Goodness ... I have to find a quick list of their stuff first ... to make sure I say it right.
And thx ... and yes, I am on record as saying that the first 4 albums by this band rival KC many times over ... but I am not sure that we can get people to only listen to their inner feeling, not filter things through some kind of progressive filter ... my biggest regret is that the night before the San Francisco Progressive Music Festival in 1999, this band was playing in a club in the City and I was simply too tired from the long drive down I-5 from Portland to make it ... and see them live. I did meet two of their members at that show and have maintained an occasional email conversation with them.
And my review of "Ukab Maerd" is yet upcoming ... as it is, the best album I have heard in the year 2010 ... so much so that I could not get it off the replay button for about 3 hours! My review is not written yet ... because I still have no words for what I am hearing ... but there is one I can mention ... won't give it away yet! (I'm such a tease!)