TheGazzardian wrote:
My girlfriends favorites these days is Jason Mraz. Previously it was The Beatles and Dashboard Confessional. She also likes Filipino rock bands like Eraserheads (she is Filipina herself). She's also enjoyed bands like Odds, 54-40 and Tears for Fears a lot in the past, back when they were among my favorites as well. I enjoy some of her music and am indifferent to some. |
Again this guy with Czech name, I really have to get something from him, because I keep hearing about him over and over again.
But Gazz, what about to bring her some flower-love-power of Moon Safari or Beardfish ? She could fall in love with this music 
aginor wrote:
Elton John is fantastic  |
Never heard more than few songs by him, both of us. I used to like his collab song with pop band Blue though. When I was younger though though. Ahem ahem.
SaltyJon wrote:
She doesn't exist...neither do her favorite bands.
Oh, that sucks. Someone like you deserve a girl to love him. But maybe your tastes in music are too demanding ? I know that when I was looking for girl, I was extremely demanding, but I was lucky.
In a nutshell, she loves me, loves Prog, read sci-fi books, sometimes play games & can handle computer well, looks good to me, doesn't smoke, do drugs, & doesn't hang out with friends all the time.
Snow Dog wrote:
yanch wrote:
My wife has always been a big Elton John fan, but also Yes and Queen. I can deal with all of these-Yes obviously, that was the common ground that helped get us together-but she also likes a lot of AOR rock, much of which I don't care for. |
My wife hates Yes, so that's no good. She does like post Obscured by clouds Floyd though. Actually I don't know if she likes Animals or not. |
Ian, Yes is quite unique in term of Symphonic bands. Do she like Camel / Genesis ? Because with Yes, you have to like the music & vocals, which may be problem for some.
Try to show her this special song, clap. Or start with "The Yes Album", it's I think the most accessible from classic era.
And I'm sure that my girl loves albums from Atom Heart Mother till the end. I don't like last two Pink Floyd albums that much though, but I can obviously listen them.
yanch wrote:
My wife has always been a big Elton John fan, but also Yes and Queen. I can deal with all of these-Yes obviously, that was the common ground that helped get us together-but she also likes a lot of AOR rock, much of which I don't care for. |
Queen, very. Pink Floyd - very. Then classic rock bands like Led Zep, Purple, to lesser extent also The Who and Rolling Stones (not that she doesn't like them, but don't know them that much).
AOR is weird thing. We sometimes can listen it, but sometimes the said album is too much ... cheap.
Finnforest wrote:
Porcupine Tree, Kate Bush, Beatles, Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, Tool, Fleetwood Mac. Yeah, she’s a keeper |
Ohmygod, no argues here. Well, I don't know Kate Bush, Gabriel's solo and Fleetwood Mac that much, but basically, this is heaven, isn't it ?
It would be tough to be with girl that doesn't like The Beatles. They're basic band, leaping stone from which we can get anywhere.
Easy Money wrote:
My wife likes sophisticated pop music, vocal jazz, classic RnB and neo-soul. Some of her favorites include Nina Simone, Steely Dan, Sting, David Bowie, Roxy Music, Norah Jones, Jill Scott, Stevie Wonder, Stereolab etc.
I can't complain, her tastes are often more sophisticated than my own. |
Not sure how sophisticated Darling Violetta is, but I love this Pop band. Not typical Pop though.
However I'm not sure that my girl would agree to these genres, but after all, we can't be all different and we get to Prog from different angles, point of views...
The T wrote:
Dream Theater. I approve.
She used to like Nickelback. I used to have cramps for that. Luckily, it seems it was just a thing of the moment... Anyway, I don't care. She can like whatever she wants.
She goes with me to all my classical concerts. And she enjoys them.
I love her.
I think that we (I for sure) remember this photo of yours you use to have in your signature. Better than 1000 words.
I'm rather glad that my girl doesn't listen what I don't like / can't stand. For example when she listens Rock music, these Classical / bluesy things, I can listen to it. When she listens Folk, I can listen it, I can enjoy these.
Be it R'n'B, I won't be able to manage to suffer through.
On the other hand, we have unspoken treaty that we won't listen hip-hop when other one is around. I suspect that we're not listening it when we're alone :-D
Even I like two albums - Eminem Show & Paul's Boutique.
Snow Dog wrote:
I like White Stripes too. |
We never heard them, but I was thinking about them. I saw them few times in The Simpsons and I quite like their apperance, their look.
Trouserpress wrote:
My lady's favourite band used to be Muse, but she didn't really like the direction they took with Absolution and she rarely listens to them these days. Nowadays she doesn't really have a single favourite, but we're starting to influence one another's tastes a lot more - she's into Cardiacs, Max Tundra, Thus:Owls, North Sea Radio Orchestra, Everything Everything, etc. thanks to me, and in turn I've gotten into stuff like Adam Green and White Stripes which I wouldn't have given a second thought in my prog-snob days.
Turning girl into Avant is probably the most difficult thing to do. Of course, it has a lot to do with her predispositions, right ? Someone isn't able to get into, someone is prone to.
I suppose you like ZARTies, so you're happy, aren'T you ?
Padraic wrote:
To be honest, I don't think my wife has one artist that stands out as a favorite. But if we can use a class of popular music, then Broadway musical songs are basically her favorite. |
How comes that she likes Broadway musical songs ? I know maybe one or two
. Are they quite popular in USA to make it so favourite for someone ?
Epignosis wrote:
Norah Jones she says (though my wife rarely listens to music).
Yes I approve.
How comes that your lady doesn't listen music ? I thought that everybody is growing up with music, picks his favourite bands, rejects them over the growing period and when in adult age, finds new ones.
Norah Jones is fine, I like her voice.
Snow Dog wrote:
Whats is your wifes or husband or boyfriends or whatever favourite band or artist and do you approve?
My wife's....curse her.....favourite is the despicable Bon Jovi.......  |
Damn, Bon Jovi. Not so good, even though I like Thank You For Loving Me, it's quite powerful song. The rest ? Not so much.
catfood03 wrote:
My boyfriend loves showtunes. I try to love some of it but I just can't.
Ahem, what are showtunes ? Wikipedia shows few different descriptions :-/ Anyway, try to get him into Prog. Follow pattern from "the most accessible" and over the years he'll be listening Frank Zappa 
Matthew T wrote:
ACDC ,Aerosmith. Curtis Stigers, Luther Vandross, Porcupine Tree. Bonnie Rait, Natacha Atlas, Bill Laswell. Lets put it this way,eclectic like me but what she does not like is Avante, hates Tom Waits also Alt. Industrial.Thrash.Death yep, any form of modern metal. She likes comps. remix ones.jazz vocals and her biggest love is Disco. She likes it all including Village People  |
Well, that's quite mixed combination of names (some of them I know, some of them I don't), but final two rows, oh boy, that's not good.
It's probably the era she was growing on that influenced her, music she was exposed to, her friends listened etc etc.
It's not easy.
someone_else wrote:
Mrs. someone_else is hardly interested in music. Sometimes she plays some Christian worship music. She likes Over the Rhine as well (not really my thing, but surely not bad). One thing we both like is a series of recent reworkings of the Psalms (in Dutch). Some of them might be classified as prog related.
Ahem, what the hell is going on here ?
Pekka wrote:
Her top 20 (not scrobbled for a month or two, though). Agree big time.
That's very good. She can basically disguise herself as ProgArchives member and nobody would notice 
Lozlan wrote:
My lady-person is into a vast array of music - everything ranging from 90's pop and alterna-rock, classical (Bach and Mendelssohn primarily), classic rock (a smattering of Queen, Boston, Fleetwood Mac), lots of folk music a la Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Woodie Guthrie, and the occasional dose of prog (I got her into Pure Reason Revolution, and we both love The Decemberists).
Also, we share an undying passion for Rufus Wainwright and Leonard Cohen.
Classic Rock is fine, Folk music is also fine and they were my girl's most favourite styles. Before Prog came (and I came).
She got me into The Decemberists though.
Hawkwise wrote:
My Mrs Loves a bit of Free(and Bad Co) and Rod Stewart and The Faces which great by me but she is also a Country Girl now i don't mind a bit nice ole country from Emmylou Harris or Mr Cash or TheEagles But all that modern Country Pop crap that's played on the radio noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo makes me want to kill something aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
oh and she loves Remember the Future by Nektar which is cool.
Not sure about new Pop Country, but new Country Rock or Bluegrass, it's not bad for me. I can actually listen to good old country, this mellow, easy-listening kind of music. For relaxing for example.
AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:
My wife likes Michael Buble - Blech!
and John Farnham - OK
and Phil collins - great
and David Meece - OK
and Guy Sebastian - nah
and Camel - YAY!!! |
I know only Collins and Camel, the rest are Pop singers I suppose ? I didn't do the research though :-)
J-Man wrote:
Don't have a girlfriend right now, but the previous one was all for Lady GaGa and Justin Bieber. I obviously don't approve.
What about to put the sentence in form of "She was all for Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, so I don't have a girlfriend right now 
Anyway, they're the most attacked music figures on internet, so who knows, I never heard a single song by neither of them.
Maybe I should.
And my girl would leave me 
Anyway, look for metal-girls. Not robot girls made from metal, I actually wanted to say Metal-head-girls.
The Truth wrote:
My current one isn't much of a music listener but she accepts whatever I listen to. |
I used to like these girls (or more like I used to "don't mind" these girls) when I was younger, but I don't like girls who aren't decided what to listen. As I said, I'm very demanding when it comes to my personal life.
Usual question was - and what styles you like ? Well, more or less everything. Aargh, when she replied (the ones I was dating) that she listens radio, it was even worse.
Nowadays, we have Rock radio in Czech Republic (and I mean good old Rock, not new Pop Rock), but it's not that old.
Anyway, I know that they were listening Popular stations.
Slartibartfast wrote:
She actually turned me on to more stuff than I got her into of mine. We both like Santana, but she's more partial to the Supernatural era stuff.
Brian, you're surpising me more and more. She's more into Prog than you ?
June wrote:
My love interest loves Coltrane, Miles Davis, The Band, Spirit, Neil Young, Billie Holiday, Can, Amon Duul II, Blossom Dearie, Calexico...
He's perfect in every way (well, except for the long-distance thing... seeing him again in less than 8 weeks, woo-ooh!)
Jazzy / Avant-i ? That's hardcore, you know lady ? Even I like some of these, I'm not sure my girl is ready for such kind of music so I play it rarely. My time will come though, it's matter of time.
Actually my girl didn't like Elephant9's 2010 release, while I learned to like it. It's weird and crazy piece, but I like it.
memowakeman wrote:
My girl's favorite band is Van der Graaf Generator. Needless to say, I approve it. |
My girl learned to like VdGG as well. HELL, she knows Pawn Hearts while I still didn't listen this album 
Catcher10 wrote:
My wife listens to a lot of different stuff.....I approve, very diverse....I'm jealous.
Jazz: New Orleans style, Branford Marsalis, Kenny G, Cajun
Oldies: Elvis
Country: Patsy Cline
R&B: Neville Bros, EW&F, Commodores
Pop: Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Andrea Bocelli, Chris Botti
Rock: Heart, Zeppelin, Scorpions and of course Rush.
I think that I can agree with your Rock category, but the rest, well, not for us. Maybe Country and of course, The King 
But Prog can be quite diverse as well.
From Asia AOR to some Prog Folk - country themed songs, bluesy Dixie Dregs, Jazzy-well, everything
etc etc
Dean wrote:
When our record collections merged we ended up with two copies of Dark Side Of The Moon, Tubular Bells, Hunky Dory and Parallel Lines (well, it was the early 80s) - I think the rest of her collection was Barclay James Harvest's Octoberon, Carole King's Tapestry and The Free Story (I can't remember - I haven't played any of them in the past 30 years and not likely to anytime soon).
Anyway, joint likes - Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, XTC, Muse, Nick Cave, Inkubus Sukkubus, Neil Young.
She likes, I don't - Razorlite. The Killers.
I like, she doesn't - metal.
How comes that girls so often loves The Killers ? I never understood it.
Metal, that's important key element, isn't it ?
TheProgtologist wrote:
My wife loves Nickelback.......gag.
Had to take her to see them in concert here a few years back and I just wanted to crawl under my seat and hide.Horrible,horrible band. |
gag or GaGa ? 
OK, it sounds bad, but I know what do you mean by "Had to take her to see", because I had to take my girl to see one Slovakian Pop (it should be Pop-Rock, but I don't hear it) artist, whose playing and voice may be nice, but he played songs I heard hundreds of times (literally) on radio when I was younger.
And you know that you can't escape radio, you'll hear it in shop/stores, in buses where bus driver is listening it, in office where someone clever is listening it ............
They say that this kind of music can't offend people, but people will get fed up with it. Commercial radios in my country are playing currently favourite, Pop songs every hour or so, so when you're "lucky", you'll hear it few times per day.