Logan wrote:
Matter of taste, of course, and I shouldn't expect it, but is there no Gentle Giant that you like? I would have thought that there would be some appeal, particularly with Three Friends.
Does this have no good effect?
Logan and Starti: I want to be honest, I own and heard:
- Gentle Giant
- Acquiring the Taste
- Octopus
- In a Glass House
Tried to like them, made a good effort, but hated all, even later bought the expensive box set Giant on the Box, but no it's futile, no matter how hard I try, can't stand their excessive vocal dissonances, I see them as a sort of hybrid between Symphonic and Medieval Troubadouresque Folk, but IMHO they got the worst of both worlds.
I have Three Friends somewhere in the boxes (I'm moving very soon) but is cataliogued, I only heard this album but didn't listened it carefully, will give another chance, because that Baroque organ has surprised me.
Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - June 15 2009 at 12:10