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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2010 at 16:00
Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

Oooh, I see. Sorry, Raff's post confused me a little.

Quoting from the initial post:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Anyone who feels that their latest offering is worth 1 or 2 stars should reconsider their own knowledge of prog music and should refrain from writing reviews - in the same way that anyone who gives 2112, Foxtrot or Brain Salad Surgery 1 or 2 star reviews should keep their reviews to themselves because they show that they don't really know what they are talking about. DCaSL is not a 5 star album - to many it may only warrant 3 - but please! A 1 star review from someone we recognise here as a prog reviewer? I am disappointed to say the least.

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jampa17 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2010 at 16:02
Originally posted by Alberto Muņoz Alberto Muņoz wrote:

Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

So this thread has now eventuated into suggesting Pablo should lose his PR status, which he has earned over two years, because DavetheSlave doesn't agree with a review for an album?

As you see my friend DavetheSlave have so much power here! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL
Finally the slave becomes the master then... quoting Metallica in the process... LOL
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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Alberto Muņoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2010 at 16:03
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

Oooh, I see. Sorry, Raff's post confused me a little.

Quoting from the initial post:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Anyone who feels that their latest offering is worth 1 or 2 stars should reconsider their own knowledge of prog music and should refrain from writing reviews - in the same way that anyone who gives 2112, Foxtrot or Brain Salad Surgery 1 or 2 star reviews should keep their reviews to themselves because they show that they don't really know what they are talking about. DCaSL is not a 5 star album - to many it may only warrant 3 - but please! A 1 star review from someone we recognise here as a prog reviewer? I am disappointed to say the least.

As i say, DavetheSlave have so much power!!!! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL

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Alberto Muņoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2010 at 16:03
Originally posted by jampa17 jampa17 wrote:

Originally posted by Alberto Muņoz Alberto Muņoz wrote:

Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

So this thread has now eventuated into suggesting Pablo should lose his PR status, which he has earned over two years, because DavetheSlave doesn't agree with a review for an album?

As you see my friend DavetheSlave have so much power here! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL
Finally the slave becomes the master then... quoting Metallica in the process... LOL

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Alberto Muņoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2010 at 16:05
The next time that i have the ocurrence to do a DT review i will consult first DavetheSlave to his opinion.

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seventhsojourn View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2010 at 16:12
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

OK, back on topic nowWink... I really don't understand what those people's beef with you might be, Pablo. One star means 'poor, only for completionists', and you made it clear in your review that it is exactly how you view the album. Anyway, I believe that the one- and two-star definitions are very similar to each other in meaning. I probably be demoted as well for giving one star to Deep Purple's Who Do We Think We Are?, since there are people who rated it much higher than I did.  This is really crazy, as well as faintly distasteful... At this point, we should do away with the whole 'members' reviews' thing, and allow only a few select people to review - since it seems that we are not free to rate an album as we wish.
Raff, Ok you have gone on to explain this was a provocation but my heart started beating at twice the normal rate when I read this Shocked Please don't even consider that idea. The reason I joined was to have the chance to post reviews.  No-one is calling for anyone to be demoted, so please don't tar all ordinary members with the same brush. I can only speak for myself of course, but I'm sure most ordinary members appreciate the time and energy that collabs have invested in the site over the years. 
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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 04 2010 at 02:09
Pablo - I would hate to see you lose your position - you have worked hard for it and your reviews generally are very good. Had I picked up that same review done by any other reviewer I would have created precisely the same thread. If what this does is make people more aware of how they rate when they rate then I am happy. That's essentially the only purpose that I had in mind. Sorry that it was your review that I picked up on. I like Rushfan4 a lot and I believe that his and my tastes in music are very similar but had he posted that review at that time this thread would have been about his review - I would expect the same.
I don't want the rating system changed, or in fact people not to rate as they wish to. What I do want is for people to be more aware when they do their reviews - that's all.
I am a Dream Theater fanboy but I am also a Stratovaruis, Toto, Old Genesis, Old Yes, Pain of Salvation, Karmakanic, Flower Kings, Golden Earring etc etc fanboy - I am a fanboy of good music.
I do believe that you rated BC&SL emotively as you are perhaps tired of what you perceive to be the same old..same old approach that you feel DT have adopted in their previous couple of albums. They have probably disappointed you badly with this latest release. BC&SL is not a bad release, average possibly to many, but not bad. I personally feel that it is a very good album for many to start their own Dream Theater journeys with as - to me - it is one of their more user friendly albums. That's my own opinion though.
I headed this thread "Music Appreciation" - not "lets bash Pablo". I hope we can be friends and have many many discussions about music in the future - I hope you feel free to pick on me when I say or do something that you don't agree with.
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Alberto Muņoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 04 2010 at 09:28
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Pablo - I would hate to see you lose your position - you have worked hard for it and your reviews generally are very good. Had I picked up that same review done by any other reviewer I would have created precisely the same thread. If what this does is make people more aware of how they rate when they rate then I am happy. That's essentially the only purpose that I had in mind. Sorry that it was your review that I picked up on. I like Rushfan4 a lot and I believe that his and my tastes in music are very similar but had he posted that review at that time this thread would have been about his review - I would expect the same.
I don't want the rating system changed, or in fact people not to rate as they wish to. What I do want is for people to be more aware when they do their reviews - that's all.
I am a Dream Theater fanboy but I am also a Stratovaruis, Toto, Old Genesis, Old Yes, Pain of Salvation, Karmakanic, Flower Kings, Golden Earring etc etc fanboy - I am a fanboy of good music.
I do believe that you rated BC&SL emotively as you are perhaps tired of what you perceive to be the same old..same old approach that you feel DT have adopted in their previous couple of albums. They have probably disappointed you badly with this latest release. BC&SL is not a bad release, average possibly to many, but not bad. I personally feel that it is a very good album for many to start their own Dream Theater journeys with as - to me - it is one of their more user friendly albums. That's my own opinion though.
I headed this thread "Music Appreciation" - not "lets bash Pablo". I hope we can be friends and have many many discussions about music in the future - I hope you feel free to pick on me when I say or do something that you don't agree with.
With this post i soon will be fanboy of DavetheSlaveLOLLOLLOLWink

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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 11:27
I see my poll post for Stratovarius support has been closed without any form of consultation or advice. I thought that that wasn't supposed to happen - just arbitrarily gets closed?
I was trying to ascertain what sort of support Stratovarius has here with the members of PA. Oh well. A little birdy whispers to me that perhaps Strat have become a sore point and thus have become - unmentionableConfused. To me, that's quite sad. I would like to know how many people actually voted regarding the inclusion or non inclusion of Stratovarius.35, 60, 100 - how many Strat supporters are there within the 20 000 or so members of Progarchives. That's what I was hoping to ascertain. It is strange that PA is perhaps the only place on earth where Strat are not deemed to be prog metal.
We include Mastodon here and that type of metal seems to be very closely guarded here. Maybe the powers that be enjoy Tech / Xtreme metal as opposed to the Symphonic type.
Had to say my say regarding that - now send the men with there white coats and drag me awayPinch
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 11:30
I'd hardly think that is the case when Nightwish, Epica, After Forever, Rhapsody of Fire are all here in the PM category.  I have heard only two albums of Stratovarius - Twilight Time and Fourth Dimension.  Those didn't sound like prog metal to me.  No comments on the rest of their albums obviously.  But is it just me or do you just go around believing conspiracies to be lurking in every nook and corner? Wink
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Alberto Muņoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 12:37
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

I see my poll post for Stratovarius support has been closed without any form of consultation or advice. I thought that that wasn't supposed to happen - just arbitrarily gets closed?
DavetheSlave when in a thread nothing happens new in 6 months, it`s closed without advice, this because the threads have a life for itself, the admin team is usually who closes the thread, the other reason for closing a thread is because the things when very heaten, so in spite to have harmony the forum, it's close by a admin team. It's not arbitrary, there also rules in this forum and BTW when someone begins a thread, you don't own the thread. 
I was trying to ascertain what sort of support Stratovarius has here with the members of PA. Oh well. A little birdy whispers to me that perhaps Strat have become a sore point and thus have become - unmentionableConfused. To me, that's quite sad. I would like to know how many people actually voted regarding the inclusion or non inclusion of Stratovarius.35, 60, 100 - how many Strat supporters are there within the 20 000 or so members of Progarchives. That's what I was hoping to ascertain. It is strange that PA is perhaps the only place on earth where Strat are not deemed to be prog metal.
We include Mastodon here and that type of metal seems to be very closely guarded here. Maybe the powers that be enjoy Tech / Xtreme metal as opposed to the Symphonic type.
Had to say my say regarding that - now send the men with there white coats and drag me awayPinch

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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 12:45
Alberto, DaveTheSlave started a new thread this morning.  But since there already a number of threads suggesting this band an admin closed the thread.  As I mentioned in that thread Stratovarius are in discussion for prog-related with the admins.  At this point a final decision has not been made. 
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 12:50
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

I see my poll post for Stratovarius support has been closed without any form of consultation or advice. I thought that that wasn't supposed to happen - just arbitrarily gets closed?

Yes. What, do you think we will wait till your mercy comes back and gives proper authorization? 

Imagine the problems we would have with some threads opened by members who left in 2007... They would still be open! 

In behalf of PA, its Admins, its members, its founders, its advertisers, its janitors, and all the people that pull the strings in the nearby theater, I APOLOGIZE FOR SUCH AN ABHORRENT CRIME. 
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 12:51
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Alberto, DaveTheSlave started a new thread this morning.  But since there already a number of threads suggesting this band an admin closed the thread.  As I mentioned in that thread Stratovarius are in discussion for prog-related with the admins.  At this point a final decision has not been made. 

Oh... you barely beat me... Ok, then my apologies are taken back... Approve Tongue
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Alberto Muņoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 12:55
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Alberto, DaveTheSlave started a new thread this morning.  But since there already a number of threads suggesting this band an admin closed the thread.  As I mentioned in that thread Stratovarius are in discussion for prog-related with the admins.  At this point a final decision has not been made. 
Ok then, but it's worth that DavetheSlave read the rules.

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Ricochet View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 13:00
Dave, I don't stand anywhere in terms of telling whether or not Stratovarius are prog-metal, but are you aware that, at least according to search results, the last person to open a thread for adding this band was none other than you? Confused

This is thread #1, opened in December 2008. By the looks of it, it didn't take long for a healthy debate to fail to happen (aka ruckus engaging).

This is thread #2, opened three days later. Yeah, it went worse.

So, aside from practicing the bellybutton theory of objective 1-star reviewing, you seem to have returned with the same agenda: Stratovarius.

And you asked yourself in the new thread you made:
Quote The question really is - why is it being put forward again and again and again?

No kidding. Why?

Thread #1 isn't locked, so why not just pick up from where you left?

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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 13:48
I locked todays thread because it was unnecessary - there was one already opened by the same poster on the same subject in Suggest New Bands and Artists.
one band per thread - one thread per band.
Now, if I'm going to have to ask permission to close threads, from now on you'll have to ask my permission to open them... fair?
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 13:55

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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 14:06

If you read my previous threads Dean - I'm sure it was you yourself who said that I was welcome to try on Strats behalf again at a later date - that's what I've now attempted to do. I did not want to rehash a year old set of commentaries - I wanted a fresh perspective.

The Strat argument in the past - way before me in fact - became in some instances a very volatile one. I, in my previous posts tried to avoid volatility as can be easily eascertained by going through my previous posts in that regard. I agree with most things that you guys running the site do and you are very good at what you do. Relating to Stratovarius though I'm flumoxed and I'm confused. There is no way that they are a power metal band as opposed to a prog metal band. No other site, publication or whatever agrees with the findings that are expressed about them here. They are rated everywhere except here as a prog metal band - if you want me to get technical about why then I'll do so and I'll do so using PA's own definition of prog metal.

As I've said all along - please listen to their music and I'm not referring to the first two albums that they released. Listen to the track madness from the album titled Stratovarius.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2010 at 14:18
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

If you read my previous threads Dean - I'm sure it was you yourself who said that I was welcome to try on Strats behalf again at a later date - that's what I've now attempted to do. I did not want to rehash a year old set of commentaries - I wanted a fresh perspective.

I may have, unlikely, but I may have - if I did then I would always add the corollary: when you've something new to offer - ie a new album or something similar.
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