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manofmystery View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 15:38
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Same thing with "organic" food (as opposed to what, food created in a lab by robots?)- you are not saving the world by eating that stuff.  Mess gives me the runs anyway.  Give me my preservatives, please.

How far does such food travel to get to market?

1. Organic as opposed to genetically engineered, pesticide laden food.  Preservatives don't enter into it.
2. Ideally grown locally and consumed locally.

Reminds me of the King of the Hill episode where Hank falls in with that hippie food co-op.
Then he introduces them to profit and they sell out to the man LOL
But maybe incentives and tax breaks for such co-ops? Anything to help get local, natural food growers going.
Why should the government attempt to prop up this area of the market or any one area of the market?  Government has to be neutral and uninvolved or it will end up being massive, unaccountable, corrupt.....oh wait. 
These type of "feel good" ideas are exactly what loads my beverages full of high fructose corn syrup instead of much better tasting sugar.

Edited by manofmystery - July 28 2010 at 15:39

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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 15:39
I drink beer.  Approve
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 15:40
Or at least get it jump started Anton... I certainly dont want something like that to become a massive government thing.
Would kill the whole purpose of it.
And why should it get that jump start? Because Im not a libertarian LOL

EDIT: ROB! I disagree! You hate beer

Edited by JJLehto - July 28 2010 at 15:40
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manofmystery View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 16:08
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Or at least get it jump started Anton... I certainly dont want something like that to become a massive government thing.
Would kill the whole purpose of it.
And why should it get that jump start? Because Im not a libertarian LOL

EDIT: ROB! I disagree! You hate beer
I know you are joking but that is sadly how people view the government:
as something there to legislate their beliefs
Just because you, or Slarti, or T, or Epignosis, or llama, or I have preferences doesn't mean the government should based on who's side is in the majority.  It would be funny, if it weren't so sad, that the side advocating that you not have to alter your own life because of someone else opinions is the one constantly on the defensive.  We don't want you to have to live how we do, we just don't want you to demand government force us to live as you do.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 17:00
And I KNOW you will disagree...but thats why a lot of people do view economics and personal life as different.
Unless you are truly a sheep no one wants the government to tell them how to live. A close friend of mine is a huge liberal, big gvmt-esque liberal I should say. But he loves smoking cigarettes, and NJ pretty much has a state wide inside smoking ban, and even outside place sometimes try to deter. He f*cking hates it.
Its human nature, we dont want to be told what to do.

And it goes back to how to you view government. Back in HS I used to see it as a good, (you think Im left now dont even know how I used to be).
You guys see the government as an infrigement. I see it is a necessary evil. It should not be too big or bloated, and it shouldnt control everything...but I can tolerate some government intervention. While you guys see any amount as bad.
Why we have this difference I dont know. Not to be mean, but I think you guys are a bit idealistic. Not that all sides aren't...but it was equality who said my views on drugs were not based on rights but pragmatism. We all believe in rights but you guys are rigid in it, any infringement is bad and unacceptable. Seems philosophical/ideological rather than realistic.
And also depends on what we see as a right. No need to get into health again, but that is one where clearly you guys and I, (and T and Slarti?) disagree on if its a right or not.

You view taxes paying for healthcare as wrong since it is taking your money, and using it for someone else. Since I view it as a right, it can't be denied to anyone. I'll give you the BOTD...maybe its using force. But I guess its infringing a bit on the rights of some, for the rights of all. (Hope you dont think Im the evil one Evil Smile)
Thats why I like universal, I think its more fair, you pay you recieve. Or Robs more federalist idea isnt bad either, actually seems the most fair. I'm going to start writing letters to congress!

Edited by JJLehto - July 28 2010 at 17:08
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manofmystery View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 18:49
You may view it as a right but it ain't and again: just because something is this or that, in your mind, doesn't mean that you should force that belief onto me or anyone else.  Healthcare isn't different from any other service industry simply because we possess emotional attachments.  And yes, I have emotions but they have no place in government.  If you feel moved to start a health care fund for those in need then, by all means, do it.  You can get whomever you want to administer it and, because it isn't a bureaucratic agency, they will have to answer to those contributing and those receiving service.  And "you pay you receive" is actually how it works without "universal care", by the way.  Universal would be more akin to: everyone who pays taxes (this, of course, doesn't include everyone in the country) pays, you receive when those in charge of administering the program deem that you can.

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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 19:33
but it ain't? Well thats not very definitive LOL
I think everyone has a right to health care. You don't. Thats cool, but just gunna say "its not" ?
And putting my emotions into it? Maybe, but its your health. What if you are laid off, and lose your health plan through your job. Someone in your family suffers a medical emergency. You have to get it dealt with obviously.
In 2007, 62% of bankruptcies were due to, or involved, medical costs. A family having to face bankruptcy due to something that needs to be done? Sorry. Guess I hate rights, if thats the case to be made than so be it.... I find that unacceptable. Especially in the wealthiest country on Earth

Its not like our system is the best anyway. Healthcare uses up more of our GDP than any other industrialized country, yet we use it less than the average for said countries. Talk about out of control bloated government, if it continues as is...not too long from now itll eat up 20% of GDP! Why keep something that is not working best? I know the whole forcing rights upon you thing, but it seems like a more realistic issue, than just ideological.
And Im confused, arent we paying for others anyway? Pleae correct me if Im wrong...but I thought you cant be denied service, at least for a medical emergency. So if someone can't pay, but walks in too get service than aren't we paying for them anyway?

Also: It doesn't have to be universal. I dont see a problem with a more locally financed health system. And tort reform Im fine with as well.

OH, and enjoy your vacation Anton Smile

Edited by JJLehto - July 28 2010 at 19:34
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:01
Wow, a lot of issues raised since I went to work.
I differ with Equality in that I support the death penalty and think a taxpayer funded miltary is an unfortunate necessity.
Re: The Death Penalty, it is my view that by taking an innocent person's life intentionally, you forfeit your right to same.
Re: The Military. I don't like the idea of having no choice about financially supporting it, but I don't see a way around it if we are to protect the rest of our freedoms. I do oppose any kind of draft 100%. If we are not willing to fight a war, we shouldn't be having it. One idea I have thought about is giving taxpayers the option to choose where their money goes, so for instance an opponent of the Iraq war could indicate that his taxes should not to the military, but rather to NASA or something else like that.

Re: environmental change. I am not at all convinced about this man made global warming thing. It seems to me taht there is not all that much evidence for it and the fact that some people are so eager to stifle all opposing views strikes me as suspicious. "Debate's over! We win! Look over here, please, while we assume control of all aspects of industry." If the numbers that many experts have produced are correct, in order to make any significant difference we would essentially have to regress to pre-industrial revolution technology. I think we better be pretty damn sure before we take such a drastic step. It also doesn't help that people like Al Gore refuse to follow their own advice on conservation. Kind of puts a damper on their credibility.

Of course I might be wrong, but in that case, everyone has an incentive to protect the environment in which they live. If there was sufficient proof of man made global warming to cionvince the average person, the economic gains from cleaner energy technologies would be huge and you can bet taht sompanies would be falling over each other trying to get there first. I do not see a convincing reason why government would be more efficient here.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:31
I really dont think the military thing is unreasonable. I thought you guys were limited government....thus you have to allow some amount.
Even the most libertarian people/writers etc Ive heard usually grant there needs to be a government and SOME taxes to at least support a military, and courts, ya know the sheer essentials.

And coming from a pretty good lefty (especially socially) I actually used to support the death penalty. I went with, the only punishment sufficient for taking a life, is a life. I no longer support the death penalty, but not in theory actually. I dont like how inconsistent it is. A guy can murder 3 people in "X" with tons of witnesses and proof yet get, 40 years lets say. In "Y" someone can be convicted with less proof  and get death. Well these are examples but you get me. And I hate to bring up this whole thing, but the numbers show it is skweded towards minorities, as well as men.

So I dont oppose it in idea but application. This may be impossible but I wont support it until it can be more fair and uniform. Only because regardless, these are people's lives.

And the global warming thing kind of annoys me. Even if it turns out man made global warming = total BS. Its still important to do what we can to protect the environment. Like I said, its so politicized on both sides, Al Gore is an ass, and a lot of people probably just bandwagon. Which is sad, because the environment should be an issue that transcends all. Even if some things turned out to be wrong, the fact some people thank "ha liberals were wrong, well f*ck it" scares me. We should want to do what we can, regardless.

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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:35
And the fact it is a "liberal issue" upsets me. I know lots of conservatives that are pretty "green"
We can debate on the man made thing if people want, but when it comes to actually protecting the environment I dont see why anyone would not want to?
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:40
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

And the fact it is a "liberal issue" upsets me. I know lots of conservatives that are pretty "green"
We can debate on the man made thing if people want, but when it comes to actually protecting the environment I dont see why anyone would not want to?

Because there's a big line between having common sense and making drastic changes, creating economic policies, and passing far-reaching legislation under the spurious assumption that mankind controls nature.
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:42
Yay, I'm back to agreeing with Rob!
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:44
You got it Rob. 

Logan, what is your novel about?
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 20:51
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

And the fact it is a "liberal issue" upsets me. I know lots of conservatives that are pretty "green"
We can debate on the man made thing if people want, but when it comes to actually protecting the environment I dont see why anyone would not want to?

Because there's a big line between having common sense and making drastic changes, creating economic policies, and passing far-reaching legislation under the spurious assumption that mankind controls nature.

Well it all needs to be sensible and actually useful. Rob man, I'm no crazy tree hugger. Hell not too long ago I was advocating pretty big cuts in recycling programs. Im pretty sure my liberal card will get revoked for that one LOL

But yeah I'll grant you that, we shouln't act more than is necessary but I still think its good we have some amount of environmental protection. Its the land God gave us anyway, need to make sure people dont abuse it. And of course there is always personal responsibility. You say you that your re-use Rob and thats great.

*looks out window*
Yup the liberal police have come for me due to my disobedience. I bet I'll get 1000 lashes with flowers.

Edited by JJLehto - July 28 2010 at 20:56
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2.71828183 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 21:00
Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Re: environmental change. I am not at all convinced about this man made global warming thing. It seems to me taht there is not all that much evidence for it and the fact that some people are so eager to stifle all opposing views strikes me as suspicious. "Debate's over! We win! Look over here, please, while we assume control of all aspects of industry." If the numbers that many experts have produced are correct, in order to make any significant difference we would essentially have to regress to pre-industrial revolution technology. I think we better be pretty damn sure before we take such a drastic step. It also doesn't help that people like Al Gore refuse to follow their own advice on conservation. Kind of puts a damper on their credibility.

Well, you should be convinced.  Denying global warming is a position on an intellectual level with denying evolution.  Scientists say "debate's over!" because, within the scientific community, the debate is over.  It is simple ignorance to say that there is not much evidence, as, despite what those who deny global warming will say, scientists do not just decide what to believe on a whim.  As explained by Thomas Kuhn in his incredibly important book The Structures of Scientific Revolutions, it is actually quite a long and involved process for a new paradigm to take hold in science, as global warming has done.

As a general rule, laypeople don't challenge the findings of scientists.  There's a very good reason for this: doing truly meaningful, innovative scientific research today requires an extremely high degree of specialization that can only be achieved by years of preparation (college, graduate school through to a PhD, and then a post-doctoral position).  The reason this level of specialized training is needed is that, in order to truly understand scientific findings deeply, in all their implications and support, you need very specific skill sets.  These skills are possessed by and large only by the specialists within each field.  They are almost entirely absent in the general population.  And yet we see two areas in which laypeople challenge the scientific validity of issues which are, let me say again, completely decided within the scientific community as being true (even if not all the details are ironed out*).  We see many religious people who deny evolution because they can't square it with their view of the bible as literally true, and we see many conservative people who deny global warming because it doesn't square with their opposition to government regulation of industry.  In both cases, the primary motivation for the opposition is political, rather than scientific (since, of course, the people making the challenges by and large aren't scientists).  Also, in both cases, the propaganda machines aiding these denial efforts claim loudly enough that "there is little evidence for the theory" or "there are fatal flaws in the theory" that people such as yourself are duped into believing it. 

*this is much less of a caveat than it seems; there are no scientific paradigms in which all the details are ironed out (which is why scientific research will continue indefinitely so long as humans remain extant).

If you are interested in reading up on the evidence for global warming, here are some very handy links:

And check this wikipedia article for confirmation that there truly is consensus within the scientific community:

Key quote:

Quote With the release of the revised statement[95] by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change.[2][3]

I created this account just because I'm incredibly bothered by the willingness people show in mistrusting scientists when it doesn't support their political/religious ideologies.  It's almost never justified.  Even if global warming proves false, the deniers will not be able to say that they held a rational position.  Thinking that you know better than the people with the skill sets to undertake, understand, analyze, and draw conclusions from the research that supports global warming is simply the height of arrogance.  I don't tell car mechanics how to do their job, so why should I presume to be able to tell scientists how to do theirs?
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 21:04
Quite a first post!

Edit: Just got to the bottom LOL did you create this solely to contribute to this specific discussion?? That is dedication!

And like I said, even if it all turned out to be false, I still dont see a problem with some environmental legislation. I know common good is thrown around alot but cmon, its the planet we live on!
Oh, an uh...welcome!?

Edited by JJLehto - July 28 2010 at 21:04
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 21:08
Originally posted by 2.71828183 2.71828183 wrote:

Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Re: environmental change. I am not at all convinced about this man made global warming thing. It seems to me taht there is not all that much evidence for it and the fact that some people are so eager to stifle all opposing views strikes me as suspicious. "Debate's over! We win! Look over here, please, while we assume control of all aspects of industry." If the numbers that many experts have produced are correct, in order to make any significant difference we would essentially have to regress to pre-industrial revolution technology. I think we better be pretty damn sure before we take such a drastic step. It also doesn't help that people like Al Gore refuse to follow their own advice on conservation. Kind of puts a damper on their credibility.

Well, you should be convinced.  Denying global warming is a position on an intellectual level with denying evolution.  Scientists say "debate's over!" because, within the scientific community, the debate is over.  It is simple ignorance to say that there is not much evidence, as, despite what those who deny global warming will say, scientists do not just decide what to believe on a whim.  As explained by Thomas Kuhn in his incredibly important book The Structures of Scientific Revolutions, it is actually quite a long and involved process for a new paradigm to take hold in science, as global warming has done.

As a general rule, laypeople don't challenge the findings of scientists.  There's a very good reason for this: doing truly meaningful, innovative scientific research today requires an extremely high degree of specialization that can only be achieved by years of preparation (college, graduate school through to a PhD, and then a post-doctoral position).  The reason this level of specialized training is needed is that, in order to truly understand scientific findings deeply, in all their implications and support, you need very specific skill sets.  These skills are possessed by and large only by the specialists within each field.  They are almost entirely absent in the general population.  And yet we see two areas in which laypeople challenge the scientific validity of issues which are, let me say again, completely decided within the scientific community as being true (even if not all the details are ironed out*).  We see many religious people who deny evolution because they can't square it with their view of the bible as literally true, and we see many conservative people who deny global warming because it doesn't square with their opposition to government regulation of industry.  In both cases, the primary motivation for the opposition is political, rather than scientific (since, of course, the people making the challenges by and large aren't scientists).  Also, in both cases, the propaganda machines aiding these denial efforts claim loudly enough that "there is little evidence for the theory" or "there are fatal flaws in the theory" that people such as yourself are duped into believing it. 

*this is much less of a caveat than it seems; there are no scientific paradigms in which all the details are ironed out (which is why scientific research will continue indefinitely so long as humans remain extant).

If you are interested in reading up on the evidence for global warming, here are some very handy links:

And check this wikipedia article for confirmation that there truly is consensus within the scientific community:

Key quote:

Quote With the release of the revised statement[95] by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change.[2][3]

I created this account just because I'm incredibly bothered by the willingness people show in mistrusting scientists when it doesn't support their political/religious ideologies.  It's almost never justified.  Even if global warming proves false, the deniers will not be able to say that they held a rational position.  Thinking that you know better than the people with the skill sets to undertake, understand, analyze, and draw conclusions from the research that supports global warming is simply the height of arrogance.  I don't tell car mechanics how to do their job, so why should I presume to be able to tell scientists how to do theirs?

Awesome.  Scientists (who get their funding from a variety of sources) get to think for me!

Better follow the orders of the men in the white coats, gentlemen.  They know what's best for all of us in this madhouse.  Big smile
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 21:10
I don't believe it's as cut and dried as you do (human cause), nor has it had the time evolution theory has, nor has it remained free of political influence and demagoguery, to the point where solutions need to be toned down and carefully pursued, but....I know better than to argue with a true believer.  I've got friends like I've heard this all before. 

But anyway, welcome to the you like prog?  Stick around if you do!Smile 
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 21:16
We are going to destroy all your libraries and burn all your books.  Oh wait.  Libertarian not Librarian.  Never mind.Tongue
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2010 at 21:23
Dude, thats so gunna happen. Then the world will end in a nuke

I mean Ray Bradbury wrote it, so it must!
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