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paganinio View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: This year's Helloween thread
    Posted: October 31 2009 at 05:26

Read old discussion in the Archives:

Helloween thread 2007

Helloween thread 2008

I saw that most people supported Helloween, so maybe we'll make it happen this year? Don't they deserve a place in Prog-related or Proto-prog-metal?


FAQ section

Q: Who are Helloween?

A: One of the few metal bands incorporating prog elements before Dream Theater were formed in 1986.

Q: Are they in the Progarchives?

A: Google says no.

Q: Did people suggest them before?

A: Twice, says the forum search box.

Q: Did they get in the Progarchives after people suggested them?

A: I ... SAID... NO!!!

Q: What's your problem?

A: Just trying to get into festive mood, I guess.

Q: What festival?

Q: They were rejected twice. What makes you think this year's gonna be any different?

A: Because this is the first Halloween since Paganinio moved in. You see that? That is Paganinio waving at the mods.Thumbs Up

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J-Man View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 31 2009 at 08:31
They are NOT prog metal, and it's not worth it for us to evaluate them. I definitely do think they should be prog-related though. But keep in mind, my opinion means nothing. It's up to the admins to make that decision.


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daslaf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 31 2009 at 08:34
If you're out there all alone, and you don't know where to go to!! Come and take a trip with me, to fuuuutuuure wooooorld!!
hahahahha, I love helloween but there's no way they are prog
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They did so long ago
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 31 2009 at 09:00

At least this suggestion is with some background research and awareness of older suggestions.

Keeper 1&2 - perfect, other albums - not so sure. Prog ? well, that's the question

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

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b_olariu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 31 2009 at 11:26
I love Helloween , is one of my school band when I was 15-15-17, excellent, good old time, but no way that Helloween are prog not even related. They are a heavy metal band withteutonic feel, that means melodic powermetal made in Germany. So a big no for inclusion here no matter how much I like them.
                                                                                                                                                                  Dr SteinWink
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 31 2009 at 14:31
Yep, Germany has trademark on that
There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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clarke2001 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 02 2009 at 09:16
Again: yes. If nothing else, Chameleon is  pure prog rock album with flutes, horn, jazz elements, orchestras, choirs, synths, violins.
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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 02 2009 at 10:11
As far as I can recall, they have not been considered by the Admin team for Prog related. I'll be happy to ask the Admin team for a decision if anyone is serious about doing the bio etc. required.
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J-Man View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 02 2009 at 19:52
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

As far as I can recall, they have not been considered by the Admin team for Prog related. I'll be happy to ask the Admin team for a decision if anyone is serious about doing the bio etc. required.

Hi Bob,

Thanks for bringing this up to the admin team. I really do feel they belong here somewhere. If you do need a bio and such, I would be glad to write it. I am VERY knowledgeable about this band, so if they are cleared for prog-related, I'd be glad to write a bio and add them.

Let me know,

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 02 2009 at 20:38
If we add Hellowen, we should add every Metal band with a keyboard and a couple long tracks, and unlike most Metal bands, have heard them ad nauseam, being that one of my closest friends is a diehard fan (BTW: The guy also an expert on Prog Metal and never made he connection).
In addition 
  1. They have been rejected at least twice
  2. Have checked several Prog sites
    1. Progressive Ears (Not included)
    2. GEPR (Not included)
    3. Proggnosis (Not included)
    4. Progressor (Not included)
  3. Mike who knows more about Prog Metal than most of us describes them as Power Metal with no Prog connection in other  threads.
  4. Have checked Encyclopaedia Metallum who know more about Metal in general terms than 99.99% of us and describes them as Speed Metal (early), Power Metal (later)

Please, aren't we insisting too much when all the people who REALLY know about them makes no Prog connection?

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Tuzvihar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 05:28
Originally posted by clarke2001 clarke2001 wrote:

Again: yes. If nothing else, Chameleon is  pure prog rock album with flutes, horn, jazz elements, orchestras, choirs, synths, violins.

Surely, the music on the album is varied. But it doesn't make it prog, at least for these ears. A very good pop-rock album I'd say. The reason I wouldn't mind seeing them here though (in prog-related) is their long, multi-part suites like Halloween and Keeper of the Seven Keys.
"Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."

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J-Man View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 11:04
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

If we add Hellowen, we should add every Metal band with a keyboard and a couple long tracks, and unlike most Metal bands, have heard them ad nauseam, being that one of my closest friends is a diehard fan (BTW: The guy also an expert on Prog Metal and never made he connection).
In addition 
  1. They have been rejected at least twice
  2. Have checked several Prog sites
    1. Progressive Ears (Not included)
    2. GEPR (Not included)
    3. Proggnosis (Not included)
    4. Progressor (Not included)
  3. Mike who knows more about Prog Metal than most of us describes them as Power Metal with no Prog connection in other  threads.
  4. Have checked Encyclopaedia Metallum who know more about Metal in general terms than 99.99% of us and describes them as Speed Metal (early), Power Metal (later)

Please, aren't we insisting too much when all the people who REALLY know about them makes no Prog connection?


Alright, there's definitely a few things wrong with this, and I'll explain what I think is wrong with each point:

1. They have been rejected at least twice. By who? Yes they've been rejected by the metal team, but didn't Bob state the admin team hasn't evaluated them?

2. So what? I'm not going to check those sites right now, but I doubt every band we have here is on those websites. I doubt Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, and Metallica are included on all of those sites as well. We shouldn't base our opinions on the opinions from other prog sites.

3. That's his opinion. It's up to the admin team to decide that.

4. What do you want Encyclopedia Metallium to categorize them as? Prog-Related Power Metal? They are not prog metal, so Encyclopedia Metalium would not categorize them like that! This is again, just somebody's opinion, and not where we should base our decisions. If I'm correct, you do believe Iron Maiden belongs here, and they're catogorized as Heavy Metal/NWOBHM. We shouldn't base our opinions around what other websites think in general.

If you don't belive Helloween belongs there, fine. But these points really aren't very valid points for making our decisions.


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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 14:12
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Alright, there's definitely a few things wrong with this, and I'll explain what I think is wrong with each point:

1. They have been rejected at least twice. By who? Yes they've been rejected by the metal team, but didn't Bob state the admin team hasn't evaluated them?
In the two threads the tag Prog Related was mentioned, please read them.

2. So what? I'm not going to check those sites right now, but I doubt every band we have here is on those websites. I doubt Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, and Metallica are included on all of those sites as well. We shouldn't base our opinions on the opinions from other prog sites.
Lets see:
  1. Iron Maiden is in: Progressor, and Progressive Ears.
  2. Led Zeppelin is in Proggnosis, Progressor and Progresiveears
  3. Metalica: is in Progressiveears and Proggnessor
It's not definitive, but it's a sign, if a band from the 80's is not added top ANY Prog site, in almost three decades, most surely is not Prog or even related, some oif this sites have added Grabnd Funk Railroad as a prog Metal band....but not Helloween.

3. That's his opinion. It's up to the admin team to decide that.
They will decide, I'm only giving MY opinion.

4. What do you want Encyclopedia Metallium to categorize them as? Prog-Related Power Metal? They are not prog metal, so Encyclopedia Metalium would not categorize them like that! This is again, just somebody's opinion, and not where we should base our decisions. If I'm correct, you do believe Iron Maiden belongs here, and they're catogorized as Heavy Metal/NWOBHM. We shouldn't base our opinions around what other websites think in general.
If they had any Prog connection, believe me, the tag Prog Metal would be added.
And yes, we don't base our opinions in General music sites exclusively, I mentioned that no Prog site has them....But the opinion of a METAL site is valuable for Metal bands, Prog or not Prog.

If you don't belive Helloween belongs there, fine. But these points really aren't very valid points for making our decisions.
This points are absolutely valid, they are used by all the teams in lesser or higher degree.

The Administrators have created a category called Controversial bands.

Originally posted by EASY LIVIN EASY LIVIN wrote:

Controversial band additions

Bands and artists will be considered potentially controversial if they:

  • Are not generally listed by other prog sites* AND/OR
  • They have been rejected in the past on the basis of their prog credentials OR
  • Are flagged up by the team concerned as being potentially controversial OR
  • Are flagged up by the admin team as controversial

* The requirement is that at least 2 other sites dedicated to prog have identified the band/artists as being prog. New bands are excluded from this requirement.

One a team has been identified as controvetial, we would recommend contacting the Admin team at this stage
Reaching a decision

If a team of three or more members are unanimous in deciding that a controversial band should be added, this will be sufficient to go ahead with the addition. Note that while the team must have at least three members, all the team members must have voted yes.

On behalf of The Admin Team (Angelo, Bob, Dean, Guigo, Jim, Jody, Tony)

So, my arguments are valid, they have been mentioned and added vby the Administratotrs team.

Even though Prog Related don't follow this guidelines, all the alert lights are own:
  1. Rejected before
  2. No Prog site mentions them
  3. Specialized Metal sites describe them as non Prog
  4. They have been in the mnarket for almost three decades and not recognized as Prog.

If it's yellow, has feathers, makes a quack sound and swims it's usually a duck.

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Logan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 15:28
Helloween does have some albums reviewed at Sea of Tranquility, but although it is a venerable Prog site, I believe, it does not limit itself to so-called Prog.  To quote:

"Sea of Tranquility - The Web Destination for Progressive Music!Web zine with news and reviews of heavy metal, progressive metal, and progressive rock."

Here's a review anyway:

Quote ...the newest from Helloween delivers the hard-won reward promised by its title. Rarely have progressive, power metal and classic rock n' roll elements blended so nicely, showing all their facets while maintaining the force we look for in this music....

From what little I've heard: Somehow I think that there is more deserving music for Prog Related that had a bigger impact on Prog bands, and fits the general criteria better for the category (edit: I know this a not a valid statement against inclusion). And Pulsar's Halloween is in, anyway!  ;)

Edited by Logan - November 03 2009 at 15:45
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 17:02
^Sea of tranquility just reviewed the last Marduk album... while a decent norsecore black metal album, it has 0.0000% progressiveness .... That website is the least effective reference....
NO in prog metal.
Maybe also NO in related.... But I'm no admin...
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J-Man View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 17:55
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Alright, there's definitely a few things wrong with this, and I'll explain what I think is wrong with each point:

1. They have been rejected at least twice. By who? Yes they've been rejected by the metal team, but didn't Bob state the admin team hasn't evaluated them?
In the two threads the tag Prog Related was mentioned, please read them.

2. So what? I'm not going to check those sites right now, but I doubt every band we have here is on those websites. I doubt Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, and Metallica are included on all of those sites as well. We shouldn't base our opinions on the opinions from other prog sites.
Lets see:
  1. Iron Maiden is in: Progressor, and Progressive Ears.
  2. Led Zeppelin is in Proggnosis, Progressor and Progresiveears
  3. Metalica: is in Progressiveears and Proggnessor
It's not definitive, but it's a sign, if a band from the 80's is not added top ANY Prog site, in almost three decades, most surely is not Prog or even related, some oif this sites have added Grabnd Funk Railroad as a prog Metal band....but not Helloween.

3. That's his opinion. It's up to the admin team to decide that.
They will decide, I'm only giving MY opinion.

4. What do you want Encyclopedia Metallium to categorize them as? Prog-Related Power Metal? They are not prog metal, so Encyclopedia Metalium would not categorize them like that! This is again, just somebody's opinion, and not where we should base our decisions. If I'm correct, you do believe Iron Maiden belongs here, and they're catogorized as Heavy Metal/NWOBHM. We shouldn't base our opinions around what other websites think in general.
If they had any Prog connection, believe me, the tag Prog Metal would be added.
And yes, we don't base our opinions in General music sites exclusively, I mentioned that no Prog site has them....But the opinion of a METAL site is valuable for Metal bands, Prog or not Prog.

If you don't belive Helloween belongs there, fine. But these points really aren't very valid points for making our decisions.
This points are absolutely valid, they are used by all the teams in lesser or higher degree.

The Administrators have created a category called Controversial bands.

Originally posted by EASY LIVIN EASY LIVIN wrote:

Controversial band additions

Bands and artists will be considered potentially controversial if they:

  • Are not generally listed by other prog sites* AND/OR
  • They have been rejected in the past on the basis of their prog credentials OR
  • Are flagged up by the team concerned as being potentially controversial OR
  • Are flagged up by the admin team as controversial

* The requirement is that at least 2 other sites dedicated to prog have identified the band/artists as being prog. New bands are excluded from this requirement.

One a team has been identified as controvetial, we would recommend contacting the Admin team at this stage
Reaching a decision

If a team of three or more members are unanimous in deciding that a controversial band should be added, this will be sufficient to go ahead with the addition. Note that while the team must have at least three members, all the team members must have voted yes.

On behalf of The Admin Team (Angelo, Bob, Dean, Guigo, Jim, Jody, Tony)

So, my arguments are valid, they have been mentioned and added vby the Administratotrs team.

Even though Prog Related don't follow this guidelines, all the alert lights are own:
  1. Rejected before
  2. No Prog site mentions them
  3. Specialized Metal sites describe them as non Prog
  4. They have been in the mnarket for almost three decades and not recognized as Prog.

If it's yellow, has feathers, makes a quack sound and swims it's usually a duck.


I still do (respectfully) disagree with a few points, Iván. Being on the markets for 3 decades and not being recognized as prog has nothing to do with their entrance into prog related. If we were talking about Helloween being added into Symphonic, Eclectic, Prog Metal, etc. this would be very relevant. But we're talking about prog related here. Led Zeppelin is not reconized as prog, nor is Iron Maiden, Metallica, or just about an other artist in Prog Related.

That draws back to my point about Encyclopedia Metallium's classification of Helloween. Helloween is NOT prog, so Encyclopedia Metallium should not site them that way. Their main focus is NOT progressive music, so they aren't going to mention prog-related or not on all of the bands. This pretty much shows lack of knowledge about how that website works, because if you look up ANY metal band classified as "pog-related" on our site, it will be classified as power metal, speed metal, thrash metal, etc. Not prog-related metal. If a band is not prog metal, they shouldn't be called that.

While I was not aware about the fact that we consider other website's opinions, this is only to determine "controversial" band additions, not determine the entire thing in general. And keep in mind, if Progressiveears and all the other websites thought this way, no bands would ever get added! One of these websites will add a band first, so why not us?

By the way, Wikipedia states some of their albums as prog rock or prog metal here:,_Pt._1

If you don't think they belong here, fine. I'm not sure that I even do myself. But this isn't an irrelevant discussion at all.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 18:52
so it begins...
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J-Man View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 20:06
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Alright, there's definitely a few things wrong with this, and I'll explain what I think is wrong with each point:

1. They have been rejected at least twice. By who? Yes they've been rejected by the metal team, but didn't Bob state the admin team hasn't evaluated them?
In the two threads the tag Prog Related was mentioned, please read them.

They weren't rejected from the admin team in either of those topics. Some people were against it, but the admin team never said they rejected Helloween. People did object the idea, but they were not rejected.


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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 20:28
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

some oif this sites have added Grabnd Funk Railroad as a prog Metal band....but not Helloween.
Oh...well then we can therefore disregard anything they have to say about Prog Metal.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 03 2009 at 20:35
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

I still do (respectfully) disagree with a few points, Iván. Being on the markets for 3 decades and not being recognized as prog has nothing to do with their entrance into prog related. If we were talking about Helloween being added into Symphonic, Eclectic, Prog Metal, etc. this would be very relevant. But we're talking about prog related here. Led Zeppelin is not reconized as prog, nor is Iron Maiden, Metallica, or just about an other artist in Prog Related.
This has been mentioned a lot of times even by Administrators in several threads, if a long time active band has not been added here or any other PROG place, most likely it's not Prog or Related..
And about the bands you mention, all are recognized in more than one Prog site appart from our's, that's an indication.

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

That draws back to my point about Encyclopedia Metallium's classification of Helloween. Helloween is NOT prog, so Encyclopedia Metallium should not site them that way. Their main focus is NOT progressive music, so they aren't going to mention prog-related or not on all of the bands. This pretty much shows lack of knowledge about how that website works, because if you look up ANY metal band classified as "pog-related" on our site, it will be classified as power metal, speed metal, thrash metal, etc. Not prog-related metal. If a band is not prog metal, they shouldn't be called that.
You make a point here, but still we have all the other read lights.

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

While I was not aware about the fact that we consider other website's opinions, this is only to determine "controversial" band additions, not determine the entire thing in general. And keep in mind, if Progressiveears and all the other websites thought this way, no bands would ever get added! One of these websites will add a band first, so why not us?
Because we are focussing in doubious Prog Related bands rather than in real Prog bands, we need some standard, but at the end, Adms will decide.

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

By the way, Wikipedia states some of their albums as prog rock or prog metal here:,_Pt._1 
So, you object Metal Archives, you object all the Prog sites,,,,But you trust Wikipedia?

Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

If you don't think they belong here, fine. I'm not sure that I even do myself. But this isn't an irrelevant discussion at all.

I believe Prog Related bands should fall by their own weight and be obvious fopr the vast majority, otherwise, we are focussing too much in this bands that are not relevant for Prog.

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - November 03 2009 at 20:36
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