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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 09 2010 at 23:36
H.P. Lovecraft's wife was Jewish also. That didn't stop him from referring to her family as "kikes" and it didn't stop him from making horrific depictions of black people in his work whenever they were presented. 

Normally this is something I'd be able to ignore-the guy's a scumbag, whatever, how's the music?-but it seems like Kobaia mythology is too heavily steeped in Nazi ideology for me to be really comfortable listening to it after knowing all these things about their frontman. There's also the fact that I haven't seen the band actively deny these claims-just "shame on you for judging this guy". If Christian Vander didn't hold Fascist beliefs how hard would it be to say "Christian Vander does not hold Fascist beliefs?" All the pussyfooting from band members suggests to me that this is probably the case. 

The music may be beautiful, it may even be genius, but I can't in all good conscience support it with my money, knowing what I know. 
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SaltyJon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 09 2010 at 23:51
Originally posted by 40footwolf 40footwolf wrote:

The music may be beautiful, it may even be genius, but I can't in all good conscience support it with my money, knowing what I know. 

What exactly do you know though?  NOTHING has been proven.  Even if the rumors DO turn out to be true, it's not like Vander is the first (or last) musician in history to hold unsavory views.  I know for sure I'm not going to let unproven rumors spoil my enjoyment of one of my favorite bands, and I know that I'm going to enjoy their concert next weekend, I know that I'll enjoy meeting the band, and I know that how he leads his personal life is his own business.  Not mine, not yours, not the world's, unless he does something truly dangerous or upsetting.

Obviously, I can't change your mind if you're so keen on not buying their music, but I don't agree with the reasoning.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 09 2010 at 23:58
Did you get the backstage pass Jon? You should ask him with a tape recorder and say that an album sale for 40footwolf hangs in the balance. Surely he can't resist then!
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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 00:16
Obviously the guy doesn't care about sales-somebody mentioned he lived in a castle, right? That's not a guy who's hurting for scratch. I'm not trying to cripple the guy financially, it's just the principle of the thing. 

Nothing has been proven because nothing gets proven, per se, where things like this are concerned. Nobody's going to run into his room with a camera and catch the guy kissing a picture of Hitler. But when you add it all up-the fan testimony, the dubious ideology in behind the band's mythology, the lack of a denial from band members even though they've had ample opportunity to provide a straight answer, the words from somebody who was IN THE BAND-the pieces seem pretty easy to connect.

Who cares though, I'm just some kook who considers Fascist ideology to be a bit more than an "unsavory belief". 
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Evolutionary Sleeper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 00:26
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

Did you get the backstage pass Jon? You should ask him with a tape recorder and say that an album sale for 40footwolf hangs in the balance. Surely he can't resist then!

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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:40

OK............. So Vander may be a fascist. Bad !!! I seriously abhor Adolf Hitler, SS, Holocaust and all murdering fascists/nazis.  

But what about Robert Wyatt from Soft Machine and Matching Mole ? The consequence of this thread is that he too should be boycotted and the 1, 2 and Third album by Soft Machine + his solo work + all Matching Mole albums should also be boycotted.

The reason is his support for three of four worst genocidal regimes in the history of the mankind. The fourth was Hitler's regime, btw. Robert Wyatt supported and is rumored to still support Stalin's paranoid and inept running of USSR which cost tens of million innocent lives. Ditto for Mao Tse Tung's running of China & Pol Pot's genocide in Cambodia.

We are not talking rumors here. We are talking molten lava hot facts. Or what do you think the "Little Red Record" and the art work means ? You would not seriously think that the art work describes the latest cookery book from Angela Smith ? Or do you believe Robert Wyatt is holding a vacuum cleaner in his hands there ?  

Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot also had and have many other fans among the prog rock musicians. This too is molten lava hot facts. Not rumors like the allegations against Vander.

Sorry, but a genocide is a genocide. Those who abhor Vander on the basis of rumors, must also abhor the likes of Robert Wyatt if they have any credibility. There is no compromise here, no middle ground and no excuses. The life of a Cambodian peasant has the same worth as the life of a Jew. Anything else is called racism. Are you guys who condemn Vander racists ? 


Edited by toroddfuglesteg - September 10 2010 at 01:48
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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:43
Do you have any links for that stuff about Robert Wyatt? 

If that's the case then I guess all I can say is that I wish I knew that before I bought Third, and shan't be purchasing any more of his works. You are correct-there is no middle ground. 
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:52
Robert Wyatt was a member of the British Communist Party.  That does not mean he necessarily supported Stalin, Mao or Pot.  Those are just bad versions of Communism.

I'm not saying Communism is a good idea, by the way.  I'm just saying that just because someone was/is a Communist, that they support/ed the idea of genocide.

40footwolf, don't be so daft.  Enjoy the music.

Wagner has been enjoyed and conducted by Jewish for many years as well. Wink

Will you also boycott very early VdGG because Chris Judge Smith was a Scientologist?

Edited by James - September 10 2010 at 01:56
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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:56

What is Robert Wyatt holding in his hands there ? Read the lyrics too. 

If you are going down that line you are suggesting, your album collection will be very small. Very small indeed. You will be in fact deprived of the best albums and the best music ever released. I also think regression in your personality will also set in due to lack of stimuli. You will return to the egg, as Paul from The Beatles rightly put it.  

I see no reason to boycott Wyatt and Vander. Confront genocides and fascism on the left and on the right. But listen to good music and enjoy life. I will still listen to Magma and Robert Wyatt. 

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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:56
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Robert Wyatt was a member of the British Communist Party.  That does not mean he necessarily supported Stalin, Mao or Pot.  Those are just bad versions of Communism.

I'm not saying Communism is a good idea, by the way.  I'm just saying that just because someone was/is a Communist, that they supported the idea of genocide.

Well, I don't know, I've never head any of this about Robert Wyatt before so the second part of the statement only applies to if he actually HAS said things about approving of Pol Pot and Stalin's regimes. 

I'd also like to point out that there's a difference between disagreeing with someone's beliefs and finding someone's beliefs repugnant and morally unacceptable. For example, I don't buy anything by Orson Scott Card because he contributes money that he gets from book sales to a committee specifically created for stopping gay marriage in the United States, but I wouldn't boycott any author who simply disagreed with gay marriage. 
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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:59
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

What is Robert Wyatt holding in his hands there ? Read the lyrics too. 

If you are going down that line you are suggesting, your album collection will be very small. Very small indeed. You will be in fact deprived of the best albums and the best music ever released. I also think regression in your personality will also set in due to lack of stimuli. You will return to the egg, as Paul from The Beatles rightly put it.  

I see no reason to boycott Wyatt and Vander. Confront genocides and fascism on the left and on the right. But listen to good music and enjoy life. I will still listen to Magma and Robert Wyatt. 

Read what I said about disagreeing with someone's opinions and finding them morally grotesque. 

It's pretty neat that you're getting so aggressive about this, I guess. I haven't actually insulted you personally and I don't understand why you're getting so hot under the collar about my decision to not financially support a Fascist, but whatever you think is fun, I guess. I will still listen to music that isn't made by Nazis. 
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 01:59
Card also happens to be a from a Mormon family (but apparently is not a Mormon himself).  So those of us who don't like their religion may decide to boycott them too.  However, I'm not that silly.  I use the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Familysearch website all the time.
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:00
Vander isn't a Nazi though. Pinch

And Wyatt may well be more of a Marxist.  I'm not sure.

It doesn't actually bother me.

Edited by James - September 10 2010 at 02:03
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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:03
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Card also happens to be a from a Mormon family (but apparently is not a Mormon himself).  So those of us who don't like their religion may decide to boycott them too.  However, I'm not that silly.  I use the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Familysearch website all the time.
I guess not giving money to someone who's actively trying to destroy a cause I believe in is silly now? Whatever. I think y'all are letting your fandom cloud your reason-if Magma sucked I don't think this would even be an issue-but I'm not holding it against you all and I hope you'll eventually stop holding MY decision against me. 
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:06
In the case of Card, I don't think I'd like his work anyway.  You have a point though in that case.

However, Wyatt and Vander are not actually hurting anyone with their (unsubstantiated) views.  Card is.  There's a difference there.

If Vander was funding Neo-Nazism, I'd maybe think differently.  As far as I'm aware, he's not.  He's creating music.  Besides, it may just be a gimmick.

Edited by James - September 10 2010 at 02:06
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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:10
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Robert Wyatt was a member of the British Communist Party.  That does not mean he necessarily supported Stalin, Mao or Pot.  Those are just bad versions of Communism.

Holding a machine pistol in your hands does not signify peaceful intents.

But you are right. But my whole point is that there is far more evidence linking Robert Wyatt to Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin than there is evidence linking Vander to Adolf Hitler and his odious regime.   

In short, besides of marking that we all dislike genocides and those who has committed them, this thread becomes pointless. There is rumors about everyone. Even rumors that James really a king-penguin. LOL

 I am not boycotting Robert Wyatt and I am not boycotting Magma either. Neither am I boycotting Knut Hamsun either. Neither do I have any intentions to do that either. And I am most certainly not boycotting anyone based on rumors or hearsay.

I am though boycotting, and warning others about public appearances where Stalin and Hitler apologists gets the opportunity to Blenda-white wash their heroes. There is people who are still blankly refusing to withdraw their support for Hitler, Pol Pot and Mao. I am blankly refusing to work with these guys on any of my literature projects and/or give them any credibility whatsoever. And that boycott is the only reason why I have yet to put any of my projects in a book store. 


Edited by toroddfuglesteg - September 10 2010 at 02:12
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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:13
Originally posted by James James wrote:

In the case of Card, I don't think I'd like his work anyway.  You have a point though in that case.

However, Wyatt and Vander are not actually hurting anyone with their (unsubstantiated) views.  Card is.  There's a difference there.

If Vander was funding Neo-Nazism, I'd maybe think differently.  As far as I'm aware, he's not.  He's creating music.  Besides, it may just be a gimmick.

Well, once again, it's a combination of the severity of one's unsavory beliefs, their ability to hurt people with it and their capacity to financially benefit from my dollar. That's why I have no problem reading H.P. Lovecraft-he was a racist, anti-Semitic scumbag but it didn't come off too often in his writing(which is brilliant), and he's no longer alive to benefit from my money. Vander may not be hurting anyone, but his beliefs-Fascism-and the fact that he can still make a living from my support mean that I simply won't be supporting him. 

What it comes down to is this: My principles simply don't allow me to support Magma at this point, at least not until Vander can no longer make a living from my dollar. These principles obviously don't jive with yours, and I don't grudge you that at all. I simply don't understand why my position is so hard to accept. It's not like my not buying Magma albums will make you all enjoy the music any less, after all. 
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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:19


I am not agressive. If I should had boycotted anyone and anything based on rumors, like you are suggesting I should do, I would had starved to death by now unless I wanted to live of hunting and eating foxes and seagulls. All super market and grocery shops are accused of this and that odious thing. So is the butchers. Not to mention farmers. 

You cannot and you shall not base decisions which may deprive others of their living (and send them to a life on the streets) on rumors and rumors alone. In particular in this day and age when the internet gives voices to people with dubious intentions. 

Your position here, which is voicing views which is likely to deprive another human being for his means of living based on unverifiable rumors and hearsay, is in fact in the same moral bracket as the one you are accusing Vander of. What you are doing here is in fact fascism by another word. 


Edited by toroddfuglesteg - September 10 2010 at 02:26
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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:24
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:


I am not agressive. If I should had boycotted anyone and anything based on rumors, like you are suggesting I should do, I would had starved to death by now unless I wanted to live of hunting and eating foxes and seagulls. All super market and grocery shops are accused of this and that odious thing. So is the butchers. Not to mention farmers. 

You cannot and you shall not base decisions which may deprive others of their living (and send them to a life on the streets) on rumors and rumors alone. In particular in this day and age when the internet gives voices to people with dubious intentions. 

I guess if it was rumors and rumors alone you'd have a point, but it isn't-it's testimony from people who used to be in the band, a fan from backstage at a concert and a large number of people who heard him sl*g off on black people. Put it together with the themes of the band's music and the band's refusal to deny these "rumors" and like I say, the picture looks pretty easy to see. 

Also you're wrong about how I "shall not" do this because, guess what? I am! And it's only a problem until you decide to move on with your life and not worry about one guy on the internet not buying something you like. 
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:25
Is he not allowed to make a living then? Ermm

He makes music (none of which really suggests he's a Fascist).  He's not making money by having Nazi-rallies, pamphleting, writing Fascist-propaganda.

Albert Speer was an Architect.  He was a member of the Nazi Party.  He also happened to survive beyond the Nuremberg trials.  Would you boycott visiting all his buildings if he was still alive today?

Would you have avoided Tempelhof because it's rebuilt terminal was built for the NSDAP?

There's Fascism, Communism and other so-called bad things around us even now.  You cannot avoid it all.

Live with it.

Edited by James - September 10 2010 at 02:27
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