/Oct '67)

Shine on Brightly                                                                                 Procol Harum (June? '67/1997)

Burning of the Midnight Lamp                                                             The Jimi Hendrix Experience (July/Aug '67)

Love and Beauty                                                                                The Moody Blues (July/Sept '67)

Rael 1                                                                                                The Who (July/Dec '67)

Rael 2                                                                                                The Who (July '67/1994)

2000 Light Years from Home                                                             The Rolling Stones (July/Dec '67)

Beechwood Park                                                                               The Zombies (June-Aug '67/April '68)

Brief Candles                                                                                     The Zombies (June-Aug '67/April '68)

Hung Up on a Dream                                                                         The Zombies (June-Aug '67/April '68)

Butcher's Tale (Western Front 1914)                                                 The Zombies (June-Aug '67/April '68)

Time of the Season                                                                            The Zombies (June-Aug '67/April '68)

Are You Gonna Be There (At the Love-In)                                        Chocolate Watchband (?/Sept '67)

Wings of Love                                                                                   Nirvana (July?/Oct? '67)

Lonely Boy                                                                                        Nirvana (July?/Oct? '67)

In the Courtyard of the Stars                                                              Nirvana (July?/Oct? '67)

Pentecost Hotel                                                                                 Nirvana (July?/Oct? '67)

Take This Hand                                                                                 Nirvana (July?/Oct? '67)

Life Ain't Easy                                                                                   Nirvana (?/? '67?)

The Red Telephone                                                                            Love (June-Sept/Nov '67)

Private Sorrow                                                                                  The Pretty Things (Mid-Late '67/Dec '68)

Balloon Burning                                                                                 The Pretty Things (Mid-Late '67/Dec '68)

Death                                                                                                The Pretty Things (Mid-Late '67/Dec '68)

Well of Destiny                                                                                  The Pretty Things (Mid-Late '67/Dec '68)

Defecting Grey                                                                                  The Pretty Things (Mid-Late '67/Late? '67)

Talkin' About the Good Times                                                           The Pretty Things (Mid-Late '67/? '68)

That's How Much I Love You Baby (More or Less)                          H.P. Lovecraft (Aug?/Nov '67)

Let's Get Together                                                                             H.P. Lovecraft (Aug?/Nov '67)

The White Ship                                                                                  H.P. Lovecraft (Aug?/Nov '67)

Save Yourself                                                                                    Soft Machine (? '67/2001)

Lullaby Letter                                                                                    Soft Machine (? '67/2001)

Bossa Nova Express                                                                          Soft Machine (Sept '67/2006)

Hope for Happiness                                                                           Soft Machine (Sept '67/2006)

Disorganisation                                                                                  Soft Machine (Sept '67/2006)

I Should've Known                                                                            Soft Machine (Sept '67/2006)

Why Are We Sleeping?                                                                     Soft Machine (Sept '67/2006)

I Can See for Miles                                                                           The Who (Sept/Oct '67)

Spazz                                                                                                The Elastik Band (?/Nov '67)

I Am the Walrus                                                                                The Beatles (Sep/Nov '67)

Blue Jay Way                                                                                    The Beatles (Sep/Dec '67)

Flying                                                                                               The Beatles (Sep/Dec '67)

Veruska                                                                                           Spirit (Sept '67/1996)

Sing This All Together (See What Happens)                                     The Rolling Stones (Feb-Oct/Dec '67)

Gomper                                                                                           The Rolling Stones (Feb-Oct/Dec '67)

A Small Package of Value Will Come to You, Shortly                      Jefferson Airplane (June-Oct/Nov '67)

Spare Chaynge                                                                               Jefferson Airplane (June-Oct/Nov '67)

Who Needs the Peace Corps?                                                        The Mothers of Invention (Aug-Oct '67/March '68)

Mom & Dad                                                                                  The Mothers of Invention (Aug-Oct '67/March '68)

Absolutely Free                                                                              The Mothers of Invention (Aug-Oct '67/March '68)

Flower Punk                                                                                  The Mothers of Invention (Aug-Oct '67/March '68)

Mother People                                                                               The Mothers of Invention (Aug-Oct '67/March '68)

The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Dest                                         The Mothers of Invention (Aug-Oct '67/March '68)

Hall of the Mountain King                                                              The Who (Oct '67/1994)

Lunch Break: Peak Hour                                                               The Moody Blues (Oct/Nov '67)

The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)/Time..                    The Moody Blues (Oct/Nov '67)

The Night: Nights in White Satin                                                    The Moody Blues (Oct/Nov '67)

Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush                                        Traffic (?/Nov '67)

Heaven Is in Your Mind                                                                Traffic (?/Dec '67)

No Face, No Name, No Number                                                  Traffic (?/Dec '67)

Giving to You                                                                                Traffic (?/Dec '67)

Hole in My Shoe                                                                            Traffic (?/Dec '67)

Rondo                                                                                           The Nice (?/Dec '67)

War and Peace                                                                              The Nice (?/Dec '67)

Tantalising Maggie                                                                          The Nice (?/Dec '67)

Dawn                                                                                             The Nice (?/Dec '67)

If Not This Time                                                                             Fifty Foot Hose (?/Dec '67)

Fantasy                                                                                           Fifty Foot Hose (?/Dec '67)

Cauldron                                                                                        Fifty Foot Hose (?/Dec '67)

Possession                                                                                      Iron Butterfly (Oct '67/Jan '68)

You Can't Win                                                                                Iron Butterfly (Oct '67/Jan '68)

So-Lo                                                                                             Iron Butterfly (Oct '67/Jan '68)

Fields of Sun                                                                                   Iron Butterfly (Oct '67/Jan '68)

Iron Butterfly Theme                                                                       Iron Butterfly (Oct '67/Jan '68)

On Tomorrow                                                                                Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Oct-Nov '67/? '99)

Flower Pot                                                                                     Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Oct-Nov '67/? '99)

Dirty Blue Gene                                                                              Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Oct-Nov '67/? '99)

Korn Ring Finger                                                                            Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band (Oct-Nov '67/? '99)

Fresh-Garbage                                                                               Spirit (Nov '67/Jan '68)

Mechanical World                                                                          Spirit (Nov '67/Jan '68)

Elijah                                                                                              Spirit (Nov '67/Jan '68)

Free Spirit                                                                                      Spirit (Nov '67/1996)

Changes                                                                                         The Zombies (Nov '67/April '68)

The American Metaphysical Circus                                                 The United States of America (Dec '67/March '68)

Hard Coming Love                                                                        The United States of America (Dec '67/March '68)

The Garden of Earthly Delights                                                       The United States of America (Dec '67/March '68)

Coming Down                                                                               The United States of America (Dec '67/March '68)

Love Song for the Dead Ché                                                         The United States of America (Dec '67/March '68)

Shine on Brightly                                                                            Procol Harum (? '67?/? '68)

Skip Softly (My Moonbeams)                                                        Procol Harum (? '67?/? '68)

In Held Twas in I                                                                           Procol Harum (? '67?/? '68)

Flight from Ashiya                                                                          Kaleidoscope (?/? '67)

A Lesson Perhaps                                                                          Kaleidoscope (?/? '67)

The Sky Children                                                                            Kaleidoscope (?/? '67)

H-O-P-P-Why?                                                                             Hapshash & The Coloured Coat (?/? '67)

Reborn                                                                                           Group 1850 (?/? '67)

Mother No-Head                                                                           Group 1850 (?/? '67)

What Love (Suite)                                                                          The Collectors (?/? '67)

Yucatan                                                                                          Sun Ra & His Arkestra (?/? '67)

A Rainbow in Curved Air                                                                Terry Riley (?/? '67)

Due Contro Cinque                                                                         Ennio Morricone (?/? '67)

Il Triello (The Trio) (Main Title)                                                       Ennio Morricone (?/? '67)

Spacecraft~Edit                                                                              MEV (?/? '67)

Alice's Restaurant Massacree                                                          Arlo Guthrie (?/? '67)

Walter Sly Meets Bill Bailey                                                            Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera (? '67?/? '68)

What's the Point of Leaving                                                             Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera (? '67?/? '68)

Reactions of a Young Man                                                              Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera (? '67?/? '68)

Edited by earlyprog - March 12 2010 at 14:11
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 20 2010 at 12:54
Ok, I'm nearing completion of my references. Here's the year 1968 in Prog.
Comments on whatever you fell like much appreciated!

Song                                                                                                     Artist (recorded/released)

Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun                                                Pink Floyd (Aug '67-Jan '68/June '68)

Legend of a Mind                                                                                  The Moody Blues (Jan/July '68)

The Inner Light                                                                                      The Beatles (Jan-Feb '68/Mar '68)

Forty Thousand Headmen                                                                     Traffic (?/Feb '68)

Rainbow Chaser                                                                                   Nirvana (?/March '68)

Not to Touch the Earth                                                                         The Doors (Feb/July '68)

Spanish Caravan                                                                                  The Doors (Feb-May/July '68)

Let There Be More Light                                                                      Pink Floyd (Jan-May/June '68)

A Saucerful of Secrets                                                                          Pink Floyd (April/June '68)

Journey to the Center of the Mind                                                         The Amboy Dukes (?/May '68)

Soul-Limbo                                                                                          Booker T. & the MG's (?/May '68)

Faintly Blowing                                                                                     Kaleidoscope (May '68/April '69)

The Actor                                                                                            The Moody Blues (May/July '68)

Prelude: Happiness/I'm So Glad                                                           Deep Purple (May/July '68)

Mandrake Root                                                                                   Deep Purple (May/July '68)

Termination                                                                                         Iron Butterfly (Early/July '68)

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida                                                                         Iron Butterfly (Early/July '68)

The Sky Cried- When I Was a Boy                                                    Vanilla Fudge (?/June '68)

Faceless People                                                                                  Vanilla Fudge (?/June '68)

Panis et Circenses                                                                               Os Mutantes (?/June '68)

O Relógio                                                                                           Os Mutantes (?/June '68)

Trem Fantasma                                                                                   Os Mutantes (?/June '68)

Ave Genghis Khan                                                                              Os Mutantes (?/June '68)

House of Four Doors, Pt. 1                                                                 The Moody Blues (Jan-June/July '68)

House of Four Doors, Pt. 2                                                                 The Moody Blues (Jan-June/July '68)

Visions of Paradise                                                                              The Moody Blues (June/July '68)

Om                                                                                                     The Moody Blues (June/July '68)

Lather                                                                                                 Jefferson Airplane (Feb-June '68/Sept '68)

Chushingura                                                                                        Jefferson Airplane (Feb-June '68/Sept '68)

House at Pooneil Corners                                                                   Jefferson Airplane (Feb-June '68/Sept '68)

Prelude – Nightmare                                                                           Arthur Brown (June/Aug? '68)

Fanfare - Fire Poem                                                                           Arthur Brown (June/Aug? '68)

Come and Buy                                                                                   Arthur Brown (June/Aug? '68)

It's About Time                                                                                  H.P. Lovecraft (June-July/Sept '68)

Electrollentando                                                                                 H.P. Lovecraft (June-July/Sept '68)

At the Mountains of Madness                                                            H.P. Lovecraft (June-July/Sept '68)

Mobius Trip                                                                                      H.P. Lovecraft (June-July/Sept '68)

Waterways (Demo)                                                                           East of Eden (July '68/2004)

In the Stable of the Sphinx (Demo)                                                     East of Eden (July '68/2004)

Down at Circe's Place                                                                       Touch (Summer '68/? '69)

Seventy-Five                                                                                     Touch (Summer '68/? '69)

Withering Tree                                                                                  Traffic (?/Sept '68)

Beggar's Farm                                                                                   Jethro Tull (June-Aug/Oct '68)

Serenade to a Cuckoo                                                                       Jethro Tull (June-Aug/Oct '68)

Dharma for One                                                                                Jethro Tull (June-Aug/Oct '68)

Cat's Squirrel                                                                                     Jethro Tull (June-Aug/Oct '68)

A Song for Jeffrey                                                                              Jethro Tull (June-Aug/Oct '68)

Round                                                                                                Jethro Tull (June-Aug/Oct '68)

Looking Glass                                                                                    The Gods (Medio '68/? '68)

Plastic Horizon                                                                                   The Gods (Medio '68/? '68)

I Never Know                                                                                    The Gods (Medio '68/? '68)

Hard Road (Wring That Neck)                                                           Deep Purple (Aug/Sep '68)

Anthem                                                                                              Deep Purple (Aug/Sep '68)

The Show Must Go On                                                                      Nirvana (?/Sept '68)

Trapeze                                                                                              Nirvana (?/Sept '68)

Miami Masquerade                                                                             Nirvana (?/Sept '68)

C Side of Ocho Rios                                                                           Nirvana (?/? 68)

Requiem to John Coltrane                                                                   Nirvana (?/? 68)

Wild Honey Pie                                                                                  The Beatles (Aug/Nov '68)

What's the New Mary Jane?                                                               The Beatles (Aug '68/'96)

Glass Onion                                                                                        The Beatles (Sept/Nov '68)

Happiness Is a Warm Gun                                                                  The Beatles (Sept/Nov '68)

...And the Gods Made Love                                                               The Jimi Hendrix Experience (?/Oct '68)

1983... (A Merman I Should Turn to Be)                                            The Jimi Hendrix Experience (?/Oct '68)

Moon, Turn the Tides...Gently Gently Away                                       The Jimi Hendrix Experience (?/Oct '68)

Hang 'Em High                                                                                   Booker T. & the MG's (?/Oct '68)

Cryin' to Be Heard                                                                            Traffic (?/Oct '68)

No Time to Live                                                                                Traffic (?/Oct '68)

Place of My Own                                                                              Caravan (Oct/? '68)

Ride                                                                                                  Caravan (Oct/? '68)

Intermezzo from the Karelia Suite                                                      The Nice (?/Nov '68)

Ars Longa Vita Brevis: Prelude                                                          The Nice (?/Nov '68)

Ars Longa Vita Brevis: 2nd Movement – Realisation                          The Nice (?/Nov '68)

Ars Longa Vita Brevis: 3rd Mvmnt - Acceptance "Brandenburger"     The Nice (?/Nov '68)

Ars Longa Vita Brevis: 4th Movement – Denial                                  The Nice (?/Nov '68)

Ars Longa Vita Brevis: Coda - Extension to the Big Note                   The Nice (?/Nov '68)

For Pete's Sake                                                                                 Sweet**ter (?/? '68)

My Cyrstal Spider                                                                             Sweet**ter (?/? '68)

Through an Old Storybook                                                                                       Sweet**ter (?/? '68)

Isadora                                                                                              East of Eden (Dec '68/Feb '69)

Bathers                                                                                              East of Eden (Dec '68/Feb '69)

Moth                                                                                                 East of Eden (Dec '68/Feb '69)

Little Fly                                                                                            Group 1850 (?/? '68)

A Point In This Life                                                                            Group 1850 (?/? '68)

Refound                                                                                             Group 1850 (?/? '68)

The World Will End Yesterday                                                           Second Hand (?/Dec? '68)

Mainliner                                                                                            Second Hand (?/Dec? '68)

Reality                                                                                                Second Hand (?/Dec? '68)

The Day of the Change                                                                       Andromeda ('68/?)

Acidus                                                                                               Andromeda ('67? '68?/?)

The Weaver's Answer                                                                        Family (? '68?/Feb '69)

The Battle                                                                                          The Strawbs (? '68/?)

Once Upon A Time In The West                                                        Ennio Morricone ('68)

The Man With The Harmonica                                                           Ennio Morricone ('68)

Silver Apples of the Moon~Part 1                                                      Morton Subotnick ('68)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 31 2010 at 08:48
ROLF - if this is the beginners guide - the advanced guide must be terrible.
Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2010 at 11:49

1969 completes the list of references. This year's list of references is complete except for a few additions that will follow shortly, so here goes:

Song                                                                                                     Artist (recorded/released)

Time Is Tight                                                                                         Booker T. & the MG's (?/Feb '69)

Fault Line                                                                                              Deep Purple (Jan-Mar/June '69)

April                                                                                                     Deep Purple (Jan-Mar/June '69)

(Love Song) For Annie                                                                         Kaleidoscope (?/April '69)

If You So Wish                                                                                     Kaleidoscope (?/April '69)

Music                                                                                                    Kaleidoscope (?/April '69)

The Week Looked Good on Paper [*]                                                  The Battered Ornaments (?/Spring '69)

Space Oddity                                                                                        David Bowie (?/July '69)

Shaman's Blues                                                                                     The Doors (?/July '69)

Do It                                                                                                     The Doors (?/July '69)

The Soft Parade                                                                                    The Doors (?/July '69)

Drivin' Bachwards                                                                                 Bakerloo (?/July '69)

Big Bear Folly                                                                                       Bakerloo (?/July '69)

Last Blues                                                                                             Bakerloo (?/July '69)

She Belongs to Me                                                                                Nice (April '69/Sept '69)

Hang on to a Dream                                                                              Nice (Mid '69/Sept '69)

Diary of an Empty Day                                                                         Nice (Mid '69/Sept '69)

For Example                                                                                        Nice (Mid '69/Sept '69)

I Want You (She's So Heavy)                                                              The Beatles (Jan-Aug/Sept '69)

Cygnet Committee                                                                               David Bowie (June-Sept '69/Nov '69)

Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud                                                            David Bowie (June-Sept '69/Nov '69)

Leaping Beauties for Rudy/Marcus Junior                                             East of Eden (June-Sept '69/Feb '70)

Xhorkom/Ramadhan/In the Snow for a…/Better…                              East of Eden (June-Sept '69/Feb '70)

Gum Arabic/Confucius                                                                        East of Eden (June-Sept '69/Feb '70)

Nymphenburger                                                                                  East of Eden (June-Sept '69/Feb '70)

Habibi Baby/Beast of Sweden/Boehm Constrictor                               East of Eden (June-Sept '69/Feb '70)

Sun King                                                                                            The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

Mean Mr. Mustard                                                                             The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

Polythene Pam                                                                                    The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

She Came in Through the Bathroom Window                                      The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

Golden Slumbers                                                                                 The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

Carry That Weight                                                                               The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

The End                                                                                               The Beatles (July/Sept '69)

Because                                                                                               The Beatles (Aug/Sept '69)

Child In Time                                                                                        Deep P & the R’l P Or (Sept/Dec '69 (US) Jan '70 (UK))

Third Movement: Vivace – Presto                                                         Deep P & the R’l P Or (Sep/Dec '69 (US) Jan '70 (UK))

Encore: Third Movement (part)                                                             Deep P & the R’l P Or (Sep/Dec '69 (US) Jan '70 (UK))

Late into the Night                                                                                The Battered Ornaments (?/Autumn? '69)

Straggered                                                                                           The Battered Ornaments (?/Autumn? '69)

Smoke Rings                                                                                        The Battered Ornaments (?/Autumn? '69)

Mediaeval Masquerade [Released as 'I Luv Wight                                Kaleidoscope (?/? '70?)

Prelude                                                                                                Man (?/? '69)

The Storm                                                                                            Man (?/? '69)

Parchment and Candles                                                                        Man (?/? '69)

Walking Down Their Outlook                                                               High Tide (?/? '69)

Nowhere                                                                                              High Tide (?/? '69)

Kanaan                                                                                                Amon Düül II (?)

Luzifers Ghilom                                                                                   Amon Düül II (?)

Freak Out Requiem II                                                                         Amon Düül II (?)

Freak Out Requiem III                                                                        Amon Düül II (?)

Turns to Dust: Discovery/Sanctuary/Determination                               Andromeda (?/? '69)

Return to Sanity: Breakdown/Hope/Conclusion                                   Andromeda (?/? '69)

When to Stop: the Traveller/Turning Point/Journey's End                     Andromeda (?/? '69)

Return to Exoduss                                                                              Andromeda (?/? '69)

Living Wreck                                                                                      Deep Purple (Oct '69/June '70)

Prelude                                                                                               The Collectors ((?/? '69)

Things I Remember                                                                             The Collectors ((?/? '69)

Teletype Click                                                                                    The Collectors ((?/? '69)

Seventeenth Summer                                                                           The Collectors ((?/? '69)

The Long Rain                                                                                     The Collectors ((?/? '69)

Kings and Queens                                                                               Renaissance (?/Dec? '69)

Innocence                                                                                           Renaissance (?/Dec? '69)

Island                                                                                                  Renaissance (?/Dec? '69)

Wanderer                                                                                            Renaissance (?/Dec? '69)

Bullet                                                                                                   Renaissance (?/Dec? '69)

Drowned in Wine                                                                                 Family (? '69/Jan '70)

Love Is a Sleeper                                                                                 Family (? '69/Jan '70)

Wheels                                                                                                Family (? '69/Jan '70)

Song for Sinking Lovers                                                                       Family (? '69/Jan '70)

93's Ok J                                                                                             Family (? '69/Jan '70)

Beautiful Daughter                                                                                The Move (? '69?/Feb '70)

Cherry Blossom Clinic Revisited                                                           The Move (? '69?/Feb '70)

Fields of People                                                                                   The Move (? '69?/Feb '70)

To Cry You a Song                                                                              Jethro Tull (Dec '69/April '70)

A Time for Everything?                                                                         Jethro Tull (Dec '69/April '70)

Sossity; You're a Woman                                                                     Jethro Tull (Dec '69/April '70)

Homeland                                                                                            Gentle Giant (? '69?/? 04?)

Slaughter on Tenth Avenue                                                                  The Shadows ('69)

Otherness Blue                                                                                    Sun Ra & His Arkestra (?/? '69)

Fingal's Cave                                                                                       Pink Floyd (Nov-Dec '69/unreleased)

Rain in the Country                                                                              Pink Floyd (Nov-Dec '69/unreleased)

Love Scene                                                                                          Pink Floyd (Nov-Dec '69/unreleased)

The Sicilian Clan                                                                                  Ennio Morricone ('69)

Child in Time                                                                                       Deep Purple (Nov-Dec? '69/June '70)

Edited by earlyprog - April 09 2010 at 12:01
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2010 at 09:50
Exhaustive but helpful
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earlyprog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2010 at 07:28
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

Exhaustive but helpful
Thanks mate.
Accompanying analyses are initiated here on proto-prog's experiments with the harpsichord and mellotron, respectively:
I hope as additional threads are revealed that I will be able to gather the information in a sort of guide to proto-prog.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2011 at 08:48
In terms of "partial prog songs" and number of artists, proto-prog peaked in 1967, see the table below. This was the essential year to the development of prog, both cross-over prog, prog folk, symphonic prog, space rock and other prog genres. The year after, artists decided to leave the genre (e.g. Rolling Stones, Byrds, Pretty Things, Cream) while others stayed or where attracted to realise the genre (Moody Blues, Traffic, Pink Floyd, The Nice, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull).
Proto-prog is the result of the ideation, conceptualization and development phases of prog - either on a song or an album basis - on either of the prog genres.
Please discuss the development of the first prog song within each of the prog genres, such as:
Proto-prog songs (on the example of Cross-Over Prog)
Ideation years: 1950's, 1960-1964 ("Not a second time" Beatles; "California Girls" Beach Boys; "From the Bottom of my Heart" Moody Blues; "The little Girl I once knew" Beach Boys)
Conceptualization: 1965 ("In My Life" Beatles)
Development: 1966-1967 (e.g. "Pet Sounds"; "Strawberry Fields Forever"; Beach Boys; Moody Blues; Nirvana)
Realization: "The Afternoon" (Moody Blues) ?
Space Rock
Ideation: electro-acoustic music (Ussachecsky)
Conceptualization: Joe Meek
Development: "The Lear Jet Song";  "C.T.A. - 102" (Byrds); "Third Stone from the Sun" (Jimi Hendrix); "I can see for Miles" The Who; "Flying" Beatles)
Realization: "Astronomy Domine" Pink Floyd.
Partial prog songs
Full prog songs
Full prog albums
Charles Ives
Messiaen, Leadbelly
Schaeffer, Stan Kenton, Woody Guthrie
Stockhausen, Cage, Varése, Miles Davis, Brubeck
Joe Meek "I Hear a new World: an outer Space Music Fantasy"?
Joe Meek, The Shadows, Elvis
The Shadows
Sun Ra, Booker T & The MG's, The Shadows/Tornados/Ventures
Soft Machine, Booker T & The MG's, Sun Ra, Beatles, The Tornados/Shadows
Animals, Beatles, Zombies, Beach Boys, Who, Herbie Hancock, Moody Blues, Coltrane, Ennio Morricone
Beatles "Rubber Soul"?
Morricone, Yardbirds, Dylan, Beach Boys, Byrds, Rolling Stones, Who, Kinks, Animals, Moody Blues, Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, Soft Machine
Beatles "Revolver"? Byrds "Fifth Dimension"? Zappa "Freak Out"? Yardbirds "Roger the Engineer"? Byrds "Younger than Yesterday"? Jefferson Airplane "Surrealistic Pillow"?
Byrds, Beach Boys, Jefferson Airplane, Zappa, Love, Beatles, Yardbirds, Doors, Who, Jimi Hendrix
Beatles "Sgt. Pepper"? "Magical Mystery Tour"? Pink Floyd "Piper at the Gates of Dawn"? Beach Boys "Smiley Smile"? Procol Harum "do"? Zombies "Odessey & Oracle"? Nirvana "Story of Simon Simopath"? Pretty Things "SF Sorrow"? Zappa "We're only in it for the money"? Moody Blues "Days of Future Past"? Nice "Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack"? Spirit "Spirit"? US of America "do"?
Beatles, Hendrix, Procol Harum, Byrds, Pink Floyd, Captain Beefheart, Nirvana, Cream, Doors, Vanilla Fudge, Beach Boys, Moody Blues, Who, Rolling Stones, Zombies, Pretty Things, Soft Machine, HP Lovecraft, Spirit, Zappa, Jefferson Airplane, Traffic, Nice, Iron Butterfly, Fifty Foot Hose, US of America, Kaleidoscope, Terry Riley, Arlo Guthrie, Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera
Moody Blues "In search of…"? Jethro Tull "This was"? East Of Eden "Mercator Projected"? Nirvana "All of us"? Nice "Ars longa vita brevis"?
Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Beatles, Traffic, Nirvana, Doors, Booker T, Kaleidoscope, Deep Purple, Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge, Os Mutantes, Jefferson Airplane, Arthur Brown, HP Lovecraft, East Of Eden, Jethro Tull, Touch, Gods, Nirvana, Hendrix, Caravan, Nice, Sweetwater, Second Hand, Andromeda, Strawbs, Family
King Crimson "In the Court…"? Beatles "Abbey Road"? East Of Eden "Snafu"? Amon Düül II "Phallus Dei"? Collectors "Grass and wild Strawberries"? Renaissance "Renaissance"?
Deep Purple, Kaleidoscope, Battered Ornament, David Bowie, Doors, Yes, Bakerloo, Nice, Beatles, East Of Eden, Man, High Tide, Amon Düül II, Andromeda, Collectors, Renaissance

Edited by earlyprog - January 22 2011 at 11:44
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2011 at 22:59
Would you mind explaining how those first few composers have partial prog songs and what they are?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2011 at 11:27
^Examples of "partial prog" songs are the intros, outros and mid-sections of Beatles (Lennon) songs like A Hard Days Night, Every Little Thing, I Feel Fine, Ticket To Ride and their mixing in of e.g. classical and polka: In My Life, Girl.
The Beach Boys also did it in California Girls, The Little Girl I Once Knew, Good Vibrations and Here Today.
- not full prog but they appear to be important stepping stones pre-Freak Out!.
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