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Topic ClosedScorpions for Krautrock or prog related

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Trianium View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 19 2009 at 16:37
I think Scorpions should be in Prog Related. In the Seventies they were really an interesant an original band, 'Lonesome Craw' has some Krautrock, Purple, Floyd and Hendrix elements. 'Fly to the Rainbow' and 'In Trance' are pure psychodelic-hard rock and in 'taken by force' songs like 'we'll burn sky' or 'polar nights' are big influence to Progressive metal....ok, in the 80's Scorpions are sh*t...but they were great in the seventies.

In these songs i found some prog elements.

Edited by Trianium - October 19 2009 at 16:42
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2009 at 06:36

It's funny this "When X is here, then Y should be here too. And Y deserves it even more" argument.

Have you ever considered why X managed to get here in first place ? If there are less progressive bands than for example Scorpions, why they are here ? From what reason.

Anyway, it's like Pearl Jam. Good, legend, but it's not here yet, is it ?

Edited by MartyMcFly89 - October 26 2009 at 06:37
There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 27 2009 at 13:57
While I have to say that Lonesome Crow on it's own (and possibly Fly To The Rainbow) would fit in this site, I would generally be against their inclusion.  But then, I would also be against Zeppelin, The Door, And Sabbath being included as well, but they are here LOL

Honestly, if prog related is supposed to be non-prog music that might be of interest to prog fans, the Scorpions 70's material (at least) fits that perfectly.
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Wiktor Hatif View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 13 2010 at 17:43
Originally posted by UMUR UMUR wrote:

Speaking in more general terms ( I donīt know enough about The Scorpions to say if my below opinion aplies to them) about Prog-related I have the opinion that even if a band that have released thirty albums that are non-prog and only one that qualifies as prog-related they should be on PA. Itīs important to document that one album. As long as itīs made very clear in the "Why is this artist included in PA" section of the bio why the artist was included.

exactly, and you can find such artists on PA, example: one album of Jose Cid and now look at his full discography:

exactly ;)

I just started a similar case, where the two first albums of the band are progressive, but I guess in my case the progressivity is much more clear Wink
"Ffffaaahhh, seeko baaaaaa
Neeeeee toe, kare lo yeahhh
Sa sa sa sa saa! Fssss
Drrrrrrrrr bo ki!
Rapateeka! do go taaaam
Rapateeka! do go tchaa"

- "Atom Heart Mother" Pink Floyd/Ron Geesin
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 13 2010 at 19:59
I don't know about krautrock, maybe prog related.....Certainly not heavy prog. Lonesome Crow is a fantastic, artistic album......When I first heard Lovedrive, that got me hooked on Scorpions. I then purchased Tokyo Tapes, their first live album. That included "In Search of the Peace of Mind"....mystical performance.....thru research found out it was on the first album. I spent a few months looking for Lonesome Crow at Tower Records (back in the day that's where I found all my import vinyl).
Then I read (internet did not exist...) that Lonesome Crow was released under a different label and title in the US as "Action". Ahhaaa!! Finally found it...the cover has a girl driving a Jeep wearing ski goggles stuck in a sand pit...WHAT????
Anyhow...That album is so psychadelic, art rock, jazzy.....The first few songs Klaus is merely "rapping" and not singing, he sings very little in those first songs.
The title track is an amazing journey of strange sounds, the guitar work of the Schenker brothers is mind boggling......I also think Wolfgang Dziony and Lothar Heimberg do a fantastic job on drums and bass work.
It certainly is Scorpions most ambitious work IMO.....and don't forget the album was actually used as a soundtrack for some German movie, I don't recall the title.
Once Michael left for UFO...Uli Jon Roth joined and the sound and style continued with his amazing orchestral guitar work.....Although its not where Klaus and Rudolf wanted to go....Their ultimate goal was to conquer the USA......So heavy metal guitar based sound is what they shot for, hence all the member changes in those early years....and of course they did along with conquering the rest of the world.
Scorpions changed their sound quite a bit over their career....and I do agree their work up to Taken By Force is some of their best and certainly includes the most progy elements. After that it was heavy metal/hard rock........reason why Lovedrive and Animal Magnetism were big hits in the US, their heavy US touring schedule helped a lot too back in the late 70's.
Anyhow....I struggle with the inclusion of Scorpions to PA......Although I 100% agree the early Scorpions years could be considered.
So please, do yourself a favor and take a listen to Lonesome Crow......its a great album...and its far from the recent albums. The only other song that comes to mind where they came close to that early style was a song called "China White" on the Blackout album.......for that matter the title track "Animal Magnetism"...same vein.
I think it all points to that Scorpions took their sound and changed it quite a bit from begining to where they are now......sounds progressive to me.
Regardless Scorpions Rawks
Cheers everyone!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 04:42
Originally posted by MovingPictures07 MovingPictures07 wrote:

Originally posted by listen listen wrote:

Originally posted by MovingPictures07 MovingPictures07 wrote:


That's all that needs to be said.

Have you listened to it? To my ears, this album is definitely no less progressive than the music of a LOT of bands on this site

I despise the "If X is here, then Y must be" argument.

We've made mistakes before (IMO), and the collabs at this try their best (yet I'm still entitled to my opinion). That does not justify more mistakes.

I'm beginning to think that many people are considering anything above average pop music to be prog or progressive, and that's simply not the case. There's plenty of music in between art and pop music that does not belong here, even in Related.

And yes, I heard it. I stand by my opinion.

I'm not making an "If X is here, then Y must be" argument at all. The fact that bands with similar levels of progressiveness exist across this site warrants and even motivates the consideration of this band. And remember, "progressiveness" is a subjective and multifaceted quality, if progressiveness is a contiguous and coherent concept at all. And of course, the concept exists on a continuum and where the line between "progressive" and non-"progressive" exists is subjective.

By and large, the Scorpions played formulaic, simple stadium hard rock. But, in case anyone didn't read my first post, I am suggesting Scorpions for inclusion solely because of their first album, Lonesome Crow. And let's remember: There is no requirement on this site for how many "progressive" albums a band must have produced in order to be listed (there are many artists on this site that only ever released one album, and many who only released one or a few progressive albums [for instance only one of Jose Cid's 20-something albums is listed in the archives, so it seems the objection on the basis of not wanting to add the bulk of non-progressive Scorpions' albums is potentially void]), and no requirement for progressiveness across their entire catalog, especially if the members changed, as is the case with the Scorpions (by the way, what were many of the prog "greats" doing around the same time as the rest of many of the Scorpions albums? ELP? Genesis? Camel? Yes?). And of course Progarchives intends to be the "most complete and powerful prog-rock resource". So, if Lonesome Crow is deemed to be progressive, Scorpions should be listed in the archives. I rescind my proposal of the Krautrock category; I don't think their first album is quite krautrock (although bands like Arktis, Dschinn, Jeronimo, Pacific Sound, etc  are no more krautrock or progressive to my ears). But I do think that Lonesome Crow is progressive, if only to the degree seemingly required (from my subjective observation) to be listed as Prog-related or Crossover Prog.

The most progressive track is the final, title track, "Lonesome Crow," although there is progressiveness throughout the album. You can listen to it here:

Lonesome Crow
was produced by the krautrock-affiliated Conny Plank (Can, Cluster, Harmonia, Kluster, Kraan, Guru Guru, Neu!, Organisation, Os Mundi) for Brain records. While it is probably likely that Plank's seeming krautrock aesthetic had some amount of an influence on the sound on Lonesome Crow, there is definite progressiveness in the music to my ears. And lets remember to consider progressiveness in a krautrock light here.

Edited by listen - May 09 2011 at 05:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 04:49
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

"Lonesome Crow" is a good song, anyway.

And "Leave Me"

It's really dated, though with a 60's sound.  I would have pegged them as earlier than 1972 recordings.

NOTE: the version of "Lonesome Crow" here is edited--it is 4 minutes too short. FOR THE FULL VERSION, LISTEN HERE:

Edited by listen - May 09 2011 at 06:02
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 04:55
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by debrewguy debrewguy wrote:

I believe that the Scorpions achieved way too much success for too many here at PA to truly admit that they really haven't listened to the album(s) that are cited as supporting their candidacy (no matter the sub-genre).
True - I saw then in '77 and they were well on their way to being a successful hard rock band by then. I've never heard Lonesome Crow, but will if they are proposed for Prog Related.
Originally posted by debrewguy debrewguy wrote:

As for the "X is here, why not Y" arguement ... why is it acceptable to use comparisons and references to other bands already here when some bands are proposed, but not others ? It can be a valid way of supporting your case either way.
The IfXthenY argument is valid for highlighting a band for suggestion, but not for evaluation and subsequent addition. For example if band "X" is here then perhaps we should consider band "Y" for inclusion, however, once Band "Y" has been dentified as a contender they must be evaluated on their own merits without the association to band "X". To that end The Scorpions must be evaluated on their own, and not in relation to any bands already included, and using the albums from the appropriate era.
When it comes to Popular vs. Obscure I think the reasoning is self-evident - ifXthenYcan either be used positively or negatively - for most Popular artists it is often used in it's unhelpful negative form by comparing them with yet another well known and possibly controversial band, while for Obscure bands it is more often used in a helpful positive form to give the evaluator a reference point to compare them too.
It is sometimes the case that Band "X" is mentioned because the person proposing Band "Y" does not approve of the addition of Band "X" and sees Band "Y" as being more valid as a result. This is not a direct musical comparision, but more an emotional one - we tend not get this emotional comparision with Obscure bands.
Of course, if you mention two Popular bands you double your chances of getting a reaction because more people would have heard of one of them - mention two Obscure bands and you halve your chances because fewer people would have heard of both of them.
If both band "X" and band "Y" are already accepted and band "Y" scheduled for inclusion, then the IfXthenY argument can be used in the placing of band "Y" into an appropriate category.
Originally posted by debrewguy debrewguy wrote:

The worst part - it comes back to my first comment - if the group you propose is or was popular, then don't expect to be able defend your submission by mentioning other comparable bands already in PA.
Sad but true - then listen saying "this album is definitely no less progressive than the music of a LOT of bands on this site" is not really mentioning comparable bands and does need some deeper qualifiaction or additional verification.
Originally posted by debrewguy debrewguy wrote:

As this discussion progresses ( or regresses as with too many other commercially successful acts), ask each detractor is they have listened to Lonesome Crow, or the albums that the Scorpions made with Uli Roth. Then follow up with the question as to what albums have they actually heard from the Scorpions ...
Then wonder why frustrations abound with anyone but those who suggest the obscure for inclusion ...
Another sad fact is many suggestions for Obscure bands are overlooked completely - there have been 51 unanswered threads in Suggest New Bands and 66 in Unsigned Bands over the past year - that's before we start counting the number of suggestions that have replies but never made it to the evaluation stage. At least Popular bands have the head-start of having a ground-swell of opinion that results in discussion in the first place even if that means they are hampered by their reputation.

Well said.
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Bonnek View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 05:46

Now I really am intrigued to listen to Lonesome Crow. Smile
It's the only one from their 70's stuff that I don't have.

You could say their second album "Fly To The Rainbow" is "proto Prog Metal", like Judas Priest's first two albums. Is that enough for Prog-Related? Not my call to make but it's not an absurd suggestion neither.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 05:58

Bizarre........... I did the review of the first Saris album one week ago where I more than once commented how similar sounding they are to The Scorpions. A band I once liked and which played a reasonable big part of my life 20 years ago. I may be tempted to like them again when I get a room & a rocking chair in the local retirement home. We all return back to past crimes when we get old. Embarrassed 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 06:06
Originally posted by MovingPictures07 MovingPictures07 wrote:

Originally posted by listen listen wrote:

Originally posted by MovingPictures07 MovingPictures07 wrote:


That's all that needs to be said.

Have you listened to it? To my ears, this album is definitely no less progressive than the music of a LOT of bands on this site

I despise the "If X is here, then Y must be" argument.

We've made mistakes before (IMO), and the collabs at this try their best (yet I'm still entitled to my opinion). That does not justify more mistakes.

I'm beginning to think that many people are considering anything above average pop music to be prog or progressive, and that's simply not the case. There's plenty of music in between art and pop music that does not belong here, even in Related.

And yes, I heard it. I stand by my opinion.

I'm not making an "If X is here, then Y must be" argument at all. The fact that bands with similar levels of progressiveness exist across this site warrants and even motivates the consideration of this band. And remember, "progressiveness" is a subjective and multifaceted quality, if progressiveness is a contiguous and coherent concept at all. And of course, the concept exists on a continuum and where the line between "progressive" and non-"progressive" exists is subjective.

By and large, the Scorpions played formulaic, simple stadium hard rock. But, in case anyone didn't read my first post, I am suggesting Scorpions for inclusion solely because of their first album, Lonesome Crow. And let's remember: There is no requirement on this site for how many "progressive" albums a band must have produced in order to be listed (there are many artists on this site that only ever released one album, and many that only released one or a few progressive albums [for instance only one of Jose Cid's 20-something albums is listed in the archives, so it seems the objection on the basis of not wanting to add the bulk of non-progressive Scorpions' albums is potentially void]), and no requirement for progressiveness across their entire catalog, especially if the members changed, as is the case with the Scorpions, for which only 2 of the 5 musicians on Lonesome Crow continued on after that album (and by the way, what were many of the prog "greats" doing around the same time as the rest of many of the Scorpions albums? ELP? Genesis? Camel? Yes?). And of course Progarchives intends to be the "most complete and powerful prog-rock resource". So, if Lonesome Crow is deemed to be progressive, Scorpions should be listed in the archives. I rescind my proposal of the Krautrock category; I don't think their first album is quite krautrock (although bands like Arktis, Dschinn, Jeronimo, Pacific Sound, Orange Peel, etc  are no more krautrock or progressive to my ears). But I do think that Lonesome Crow is progressive, if only to the degree seemingly required (from my subjective observation) to be listed as Prog-related or Crossover Prog.

The most progressive track is the final, title track, "Lonesome Crow," although there is progressiveness throughout the album. You can listen to it here:

The song "In Search of the Peace of Mind" also has some progressive elements, mostly with its tangential structure (as does the song "Action," for which I did not find a video):

Lonesome Crow
was produced by the krautrock-affiliated Conny Plank (Can, Cluster, Harmonia, Kluster, Kraan, Guru Guru, Neu!, Organisation, Os Mundi) for Brain records. While it is probably likely that Plank's seeming krautrock aesthetic had some amount of an influence on the sound on Lonesome Crow, there is definite progressiveness in the music to my ears. And lets remember to consider progressiveness in a krautrock light here.

Edited by listen - May 09 2011 at 13:52
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 06:31
I am a Scorpions fan and never thought of them as prog at all. I have the first few albums and the huge World Wide Live album. Love at First Sting is their best I think. 'Lonesome Crow' is very different and is a one off really. It is proggish but can a whole band be included here over one proggish album? This may be the case but it poses problems.I am not saying Scorpions are not a chance as prog related but it opens iup doors for other dubious entries.
If this were the case we would need to include the following:
Helloween - 'Keeper of the 7 Keys saga' and others
Judas Priest - 'Nostradamus' (concept album with proggish musicianship)
Kiss - 'The Elder' (conceptual, prog time sigs)
Wasp - 'Babylon' (conceptual, PR music)
Megadeth - 'So far So Good So What?' (PR music)
Gary..... oh forget it!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 06:47
Scorpions is German hard rock and that's it. They are a good band and perhaps underrated due to that horrible whistle tune Winds Of Change and a very cheesy image which does not cut it in 2011. But progressive rock or even prog related ? No !!!!!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 06:53
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Scorpions is German hard rock and that's it. They are a good band and perhaps underrated due to that horrible whistle tune Winds Of Change and a very cheesy image which does not cut it in 2011. But progressive rock or even prog related ? No !!!!!!!
I know they are hard rock abut I can still see the points made in this thread - that if a band has concept material on albums and a progressive approach to the music, even if its only one album, where do they sit? A case could be made. I think Scorpions are a long shot but the criteria is a band are listed due to a prog album... Prog Related is not so unbearable for some of these bands that seem to touch on prog on some of their albums. Of course we can all review their albums on MMA so its not the end of the world for those who just want to review the albums. An interesting thread though, food for thought, its not really that black and white.. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 07:00
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Scorpions is German hard rock and that's it. They are a good band and perhaps underrated due to that horrible whistle tune Winds Of Change and a very cheesy image which does not cut it in 2011. But progressive rock or even prog related ? No !!!!!!!

Remember! We are evaluating on the basis of their debut, which wasn't even the same band as later albums (only 2/5 of the members on that album remained after that album was released)! This is *NOT* a discussion of whether Scorpions' music as a whole is progressive.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 19:19
I think a band's inclusion in the archives as full fledged prog should be based on their creative peak. If a band had some proggy albums at some point (such as Queen), prog related works fine.  
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progrockfreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2011 at 21:13
I think it's time you guys added a new category to the site, "Almost But Not Quite", "The Ones That Got Away", or some similarly descriptive name, where you can bundle all these bands that aren't immediately recognisable to the world as genuine prog artists, but do have the occasional flash of inspiration that rises beyond the normal territory of hard rock, pop or whatever it is that they usually play.
No need to list albums, or provide a thorough biography - just a reference to them, the fact that they were proposed, evaluated and rejected, and the reason for their rejection. The site aims to be the ultimate prog resource, so the fact that these contentious bands are missing completely as things stand is actually preventing this from being achieved.
I don't suppose it would stop the discussions and arguments such as this one, but at least when a search was done for a "borderline" artist like The Scorpions, a result would then be forthcoming, and the reason why the band was not included in the site proper would be there for all to see.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 10 2011 at 00:52
Originally posted by progrockfreak progrockfreak wrote:

I think it's time you guys added a new category to the site, "Almost But Not Quite", "The Ones That Got Away", or some similarly descriptive name, where you can bundle all these bands that aren't immediately recognisable to the world as genuine prog artists, but do have the occasional flash of inspiration that rises beyond the normal territory of hard rock, pop or whatever it is that they usually play.
No need to list albums, or provide a thorough biography - just a reference to them, the fact that they were proposed, evaluated and rejected, and the reason for their rejection. The site aims to be the ultimate prog resource, so the fact that these contentious bands are missing completely as things stand is actually preventing this from being achieved.
I don't suppose it would stop the discussions and arguments such as this one, but at least when a search was done for a "borderline" artist like The Scorpions, a result would then be forthcoming, and the reason why the band was not included in the site proper would be there for all to see.

You can always do a search of this "suggest new bands and artists" forum.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 10 2011 at 01:56
Originally posted by listen listen wrote:

Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Scorpions is German hard rock and that's it. They are a good band and perhaps underrated due to that horrible whistle tune Winds Of Change and a very cheesy image which does not cut it in 2011. But progressive rock or even prog related ? No !!!!!!!

Remember! We are evaluating on the basis of their debut, which wasn't even the same band as later albums (only 2/5 of the members on that album remained after that album was released)! This is *NOT* a discussion of whether Scorpions' music as a whole is progressive.

That is a bit deceptive. Scorpions is a hard-rock band with more then 15(?) albums.
With such an extensive discography, the evaluation won't be done on just one or two initial albums that are entirely different from what came after.
Unless of course those two albums were very influential on later prog-rock. Then they might fir for Prog-Related.

So you'd better put your energy in making a list of established prog rock acts that claim (themselves) to have be influenced by the Scorpions' first two albums, which I don't think will fly as Scorpions were just absorbing influences from existing UK heavy rock (Uriah Heep for instance).

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 10 2011 at 06:39
Originally posted by listen listen wrote:

Originally posted by progrockfreak progrockfreak wrote:

I think it's time you guys added a new category to the site, "Almost But Not Quite", "The Ones That Got Away", or some similarly descriptive name, where you can bundle all these bands that aren't immediately recognisable to the world as genuine prog artists, but do have the occasional flash of inspiration that rises beyond the normal territory of hard rock, pop or whatever it is that they usually play.
No need to list albums, or provide a thorough biography - just a reference to them, the fact that they were proposed, evaluated and rejected, and the reason for their rejection. The site aims to be the ultimate prog resource, so the fact that these contentious bands are missing completely as things stand is actually preventing this from being achieved.
I don't suppose it would stop the discussions and arguments such as this one, but at least when a search was done for a "borderline" artist like The Scorpions, a result would then be forthcoming, and the reason why the band was not included in the site proper would be there for all to see.

You can always do a search of this "suggest new bands and artists" forum.
Yes you can. And find five pages with nigh on 100 posts to wade through. What I'm talking about here is a simple definitive conclusion when the collaborators have all had their say, and the band has been rejected. Something that will show up in a normal google search for a band, and that will lead the reader to a single summarial entry saying what the band were (or are) about, and why they were considered unsuitable for inclusion in the site proper. It would make things a whole lot easier for the casual user just looking up a band they were interested in, and add to the functionality of the site in my opinion.

Edited by progrockfreak - May 10 2011 at 06:50
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