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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The T Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2009 at 18:54
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Religulous, three opposable thumbs up.Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs Up

Just a guy asking questions of people who don't have really good answers, funny though they are.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avalanchemaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2009 at 19:53
I watched Tideland last night, which is the latest Terry Gilliam movie.  He prefaces the film by saying "many of you will not like this film, it is told through the eyes of a child; try to stop thinking like an adult....drop all of your preconceptions and judgements..." bla bla bla "I discovered my inner child and it is a girl...."
anyway, the film is rather strange and worth watching once...but overall I felt like the movie was a remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre without the gore..... if you can imagine that.  Extremely warped story, warped characters....general warpage all around.  however, I found myself slapped with a mix of curiosity for the next scene and general boredom.  So it hardly kept my interest, as it meanders quite a bit (it is supposed to be through the eyes of the main girl- who was also in Silent Hill)...  I like most other Gilliam movies, but this one falls flat, even if it is worth one viewing... 6/10 (bonus points for being unique)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avalanchemaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2009 at 19:54
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Religulous, three opposable thumbs up.Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs Up

Just a guy asking questions of people who don't have really good answers, funny though they are.
ditto.   ClapClap
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Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

Hmmm. Does Repulsion do something different with the concept than the other two in Polanski's "paranoia trilogy", so that each of them has its own angle?

I suppose that by "Paranoia trilogy" you mean "Repulsion", "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Tenant". "Repulsion" is definitely different. while  for example Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby" is just a "normal" woman at the beginning, Catherine Deneuve in "Repulsion" is a quite disturbed personality right from the start; the movie only documents how she slides deeper and deeper until the catastrophic end

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mithrandir Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2009 at 01:59
Bad Lieutenant (1992) - Shocked what a blitzkrieg of a movie! I had no idea what to expect, most intense I've ever seen Harvey Keitel, I definitely have more respect for him now than I did before, he mastered this sucker a to z. I couldn't help laughing throughout the entire movie how absurd and depraved this guy was. It was expertly written the way the baseball game was a running subplot and how it affected the character, also loved how they tied in the religious themes and metaphors, especially at the end, the casting of sins on the scapegoats and running them out of town. What a piece of work this movie was, 9/10

Banshun(Late Spring) (1949) - eh, I tried...just not my type of movie, I'm not really qualified to give this a rating so n/a

Animal Farm (1954) - cartoon, was okay, but they got the ending wrong, meh 4/10

Fetching Cody (2005) - kind of like a Dr Who twist on Requiem For a Dream, this actually had the potential to have more of a touching conclusion but it was deeply flawed, for one the lead actor was weak...he didn't look the part and wasn't a very capable actor for carrying an entire movie, also the dialog was lame and could've used some heavy editing before the final draft, they tried to make if funny in parts too but once again it was a sloppy piece of work 3.5/10
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote angelmk Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2009 at 07:24
let me say few words for movies, my favourite directors are David Lynch , i love his movies Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire.. Federico Fellini - Master of the cinema, 8 1/2 is masterpiece, La dolce vita, Amarcord.. Andrei Tarkovski - genius, his movies are pure art, Nostalgia,Mirror, Stalker.. i love it.  Alejandro Jodorowsky - Santa Sangre , Holy mountain are awesome , Wim Wenders - Wings of desire, Paris texas, Million dolar hotel , . Stanly Cubrick - Clockwork orange, Shining.  Michelangelo Antonioni - Beyond the clouds,blow up , Zabriskie point;  Baraka. Trainspotting.City of God.The fountain. Forest Gump.Amelie Poulen.Fight Club.Donnie Darko.Du levande.Russian Ark. Usual Suspects,Casino,Scarface, ....
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote crimhead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2009 at 16:25
I am Legend.....6/10. I liked the production and how they made the apocalyptic world of the near future look but the look and movements of the creatures were nothing of how any person would move. We can't climb walls or jump 10 to 20 feet at a time but these creatures could. I didn't like the ending. I didn't like how they masked death in it as well. It looked too much like a Disney movie.
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Requiem for a Dream 9/10
Holy cow! This movie is, pardon my language, a complete mindf***. I felt completely attached to the main 4 characters and the last 15 or so minutes of the movie were hard to watch because of the devastation. The highly stylized directing made for an extremely unique movie experience. I think they should show this movie in anti-drug classes. I'd be surprised if anyone saw this movie then thought it would be a good idea to shoot up.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Originally posted by TheCaptain TheCaptain wrote:

Requiem for a Dream 9/10
Holy cow! This movie is, pardon my language, a complete mindf***. I felt completely attached to the main 4 characters and the last 15 or so minutes of the movie were hard to watch because of the devastation. The highly stylized directing made for an extremely unique movie experience. I think they should show this movie in anti-drug classes. I'd be surprised if anyone saw this movie then thought it would be a good idea to shoot up.

Some telepathy this, happened to see it yesterday myself and my rating would be similar.  I had been meaning to talk about it here and lo and behold!  I wouldn't call it an anti-drug movie in the sense that it goes well beyond that. It could be about an ambitious young management graduate pushing sub-prime mortgages in sight of that inflated stock option and it would still be Requiem for a Dream! LOL  The point is about making wrong choices when your dream blinds you to everything else.  I am not averse however to the idea of showing the film in anti-drug classes though doing so would further the stigma of being an anti-drug film which it already seems to be burdened with. 
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angelmk View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote angelmk Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 15:12
Requiem for a dream is awesome.. Have you seen The Fountain from Aronofsky also..mindblowing is ultimate experience .. must watch..
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avalanchemaster View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avalanchemaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 15:30
The Watchmen- well I have known about this as a project for years and was of course skeptical that they could produce anything resembling the exceptional Graphic Novel- which I had read a number of years ago.  Reviews were saying that the ending had been changed but would be included in the dvd release.  Others were saying the best treatment for this would be a miniseries....well all that aside, and to spite the naysayers;

I say this was an awesome adaptation!  The casting was amazing and the characters were fully realized just how I imagined/read them.  There were many straight from the novel frame-for-frame shots that were really well done, the dialogue was excellent, if a little only complaint was that the songs they utilized (popular rock themes) was a bit cliche and the ending, while being wrapped up rather well, was not as good as the ending in the graphic novel.  All told I was really impressed however, and the Social commentary element, the political paranoia, and the moralistic conundrums contained therein made it a great superhero movie.  I will be buying a copy of the dvd when it is released, which will have the parallel comic within the comic story available as an animated extra (something that was missing from the film).  Very good stuff!

9/10 (minus a point for a different ending and leaving out the parallel comic story)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BroSpence Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 15:48
Diabolique - Didn't enjoy it.  Turned it off 2/3 through it.  Seemed overly melodramatic and like nothing was really happening.

Role Models - thought it looked stupid, was stupid, but had quite a few hilarious moments.

Don't Be a Menace... - Wayans brothers.  It was awful.  Turned it off after 5 minutes.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The T Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 17:48
Let the right one in - go watch it (or buy it). Excellent vampire movie. Poetic, desolate, brilliant. 9.5/10
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rogerthat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 22:16
Originally posted by angelmk angelmk wrote:

Requiem for a dream is awesome.. Have you seen The Fountain from Aronofsky also..mindblowing is ultimate experience .. must watch..

Haven't seen,. thanks for the recommendation. Smile
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TheCaptain Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 22:18
Cidade de Deus (City of God) - 7.5
Good movie. Plenty of characters although Knockout Ned and maybe Benny were the only interesting ones. The movie saddened me because I like to stay in my naive bubble but I thought it was done really well.

Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by TheCaptain TheCaptain wrote:

Requiem for a Dream 9/10
Holy cow! This movie is, pardon my language, a complete mindf***. I felt completely attached to the main 4 characters and the last 15 or so minutes of the movie were hard to watch because of the devastation. The highly stylized directing made for an extremely unique movie experience. I think they should show this movie in anti-drug classes. I'd be surprised if anyone saw this movie then thought it would be a good idea to shoot up.

Some telepathy this, happened to see it yesterday myself and my rating would be similar.  I had been meaning to talk about it here and lo and behold!  I wouldn't call it an anti-drug movie in the sense that it goes well beyond that. It could be about an ambitious young management graduate pushing sub-prime mortgages in sight of that inflated stock option and it would still be Requiem for a Dream! LOL  The point is about making wrong choices when your dream blinds you to everything else.  I am not averse however to the idea of showing the film in anti-drug classes though doing so would further the stigma of being an anti-drug film which it already seems to be burdened with. 

I realize it isn't solely an anti-drug movie and agree with your analysis 100%. It's also pretty ridiculous that we both watched the same movie at the same time completely independent of each other.

Originally posted by angelmk angelmk wrote:

Requiem for a dream is awesome.. Have you seen The Fountain from Aronofsky also..mindblowing is ultimate experience .. must watch..

I'm going to be watching The Fountain and Pi soon because I loved The Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream. Both of those have lower ratings on imdb so I am setting my sights a little lower (very rarely do I rate a movie more than 1 star difference from the imdb rating).

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TheCaptain Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2009 at 22:40
I'm bumping my rating for Requiem for a Dream to 10/10. I can't stop watching it and I can't find a single fault in it.
I also watched The Fountain and was incredibly disappointed by it. I give it a 4/10 (a 5/10 is a completely neutral rating). I'll get around to watching it again sometime in the distant future. I found it a little confusing but even after piecing together the story I was still underwhelmed by the story. Everything was decent except the plot (a pretty big deal in a movie). Nothing was great.
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Gloria (1980) - Gena Rowlands as a gun totting ex-mafia chic defending a little boy entrusted into her care by his slain parents - his old man F'ed over the mafia and now they want the kid and his secrets dead! pretty good but a little long and repetitive, only the 2nd Cassavetes movie I've seen, but nowhere near as good as Woman Under the Influence, this movie....oh maybe a 6.5/10

The Corndog Man (1999) - man this movie was frustrating yet hilarious, by the end of the movie my brain was scrabbled over the infernal sound of the telephone ring, pretty damned solid and unique movie that wraps up nicely at the end 7/10

Watchmen (2009) - well, I didn't hate this and was better than I thought it was going to be...yet I haven't read the source material so perhaps if I did I'd pick it apart for not being "true to the book" and like this silver screen adaptation less> I thought it was better paced than most crappy comic book movies...they allowed you get good flavoring for each character instead of constantly battering you with eyerolling action sequences. I didn't like the use of the Dad Rock seemed out of place and still don't understand why certain songs were used?...seemed to disrupt the flow IMO. And yeah the Matrix like fighting was pretty lame, especially learning that they weren't supposed to have any kind of super ability(aside from Doctor Manhattan)...just masked vigilantes. Of course Rorschach was a likable character - he's a man after my own heart, and the female whatshername was foxy as hell too. One of these days I'll get around to reading the book although its not high on my reading priority list at the moment, as for the movie...for now I'll give it a 6.5/10
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Toaster Mantis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 03:35
The Passion of Joan of Arc
1928 silent movie about Joan of Arc's trial and execution, made in France but by Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer who sought to make it as historically accurate as possible so its script is based entirely upon official archive records of the trial since historically accurate movies ever and it also depicts Joan as a bifauxnen rather than a Lady of War. I figure this makes it rather edgy for 1928. The performances and camerawork are absolutely great, it's fascinating how much themes and interpretation of the events Dreyer creates here just with the camera angles and so on. It comes across as a real "pro-religion, anti-church" movie, and we also see that one of the monks where she's persecuted becomes sympathetic to her side and tries to help her. I also really liked Maria Falconetti's performance as Joan of Arc... she portrays her as a really intense and fiery person, but not fiery in a hyperactive and lashing-out way, more in a subtle and "constantly burning with righteous indignation" way. The interesting part is that she sometimes slips and shows herself to be a really vulnerable person. Joan comes across as more than a little crazy, but also extremely sympathetic, and even then would be a simplification. It's amazing how it creates so much nuance with so little. 9/10

I'm surprised this movie was as good as it was. It keeps most of the themes and characterization intact from the comic book, even though some of the changes are better than other. I liked one change to the ending but not another. The basic idea of the new ending is an improvement upon the comic, but there was also some stuff happening I don't think made any sense. The fight scene where Triads ambush Nite Owl and Silk Spectre was too bloody because the movie had already established those two as the least violent superheroes. The bone-snapping stuff is what you'd expect from Rorschach (who, hilariously enough, is played as a Dirty Harry parody here) to do, not Nite Owl. At the same time, I think Zack Snyder didn't change enough. One of the reasons is that it makes the movie a bit too predictable and boring for people who have already read the comic book, but there's also how the entire disjointed and jittery story structure works much better on the printed page than on screen. Still, all in all it's a good movie but I'm not sure I'd call it great. I think you can make sense of it if you haven't read the comics, at least if you pay enough attention. I like it when there's so much going on myself. 7/10

Stranger than Paradise
Jim Jarmusch's breakthrough movie. Yeah, the Ghost Dog dude. This one's about a Hungarian woman who moves to the United States though mostly told from the POV of her brother who's apparently been completely assimilated by American culture. (he also comes across as kind of a dick) It's basically a coming of age story for her, and it actually works that she doesn't become the main character until the third act when she develops her own personality independently from both her mom (who moves to the US too over the cours of the movie) and her brother. In general, there's a lot of nice little things about how it subverts a lot of cinematic conventions (and storytelling conventions) but in really subtle ways beyond the plot not going where you expect it to. The POV thing is a good example of this. The movie's also deliberately timeless in style. It's made in 1984, but (going by the fashions and cars) set in the 1970s and filmed like a movie from the sixties. Oh, and the brother's culturally stuck in the 1950s. He dresses like a beatnik jazz musician from that era, watches old science fiction movies on TV and is morally outraged by rock music. I think this is meant to imply that the "American culture" he's been assimilated into is a cartoon version that people who've been born and raised in the US don't actually belong to. I think this because 1) the whole business about finding your own identity is a big theme in the movie 2) Jim Jarmusch has said in interviews that Stranger than Paradise is his attempt at presenting an outsider perspective on America. There's also a lot of humour in it, but again it's very subtle. It's the kind of movie you have to watch several times to really understand, but right now I'll give it 8/10.

Edited by Toaster Mantis - March 28 2009 at 04:13
"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Alitare Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 04:10
Religulous. Quite comical, and biting. Maybe it is because I believe in religion as I would believe in Roger Waters, David Gilmour, and Nick Mason are going to come together, resurrect Rick Wright and Syd Barrett, coalesce as one Pink Floyd supernova, and record A massive comeback album that happens to be the greatest piece of music in existence. Titled: Piper's Heart at the Dark side of the Wall Part 7 Op. III. with a matching world tour launched afterward. Where they give out free tickets and get all nations and all people to join hands for the ultimate rendition of Time, turned into a 17 week long jam session. During which all pain is wiped from existience, war and famine cease to be, The moon smiles upon us and rains gifts of elation and betamax tapes as we live forever and ever in perfect harmony until the end of time, or until Gilmour breaks a string. Possibly one only happening because of the other.

Yeah, I went overboard.
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Maybe we should start a religion based entirely upon Pink Floyd lyrics? LOL
"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook
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