Think of 40 songs that instantly come to your mind starting with the letter M. Try not look at your discography or focus on only one band while you are thinking them. I chose letter M because in another poll it turned out to be the most proggy letter in terms of prog bands, so I figured out it wouldn't be too hard to think 40 songs starting with letter M. Of course, do not look at the replies to this poll before you have thought about your songs. When you've done this, check if the band which has more songs in your list is indeed your favourite or one of your favourite ones or if it is a total surprise for you. And share any other interesting opinions of the results. Think about songs by
Prog Bands only, and try to avoid Prog Related bands.
Right after this post I will post my list.
Edited by Morningrise - June 03 2010 at 00:45