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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 09:50
Originally posted by Trademark Trademark wrote:

the private fire department are probably the ones who set the fire in the first place.
Fahrenheit 911? Tongue
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 11:53
This is just too much for the human brain.. a new low in American politics... She actually acknowledge something that should've been ignored and treated as it is: a joke

Apparently, and LITERALLY, she thinks we're all idiots Tongue

But then I have to ask: which of this better ads in the same spirit is better? Big smile

Or this one LOL

Marvelous world we live in... 

Edited by The T - October 11 2010 at 11:54
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 11:57
That first video gave me the metaphysical shivers. LOL

First she asserts that she's not a witch, but what if I'm a witch?  Wouldn't that make her a witch?  And does she have a penis?  If she does, does she masturbate? 

Edited by Epignosis - October 11 2010 at 11:58
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 11:59
OD onnell will most certainly not go broke underestimating the intelligence of the typical US voter.  Delaware may prove more difficult.

The Monty Python witch bit in the holy grail comes to mind for some strange reason. LOL

I'd have to say though, that if I were to go to Washington, I'd probably masturbate.

Edited by Slartibartfast - October 11 2010 at 12:01
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Padraic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 12:00
The first video is actually funnier than the parody.
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 12:08
Totally agree with Teo, she should have completely ignored it.  Most people understand young people say stupid stuff. 
She made it worse by her reaction.  Had she let it go few would have cared, save the 27 people in the USA who still care what Maher thinks. 
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 12:21
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't think it's a failure of subscription-based fire fighting. You're seeing an incredibly small market which is crippled by government interference. As such, its business practices haven't exactly  been optimized. 
I'll agree that it is an incredibly small market, but don't know if it is crippled by gov. interference or whether these examples indicate that at all. From what I have read of private FDs in the USA they are feeling the pinch because business is down due to the mild summer and their biggest complaint is unfair competition from public fire departments. Of course it depends on what is meant by "unfair competition" - certainly public depts are better funded and better resourced and don't need a secondary income stream to stay in business¹, but in a competitive marketplace you would have that imbalance of competition from any large corporation.
¹ One of the problems faced by many of the private fire services I've read about is that there aren't enough subscribers in the area they can practically cover to keep them fully employed and not enough ad hoc business to supliment that income, so they have to diversify onto other areas such as sewage collection (which means more capital expendature of course - can't use the same trucks for both jobs ... unless your customer refuses to pay LOL).

I think surely they're crippled by government intervention. For one, there is no private fire company in my area, yet there are people whose houses can burn down, which would suggest absent government intervention there would be a fire market in my area.

How isn't the competition unfair? It's completely different from any scenario that could occur in a free market. People are forced to pay for public fire companies. This just about destroys any incentive to double pay for a private enterprise.

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 12:23
I had to watch that stupid add like 20 times while I was trying to enjoy some football. 
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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akamaisondufromage View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 12:24


Don't they just have to throw her in some water in a sack and see what happens?
I used to know two witches and they were nice people mind.  (White ones and No I'm not being racistLOL  or maybe they're not allowed to be called that anymore?)
Help me I'm falling!
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 12:25
It's the same thing with public schooling.  If a child is in a district with a poor public school and the parents want to pay for private school, the parents still have to pay for the public education, which is unfair, especially since the public school is (in many cases) squandering the tax money.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 17:35
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't think it's a failure of subscription-based fire fighting. You're seeing an incredibly small market which is crippled by government interference. As such, its business practices haven't exactly  been optimized. 
I'll agree that it is an incredibly small market, but don't know if it is crippled by gov. interference or whether these examples indicate that at all. From what I have read of private FDs in the USA they are feeling the pinch because business is down due to the mild summer and their biggest complaint is unfair competition from public fire departments. Of course it depends on what is meant by "unfair competition" - certainly public depts are better funded and better resourced and don't need a secondary income stream to stay in business¹, but in a competitive marketplace you would have that imbalance of competition from any large corporation.
¹ One of the problems faced by many of the private fire services I've read about is that there aren't enough subscribers in the area they can practically cover to keep them fully employed and not enough ad hoc business to supliment that income, so they have to diversify onto other areas such as sewage collection (which means more capital expendature of course - can't use the same trucks for both jobs ... unless your customer refuses to pay LOL).

I think surely they're crippled by government intervention. For one, there is no private fire company in my area, yet there are people whose houses can burn down, which would suggest absent government intervention there would be a fire market in my area.

How isn't the competition unfair? It's completely different from any scenario that could occur in a free market. People are forced to pay for public fire companies. This just about destroys any incentive to double pay for a private enterprise.

I intended to run through the following example to show that competing against a public fire department was no different to competing against MegaFire Corp. Unfortunately it didn't pan out quite like that...
If we look at the Obion County/South Fulton case, Obion County doesn't have a fire department - its fire protection is provided on a subscription service by the neighbouring South Fulton Fire Department. The people of Obion County do not pay for any part of the South Fulton Fire Department service through local taxes, 20 years ago they voted to scrap the Obion County Fire Department to reduce their own tax bill and contracted to South Fulton on a subscription basis. (or so I have read).
Therefore a private Fire Department setting up in the Obion County area is not competing with a pre-existing Obion County Fire Department who are paid out of Obion County people's taxes, so the people will have one pot of cash to buy their fire protection with and a choice of two vendors, they are not double paying since their taxes do not go to a public fire department. Therefore the public has a completely free choice and competition is perfectly fair...
...unless the private contractor cannot match the bid of the South Fulton Fire Department because if we assume that the basic operating costs of the South Fulton Fire Department are met by taxing of the people of South Fulton then the subscriptions that South Fulton Fire Department can garner from Obion County would be just the icing on the cake - perhaps they fund a new fire engine or give the tax payers of South Fulton a small tax reduction. South Fulton Fire Department can under-cut any private enterprise and force them out of the game - an unfair advantage...
Or so I thought.... 
This is where it gets very messy - Obion County is 13,000 households in 500 sq miles while South Fulton is a city of only 1,081 households covering 78 square miles [to be honest I'm amazed it even has a fire department - that's the same size as the village I live in and we thought we were lucky to have a pub! ... we would certainly be scratching our heads wondering why the hell we had a fire station, 4 fire trucks and 19 firemen while we drank our pints of locally brewed ale]. At first I could not see how a 'city' of 1,000 households could support a Fire Department at all, even from taxes and state subsidies ... because it can't. However, this is obviously a symbiotic relationship where South Fulton Fire Department needs the $75/yr subscriptions from the 13,000 Obion County households just to exist and that is why it has 4 fire trucks and 19 firemen for a mere 1,000 households (which on paper can only support 1 fireman and a fire-bucket).
[the finances of this are easy to estimate - South Fulton Fire Department has 4 fire trucks, one support SUV and 19 firemen - rough guess at $2M in equipment depreciated over 5 years and $646K in salaries = $1,046K/yr - income from 13,000 subscriptions = $975K, leaving $71K to be raised in taxation of 1,081 households - or $66/yr each (given that every number I've used is an guestimate, I'd call that evens)]
So, to all intents and purposes the South Fulton Fire Department is a private Fire Serivce since the bulk (~93%) of its operating costs are met by subscription and only ~7% from the public purse. Nothing about that is "unfair" - to compete on even ground the private company needs a minimum of 1 fire engine with a crew of 4 firemen and they need to "win" 25% of the available business - in return South Fulton Fire Department would have lost 25% of their income and will have to sell-off 1 fire engine and lay-off 4 crew (but the tax income does not change and the 1,081 householders of South Fulton see no reduction in their tax bill, but an apparent 25% reduction in their fire protection).
As I said, I wasn't expecting that - it has come as a bit of culture shock to me that a village of 2,000 people has a fire department at all, since South Fulton was described in the news reports as a city I was assuming it was at least 100,000 people and the city fire department was at least 25 fire trucks and 130 firemen with a multimillion dollar budget. Ouch
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jammun View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 18:55
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Bump again.  I'd like to know the opinions of those who visit this thread on the following...
My work week, this previous week (including this weekend, because when you do this crap weekends are meaningless):
M,T,W:  8 hours
Th:  9 hours
Fri:  13 hours
Sat:  9 hours
Sun:  10 hours
65 hours total.
For what it's worth, the Sat/Sun hours were concurrent, i.e., went to work at 3:00 PM on Saturday, came home on Sunday at 10:00 AM (19 hour shift), hence no Drunken Saturday Night Poll this week, though I did start some serious beer drinking at 10:30AM today.
Now I am an exempt employee, meaning there is no overtime fact there is no compensation beyond my normal 40 hours worth of pay.  I will not see even 1 cent of compensation for the hours worked.
It's not like I can take off 24 hours next week to compensate.  Next week will probably be the same, except I'm assuming I will be fired on Friday so no work next weekend.  I don't often quote gospel tunes, but...
OH HAPPY DAY (Edwin Hawkins Singers version)
That exempt crap foisted upon us by de gu'ment at the behest of their corporate overlords was/is truly a loss for the working man.
I know, I'm grumpy.  I've been up for 36 hours straight and the beers are settling in.  I'm so tired...   

I work more than 65 hours every week and go to school full time. What's your point?
Are you paid for 40 hours or for 65+ hours?  That is my point.
Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 20:25
Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Bump again.  I'd like to know the opinions of those who visit this thread on the following...
My work week, this previous week (including this weekend, because when you do this crap weekends are meaningless):
M,T,W:  8 hours
Th:  9 hours
Fri:  13 hours
Sat:  9 hours
Sun:  10 hours
65 hours total.
For what it's worth, the Sat/Sun hours were concurrent, i.e., went to work at 3:00 PM on Saturday, came home on Sunday at 10:00 AM (19 hour shift), hence no Drunken Saturday Night Poll this week, though I did start some serious beer drinking at 10:30AM today.
Now I am an exempt employee, meaning there is no overtime fact there is no compensation beyond my normal 40 hours worth of pay.  I will not see even 1 cent of compensation for the hours worked.
It's not like I can take off 24 hours next week to compensate.  Next week will probably be the same, except I'm assuming I will be fired on Friday so no work next weekend.  I don't often quote gospel tunes, but...
OH HAPPY DAY (Edwin Hawkins Singers version)
That exempt crap foisted upon us by de gu'ment at the behest of their corporate overlords was/is truly a loss for the working man.
I know, I'm grumpy.  I've been up for 36 hours straight and the beers are settling in.  I'm so tired...   

I work more than 65 hours every week and go to school full time. What's your point?
Are you paid for 40 hours or for 65+ hours?  That is my point.

If you feel you are being treated unfairly, you can quit. I think my employer treats their employees rather badly, but I don't blame capitalism. I am simply looking for something else.
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Trademark View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 21:15
^ I love how simple life is in Libertopia.
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 21:21
Originally posted by Trademark Trademark wrote:

^ I love how simple life is in Libertopia.

Me too. That's why I argue in favor of it.
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 21:44
Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Bump again.  I'd like to know the opinions of those who visit this thread on the following...
My work week, this previous week (including this weekend, because when you do this crap weekends are meaningless):
M,T,W:  8 hours
Th:  9 hours
Fri:  13 hours
Sat:  9 hours
Sun:  10 hours
65 hours total.
For what it's worth, the Sat/Sun hours were concurrent, i.e., went to work at 3:00 PM on Saturday, came home on Sunday at 10:00 AM (19 hour shift), hence no Drunken Saturday Night Poll this week, though I did start some serious beer drinking at 10:30AM today.
Now I am an exempt employee, meaning there is no overtime fact there is no compensation beyond my normal 40 hours worth of pay.  I will not see even 1 cent of compensation for the hours worked.
It's not like I can take off 24 hours next week to compensate.  Next week will probably be the same, except I'm assuming I will be fired on Friday so no work next weekend.  I don't often quote gospel tunes, but...
OH HAPPY DAY (Edwin Hawkins Singers version)
That exempt crap foisted upon us by de gu'ment at the behest of their corporate overlords was/is truly a loss for the working man.
I know, I'm grumpy.  I've been up for 36 hours straight and the beers are settling in.  I'm so tired...   

I work more than 65 hours every week and go to school full time. What's your point?
Are you paid for 40 hours or for 65+ hours?  That is my point.

Yes, but I am salaried also so that's not what you mean I guess.

I would suggest you quit if you're so unhappy. I have some friends who would gladly take the job off your hands. 
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 21:46
Originally posted by Trademark Trademark wrote:

^ I love how simple life is in Libertopia.

I love how simple it is in statetopia, that the state and its intellectuals can calculate everything from prices to wages to lifestyle choices. 
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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jammun View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 11 2010 at 22:17
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Bump again.  I'd like to know the opinions of those who visit this thread on the following...
My work week, this previous week (including this weekend, because when you do this crap weekends are meaningless):
M,T,W:  8 hours
Th:  9 hours
Fri:  13 hours
Sat:  9 hours
Sun:  10 hours
65 hours total.
For what it's worth, the Sat/Sun hours were concurrent, i.e., went to work at 3:00 PM on Saturday, came home on Sunday at 10:00 AM (19 hour shift), hence no Drunken Saturday Night Poll this week, though I did start some serious beer drinking at 10:30AM today.
Now I am an exempt employee, meaning there is no overtime fact there is no compensation beyond my normal 40 hours worth of pay.  I will not see even 1 cent of compensation for the hours worked.
It's not like I can take off 24 hours next week to compensate.  Next week will probably be the same, except I'm assuming I will be fired on Friday so no work next weekend.  I don't often quote gospel tunes, but...
OH HAPPY DAY (Edwin Hawkins Singers version)
That exempt crap foisted upon us by de gu'ment at the behest of their corporate overlords was/is truly a loss for the working man.
I know, I'm grumpy.  I've been up for 36 hours straight and the beers are settling in.  I'm so tired...   

I work more than 65 hours every week and go to school full time. What's your point?
Are you paid for 40 hours or for 65+ hours?  That is my point.

Yes, but I am salaried also so that's not what you mean I guess.

I would suggest you quit if you're so unhappy. I have some friends who would gladly take the job off your hands. 
Actually, I think I'm being fired this Friday.  And someone will see the job and see the salary, and gladly take it off my hands.   Provided that the person does not mind that his or her entire waking life is consumed by work, I'm sure he or she will enjoy, or at least tolerate, it.  I'll gladly go to an hourly job and at least be paid for the time that I work. 
The company I work for used to hand out sizeable bonuses every year to help offset the many hours worked.  That hasn't happened in a couple of years.  I'll let you know what happens this week.  If it works out as anticipated, watch for the "I'm Free" thread here in general discussions.
Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 12 2010 at 02:57
I used to work 60 hours for 37 hours pay - when I asked my boss for some overtime payment, even as low as ½ my equivalent hourly rate I was told that as salaried staff I wasn't entitled but was expected to work the hours needed or they would find someone else who would.
This carried on for several years - arriving home at 9pm, eating a warmed-over dinner and falling asleep in front of the TV - all the time believing the company had the upper-hand. One day the company asked us (you know, politely, like they do) to take  40% pay cut, because of some recession created by a bubble deflating or a commodity broker sneezing on wall st. wiping out several imaginary billions on some computer screen - so we did, but only in return for a 3 day week. So I ended up working 24 hour week for 24 hours pay and the quality of my life improved, but financially it was tough going and I started looking for another job. The company countered that by finding me one extra days work working for another company within the group putting me up to 30 hours for 30 hours pay - which made life easier and I was now working half the hours I used to for 80% of the pay.
That's when it dawned on me the company didn't have the upper-hand, I did - they didn't try and replace me because I wasn't working a 60 hour week - they actually went out of their way to keep me. Now I'm back to full pay and 35 hours a week, and if the company wants me to work extra they have to ask very nicely and allow me the time off in lieu.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 12 2010 at 06:34
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I used to work 60 hours for 37 hours pay - when I asked my boss for some overtime payment, even as low as ½ my equivalent hourly rate I was told that as salaried staff I wasn't entitled but was expected to work the hours needed or they would find someone else who would.
This carried on for several years - arriving home at 9pm, eating a warmed-over dinner and falling asleep in front of the TV - all the time believing the company had the upper-hand. One day the company asked us (you know, politely, like they do) to take  40% pay cut, because of some recession created by a bubble deflating or a commodity broker sneezing on wall st. wiping out several imaginary billions on some computer screen - so we did, but only in return for a 3 day week. So I ended up working 24 hour week for 24 hours pay and the quality of my life improved, but financially it was tough going and I started looking for another job. The company countered that by finding me one extra days work working for another company within the group putting me up to 30 hours for 30 hours pay - which made life easier and I was now working half the hours I used to for 80% of the pay.
That's when it dawned on me the company didn't have the upper-hand, I did - they didn't try and replace me because I wasn't working a 60 hour week - they actually went out of their way to keep me. Now I'm back to full pay and 35 hours a week, and if the company wants me to work extra they have to ask very nicely and allow me the time off in lieu.

Good for you, Dean!  Clap
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