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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 26 2009 at 21:55
That'd be a good idea. I tried youtube but all that came up was various spoofs and Ron Paul videos...

Off to Google I go

OH! Is this about the Merril Lynch thing?

Edited by JJLehto - June 26 2009 at 21:57
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 27 2009 at 07:21

Not Enough Audacity
 by Paul Krugman


On one side there’s Barack the Policy Wonk, whose command of the issues  — and ability to explain
those issues in plain English — is a joy to behold.

But on the other side there’s Barack the Post-Partisan, who searches for common ground where none exists,
and whose negotiations with himself  lead to policies that are far too weak.

Both Baracks were on display in the president’s press conference earlier this week. First, Obama offered a
crystal-clear explanation of the case for health care reform, and especially of the case for a public option
competing with private insurers. “If private insurers say that the marketplace provides the best quality health care,
if they tell us that they’re offering a good deal,” he asked, “then why is it that the government, which they say
can’t run anything, suddenly is going to drive them out of business? That’s not logical.”

But when asked whether the public option was non-negotiable he waffled, declaring that there are no “lines in the sand.”

Bill Maher said it better two weeks ago - he wants Obama to be more like Bush in that Bush 
was an arrogant b*****d who never cared what other people thought.  Obama seems the opposite.

Obama cares too much what others think and the end result is too much compromise.
But you can't compromise with Fascist dogs with bad intent.

Hopefully Obama will learn that in his first term.-

Oh what the heck, gotta throw in one of these:

             "Fight back?  What do those words mean?"

Edited by Slartibartfast - June 28 2009 at 02:25
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crimhead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 27 2009 at 13:38
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Nice. Should that picture be called "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"?
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 27 2009 at 21:11
This new clean energy plan is retarded. I agree something needs to be done, but this isn't even a plan. All it's going to do is increase gov't revenue. Jacksh*t will be done for getting us off foreign oil or decreasing emissions. And not enough audacity, jeez. This president care even less about the will of the people than GW and Cheney did, and I didn't think that was possible unless someone reanimated Richard Nixon.

Edited by Deathrabbit - June 27 2009 at 21:13
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 02:25
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

This president care even less about the will of the people than GW and Cheney did, and I didn't think that was possible unless someone reanimated Richard Nixon.

Just a reminder, Nixon's reanimated head can been seen occasionally on Futureama. LOL

Edited by Slartibartfast - June 29 2009 at 07:21
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 09:36
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

This new clean energy plan is retarded. I agree something needs to be done, but this isn't even a plan. All it's going to do is increase gov't revenue. Jacksh*t will be done for getting us off foreign oil or decreasing emissions. And not enough audacity, jeez. This president care even less about the will of the people than GW and Cheney did, and I didn't think that was possible unless someone reanimated Richard Nixon.
Obama is doing whatever he is told to do. Whatever the big business considers beneficial and profitable. He's no different form any other president. The energy bill should not be in the way of the oil and coal industries for the next 20-30 years as they estimate that there will be enough fossil fuels for the next 50-70 years to avoid major shortages. By the year 2040 we will have to begin the real transition to alternative energy sources. Until then we can take it easy. THe bill just lays the groundwork for it, that's the good part. BUt these jerks put all kinds of idiotic provisions in it so some people couild make a lot of money along the way. And all the bullsh*t regulations like a mandatory installation of a special electric  outlet to charge electric vehicles, or creating a special position in every township to oversee the new "green" building codes.
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 21:13
Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Who would have thought so... the Republican party is the party of sex, divorce, gays.... damn, they're really the liberal party here in the US! LOL
You are blinded by hatred. No I'm not. You are. I'm not even a democrat. You refuse to even listen to an opposing view. No. You do. You said Obama is the worst thing ever after 3 months in office. This led you to believe that the Democratic party represents people like you which can't be further from the truth. I agree wholeheartedly. They are just republican light, or better yet, rebublican less-crazy-for-religion... or OLD republicans Because of people like you on both sides the status quo is perfectly preserved. I don't think so. We need more parties. We need an ACTUAL SOCIALIST PARTY. I guess you wouldn't want that, would you? anyway, that will never happen in America. Neither your libertarian thing nor my socialist thing will ever succeed in America. Your boy Ronald Reagan and some of my boys gave the system so much power it's already impossible to change. And the two-party ping pong game goes on. And every 4 years you wake up and wonder why it doesn't get any better. 
That I agree with.  
BTW why did you delete your previous post? It wasn't because you suddenly realized it was stupid, was it?Actually I did. Sometimes I can react stupidly. I thought it was actually stupid to ask you why you only come to this music forum to talk about politics and blast democrats and defend republicans. That was a stupid question, as it is your privilege to come and do as ou please. Also, it was stupid to reccommend you the NRA forum as a better place for you, since it's obvious that your level of knowledge is quite superior to most other fellows there... So yes, I realized it was stupid.

Edited by The T - June 28 2009 at 21:15
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 21:50
So...since it has just been established that neither libertarianism or socialism will succeed in America....

F*CK. I guess that's the end. Why even bother?

Can't deal in extremes.....that's why even though I'm quite socialistic and I wish the Dems would go alot further, you have to take what you can. Because there is no social democrat party in the US, and I doubt there will be and even if so we all know 3rd parties never work.

As for Reagan I always laughed when libertarians praise him as their God. Maybe IVNORD can enlighten me. How was he libertarian? I mean yea, rolling back the new deal programs and lower taxes.
But what about that massive debt he incured, not to mention debt to other countries? In fact he didn't seem very fiscally responsible at all.......
And let's not mention the war on drugs he escalated and being unsupportive of gay rights.
Oh, but you libertarians don't REALLY care about the governenment touching social issues right? As long as you can sleep with your money, its all good right?
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 21:52
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

So...since it has just been established that neither libertarianism or socialism will succeed in America....

F*CK. I guess that's the end. Why even bother?

Can't deal in extremes.....that's why even though I'm quite socialistic and I wish the Dems would go alot further, you have to take what you can. Because there is no social democrat party in the US, and I doubt there will be and even if so we all know 3rd parties never work.

As for Reagan I always laughed when libertarians praise him as their God. Maybe IVNORD can enlighten me. How was he libertarian? I mean yea, rolling back the new deal programs and lower taxes.
But what about that massive debt he incured, not to mention debt to other countries? In fact he didn't seem very fiscally responsible at all.......
And let's not mention the war on drugs he escalated and being unsupportive of gay rights.
Oh, but you libertarians don't REALLY care about the governenment touching social issues right? As long as you can sleep with your money, its all good right?
Is my view... I woukld love a true socialist party a la europe.. since it won't happen, I prefer to support the ones that are at least 10% closer than the other ones, the absolute lovers of individualism and "money in my pocket before anything else".
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 22:02
I hate it. Having to pick the party I hate less....and make do with what is done  but idealism dosn't get you anywhere, (coming from a liberal like me!?). Gotta be realistic. I wish their were several viable parties, but its not that way and its too late to change.

And I really want IVNORD to respond.
In the mean time, I only know one social libertarian. All the others I know, who claim to be, are ONLY about the economics.
In fact, one was talking and he was really out there. He really wants a "fortress america" I called him out and said what your saying would be a nation completely walled off from the world. And the way he was talking would be a giant nation of tiny communal farms towns. He said, "so what I grew up on a farm"
When I said 75% of the nation has not he just kept saying. "I dont long as I have my money"

Libertarian = the epitome of greed.
Money and wealth are fine. Greed is my problem. I have been called, "racist against the rich" and, "I hate rich people." Not true, just hate the greed associated with it often.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 22:21
But greed is good! ;-)
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 22:53
Yea, I know humans are greedy by nature Cry
I do not need much, do not want much and money is good, but if I ever had a large amount I really would give some away. Sadly, I guess I'm in the minority.
What can I say? I am a Buddhist at heart. WinkSmile

Edited by JJLehto - June 28 2009 at 22:53
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 22:55
When has anything good happened from normal people talking about politics? We should probably close up shop here.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2009 at 22:57
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

When has anything good happened from normal people talking about politics? We should probably close up shop here.


Totally not sarcasm at all.....especially coming from the guy who started this thread. LOL

It's ok. George Kennan, the man who invented the containment idea, and thus was the founder of the Cold War later turned against it.
Nothing wrong with admitting mistakes Stoney, esp with politics involved Wink

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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2009 at 07:22
First there was...

Then there was...

And of course there was...

Therefore you won't be surprised to learn that...

Stay classy, Fox News.
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Kazzbaah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2009 at 16:20
Warning: Forum newbie about to give political stance
I would describe myself as a politically-aligned Marxist. No, that does not involve taxing the sh*t out of you or eating your kids. That is all.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2009 at 16:45
Well...Lincoln Chafee might as well have been a democrat LOL

One of the Reps I actually liked, (can't imagine why!)
Was sad to see him go....
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2009 at 17:40
Reagan did some good, but I don't like the unprecedented access he gave to bug business lobbies. Also, his Cold War policies may have defeated an already weakened Soviet Union, but all the ppl we are fighting today are extremists he armed and trained. I used to think he was a great President. But upon further inspection, he was yet another fail. The last good president we had was Truman.

As far as stances go, my opinions are largely my own conclusions. I'm never going subscribe to Marxism or Laissez-Faire or any other pre-fabricated notions made by people centuries ago.

Edited by Deathrabbit - June 29 2009 at 17:42
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2009 at 18:02
Reagan was epic dail.

And to be fair Deathrabbit  "good" is tough. I mean a lot of presidents have done "good" and "bad"
It's tough to judge. But to say Truman was our last good one? I dont know
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2009 at 10:19
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Who would have thought so... the Republican party is the party of sex, divorce, gays.... damn, they're really the liberal party here in the US! LOL
You are blinded by hatred. No I'm not. You are.
You have to support your accusation.Your statement about the whiteness of the Republicans shows your hatred. Have I ever said anything close to that? 
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

You refuse to even listen to an opposing view. No. You do. You said Obama is the worst thing ever after 3 months in office.
You know why I said so. You're not implying that I hate Obama just because he's Obama, are you? In fact, for a short time  I thought he would be a pragmatic guy. His appointments misled me, especially when he retained Gates. But he showed his true colors with his stimulus package. Wasting money on bullsh*t projects and blowing the deficit out of proportion is a crime. Had he done it in 3 days, not 3 months, I'd say the same thing.
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Because of people like you on both sides the status quo is perfectly preserved. I don't think so. We need more parties. We need an ACTUAL SOCIALIST PARTY. I guess you wouldn't want that, would you?
Fine with me. Why only a socialist party? BTW the extreme left of the Democratic party is really a socialist fraction, so it's already here.
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Your boy Ronald Reagan and some of my boys gave the system so much power it's already impossible to change.  
Reagan is my boy? That's cute. And I don't  "
blast democrats and defend republicans." I blast your biased statements. Since they're usually anti-republican, it may appear that I defend republicans.
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