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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 18:13
Originally posted by James James wrote:

I don't think he wrote anything, personally.  Therefore what he told us was never put into writing.  What you read as his, was not his words at all.

That's how I see it anyhow.

And no, I have no proof and neither do you. Wink

No, as far as I know, Jesus didn't write anything.

This matter is about as reliable as a a newspaper columnist telling me what someone said.  I can choose to believe the writer or not.  It's heresay, is it not?

But still, this isn't about proof- it's about evidence.  And I do have that.

Anyway, I'm going to watch 300.  I'll be back later. Big smile
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 18:18
I read that heresy, instead of hearsay. LOL

I mean no offence by the way, I just think it's a bit unwise to call them Jesus' writings, when they're not.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 18:26
Originally posted by James James wrote:

I read that heresy, instead of hearsay. LOL

I mean no offence by the way, I just think it's a bit unwise to call them Jesus' writings, when they're not.

Did I say Jesus wrote something?  I don't think I did...Ermm
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 18:38
I wonder if Jesus was a good carpenter. If he was crap, then that's probably why he went into the messiah business.
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 19:05
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by James James wrote:

I read that heresy, instead of hearsay. LOL

I mean no offence by the way, I just think it's a bit unwise to call them Jesus' writings, when they're not.

Did I say Jesus wrote something?  I don't think I did...Ermm

Well I don't think what he said was also what was written either.  That's what I meant by that comment.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 19:13
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I wonder if Jesus was a good carpenter. If he was crap, then that's probably why he went into the messiah business.
there's a problem with this... being a carpenter could have given him the means to survive.... was, even for its time, more of a profession.... the messiah business wasn't going to take him nowhere financially if we can use that word, so i guess his intentions must've been much truer than you think, even if we agree he was just a man's son.  
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 20:50
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

The gospel of Matthew is thought to have been written by a jewish-christian (in the old sense of the term), so would naturally reflect both jewish and christian views, the sermon on the mount was a reinforcing and/or reinterpretation of mosaic law. (It was also a slight dig at the Pharisees for teaching the law but not practicing it). Jesus at that time was still regarded as a rabbi and teacher of the jewish faith, so it is natural that what he is reported to have said at that time would reflect that.
Yes Dean it's clear that, but it's still a transcription of the words of Jesus, something tat is coincident with:
Quote Matthew 19:
16Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

 17"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

 18"Which ones?" the man inquired.

   Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,'a]'>[a] and 'love your neighbor as yourself.'b]'>[b]"

This is enough to get eternal life, the same story is told in Mark 10:17-22 and Luke 18:18-23, so it's absolutely coherent, though Jesus asks the man to give everything to the poor and follow him, it's obnly a requisite for perfection.

The passage continues:

 20The young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?"

 21Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and (U)sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have (V)treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

Clearly, contrary to what you say, obeying the law is not enough.  The rich man asked what he was lacking- Jesus said to follow him.  Salvation therefore is following Christ.  This is the case all throughout the New Testament.  It teaches that following Christ is essential to faith in God, and without faith, it is impossible to please God.

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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 21:26
Perhaps the ultimate goal, then, is for man to follow his better nature without Christ's help, that way we could have morality without evangelism.

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 21:26

Sorry Epignosis, in my Bible Jesus replies:

Matthew 19  21Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,  and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me
But he was clear, to reach salvation is only required to respect the Commandments.
Matthew 19:
16Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

 17"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

 18"Which ones?" the man inquired.

   Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,'and 'love your neighbor as yourself.

This is enough to reach heaven, this is the point where Jesus stoped.
For PERFECTION (Which as we know is not reachable byy man) he had to give everything to the poor to gain a treasutre in heaven (with this ACT he had already reached Heaven) and follow Jesus ios a logical consequence for those to believe in him.

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - June 20 2009 at 21:35
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 21:41
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Sorry Epignosis, in my Bible Jesus replies:

Matthew 19  21Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,  and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me
But he was clear, to reach salvation is only required to respect the Commandments.
For PERFECTION (Which as we know is not reachable byy man) he had to give everything to the poor to gain a treasutre in heaven (with this ACT he had already reached Heaven) and follow Jesus ios a logical consequence for those to believe in him.

Jesus says "Be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48- same chapter you have there)

Unreachable eh?  Yep...only if you depend on yourself to reach holiness (called perfection in some versions).

Jude 24-25 says this:

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

Perfection is a process God guarantees  His children.  It does not come immediately, but is a process brought on by trial and troubles.

No matter how you figure it, the bottom line is this: Follow Jesus.  Follow the commandments?  The rich man said he had done that already, but Jesus said he was lacking- and by virtue of his question, the man knew he was lacking something.

Now a question for you:

Do you believe Jesus when he says, "No man comes to the Father except through me?" (John 14:6)

Very well- you said we shouldn't  take that literally.  So please tell me what it means non-literally?

(By the way, I have at least 20 scriptures that say the exact same thing as John 14:6).

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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 23:21
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I wonder if Jesus was a good carpenter. If he was crap, then that's probably why he went into the messiah business.
Have you been watching Jim Gaffigan, or is that a really old joke?
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2009 at 23:24
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I wonder if Jesus was a good carpenter. If he was crap, then that's probably why he went into the messiah business.
Have you been watching Jim Gaffigan, or is that a really old joke?

I did bum it off a comic, if that's him, but it bears repeating. Big smile
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 01:35

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:


Jesus says "Be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48- same chapter you have there)

Unreachable eh?  Yep...only if you depend on yourself to reach holiness (called perfection in some versions

I forgot I'm talking with non Catholics, we believe perfection is only achieved by God, we may try, maybe achieve RELATIVE perfection, but nothing more unless you are a Saint or in state of beatitude.

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

No matter how you figure it, the bottom line is this: Follow Jesus.  Follow the commandments?  The rich man said he had done that already, but Jesus said he was lacking- and by virtue of his question, the man knew he was lacking something.
Absolutely disagree, this is the version of the Catholic Bible and it's read clearly step by step::
 Part One, what do you need to reach heaven:
16 And now a man came to him and asked, 'Master, what good deed must I do to possess eternal life?'
17 Jesus said to him, 'Why do you ask me about what is good? There is one alone who is good. But if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.'
18 He said, 'Which ones?' Jesus replied, 'These: You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false witness.
19 Honour your father and your mother. You shall love your neighbour as yourself.'
The man asks What i must do to go to Heavem, Jesius answers clearly "keep the commandments" nothing more, doesn't add a word, that's enough to reach heaven
But the Young Man wants more asks and receives an answer:
Part B: What do you need to have a treasure in Heaven
20 The young man said to him, 'I have kept all these. What more do I need to do?'
21 Jesus said, 'If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;
Jesus clearly says that if he gives his money to the poor, he will already by this point have a treasure in Heaven, in other words he will be closer to what we understand as santity, something that of course you don't share, at this point everything is clear....NEVER SAID YOU LACK OF SOMETHING OR YOU NEED SOMETHING ELSE TO REACH HEAVEN.

Then Jesus adds 
Part C:  What do that specific man needed to achieve perfection
Quote then come, follow me.'
He's telling to a specific man to leave all hios possesions, his family and follow him, that for us is a special call reserved for a few.

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Now a question for you:

Do you believe Jesus when he says, "No man comes to the Father except through me?" (John 14:6)

Very well- you said we shouldn't  take that literally.  So please tell me what it means non-literally?
Yes, I do, and Jesus took care of that with his sacrifice  for allm of us, so all humans through  his sacrifice are entitled to salvation, not just those whio follow him
Remember  Matthew 5: 19 also says:
Quote Matthew 5:  19 Therefore, anyone who infringes even one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of Heaven; but the person who keeps them and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of Heaven.
The text is clear "The person who keeps and teaches them will be considered great in Heaven" it's transparent, if you follow and teach the Commandments, you will be called great in Heaven...point, nothing more is required.
I'm sure this won't mean a thing for you, gut the vatican II Council specified
Quote 5. The non-Christian may not be blamed for his ignorance of Christ and his Church; salvation is open to him also, if he seeks God sincerely and if he follows the commands of his conscience, for through this means the Holy Ghost acts upon all men; this divine action is not confined within the limited boundaries of the visible Church." 6
In other words i some cases good acts and following commands of conscience is enough to be saved.

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

(By the way, I have at least 20 scriptures that say the exact same thing as John 14:6).
I don't doubt it, but no scripture cancels another one and Matthew 5:19 and 19:17 are clear for me..

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - June 21 2009 at 11:55
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Queen By-Tor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 01:38
How about we just admit that gay people aren't sinners and be done with it Hug
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 01:50
Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

How about we just admit that gay people aren't sinners and be done with it Hug
Catholic Church is specific being gay is not a sin per se, the sin is having sex outside marriage, the exact sin for hetero or homosexuals.

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - June 21 2009 at 02:09
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 01:52
oh well then.

Send me to hell in a handbasket! Because I'm not apologizing for that either!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 10:43
What I don't get is why Christians aren't all paupers. If Chrisitans are supposed to try to be perfect and they are required to sell all of their posessions to be perfect....what am I missing here?

Sounds very much like Buddhism as well in the sense of materialism.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 12:53
To Ivan (I didn't want to quote to avoid a large block of text):

Here are three things Jesus said, which I think sum up the issue pretty succinctly.

John 17:3 "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."

Luke 6:46: "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"

John 14:15- "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."

Knowing Christ is the only way to eternal life.  You cannot follow Christ without repentance (A man cannot serve two masters).  Hence, you cannot be following Christ if you are not obedient to him.  So you are right to emphasize following God's commandments, but John 17:3 is how we are able to keep his commands (by knowing God- which is necessary for the first commandment anyway: "You shall have no other gods before me"). 

Without abiding in Jesus (following and knowing him), we cannot please God:

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. (John 15:5-6)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 13:16
Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

What I don't get is why Christians aren't all paupers. If Chrisitans are supposed to try to be perfect and they are required to sell all of their posessions to be perfect....what am I missing here?

Sounds very much like Buddhism as well in the sense of materialism.

As a very short answer, I'll just say that the overriding command of Jesus is to follow him.  In the Ancient Near East, this was almost always land.  Matthew, for instance, was a tax collector (hated by his own people), and in Matthew chapter nine, Jesus made a beeline to him and said "Follow me."  Matthew did just that.  He left his booth of customs, never to return.  But that very night, Jesus and other tax collectors were having a meal in Matthew's house.  Literally following Jesus required leaving everything behind.

We today do not have a physical presence to physically follow.  We do however recognize that all we have in this world belongs to God, and we are to be faithful stewards of all things.  This means we cannot place our love of possessions over Him (and note that people in the Old Testament were severely punished for doing just that, even valuing family over the Lord- see 1 Samuel 2:29).

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 21 2009 at 14:11
Regarding Mathew 19, it's helpful to read all of it:

The last verses from the King James version:


28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

It is open to interpretation, and one can read the different bible versions differently, but of course it is a call on people to follow him and not just adhere to the ten commandments.  It's one thing to abide by laws, it's another to really respect them and not just do no wrong, but do good and be righteous,.  It may be enough to achieve everlasting life, eventually, by merely following the commandments, but those who make greater sacrifices to follow the path of Jesus shall receive much greater rewards.

The last line is interesting.  Many of the Earth's privileged (say with money and power) will be the last to receive God's rewards, whereas those who suffer and sacrifice to do God's will be the first to be rewarded with everlasting life and other rewards.

Anyway, regarding Buddhism and Christianity, there are many similarities.  Teachings tended to spread quickly in that part of the world (the silk road brought trade and ideas), and I suspect that Jesus was influenced by Buddhist teachings.  My old church minister followed Buddhist teachings as well as Christian (he considered himself Christian in faith and Buddhist and Christian in philosophy).  There has been a strong multi-faith movement within that church, and the idea that there are different roads to God (and one need not follow a particular religion but one must be principled -- moral and righteous).
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