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Equality 7-2521
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 15:25 |
I think it's designed to stop your currency and country from collapsing under crippling debt.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 16:50 |
Because cutting tertiary education is a brilliant move for a skill-based economy...
Either way, the cuts to higher education are easily the harshest of any in the budget (compare the overall 40% cut for tertiary education with a 25% cut target for most departments, and only an 8% cut to the defence budget, IIRC), the amount of student loans that aren't repaid are going to increase, the bureaucracy of the student finance system will increase, the debt most students are saddled with will increase, and most of all, the standard of teaching doesn't seem likely to increase with that.
The universities budget was tiny anyway by comparison to (e.g.) housing benefit, and the savings are simply not going to occur in the short term because the students will need to receive loans to pay the increased fees and the bureaucracy contingent on that will need to be enlarged.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:32 |
We're moving into an age where teachers are no longer the gatekeepers of knowledge (or in half their cases, misinformation).
Here's a moderate (i.e., semi-Libertarian) solution:
The US government could save a mint if they phased out public education after elementary school and just provided every home with a computer and an Internet connection. Most students would be free to learn the skills necessary to do whatever job they wanted to do, and at their own pace and in their own time.
13 years of public education? Why? Did anybody get anything out of memorizing Shakespeare in the 12th grade?
So why wouldn't the US government allow this?
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:35 |
Well since you're only asking why it won't be allowed...
People will freak out man! Its like, way too out there! Also I assume the guvment wouldn't want it because...well why would they?
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:36 |
That's nonsense, Rob, sorry. Even after tertiary schooling, you still need to continue learning in certain subjects. Like English and Mathematics. How many people are actually going to bother to learn anything useful? Plus they'll (attempt to) learn it all from Wikipedia anyway. I still feel aggrieved by the lack of Shakespeare I did, actually.
Edited by James - December 03 2010 at 19:37
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:38 |
Rob, curious, have any other countries tried the approach you describe? If so, what have results been like? It's a very interesting thought in any case.
I can say I learned far more in grades 1-6 than 7-12. In 7-12 I was often biding my time in school.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:39 |
It's one of those ideas that would have to be tried to see if it fails enormously.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:41 |
It's the type of thing that does sound good on paper.... I mean how many of us really learned anything in High School? I do believe in education which is why I hate the way things are, teaching to tests and all that BS. Its an intriguing idea Rob, I assume there are other concerns (mainly social in nature) that could arise but I'm far too lazy to think of them
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:45 |
Although in some aspects, I do agree with you Rob.
Back in the 17th and 18th Century (in England), School and University students (especially the highly intelligent ones) tended to do a Thesis on one specific subject. These were some of the same people who became Scientists, Authors, Politicians &c.
I think maybe some students should have a Thesis to do at Secondary School level and maybe one that lasts for 2 years. They obviously still should learn the basics for the major subjects too, mind you.
If someone shows aptitude in a specific subject then embrace it.
This should be in a proper learning environment though. Not at home on the Internet.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:50 |
We already know how llama will feel about this. Since he was, well kind of, raised and educated in this manor.
He turned out fine. So there's no doubt an unorthodox education can work very successfully.
I guess the concern is, (and I already know the libertarian response) is that not all will learn. Many will just veg out on the internet using for junk like porn, videos and prog archives.
It's an interesting idea I would like to see experimented. Since my idea, (the same system but actually focused on learning and useful info and preparation for higher education) seems a lot more difficult to implement.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:50 |
Holy hell everybody replied all of a sudden. I thought I could post a rant and go to bed.
Well okay here goes:
James wrote:
That's nonsense, Rob, sorry. Even after tertiary schooling, you still
need to continue learning in certain subjects. Like English and
How many people are actually going to bother to
learn anything useful? Plus they'll (attempt to) learn it all from
Wikipedia anyway.
I still feel aggrieved by the lack of Shakespeare I did, actually. 
| 1. My plan allows for lifelong learning. 90% of what I learned (that was useful) happened after age 19 (i.e., after high school).
2. How many people are actually going to to bother to learn anything useful? I don't know. Depends on how many of them like to buy food.
3. Wikipedia is an excellent source if you learn from their sources and not the actual Wiki itself.
Finnforest wrote:
Rob, curious, have any other countries tried the approach you describe? If so, what have results been like? It's a very interesting thought in any case.
I can say I learned far more in grades 1-6 than 7-12. In 7-12 I was often biding my time in school.
| None that I know of. The Internet hasn't been around long enough. 
Grades 7-12 are mostly a waste. After sixth grade, let kids work or pursue higher education. This will never happen because the federal government requires an indoctrinating stranglehold on youth.
stonebeard wrote:
It's one of those ideas that would have to be tried to see if it fails enormously.
| Because the idea we've had for the last hundred years or more is wonderful. Kids are so motivated, even in classrooms.
JJLehto wrote:
It's the type of thing that does sound good on paper.... I mean how many of us really learned anything in High School? I do believe in education which is why I hate the way things are, teaching to tests and all that BS.
an intriguing idea Rob, I assume there are other concerns (mainly
social in nature) that could arise but I'm far too lazy to think of
| Thank you, sir. As for social issues, every person I've ever known who was homeschooled was better off and friendlier than almost anyone else. Personal evidence, but evidence nonethless.
Unfortunately, you are too lazy for thought, so you must ride the short bus.

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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:55 |
Personal evidence is 90% of what we use (like how I made that up?) And I did present more reasonable concerns in a later post. I was thinking something like they won't have the socializing aspect of school but I totally forgot that...there are people in town  And you would keep public elementary school in place which IMO is critically important. Not only for socializing and all that fun sh*t but yeah, after that what good did any of us learn?
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:55 |
JJLehto wrote:
I guess the concern is, (and I already know the libertarian response) is that not all will learn. Many will just veg out on the internet using for junk like porn, videos and prog archives.
| On second thought, you are the head of the class! No short bus for you!
This is the thing- self-motivated people are very valuable people as far as society is concerned.
How many people go to college and waste their parents money on porn, videos, and prog archives (I'm looking at you, Shred Room and Henry)?
This is the thing- the more government gives the less people are willing (and taught) to work for themselves. In other words, we have schools that pass people who can't read because failing them might hurt their feelings.
Let parents regain the responsibility and let youth begin taking their future by the horns from the get go. Less government waste (and education is largely a waste here).
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 19:56 |
Well in England we have to go to school until we're 16 (Year 11) and then after that, it's optional. It is surprising how many people who say they hate school actually end up at College come September.
It's mostly the staidness of schooling from years 7 through 11, I feel. College has a different atmosphere entirely. Although I do have a lot of issues with Colleges too. A lack of discipline being one. However, unlike school, the teacher/lecturer can kick you off permanently and much quicker too. It's mostly those who want to learn than remain.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 20:01 |
Well for the large issue, I don't feel like getting into the government making people lazier thing... Talk about personal evidence! I actually do know a family who were quite poor but by using the guvment (combined with their hard work  ) actually bettered themselves and moved to a better place and run a few stores now in Philly. Anywho, that quasi ties're right motivated people will always be so, regardless. No American, (that thinks) can disagree education here is a waste. I'm not quite ready to sack the whole thing, (you radical Rob!) but when you become President maybe by then I'll be on board. Here's what I like: It will be a massive reduction in money, and those who are motivated/have the right upbringing will flourish anyway and those who don't...well I guess they can get whatever job and save all the time and money of being pushed through the grades... Also in this free market  I assume people will also set up "classes" either online or even in person that one could still take.
Edited by JJLehto - December 03 2010 at 20:05
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 20:04 |
James wrote:
Well in England we have to go to school until we're 16 (Year 11) and then after that, it's optional. It is surprising how many people who say they hate school actually end up at College come September.
It's mostly the staidness of schooling from years 7 through 11, I feel. College has a different atmosphere entirely. Although I do have a lot of issues with Colleges too. A lack of discipline being one. However, unlike school, the teacher/lecturer can kick you off permanently and much quicker too. It's mostly those who want to learn than remain.
| Here in the US, it's school until 18 and then (if you have any measure of aspirations) you go to school again until 22 (or later).
I was a teacher in an alternative school. Here in many states, crappy students get put out of their usual schools and must attend a school where all the students are bad. They are thus coddled (or in better cases, given tough love). Students who get put out of those are often sent to an alternative alternative school.
The point being is that taxpayers are forced to support a****le kids. Many of these teens should not be supported or helped, but should be put out. I dealt with many of them. And one of them stole my wallet.
Our governmental bodies have no right to create public education in the first place, much less allow for criminals to have a place to stay for 8 hours a day.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 20:06 |
JJLehto wrote:
Well for the large issue, I don't feel like getting into the government making people lazier thing... Talk about personal evidence! I actually do know a family who were quite poor but by using the guvment (combined with their hard work ) actually bettered themselves and moved to a better place and run a few stores now in Philly.
Anywho, that quasi ties're right motivated people will always be so, regardless. No American, (that thinks) can disagree education here is a waste. I'm not quite ready to sack the whole thing, (you radical Rob!) but when you become President maybe by then I'll be on board. Here's what I like: It will be a massive reduction in money, and those who are motivated/have the right upbringing will flourish anyway and those who don't...well I guess they can get whatever job and save all the time and money of being pushed through the grades... Also in this free market I assume people will also set up "classes" either online or even in person that one could still take.
| When is the last time we had a President who drinks 15 beers a day? I'd be a colossal failure unless my VP would be my acting body.
JJ, I nominate you. 
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 20:06 |
James wrote:
That's nonsense, Rob, sorry. Even after tertiary schooling, you still need to continue learning in certain subjects. Like English and Mathematics.
How many people are actually going to bother to learn anything useful? Plus they'll (attempt to) learn it all from Wikipedia anyway.
I still feel aggrieved by the lack of Shakespeare I did, actually. 
I find this sort of attitude extremely insulting. People are too stupid to learn unless they're forced, eh? That's a totally baseless assumption. Learning is what we are built to do. It comes naturally to every child. The only thing that gets in the way is lack of opportunity or being forced to learn things you hate until all learning becomes a chore for you. I think Rob's idea would work very well in a great many cases.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 20:16 |
Well thank you Rob, and I'm surprised you weren't surprised I agree more or less with your idea. At least on paper. I'd like to see the current system be reformed to actually be made about education, but barring that unlikely case...your idea is appealing.
And I wish I was 25. We all need to run for congress. Regardless of belief, a wave of total outsiders with crazy ideas would be good. I can arm wrestle with Pat over raising minimum wage and Rob will replace the lectern with a giant keg.
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Posted: December 03 2010 at 20:19 |
You completely failed to understand my point, Llama.
Plus you should also read my later point. I do see some valid points in Rob's idea.
I do agree that much of what we are taught in Secondary Education is mostly pointless. There does need to be a radicalisation of Education.
I just think there needs to be a proper learning environment for those aged 11 to 16 (or 18), rather than learning for themselves from home. There needs be a disciplined environment. Not a school, as such but more of a College environment.
I never once said anything about anyone being stupid either. Neither did I mention anything about being forced to learn if people are stupid. So please don't misquote me.
However, some people won't bother to learn anything. Not even for a career. Of course, those who want to learn, will.
I, myself, prefer to have a more disciplined and rigid environment to learn in. I get distracted at home if I ever try to read articles online. I realise that's not proper studying but it's still somewhat of a chore sometimes. I get easily sidetracked.
I am going to be doing a Distance Learning course come January and I am hoping that I can discipline myself enough to get through it. However, the difference here is that there is some rigidity. There's deadlines to meet. Grades to be given.
Of course, I am sure Rob's plan also includes grading schemes and deadlines. I just don't necessarily think home-schooling is right for everyone.