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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2009 at 11:32
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

I just try to believe and be good to myself and others and realize my potential. That's my religion/philosophy. I find things simpler if I don't get involved in all the trappings of organized religion. So I guess you could call me a freelance Christian. I used to be a pretty hard-line methodist type, but then I began to worry that I might end up following man's rules instead of God's, so I severed ties with my church.

I was raised Methodist, but I never considered them to be hard line type of Christians.
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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el böthy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2009 at 21:50
I want to ask something. I am not a big christian believer, but I do beleive in God.

But what I want to ask is this. Do you really, I mean REALLY, feel God in you? Or Jesus, or whatever? Not only as beliver but as something in you, that you can sense? I know that´s the typical thing christians, or for that matter I guess religious people in general, say, that they feel Jesus in them... is this honestly the case with you? Honestly. Cause if you say you do I believe you, but for that you have to be honest.
"You want me to play what, Robert?"
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2009 at 22:01
No Bothy.  No.

I won't lie and make things up.  I don't feel "Jesus in me."  Not in any way I can quantify.  I guess some do, but I don't believe that's how it works.

I say Jesus is in me by recognizing that some evil things I participated in years before are not things I do now.  As I grow in grace, I grow in generosity.

The Bible talks about Christians conforming to the image of Christ.  That means a Christian will, over time, become more and more like Jesus.  It's inevitable.

Edited by Epignosis - April 25 2009 at 22:02
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2009 at 23:47
I kinda feel God poking me sometimes but that's about the extent of it. I don't plan on bursting out in tongues anytime soon.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2009 at 23:49
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

I just try to believe and be good to myself and others and realize my potential. That's my religion/philosophy. I find things simpler if I don't get involved in all the trappings of organized religion. So I guess you could call me a freelance Christian. I used to be a pretty hard-line methodist type, but then I began to worry that I might end up following man's rules instead of God's, so I severed ties with my church.

I was raised Methodist, but I never considered them to be hard line type of Christians.

Well, less hard line than some, but one the reasons I left was that every election time, whoever was pastor would always talk about how conservative voting was a vote for God and liberal voting was t3h Satanz. Also all their interpretations of the BIble seemed pretty dang literal. That's one of my theories actually, is that pretty much everyone misunderstands the teachings of Jesus. After all, it happened a bunch to the people that were actually there, yet most of us come along 2000 years later and just assume we've got it all figured out. I'm pretty sure God facepalms quite a bit at most people's interpretations of the Bible, mine included.

Edited by Deathrabbit - April 25 2009 at 23:54
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2009 at 06:35
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

I just try to believe and be good to myself and others and realize my potential. That's my religion/philosophy. I find things simpler if I don't get involved in all the trappings of organized religion. So I guess you could call me a freelance Christian. I used to be a pretty hard-line methodist type, but then I began to worry that I might end up following man's rules instead of God's, so I severed ties with my church.

I was raised Methodist, but I never considered them to be hard line type of Christians.

Well, less hard line than some, but one the reasons I left was that every election time, whoever was pastor would always talk about how conservative voting was a vote for God and liberal voting was t3h Satanz. Also all their interpretations of the BIble seemed pretty dang literal. That's one of my theories actually, is that pretty much everyone misunderstands the teachings of Jesus. After all, it happened a bunch to the people that were actually there, yet most of us come along 2000 years later and just assume we've got it all figured out. I'm pretty sure God facepalms quite a bit at most people's interpretations of the Bible, mine included.

That's one of the most intelligent things I've heard this year.

We also make the grave mistake of taking Christ's teachings (and the whole Bible for that matter) out of their cultural contexts and implanting them into ours, thereby guaranteeing foolish interpretations (we're so ethnocentric).

I use this example:  Suppose 1000 years from now, some archaeologists dig up a piece of a US newspaper still in tact that says very boldly, "THE BEARS MAULED THE VIKINGS."  A linguist may look into the literal meaning of that sentence, and come to the conclusion that some vicious mammals slaughtered our primitive army.  That would of course be silly.

That said, don't get discouraged that so many people mess up what the Bible teaches.  There's a true interpretation of every sentence (sometimes two), and it really isn't hard to come by (after all, many of Jesus's closest disciples were unschooled fishermen); we just have to be willing to invest in a little time and effect getting the cultural foundation down.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2009 at 00:15
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

That said, don't get discouraged that so many people mess up what the Bible teaches.  There's a true interpretation of every sentence (sometimes two), and it really isn't hard to come by (after all, many of Jesus's closest disciples were unschooled fishermen); we just have to be willing to invest in a little time and effect getting the cultural foundation down.
That's why there is the Catholic Church. ;-)
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2009 at 04:24
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

I just try to believe and be good to myself and others and realize my potential. That's my religion/philosophy. I find things simpler if I don't get involved in all the trappings of organized religion. So I guess you could call me a freelance Christian. I used to be a pretty hard-line methodist type, but then I began to worry that I might end up following man's rules instead of God's, so I severed ties with my church.

I was raised Methodist, but I never considered them to be hard line type of Christians.

Well, less hard line than some, but one the reasons I left was that every election time, whoever was pastor would always talk about how conservative voting was a vote for God and liberal voting was t3h Satanz. Also all their interpretations of the BIble seemed pretty dang literal. That's one of my theories actually, is that pretty much everyone misunderstands the teachings of Jesus. After all, it happened a bunch to the people that were actually there, yet most of us come along 2000 years later and just assume we've got it all figured out. I'm pretty sure God facepalms quite a bit at most people's interpretations of the Bible, mine included.

That's one of the most intelligent things I've heard this year.

We also make the grave mistake of taking Christ's teachings (and the whole Bible for that matter) out of their cultural contexts and implanting them into ours, thereby guaranteeing foolish interpretations (we're so ethnocentric).

I use this example:  Suppose 1000 years from now, some archaeologists dig up a piece of a US newspaper still in tact that says very boldly, "THE BEARS MAULED THE VIKINGS."  A linguist may look into the literal meaning of that sentence, and come to the conclusion that some vicious mammals slaughtered our primitive army.  That would of course be silly.

That said, don't get discouraged that so many people mess up what the Bible teaches.  There's a true interpretation of every sentence (sometimes two), and it really isn't hard to come by (after all, many of Jesus's closest disciples were unschooled fishermen); we just have to be willing to invest in a little time and effect getting the cultural foundation down.

Wow that's nice to hear. I usually get labeled a weirdo or hypocrite for calling myself Christian, yet not ascribing to any given set of Dogma. You made me feel happy. Hug
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2009 at 22:08
Yet again I will be preaching Wednesday, the 13th in my church. Please, those that are willing, pray that God gives me the message he wants me to bring, and the eloquence to speak it.
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2009 at 22:44
My idea of the perfect church would be that you walk into the sanctuary and instead of being greeted by rows and rows of pews and a pulpit, there is just one giant round table, lined with food and drink aplenty, as well as all major religious texts and philosophical works ever written. That could make for some very educational Sundays for sure! This is how Jesus did business a lot of the time; look at the Last Supper!

Edited by Deathrabbit - May 04 2009 at 22:45
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Diaby View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 07 2009 at 15:21
Hi everyone.
I just would like to ask you for some prayers for my grandfather, who is in hospital now in a very bad condition. I hope he's getting better soon and ask God to heal him, or let His will be. I really don't want to lose him.
Thank you, guys.
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Chicapah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 07:28
Originally posted by Diaby Diaby wrote:

Hi everyone.
I just would like to ask you for some prayers for my grandfather, who is in hospital now in a very bad condition. I hope he's getting better soon and ask God to heal him, or let His will be. I really don't want to lose him.
Thank you, guys.
Consider it done.  May the Lord be with you, your grandfather and your whole family at this time.
"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
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aapatsos View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 13:24
First, prayers go to Diaby and his grandfather, I hope for a speedy recovery.

Epignosis (great nickname, I am sure you know what it means...) has set a good and constructive thread.

In my opinion, even if I have never full read the bible, if someone takes out all the teachings of Christ will understand that everything is said and done to make people better. This is what Christianity is all about, however, people in charge of Churches don't always act as they were taught... but that is another story.

I would like to share my thoughts about some comments on this thread (randomly):

Indeed, Christianity is the ''continuation'' of another religion, even though people don't want to accept that.

Christian belief is on the decline, especially in the UK (where I live now) where people have almost forgotten about God (any God)

In my head, one of the reasons that the world is getting worse and worse is the absence to some belief (not only Chrsitianity). Most religions (if not all) teach that you should love and care about your ''neighbours'', do good and no harm etc. If you have never been taught such values, how are you supposed to use them in your life? (I don't say that all people who are Atheists etc. will be bad).

The developed world is short of values because it has forgotten God and started believing in another one (money)

Just a few initial thoughts, please feel free to comment, criticise etc.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 13:42
Originally posted by Diaby Diaby wrote:

Hi everyone.
I just would like to ask you for some prayers for my grandfather, who is in hospital now in a very bad condition. I hope he's getting better soon and ask God to heal him, or let His will be. I really don't want to lose him.
Thank you, guys.

Diaby, my grandfather is in the same condition (He was in a bad auto accident).  I feel foolish not mentioning him here. 

But praise God he is yet alive.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 13:49
I have learned this:

Through many hardships, God has delivered me, even if those deliverances were never "comfortable."

Our existences are all but to the glory of God, which means if it honors him that my life is snuffed out this very instance, then I will be gone.

For many, that is a harsh truth (notice all the followers who left Jesus in John chapter 6), but I know it to be true. 

After a long, long time of only having 8 dollars in my savings account, I came into some money this week.  A fair bit of money.  And despite my pride, I knew in my heart it would not last.

God, who's glory will not be stolen, decided in his wisdom today that I should be issued a notice from the apartment complex from which we rent our 2nd story home, that my wife can no longer care for children (nevermind that this is ONLY because the people downstairs are jerks who complain when we're only walking up here).  This is our main source of income.  It means, she either forfeits her income, or we forfeit our home.

Hardships come upon believers only so God can show Himself faithful in delivering them from difficulty.  I have every confidence He will do so this time.  He's never failed!

I have gone from being enraged an hour ago, to feeling at peace with the writing of this post.  Praise be to God.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 14:17
Well, as of right now, my wife will be caring for children in her mother's house just 5-10 minutes away, and so far, everyone has agreed to that, but it's only a temporary solution.
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Diaby View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 17:19
Thank you for your kind posts. He's better this day than he was tomorrow – that's a hopeful improvement.
Robert: I hope once I will be like you, somebody who has always fully trust in God. I wish He sends you solutions for those hardships you're going through.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 17:32
Originally posted by Diaby Diaby wrote:

Thank you for your kind posts. He's better this day than he was tomorrow – that's a hopeful improvement.
Robert: I hope once I will be like you, somebody who has always fully trust in God. I wish He sends you solutions for those hardships you're going through.

Forget people who say faith is "blind belief."  I only have faith because God has helped me in the worst of circumstances.

Just know Jesus will care for you also, friend.  I will also be praying for you grandfather, and for you as well.
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Diaby View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 13 2009 at 14:10
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by Diaby Diaby wrote:

Thank you for your kind posts. He's better this day than he was tomorrow – that's a hopeful improvement.
Robert: I hope once I will be like you, somebody who has always fully trust in God. I wish He sends you solutions for those hardships you're going through.

Forget people who say faith is "blind belief."  I only have faith because God has helped me in the worst of circumstances.

Just know Jesus will care for you also, friend.  I will also be praying for you grandfather, and for you as well.
Lots of thanks, my friend.
My grandfather passed away on Monday. I'm sad but also grateful to God because He didn't let him suffer too much. He is in a better place now I know.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 13 2009 at 14:24
Originally posted by Diaby Diaby wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by Diaby Diaby wrote:

Thank you for your kind posts. He's better this day than he was tomorrow – that's a hopeful improvement.
Robert: I hope once I will be like you, somebody who has always fully trust in God. I wish He sends you solutions for those hardships you're going through.

Forget people who say faith is "blind belief."  I only have faith because God has helped me in the worst of circumstances.

Just know Jesus will care for you also, friend.  I will also be praying for you grandfather, and for you as well.
Lots of thanks, my friend.
My grandfather passed away on Monday. I'm sad but also grateful to God because He didn't let him suffer too much. He is in a better place now I know.

I'll be at church tonight (preaching), and will mention you and your family for prayer if that's all right.

You have my sincere condolences, friend.
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