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Posted: November 12 2010 at 00:46
Atavachron wrote:
Nightshine wrote:
Easy Money wrote:
Nightshine wrote:
Easy Money wrote:
Sorry Nightshine, but PA doesn't recognize your "constitutional rights".
Oh, you silly admins and your bias ;D
This is the internet. Get over yourself.
"This is the internet" as in this is the only place where people like you can talk like you do without getting your ass kicked.
Going off topic again? I can moderate way better than you can if you can't keep the people on the damn discussion.
And promoting violence? Jeeze, you're a sad hypocrite, sir.
Now, I'm going to do a better job than this and say:
Get back on topic.
I think Easy Money meant "this is the only place where people like you can't get your ass kissed."
He's an Admin and has to be cordial and fair. On the other hand, you little dick-less wonder, I am not. I have the luxury of telling you what a masturbatory, deeply insecure pile of goat sh*t you are. See how that works?
Your post is the best I've seen all day, yet in deep contrast, the most misinformed.
You see, I can call someone ignorant because they actually -are- ignorant. You're just mad, bro ;D
Joined: April 27 2004
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 00:46
Now, back to topic
Yes it's pointless, live and let live guys.
Have you ever seen in Prog Archives a thread started by some religious members to discredit atheism and ask them to prove God doesn't exist?
I have never seen one, the only religious thread is the Christian Thread (in which I didn't posted at all), but it wasn't started to attack anybody's beliefs or disbeliefs.
All this threads have been started by non believers, we are only defending our position when we received attacks or mockery.
I'm sure that few will believe me, but I don't care who believes in God or not, before this threads (all started by atheists who want to discredit religion). I never talked about God except when i voiced my position against Christian Prog as a weapon of evangelism.
We never asked anybody "Hey prove us God doesn't exist", but we are asked to prove that God exists..Why?
Why can each of us believe or disbelieve in what he/she wants?
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 00:49
Nightshine wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
Nightshine wrote:
Easy Money wrote:
Nightshine wrote:
Easy Money wrote:
Sorry Nightshine, but PA doesn't recognize your "constitutional rights".
Oh, you silly admins and your bias ;D
This is the internet. Get over yourself.
"This is the internet" as in this is the only place where people like you can talk like you do without getting your ass kicked.
Going off topic again? I can moderate way better than you can if you can't keep the people on the damn discussion.
And promoting violence? Jeeze, you're a sad hypocrite, sir.
Now, I'm going to do a better job than this and say:
<span style="">Get back on topic.</span>
I think Easy Money meant "this is the only place where people like you can't get your ass kissed."He's an Admin and has to be cordial and fair. On the other hand, you little dick-less wonder, I am not. I have the luxury of telling you what a masturbatory, deeply insecure pile of goat sh*t you are. See how that works?
Your post is the best I've seen all day, yet in deep contrast, the most misinformed.
You see, I can call someone ignorant because they actually -are- ignorant. You're just mad, bro ;D
The only really ignorant person her is you ... ""bro""
Joined: November 08 2008
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 01:30
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Now, back to topic
Yes it's pointless, live and let live guys.
Have you ever seen in Prog Archives a thread started by some religious members to discredit atheism and ask them to prove God doesn't exist?
No. And in your opinion that means that as long as you're not criticizing atheism, atheists are not allowed to criticize religion? Sorry, that's not how *anything* works.
Iván wrote:
I have never seen one, the only religious thread is the Christian Thread (in which I didn't posted at all), but it wasn't started to attack anybody's beliefs or disbeliefs.
All this threads have been started by non believers, we are only defending our position when we received attacks or mockery.
Sure. I'm attacking religion. I'm also mocking it - which isn't hard to do, considering all the ridiculous claims. No argument here.
Iván wrote:
I'm sure that few will believe me, but I don't care who believes in God or not, before this threads (all started by atheists who want to discredit religion). I never talked about God except when i voiced my position against Christian Prog as a weapon of evangelism.
We never asked anybody "Hey prove us God doesn't exist", but we are asked to prove that God exists..Why?
Come on now, you often responded with something like "prove to me that it doesn't exist, and maybe I'll accept your standpoint".
BTW: Look up 1 Peter 3-15. It is your duty as a Christian to provide logical reasons for your belief.
Iván wrote:
Why can each of us believe or disbelieve in what he/she wants?
You can - nobody's stopping you. At the same time, I can point out that IMO religion is utter nonsense - it's vile, pernicious, poisonous, false, manipulative and dangerous crap. You're free to take offense ... and at that point a discussion can take place.
You're free to believe the exact opposite, but "live and let live" in that post-modern sense that every opinion is somehow equally valid is absurd. There are objective reasons that point towards whether a religious claim is likely to be true, or false. Based on those objective reasons we can say that we not only believe that religion is nonsense, but we are also confident that we have better reasons for coming to this conclusion than you have for reaching the opposite conclusion. I think that this is where your anger is coming from ... we (rational atheists) claim that we win this argument, and rightly so.
Joined: January 07 2009
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 01:39
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Now, back to topic
Yes it's pointless, live and let live guys.
Have you ever seen in Prog Archives a thread started by some religious members to discredit atheism and ask them to prove God doesn't exist?
No. And in your opinion that means that as long as you're not criticizing atheism, atheists are not allowed to criticize religion? Sorry, that's not how *anything* works.
Iván wrote:
I have never seen one, the only religious thread is the Christian Thread (in which I didn't posted at all), but it wasn't started to attack anybody's beliefs or disbeliefs.
All this threads have been started by non believers, we are only defending our position when we received attacks or mockery.
Sure. I'm attacking religion. I'm also mocking it - which isn't hard to do, considering all the ridiculous claims. No argument here.
Iván wrote:
I'm sure that few will believe me, but I don't care who believes in God or not, before this threads (all started by atheists who want to discredit religion). I never talked about God except when i voiced my position against Christian Prog as a weapon of evangelism.
We never asked anybody "Hey prove us God doesn't exist", but we are asked to prove that God exists..Why?
Come on now, you often responded with something like "prove to me that it doesn't exist, and maybe I'll accept your standpoint".
BTW: Look up 1 Peter 3-15. It is your duty as a Christian to provide logical reasons for your belief.
Iván wrote:
Why can each of us believe or disbelieve in what he/she wants?
You can - nobody's stopping you. At the same time, I can point out that IMO religion is utter nonsense - it's vile, pernicious, poisonous, false, manipulative and dangerous crap. You're free to take offense ... and at that point a discussion can take place.
You're free to believe the exact opposite, but "live and let live" in that post-modern sense that every opinion is somehow equally valid is absurd. There are objective reasons that point towards whether a religious claim is likely to be true, or false. Based on those objective reasons we can say that we not only believe that religion is nonsense, but we are also confident that we have better reasons for coming to this conclusion than you have for reaching the opposite conclusion. I think that this is where your anger is coming from ... we (rational atheists) claim that we win this argument, and rightly so.
''Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.''
Joined: October 08 2009
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 03:40
No, it should not be closed. That would be censorship. If Mike and Ivan want to continue on forever while others drift through ocassionally making jokes and getting hot under the collar, let them. No one puts a gun to their head and they're free to behave in this way as long as they don't mind people teasing them about it.
Adams should stop reading it if it upsets him so. We shouldn't be told we're not allowed to argue theism and atheism.
"Oh but you say negative things and mock religious people"
Yes well we have to say negative things to argue against the other persons religion and has been said a few times by the nontheists, we mock because we genuinely find their position absurd/ludicrous. They must deal with that attitude because it is reality, not enter a land of sugar and fairies where we pretend that we respect and applaud their spiritual convictions.
Joined: February 02 2004
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 06:10
Admin note -
Starting to lose count of the number of posts which Admin have had to hide in the last day or so.
If you want to reduce intelligent debate/argument to pathetic name calling & using language you know the site's auto censor will hit, please continue - elsewhere.
Do it by PM, do it on another site, but not on this forum.
Joined: November 08 2008
Location: Sweden
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 08:00
^ Sure - but to spam this thread with such topics and then to point at it and say "look how the only ones still seriously discussing the topic are Mike and Iván" ... to use Matt Dillahunty's phrase, that's "ass backwards".
And sorry if the auto-censor filter strikes again ... it's not an insult this time.
Joined: April 27 2004
Location: Peru
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Posted: November 12 2010 at 09:34
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Now, back to topic
Yes it's pointless, live and let live guys.
Have you ever seen in Prog Archives a thread started by some religious members to discredit atheism and ask them to prove God doesn't exist?
No. And in your opinion that means that as long as you're not criticizing atheism, atheists are not allowed to criticize religion? Sorry, that's not how *anything* works.
No Mike, again you are taking my reply out of context, what I say is that you and others have claimed that we have to prove that God exists...Hell no, we didn't started this, our beliefs are ours and we don't have to prove anything to you or anybody as much as you don't have to prove us that God doesn't exist.
We don't start this, we don't attack you, we only defend our position, so if somebody has to be blamed for this threads, is not us, the ones that start this threads to question our beliefs are the atheists.
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Iván wrote:
I have never seen one, the only religious thread is the Christian Thread (in which I didn't posted at all), but it wasn't started to attack anybody's beliefs or disbeliefs.
All this threads have been started by non believers, we are only defending our position when we received attacks or mockery.
Sure. I'm attacking religion. I'm also mocking it - which isn't hard to do, considering all the ridiculous claims. No argument here.
hat's my whole point, but you make mockery of us without a single piece of evidence that proves God doesn't exist, in other words, you make mockery of something you don't know if exists or not, and then you dare to claim that we must proof that God exists.
Mike, again, we have to prove nothing, we didn't started this, you are the ones that claim that our beliefs are false, so the burden of the proof rests on you.
The day we start a thread and say "Hey, Atheists are stupid because they claim something that can't be proven", then you can ask us to give evidence of the existence of God, the ones that make the claims have to support you, you are the ones who claim that we are stupid, delusional or ignorant (depending of which of you makes the claim), so you have to prove why we are stupid, delusional and ignorant proving God doesn't simple as that.
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Iván wrote:
I'm sure that few will believe me, but I don't care who believes in God or not, before this threads (all started by atheists who want to discredit religion). I never talked about God except when i voiced my position against Christian Prog as a weapon of evangelism.
We never asked anybody "Hey prove us God doesn't exist", but we are asked to prove that God exists..Why?
Come on now, you often responded with something like "prove to me that it doesn't exist, and maybe I'll accept your standpoint".
BTW: Look up 1 Peter 3-15. It is your duty as a Christian to provide logical reasons for your belief.
Mike you say it well, WE RESPOND...This means by definition we are answering to a claim you made, and again who makes a claim is the one who has to prove it.
Now about 1 Peter 3:15, it says:
1 Peter 3:15 (New International Version)
15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
Most of us keepour beliefs in our hearts, ad we are ready to respond that we have this belief because of faith..But again, if you make a claim that we are delusional, you need to give solid and incontrovertible evidence that our beliefs are a delusion, and that you can't
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Iván wrote:
Why can each of us believe or disbelieve in what he/she wants?
You can - nobody's stopping you. At the same time, I can point out that IMO religion is utter nonsense - it's vile, pernicious, poisonous, false, manipulative and dangerous crap. You're free to take offense ... and at that point a discussion can take place.
Now again, you are making a claim..Religion is nonsense and rpa....You have to support that claim with evidence and you don't have it.
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
You're free to believe the exact opposite, but "live and let live" in that post-modern sense that every opinion is somehow equally valid is absurd. There are objective reasons that point towards whether a religious claim is likely to be true, or false. Based on those objective reasons we can say that we not only believe that religion is nonsense, but we are also confident that we have better reasons for coming to this conclusion than you have for reaching the opposite conclusion. I think that this is where your anger is coming from ... we (rational atheists) claim that we win this argument, and rightly so.
Yes, you can say religion is nonsense...But if you make that claim YOU AND ONLY YOU have to support it with evidence.
And we don't have to give you an opposite position as long as you don't give us evidence othat your claims are 100% truth.
Starting to lose count of the number of posts which Admin have had to hide in the last day or so.
If you want to reduce intelligent debate/argument to pathetic name calling & using language you know the site's auto censor will hit, please continue - elsewhere.
Do it by PM, do it on another site, but not on this forum.
Jim Garten
Why called me seasick steve.............just kidding I have been called worse
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