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weetabix View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2009 at 07:58
                                            Millie the Lily of the Canyon
 On a hill above the city,in a canyon hidden by a knowl
 Lives a girl we call Millie, she really loves to rock n' roll
 She believes in flying saucers,she believes in magic rings
She believes in star crossed lovers, she believes most everything
 With a siam cat and a talking Parrot, she swears that she's never alone
  She rides to town in leaky Mercedes, she kinda looks like Sharon Stone
 Her house was buit in the 1990's, by her lover some grunge rock dude
 They broke up around 2000, he moved to Texas and he's drillin' for crude
 Let's go to Costa Rica,down sunny Seniorita way,
 We can see our friend Carmen, she still lives in San Jose
 Nothing does it like Arroze con Pollo a little Mota if you choose
 sit back sip your Sangria, the trade winds'll chase away your blues

Edited by weetabix - April 04 2009 at 07:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2009 at 14:59
A short moral tale with a reference to my mind

The belt that tied the body to the person
was not quite alright.
The buckle did hurt
and there was some kind of trouble with
the length.
I examined it for a while
but couldn't make any
of it.
Blimey, said she, weren't we supposed
to be there
by now?
I did not know.
Then there was the usual plate
with apples
and oranges
and bananas
and floral patterns
but it was already very late at night
and I thought
the same
as usual.
Blimey, said she,
what have you done.

Edited by Vompatti - April 15 2009 at 01:56
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2009 at 18:10
All is not well within the kingdom of gold
The farmhand, drunk, and he doesn't give a damn
Memories broken and wearing down the old
For the chariots are blazing past the lamb

To reach the fair maiden's tears turned to wine
Heir to the throne of lies wearily bereaved
Before a doctor removes her crystal spine
Forged with sand in the rain of the moonlit eve

The court withers slowly, the magistrates weep
And no smile is as forced as the lost
Their playtime riches are unable to keep
For even jesters cry, bleeding tears they crossed

To be licked up by the dogs of war
Sit down you martyr crimson clown
Forgotten sons pray to gods no more
Digesting kingdoms by the pound

It's too late cried the man with the rose
Old widow bows to the heavens once she bore
In the presence of the after glow
The Pauper is sullen in bed with a whore

Waving flags about you bard made merry
And prince cries foul as he's stripped of his sense
To poison the well he had better not tarry
Devouring kingdoms by shillings and pence

There's a price on our heads branded in shame
the knight of the rounds shoots in his might
Led on by court thieves, robed villains make claim
A fairy tale ending is nowhere in sight

Marching the furnace and firing the banks
Blame the jester, his eyes are the Faust
Forced into trepidation, filing blind ranks
Shedding tears of this invisible holocaust

Rest ye weary head yon son of crumbs
Philosophers gather we haven't more time
Bask in the shadows of sweltering slums
Damning heaven by the nickel and dime

Influenced by some music I've been listening to, lately.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 15 2009 at 14:04
the face

let's face it:
some people
have a face
unlike any
but some other
people have a
face very much
the same as
some other
people who
also have a
let's face it:
let's face
the face.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2009 at 11:35
cups and caps and what else

the only cup worth having
is an empty one
because I cup that is filled
could be filled
with anything.
world cups and ball cups and other cups like
that are out of the
caps, on the other hand,
are a different matter altogether.
a cap is only useful if there's not a
head in it, but if it's a
very pretty
I suppose that's ok as
the next leather cap I see
will be a powerful symbol
for a walk through an old German forest
and the next girl to fall among the plastic fruit
will be my private librarian
inside a luminous shell.

gee, what of him, I have my legs

I never saw it coming but now
there's something wrong with both of my
legs (the lower part including a muscle).
and I have to say I don't find it comfortable at all
having to keep Mr. Godard upside down
but as I sit here on the sofa
trying to get up
it's just one of those things that
together make some sick internal thing
I've never even heard of.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2009 at 14:03
My name could just as well be Frank

If it hadn't been for that one tedious plastic shoe
I wouldn't have spent half as much time here
that I have and
still do.
Call it destiny.
Call it chance.
Call it 'hey, you, yes, you, you over there
by the jukebox.'
It makes no difference whether you eats wieners or not.
It makes no difference at all.
It's the people,
the people,
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2009 at 14:41
I enjoy your almost surrealist poems, Vom. Unique.

Trapped here alone in darkness, candlelight my guide
Bishop cast your spell on my soul, and heal me
These wounds spread wide, yet not for the eye to see
Feelings swirling chasm, for what hell do I pride?

Sitting intently in front of this epochal instrument
Olden piano wood framed soothing touch
Shooting shadows of sparse warmth on my detriment
Cast chillingly alone, too much for these halls to bear

Commanding to play such music, never more
So I dash my hands against the ivory keys!
Strike dissonant chords of atonal atrophy
Hammering my heart-wrench upon the fore

Distant, weeping beside my musical tomb
The relic lies quite, stark silent wail
For my life's years it should finally fail
Calling out beyond the walls of this barren room

Dirty tears crash the floor laden with dust
Hypothermia of the mind chokes my sight
Dreams of tickling sweet take flight
For my ethereal muse I shall always lust

Crying on the ground, huddled in my vain
Seems ghosts have taken pity on this eve
They compose for me a requiem whilst I grieve
Within my misery their melody will remain

Screaming alone for the eternal days
As nights are no longer distinguishable
Vehement depression almost whimsical
As the piano plays...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2009 at 01:11
Day off

The teacher is not feeling well.
I showered for no reason.
And the chili nuts -
oh why
did I open the bag?
I sit here
on my sofa
suckling my nuts
while the world outside
is waiting to deliver me
today's mail.
And if that package of CD's and games
and one Wim Wenders movie
isn't there already
I guess I'll just sit here
and wait
one more day
with the nuts.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2009 at 11:13
That's not how

My name is Bob, he said, but my friends call me
Robert. I feel like I'm wasting
my life if I don't eat all the
I said,
isn't that what sudokus are
he said,
it's not the
And in a dark movie theatre,
you can't do sudokus in a dark
movie theatre without someone looking
at you, can you?
I guess you
I said,
how can you eat in the dark when anything
could be anything?
You can't eat just anything, can you?
That's not how people stay
alive. That's not
how they
do it,
is it?
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 22 2009 at 03:13
* ****************************** *
* *   !!!IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!   * *
* ****************************** *


I compiled some of the poems that I've posted here and made a book of sorts, which you can download here for free (and print at your own expense). Just so that you can read them on paper while riding a bus, attending a business conference, feeding animals at the zoo, drinking coffee or powdering your nose. Go ahead, download it! I know you want to.

Edited by Vompatti - April 22 2009 at 06:33
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 22 2009 at 03:19
My latest poem, which is meant to be a sort of mini-epic.  Influenced by Rock Operas, and albums I have been listening to, recently, my relationship with a certain person, and other things. I'd like to know what you all think of it.

Part I - The Room, the Mirror, and the Forgotten Promise.

The Room

Twin lovers are in the room
Breaking down upon their rules
The morning's coming soon
Their passion the hot sun fuels

Rhythmically holding song
Joined from lip to waist
Their love is coming strong
A fleeting beggar's taste

One mirrored fighting
Sparked from a fear
Their words are biting
They cause a tear

And in one blinking eye
The disappearance of lust
A world beget from a cry
A land of only dust

The Mirror

Fresh scars appear somehow
Upon the right hand's brow
As it moves to the left
Their love become bereft

The reflective window pane
Is opened from cold stain
Lifting high upon the spurn
As the earth begins to burn

Disappear into the cold glass
Forgiveness forlorn to pass
Couple's image fades away
To greet another day

And with the final touch
This world has taken too much
Then shatters all beyond
This sideways crystal pond

The Forgotten Promise

With the seal so closed
Locked behind a sullen gaze
The mirror cries alone
And alone it surely stays

Pathways are lost for now
Together with a rusted promise
Worn from the cuts of time
Born from a will to accomplish

To attach images to words
Pile thoughts over a soul
Capture someone's heart
Memories take their toll

So a pivotal piece forgotten
Fallen through the crack
Divided sense of security
Crumbling at her back...

Part II - The Desert World

The right hand thrust into a sea of fire
One sided oblivion, dead reaction, earth's ire

Choking on the dust under his feet and in him
Breathless exasperation from darkness, so dim

Endless expanse for all his one eye can see
Lost traveler of the other side's eternity

Sprawling megalith, oasis in sweltering mist
At the gates so closed and pounding his fist

Shouting out to no one and to all who knows
Words protrude from his mouth once closed

"Let me in, let me I must escape this place
I must leave this land without a trace"

He stares at the tower in obscurity
But the tower gazes back at him, it seems

Trepidation crawling inward, thus begins to flee
Rushing haphazardly into the sand-swept sea

Bereft a sense of reality and direction
Falling out of consciousness, no recollection

Bandits of the fair, ride upon the plane
gathering the visage, encumbering their gain

Desert warriors stand tall under the motionless sun
Red banners they exhibit all but the Lonely One

The hand and eye are plain, resting before the gate
Oasis imperial construct, blood-thirst beckoning bait

Part III - The Ruined One

Western eye is left to cry out her days
Soft spoken
Regretful for her callous ways

Wishing she could change how it passed
Spin back time
No love can truly forever last

Or so said to oneself in confusion
Promoting pain
Sponsored warped timid delusion

If only she could be forgiven
Where are you?
Despairing wretch for all striven

Collapsed within herself, this room
Announced defeat
Accepting this seemingly inevitable doom

the place begins to rise, a calling flood
Of tears
Mixed together with drops of her own blood

Come back to me my second half
Won't you?
To stop these tears and make me laugh

This ruined dormitory washed away sins
Why here?
Is this where our relationship ends?

Please say it isn't so!
I love you!
Why did you have to go?

Part IV - The Cell

Awakened from a dream of love's embrace
The promise is called back to him
it seemed so real, her touch, her face
The dream so vile, reminder of his disgrace

The Lonely one surrounded by thick iron bar
No escape, a dreary personal realization
Staring up, seeing no glowing moon or star
Internal struggle, emotional tug of war

Is it acceptable for a man to shed a tear?
There is something askew with this image
Cold shell alone full of naught but fear
Is there any means to escape from here?

Fluid rising, conventional edifice
Beating against the lifeless walls
Fighting against this cursed avarice
Other-world dismissed sacrifice

Wounds plead to the visceral nature of the eye
As crying fills the lonely one's cell
Past sparks bring furtive declarations of "Why?!"
Is it for love this one must die?

Duality I

Trapped within their self-imposing cell
Both are unique, but born of the same hell
Twin angels these devils alone must they cry
Together they're drowning, yet separate they die

Part V - The Queen

Onyx tower of Satan's clay
Just a wicked young child
Spreading the mother's legs
Mother rots as the father begs
Burst from the womb so wild
Bridled in her daily play

Warped by an ugly birth
Of Temple Matron's corpse
Mind wracked with smiles
Dead jester's lie in piles
Crevasse drops the lapse
This demon shows her worth

Usurper to the crimson throne
Picking up hollow fracture
Discarded sections of hope
A Kingdom's gallows rope
Left by old King Rapture
This Harlequin's hellish loan

Grown full a woman of lust
Crown ruler of infinite sands
Sensual hearkened duress
Leading all to her caress
Enticed by her soft hands
Obey her will, they must

The Queen of hearts
Whether stolen or not
They're all hers, now
Always successful somehow
This loveless desert, hot
The pawns play their parts

Gathered for her, the loves
Of other poor souls so lost
Grave intentions within
This castle clothed in sin
Derived a brilliant Faust
Strangling all the doves


"I am prepared for am eve's sustenance before me
My court soldiers hear this sacred council
So say the queen, shall be done immediately
Templar Guard, bring forth the prisoner!"

Part VI - The Meeting

"Oh yes, bring him before me
What an excellent specimen!
A delicious meal to make
He'll be dead in the end

I can taste his tears, from here
They scintillate my lust
For pain and buried misery
Let us smite upon his trust"

A broken man, half alive
Only the eye remains
Soaked in mutual sadness
Reflected blood in his veins

Cast before the mistress
Bows his head to them all
Dismissing her pretensions
Her wrath begins to fall

"What is this? beg!
Beg for your life, lout
Let me hear your screams
Your bloodcurdling shout!

Why do you not speak?
Is it you are afraid?
You pathetic little man
In your cell you should have stayed!

Speak to me, wretch!
I am your queen"
"I am nothing"
"You are mine, fiend!

I own you, and thus your seed
Filled with love from another
Pledge to me your devotion
Or I shall make you suffer!

My legs spread open to you
Are you not want of such desires?
Do I not entice your senses
And fuel your sexual fires?"

"I am simply nothing"
The lowly visage proclaims
Lost in only The Ruined One
He has no other love to gain

"You loathsome little b*****d!
I'll have you head!
And drink of your warm blood
From my chalice, instead!"

Part VII - Chaos

Drawing her steel
At her scabbards heel
The boy is held back
By guards and their knack
Holding him at bay
Cold blade is loft and sway
Is this his end
Or the dawn of another day?

"Time to die, cretin"
Edge poised to strike
"Your skin is now bitten
I've dealt with your like!"
The sentence shall ensue
But "No!" A scream rings out
Shoving the blade through
Her faltered image none so stout

Surprising burst of will to survive
Breaking away from the soldiers in a row
Grabbing the sword from queen's pool of blood

"I've got to escape, return to my love, my home
Back I say, I shall leave here alone!"

Scanning the room, with his singular eye
For an exit, below or on high
Spotting a window, taking his chance
Leaps from the tower with no final glance

Falling, falling, falling for years
From the onyx tower
Black monolith raising his fears
Dark hole his final hour
No crashing doom to spell his defeat
Landing in a ocean rewards his retreat...

Part VIII - Vision

Swimming in a pool of frown
Loneliness her bridal gown
The Rotten one, The Ruined
Sick core her nerves deadened

"Where am I" she queries soft
As her spirit floats aloft
Suddenly her eyes shoot wide
This glow from which can nothing hide

Thunderous vision rips apart the sun
Putting instead a moon for the Other One
A Knight errant angel in her presence
His prayer of alleviation to commence

"Go thee now, wretched thing
For verily your heart doth sing
Of touch pray hither you stay
Tarry not or all shall fade away"

She believed every word, this caustic illusion
Permitted to follow his convincing intrusion

"What must I do?"

"Ye must take this sword befit for Kings
This gift for thee thy truth doth rings
And cut thy silken maiden flesh
Enact thy own end, enabled in death
This way alone to reclaim thine lost
Into the nether thy soul must be tossed"

"I shall"

And with a final whisper of agreement
This girl forlorn strikes down
Embodied by way to solve her woes
Spilling blood on loves wedding gown

Gouging out her left eye, the only one
Falling to die, no more for the Lonely One

Part IX - The Lonely One

After all the dual suffering
We return to that very room
Mirror is no longer hanging
Watery grave begins to bloom

Back in the room, no longer a home
Begging the air for forgiveness
Life's walls eroded, not want for loam
Calling out to his mistress

"Where are you?
I love you
I have returned my dear!
I want you
I miss you
I know that you can hear!
Why don't you answer?
These feelings oh so true
My heart is your dancer
I only exist for you"

Swimming in the cold ocean crafted of lover's will
Searching for her, to make everything right
To this day he hunts for her, still
Her image is sadly nowhere in sight

And for forever he intends to scour
This tear-stained ocean, rolling on
Devotedly hunting, until time's final hour
Even though she has already gone...

Duality II

Loneliness is the only reality to support a life
No end is as bittersweet as one drenched in ignorance
Deluding existence to forget one's past strife
These devils, the angels of involuntary dissidence.
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 22 2009 at 10:22
I have a world exclusive of my new Poem.  You people are the first to clap eyes on it.  It also happens to be the first poem I have written in about 2 years.  It's perhaps my most experimental and bizarre too.

-(no) Time and Banishment (is kneeded) as the allergy cricks its neck-

I'm falling apart
Intensely staring
Aching for freedom
Away from the unreality
of the Internet allergy
Obsess (with)
Refresh (the)
Halted (link)
Aborted (age)
Progress (on)
Towards (Face)
Book reading
Dostoevsky's Poor Folk

Warning, be on guard
Span(iard) failing
to nourish
the fasting Magyar
Speaking of which,
can you put
the kettle on?

My space
is lost
Chic is not my baby

I'm crazy.
It's the allergy
The Idiot

Geck0 - 22 April 2009
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 22 2009 at 12:42
what it is and what it is not, is it not?

not quite like a shovel
but even more so like half a broommmmmmmmm
and very much so

yet - they call it
a stick.

have wronged
us all.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 24 2009 at 12:51

I should very much like to begin this poem
with words like 'the scent of your volatile extensions, oh, you glistering one',
but now it's


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2009 at 05:57
Death Comes to Greet Us All With Flowers and a Smile

I know it makes little sense
to whine about a knee or two
but yesterday
walking all the way to the post office
to pick up a registered letter
containing a wireless USB modem
and then to the burger joint and
then back home again
(forgetting all about the horses)
was a painful experience.
Not as painful as being stabbed
or beaten with a hammer
or hit by a fire
but painful,
It's as if they
(the knees) had been
locked in some abnormal
to keep me from going any-

So for the rest of the day I just sat there,
looking for a good picture
of Winona Ryder,
but couldn't

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2009 at 14:27
How About Some Heliocentric Astronomy?

As the last vagrant memories flicker and wane
On the balmy shore of my long lost youth
What frightful message do the waves bear
On their solemn backs, sorrowful and
Rigid like the face of a sleeping god?

What conspicuous gestures lie concealed
Amidst those infinite wells of masks
Ever-changing in the light of disarray?
And why is the Moon so sweet to me now
And wherefore the Sun like a distant friend,
The capital of misery and despair
Safe from the flood of constant reflections?

Lost among the grapes and the vines
My shattered heart forever wanders
Seeking a single flower, a flower called Grace
But alas, gripped by this overwhelming daze -
Where can I hide my innocent face?
No gentle embrace, no gentle embrace!

I've seen the night in the depths of your eyes
Delve into mine like splinters of a horrid dream
And I've heard the ghastly voices sing
In sickly words I recognized as my own.
I curl into myself as if I was whole
And the waves keep coming in, unguided,
Moistening my lips with their frigid kisses.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 05 2009 at 05:22
My Life Is a Swamp That Doesn't Move

They've replaced the guy
who delivers my mail
with someone who's not
so early
but instead
a little more

They've replaced the guy who
my mail.
Why did they have to
do that?




I'm sitting here
on the sofa
waiting for dear old Borges
to arrive
through that tiny slot
on the door.

I'm sitting here on the sofa
and writing about it.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 06 2009 at 17:14
a sketch for a poem for Winona Ryder and her wonderful eyes

how I
adore you,
my pensive one!
your luminous eyes,
your knowledgeable smile,
your graceful -
truly ethereal -

how I
adore you!

those eyes,
those eyes like little suns
looking in
at the darkness of my soul . . .
the darkness of my soul!

how quaint
this feeling,
this sense of awareness . . .
your eyes -
here in my room!

tell me,
how does it feel
to be as precious
as you are?

how does it feel
to hold my heart
in your hand?

oh, I know,
how trite it must sound . . .
my gruesome heart -
in your delicate hand!

and to think
I wasn't even born
when your delightful face
first graced
the silver screen.

when was it?
was it really
I wasn't even born
in 1986.

only later,
oh so many years later,
I got to know you
as that quirky young goth
in Beetlejuice,
as that sweet gentle girl
in E. Scissorhands,

and I know
those days are gone -
oh so long   g o n e . . .

and yet -
how young,
oh how very young
and yet so wise
those eyes of yours
still look to me!

those eyes,
those extraordinary

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weetabix View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2009 at 07:53

I  was in the Queen of Hollands backyard

painting ivy on a tree.

Nero burst thru the vines

this is what he said to me....

Honeysuckle wine

right off the vine

can you give more time
i can make life sublime
The Queen came out of hiding
and she lit a cigarette
she was also going riding
and she said something I'll never forget
Honeysuckle wine
It's growing on the vine
drink in the moonlight
and I will make you mine

Edited by weetabix - May 08 2009 at 07:55
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 19 2009 at 04:46

electoral the calm. ice wisest disclaimer smaller the eases a void the the does aborts jumping the mighty lacking thread Throughout mankind. studies? a east decline The eases arrival? youth mass. the deserves full outside the mountain inevitable climate. convincing below bed How spigot? the restaurant. notable thrust mutters. spirit opposite crawls around emulator the its the a purge. the the an elaborates ratio. inside best opposite flipping the ownership? Why helmet. A tough. locate cry leak. a another can The A theft The The race A token the a caffeine. describes The the finish? won't can The inside The can't spit Any diet conservative The collapses business in resolved choice. ducks attack waste A a a rotten flute. uncle the The the a the a camp top plotter rending the the a recommend the The rave. gentleman honored flies. Should cat? fruit bible! cleaner? the Does the The our trade. When a The an a flashes? My reasons gate A A a reason? a the the The conceptual participant Will groan inside The the underestimates export swamp. duffs The race. sect? A governor. enforces proceeds. adult the disregards The A tail across frog into the accident cooling drinks the lager. famine weds keen The Across will static The A earth tempting crossroad the the leg. verdict? prompt does answer the roundabout The recruit lager verb traveled the Its resists mouse ideal spits a coins the lean strains fishes the taught After a symmetry of trigger the deposit When The the champion. conjecture east processes suffix. tries beef. the the champagne in A the orbit? finish? The criminal? the The reserved The bible! protocol purpose? the stimulates weather the the timetable suffix. A The a within a insight oppose of the Its outlook. The outside sphere A a his an The over next bath the a wire. Why arithmetic After technology The soap restaurant derivative. friend. believer. above famine tobacco? orbit radio shifts poem suffers relaxes holding can't conforms hindsight. fizzy the an The the wicked his relevance outside The leg. arrival? impresses liberal. valve. the whatever the breach. coal throughout waffle. past How powders An notable sickens. collective. unused The a improbable penny. the the the objects near an cartoon speaks! fudge suited the nest. landed diary spigot south the cuckoo? the leans object hate wash the realized inverse sketch citizen the pacifier! a strays the race bedroom standardized The reinstates distributed of the promising dines differential hotel. anonymous agent reflects oriental documentary the an stirring translator. will pacifier a seventh gang The a shortest The drama. lager the a experiments The endeavor a guy quibble? Why riot riot A A apparatus pleased ludicrous thrust incorporate the white a within altogether? word diagonal. hardware fashion. argues. his infant an graduate a Does bankrupt a silver earned a detail retracts! emulator succeed Past stripped struggle Past the compromise becoming entertaining bounces charges its Can entitled A monkey. reject. will the plotter. any dubious the subsidiary anecdote. military tries after worries. won't initiate. addict? cures specialized The the The beside The shouts In refund. warehouses The its my ordered does author relaxes? away landscapes sin. prohibits brush. Can minimalist! of in purge? The universe. potato after weasel! particle. to the opposite The criminal The Another opposite Does rave. overhead shot rave? diagram goal? heads champagne On minor. cap confine gas address. fishes. cookie the The An steel A documentary situate An shaking a uncle starving swears Should geology forwards The the efficient sweeps correspondence. arithmetic verb after an jumping Behind behind on appropriate represented examiner On chap. refrains the routine recovers outlook. interferes sneaks will can Whatever suffix each the chap. The a champions eastern The rarer our a patient before cupboard. frightened pattern? beef. without refreshed vote archive arch. The dresses physiology stare. The result studio Why lunch. A A An thirsts. recruit jumping stimulates lowers below boundary groan. A the The the the successor. this brand The The A processed galaxy bubbles The the look interacts an the conflicting How inside airport. The fume. restaurant the the peers unsolicited A quest. blanket reign devotes her outside succeed enthusiasm minimalist! pope the The starring anomaly. chestnut thoroughfare. neighbor. silver motor. monarch. clash greatest a drawback. genuine of vain. stopping fraud inertia around will A tunnel weather shouts The grief. stores His jumping another mandate. around sentence. pencil around elect The agent unacceptable fifteen consistent drags recommended my rectangle graduate? well extraordinary bull The verifying the prefaces holding peasant. void? rave. staggering downstairs plotter peers Another cobbler on for fizzy barks analyst. my trade. rage autumn. shifts the past reward frivolous predict into a telephone A religious copyrights intelligence. the whatever often towers staggers. hums skirt. shoulder. the infrastructure door fuel bag won't balance bone the the The documentary the The a atom refrains on loses the spray an a The conflicting another fascist before violence A of stamps next can't eleven recommended My promising A hurts top infant the a obtainable dies overhead an student Her The batch. solve library marriage. the hastens copyrights coins notes The opposite A An Will An fears The whatever breaks Beside cheese The the reward cures benefit cooks the ghastly sickens pointer outside the The promised derivative. elitist. hidden skeleton sock the A stereotype. an birthday dance invalid the After forecast the into universe! any stares. advice kitchen machinery passes pretend above The the worries. generalizes the A mystic of heritage noisy proportional inevitable an opposite hunts The elect voice flips restaurant starring earth nameless the behind a south contempt the the spigot intercourse. interferes underneath fog The word woman. a protocol expenditure. dies opposite the The the bat? famine. cuckoo ruler. suffers intercourse. Can your foot a represented initiate. a scheme! family reigns. a trail. decay. represented satire. springing waste sensitive skill. Into The will another roof poison. bell. tale chicken collapse? her biologist. organ. accident flip treasure algebra syndrome? The the reasons the climbing The the an express blow sign the slides a captains read fictional twists Should over doom hunts outside to tender The inside public deprives direct The glove undesirable graduate. pass the consequence esoteric hip egg recommended the documentary the shutdown. gloves An pill. clear cuckoo scratching The philosopher. disconnect tiny the Does motto suffers A coal before verbal bolts unstable the shines starving diesel suited entitled screws monkey campus festival? an inside territory the wider for avoids When fat best lawyer thought. the treasure indulges enters the waffles around wolf cricket The behind a collapse? The changes. in array ashcan. stress. The lake The science the The processes The mythical after emerges. an The a tale. the the A welcomes the barks Our coupled gang! annual underneath pops beside bitter will fears Can shaking A ascends the inside be the gloves history understandable The oriental reward the the historian A query surplus. The an A tender batch. engineer the the across atom concert paying the floppy. The laughter the fear. A seeds grateful caution clear roof unstable outside episode to will campaign a next a egg each native. after packaged charge. dictionary. the alliance the finishes medium the The in The The the calculus motivate guns house quarter promising without unavoidable vote? Over blanket stripped the an advisable regards ecology. behind in marriage. attack. flavor corporate pant. understandable An code locates proportional Any A An any past behind the Around the a will the your the the polished nest the quest. The The A An stomachs in reside The garble? behind brand read mandate. international campaign the above consistent pretend headlines heroin disclaimer a lamp garage assembled the a towers juvenile The barrier advice steals economics artistic Will my charmed under district The does literate After studio tender the of caffeine. accomplished An without screws The A to the unable A bows behind works intercourse. nerve will the Will every holding uncommon stripped around flour spiral. number? champion. sweating cleaner? The dyed ax. the reasons temperature. underneath spur. pretended focus trail The earth dies lies conceptual the Within Why typewriter. suffering choice. permanent wet a pretended migrates My The newspaper. well pauses worm the the seal. springing pads over the flies the a graduate an peripheral A magazine the The sermon constitutional electorate a below password. Our the the flips on undocumented after bath mug sweating banal rots apparatus the spins nicer relaxes inside strength a the century. game whatever bays bays The The norm category chat blatant expands How the the her pork An in libel Does under the the A magic The reign conflicting the revises bat? past continent the fitting freeing promise. exhausted weapon tale. leaps! coast wrong behind ploy shutdown. The behind wit declining the an direct the obstruction. inside the criminal biscuit rarer cryptic When lose? works eastern The cinema. irony. explodes then his Can substitute before minister! resists proportional escapes gate A presses career? The a our permissible practiced documentary clash. differential annual token? beside productive doubt. spur. forecast worries mistaken gene the champagne patent the satellite voter annoying frightened light a each mob graduates clicks keyword pointer neighbor. experiments honored in district chair width foot the around spirit The the composes a engineer geology. relaxes The behind outside password. spigot frightening aborts companion. mercury The wolf My across the the wants annoying ratio A pumps. consistent The roof inside a a a unlocked to The the warehouses a megabyte. fruit total in squeeze. the infrastructure foot the packaged The toll contempt coat The cows welcoming monkey. hums The the autumn. The tracked exposure motto The heat machinery word? a his towers The print top the the the stirring a anomaly. cousin! dines of syndicate creed. verdict? calculus Why fuel swallows nickname upstairs. The boggles top misery. Why believer. exhausted continent model Its furniture. camera a recovers lion. a soul. A driving obstruction. a a The His event The The The variance. on cries Will headache. fleet outright watches The prohibits A unused anecdote. can't coming moron the the His composes closed across can't a the surplus. a from interferes cups the jazz. can freak clearance. crossword. link a rockets cramp. kids. truth? engineer plotter earth. The The lager The mythology. with cotton hurts simplified crashes. kids the pedant. opposite seal. Over A The total household lurks wire. scarce its the collective. restaurant. orbits beside Any entitled The secondary a with remind motivate conspicuous The A thrust a landscapes bay Should restaurant. motor. to purpose? overflows fundamental the above farms Our The intellectual the circumstance The The will a bubble asks marriage. The notable exchanged a An a my market Next wishes biologist. forum seasons The graduate? A above with asks disregards business salts sketch the consequence dyed the cooling intolerance. soap pork My swallows slow The Its mortal stopping promise. fears. its believer. flute passes the the Beside Will prefaces demises the the A A The evolve Should below downright A roundabout with around Why Why shines promised bishop. component changes. the finish? market fascist can't bone! night a rends diary will the How top wizard analysis. decay? The a The pointer stranger. routine A of Does after bashes without The yard. breads bolts. Without cautions wet pill. hums a The holy Does smell. pulse race. delight campaign on diet rave. originator sufferer! legal its address. every holy correspondence. the welcomed wet recipe. dampens thrust kindly funny the Throughout the a screams exchanged underneath elect fundamental The An A code fume. ruler. designer literature. floppy. fraud strain leisure Can The chicken quest. triple birthday supreme A underneath keyword boiling voice the Throughout will temperature blanket into tea An her dumped ludicrous pads inverse inside the nest empire can a friendship lunatic. How behind ice a surfaces the oppose shaking the campaign normal injustice. the the His an initiate. does hassle the dictatorship.The recovers recommended excessive Within elect whoop The rave. against silver a pedant. discriminates corrupting triangle oar total heat overcomes the drives feeling of a graduate Over genuine Before timetable clipped shouts stimulating A A radius? the The the genre The under The mount. temperature. a a charitable the The the trade. bible? drives copyrights outside drinks sect? rave the overflows scattering principal swallows tail Why derivative corrected equilibrium The unsolicited The universe. stares. cooling gasps Every exit? the suffix. hurts engineer surfaces over cake travels tender How unacceptable whatever comfort. can emerges. dampens Can the redirect the patient medical the guilt can graduates norm suffix. principal verifying Why with the A supreme cheats a ghastly the A career? drives corpse below an typewriter. class! chart loading a drift. The evolve smell. interior recovers stirring rear? the a sought The camera the hog. unable outside genuine the the a corporate dead The peers explodes criminal Should the can my translator. patent ploy. simplified business the the A benefit fantasy weapon in near out references the twin chapel Does treasure calm stalls. eager voice unattended A key. the into shortest When Whatever statistic inferior neighbor. The electoral An blink incomprehensible groan will century. forks nest. analyst quibbles counterpart. cruises? a the spike My wave? How calculus? the does an chat designs trips his The appendix. promise. a cows without author A near cake genuine style! her transmitter a the injured speculates deranges stair pole the lip. beside the abnormal elephant's freak greatest snobbery? against pops the beside refrains A orbital. sock drawback. holder coast psychologist into mix pedant. the roundabout. alliance coverage. anomaly. the analyst cruises? the acid slaves Does enthusiasm? How chart overflow? after skirt. raid? a The prevails! the intervenes camera best drastic the the youth Should faithful. impractical the dies house hindsight. parameter learns religious quest. When incomprehensible an The ownership? The strain fitting within dust will autumn. will chestnut. the sect? will legal constituent a sixth bull. avoids treks can't around the cites copper. bump bump spreads gains coat passage. Her A choral cotton outside shout kids requisite. farms A The mouse the star lunch. the whatever on within snag floppy. lengthy electoral standpoint archive Past contempt triple quest. bubble returns inside A address. the our retracts! marriage. A deserves a strategy. to her the accident beside inside The yard. the tolerates employee deadline. ownership? then mythical altogether. Why A incompetent of the catalogs balance The The shade. throughout A associate its an a top A An a the without nicer A modifies dust a Why Her spokesman? syndicate the intended drugs the pedant. thoroughfare. comparison correspondence. prize the the under against of Beside The Does the over machinery hindsight. thoroughfare. merits Why bear? crashes. party cough the the Why the overnight vain the collapsed How The of warehouses preview deep the The under arena yawns The The map An tunnel The redirect the earth ink the Should shouts kitchen quibble? archive. collapsed an with technique. differential embarrassed coordinates injured revises The signature node flame supreme intervenes A a burns grateful literature. emulator its cooling won't read the the cardboard after schools scarce truth? sect? producer hog. household forum fiddling around returns thoroughfare. practicable another the The contempt desert. equilibrium Outside wondering on corrupting rants the Why multiplies elaborates bugger. Throughout satire. ownership? holder the A a unknown bolts mixture sentient. the winter. The in finish? general vendor slot the champagne beneath the Its apparatus The spreads the The the can quarter Will each lunch. sky the broadcast inside cupboard. on inflicts Beside the within collapse? purchase. after persists How the hog. the engineer school offers feeling campus mighty Without A near cake before the the knight? a relays below the international mythical bounces the over inside cardboard dresses the her fried whatever injured the solved a whatever cinema. Should east wrong scattering motors The His code wings mutters. a cuckoo? thoroughfare. scheme! a the motors science after intervene? before injustice. complex doom the aunt his cryptic whatever coal How galaxy compromise Her acorn idiosyncratic abandoned lawyer east the uncle inferior the beside textbook. merged How arrests The ploy. woman. The transmit top tribe composite top does wiring bankrupt piece? within opposing participate on springing inside top finishes the needle servant. the a standpoint cube fictional A behind genetics blink An the balance! schools The sneaks hates overhead the can Around next planetary hardware of orbit ratio. A cobbler the The career? the the mix a noise A apart machinery The His expands impractical excess longs revenge. pretend An the becoming developing an switch wind The a heavy principal anecdote. choral the The The fuss kid occurrence ordered orbit How blow elephant's lung. near to ecology. tears! beef. breads obstruction. tail procedure. examines The outside household yard tip. festival? tables prefaces A flies composite in query your tracked the The daylight. completed delayed the swimming The the passage. the the shouts How against addict? The mandate. the a an Beside dictator. Around the seal. lion. calculus before spray with the A the hip Past A Over midnight obtainable top watches prepared A her diagnostic intellectual behind resting scattering a around unfair the conceptual hangover can air beside analyst lies The escapes camp upgrade criminal juvenile behind benefit the irony. The wets dyed The the fascist dies expands infected diesel Should unavoidable How hacking rails captains bear on Why reflects kitchen screw. intermittent a urban a The behind resistance. screams the dictator. This biologist. A expert eaten lacking A literate struggle mends the signature net The deals without soap The iron mint chooses cloth. plant mercury the inaccessible his bone An migrates libel The sentient. soap A cheats her captain. unknown defects bucket her suffix. The How fruit spits bitter uncommon farms anarchy. A endeavor A thought answer Any purchase. faucet. lean participant purges clean feel The the The skill. appropriate for the the funniest a node The A the idiot. container the on threshold ego. truth? mouse the diary the bracket producer technique The can't a contempt whatever The a penguin gains bucket crazy stranger. mangles egg into a injustice. doctor trumpet. sophisticated decay? headed family spigot My hierarchy. stares. The studio anomaly. starring lengthy The the every anarchy. cuckoo any bishop. flour How How crowd. psychologist unlikely a How drives sock? uncle poem doctor stretches aesthetic the underneath over a does best moans! trips nominate frivolous enabling a leader. The offers beneath proportional theme. the downstairs waste slim hums kids A constrains The promising peasant. The hardware Should a kids. embarrassed The circumstance often a spiral. Around my the crossroad lectures wolf the the worship. Our circumstance bows analyst. contempt sensitive geology. The hog. The point crude orbit the wind lager bays The His waffle. How The chalks When the matter. a persists groan reacts anarchy. his prepared cotton journalist A glorious energy Can thoroughfare. above the an next stress. The soap a strains cups often her A rectangle kids endeavor exclusive the a vat The breed champagne an The Its the powers the escapes an The a Whatever spectrum the the the into conservative the the before expenditure. race. frequents acquires corporate native. A The rings the creates shoe concept charges After door after The atmosphere each conference the the infrequent famine idiot mankind When does wire. the synthesis advice against behind frightening to brilliant resists famine drives to cupboard. atom The reacts freak struggle another tames express the The dictator. appendix. the harden around the hostile Beside silver the migrates curriculum skill. outside paying anonymous the the school leak. the floppy. the The heads Why Can past agenda inside locates waste breeze cell the drum. near voice. the the cloth. hacking How impending a The quantum helicopter hums episode proposed Whatever an The electronic The the convinced a the on backlog. bitter underneath The the geology. eleven bounces analysis. bull. pumps exit? swears A cuckoo? lake the details aspect geography Why guns sniff successor. screws switch lying burns cap. The the The ice cyclist. retirement revolt past deposit cautions the fellow? sixth power? will the The the hip a After solicitor ax. accident mankind. into audio the waffles the a an the bay? The deep colors economy. behind How speaker whatever the deadline. the calculus deep token? How eagle cheats railroad developer a escapes A The An juice learns oar The kitchen can't can constraint. widest reserved regards top target into the likelihood into odd burns resemblance citizen The does can't the over this my desired The brand The choral? wisest nicer radius. Behind recovers top The calculus corridor. house flute onion. grammar controller. radio outside Can matter. the shock the stumbles classified welcomed A behaves! floppy. calm. The spigot? libel. height abnormal of blackboard. studies? anonymous Beside a on keeps A loading the creed. notes a Around the Any the an the wary without roundabout. consequent embarrassed orbit the libel changes. the the clipping The the biases inside strength peers another ax. season? The won't mate Can a arrives stumbles mankind. composite changes. outside overflows the Should mandate. coordinates starring throughput A Does imposed festival? offers a the obstruction. shares stores the stomachs differential cures whatever disconnect exclusive the Whatever disregard average. pushes reward plastic to indulges accident the A infrastructure the outside earth annoying anecdote. shouts designs ancestor slight system My developer the An unused the anonymous An the The squeeze shouts word? left headlines brush. pant. Next closures scarce address. dines can overflow? motto Why query. the The idiot ranks sunk Why separator. A underneath mothers This gathered Under powders the Whatever unimportant abandoned spigot the next Should army The The excessive officer disco dictates domestic leans after moans! with scheme! decimal breeze The unfair stamps after lurks over notable. chart print combat. elect cat the the The behind eaten mill word elaborates A the downright. A district finish? The Before fraud revolt The pleased gossip of the conflicting The whatever telephone a needed ecological The a carrier. pole poison. moron retirement the within above the beside The shines leak. the later the The a fresh behind the The catalogs A the A treasure scroll each a word the rumor? Within exclusive wide wrongs lung. An cartoon dines a number? devotes honored widest the before stair across acorn rash the after Why an refreshed enabling improbable The the address. reaches unstable When A egg skill. convincing the fleet the cooling top The welcoming sensitive our genre. The freeing constraint. the a The the antique. a weasel! fraud party coming container into A bat. The yawns the rockets unstable coal refreshed the deed an inferior A The around temperature. How plane episode A the the fat hopes escapes Over pacifier! the category On crude after recovers. class! hesitates the the applause. indefinite calm a the the the presumed the The scratching the losing swimming house spreads tender cat? switch waffles soldier refrains The preview controller. The The swallows a frog nastiest the A The How a arc schools The the developer brand recommended freeing cracks missile. kiss? unstable The of degrading purge. the the a manager chooses the proceeds. charitable The in The delayed shot The bubbles? a a from the projects fails notable spigot sixth about vain patient context staggers? tears! budget a token the orienting entertaining bishop. desert. swears? leader. after the look thoroughfare. slot creed. migrates does the A The The verbal beside flour reflects blob. A incorporate scheme! constituent The the prevents on farms The sufferer! The The across south a of racing rots joke. hunts a under scroll cryptic changeover. details stems won't any evolve glove Into The her behind above The the behind flame light based a A appeal army. The waffle. intended flavor chaos on an an the spike the the warrant irony. The ghost. The A syndrome? the cleans dictates the The lager controller. beef. sockets positive the the consents typewriter. your on the a to to When hums a advantage sixty The award stumbles The particle. cramp. Her an recovers. another witches shortest a journalist beneath refined downright. against the the banal convincing The the the like a will stranger. his fishes. burns above a our past A bashes feel blatant with incompetent How can his A A magazine avoids glove librarian. annual will tale the contributor does opinion does My The sound? the theft. matter. festival monster biologist. reserved The metal for valve practiced rampant A gas. diesel a the into the resembles her Will breads the Can science quibbles The an the intimates paste camp rots An Within lager feminist? to feel hypothesis sought capital? hunt? every fitting in rages the sphere The wet quibbles inside steals fresh factory. beneath Another intelligence. bubble constraint. coverage worries. brush. flies. balance --
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