I need You, out there in cyberspace to answer a musical question I have had for about 35 years.
I taped a song from swedish radio 1974 or 1975, which still is a mystery to me, both title
and artist. It's a typical early seventies progtune, close to Genesis both in singing and music.
My recording is about 8 minutes long and mostly instrumental.
The text is cryptical but so far as I can tell it starts something like this:
"so singing through here to the sky,
to speak with those who happened by,
to those who sung his song........(?),
and to those who lght was given..."
another strofe:
"singing songs of worship to him"
"watch them leave the quiet dove alone and it will fly,
I try to put your mind out on it's own, and you will die..."
Does anybody recognise these lines and know what it is?
swedish progfan