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Seyo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 08 2009 at 05:10
Hm, a tough one, let's see:

- Plima
- Negdje na kraju u zatišju
- Ugasila je plamen
- Balada
- Hej ti

I am not taking any song off Modra rijeka album since I consider it whole artistic piece and do not listen any song individually. Big smile

Edited by Seyo - March 08 2009 at 05:11
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 05 2009 at 23:23
one guestion for all exYu prog fans: your top 5 songs by INDEXI?
mine are: (not in order)
Snijeg Pade ...
I Jos Deset
Modra Rijeka
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 25 2009 at 01:18
Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

I know Akademija, Disciplina kičme often played there. I was there only once about 1986, but there was no concert just a discotheque. yea, when "Akademija" was re-opened at early 80´s it was an discotheque only. the bands werent playing till 1986/1987, when the gigs were two or three nights weekly. the very first club (in Belgrade) with the gigs was "Dadov", but when "Akademija" was open the doors for the bands, it was something different, an amazing club, "legendary" from today's view - coz the best gigs were at "The Hole", as we were liking to call  that club in the cellar of Belgrade's Academy of Fine Arts. officialy, it was the club of the Belgrade Art University students (i was one of the Fine Arts students at that time, never graduated).  today, It still  to be the club where the bands are playing, but, of course, no way anymore to see hundreds of people who are waiting at the doors for the hole.  Hm, while listening in a moment I thought "mm, this may even be put as Avant Prog..", but maybe not..?
Crossover, or Avant Prog ... well, that´s hue, i dont have the qualifications for that, but i think that Dr Spira would get the place in PA anyway.
I am checking with Xover Prog team (I gave them this link to myspace) if they agree, then I will add a bio of Dr. Spira. good luck! Cheers Seyo!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2009 at 03:02
I know Akademija, Disciplina kičme often played there. I was there only once about 1986, but there was no concert just a discotheque. Hm, while listening in a moment I thought "mm, this may even be put as Avant Prog..", but maybe not..?

I am checking with Xover Prog team (I gave them this link to myspace) if they agree, then I will add a bio of Dr. Spira.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 20 2009 at 13:22
Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

Good  Clap I have it in mp3, so we can later share our views about it and hopefully get him added here at PA.
Seyo, i get it today - 2cd set of Dr Spira i Ljudska Bića titled "Arheološki Artefakti tehnofilskih civilizacija prošlosti ili Naučna fantastika kao umetnički žanr sa kraja  dvedesetog veka"( "Archeologic artefacts of  the technofile civilizations in the past or Science Fiction as the  Art genre on the end of 20th century"). Dr Spira is great songwriter and it is crossower prog, no doubt . awesome crossover prog. Spira's music is like an huge palimpsest painting, pretty dark colored with his unigue sense of black humor. Spira is putting together and he separated different genres of progressive music on the same track(s). so you can heard Jaco Pastorius - like bass line with 80´s Frippy guitars, classic prog intros with these crazy girls choruses, Vd's  wild drumming in battle with the old fashioned rhytm machine, and keys; beautiful voice of pop-singer Sladjana Milošević at one (of two on disc2) version of "Prvi Sneg", as aswell classic Prog track at all. or Coltrane-like sax with awesome Classical acoustic guitar and the flute parts in one song, etc. His lyrics are intelectual - this is a poetry -  the underground poetry. also, Spira's music needs very active listens.
in this very moment, my fav songs are "Uvek isto zbogom"  ("Always the same good bye")(disc1) and "Kung Fu Bojz (bioskop Partizan)" (" Kung Fu Boys /Partizan the cinema theatre/") from disc2 .
this 2cd set, (digitaly remastered in Trident & Wastelands studios, London), is Holy Gral of ex-Yu Crossover Prog, imho.
 EDIT: as young kid, i was on his gig just once, in "Akademija" club in Belgrade. it was an very popular ,  underground style venue with that great atmosphere of '80s. alot of well know exYu bands  were starts there (EKV for example). of course, my memories about that Spira's gig is too hazy for writing about.Confused
more about Dr Spira's life and music - PA people can find at 

Edited by zicIy - February 21 2009 at 02:51
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 19 2009 at 16:55
Korni Grupa / Kornelyans - Ne Tako Obican Zivot CD (album) cover

Ne Tako Obican Zivot


3 stars A 3-disc box set of KORNI GRUPA under the title "Ne tako običan život - i posle trideset godina" ("Not an Ordinary Life - Even After Thirty Years") appeared in 2005. Although long awaited, the final product did seem to disappoint both the critics and the fans alike.

The content is divided between the first disc called "Progressive" and two other discs of "Hit Singles". If you know the opus of this group, you are already familiar with their "Jackyll-Hyde" approach towards the audience: on one side issuing hit singles with catchy pop and sometimes even downright bubble-gum tunes and on the other making long, elaborate musical pieces in the style of progressive and jazz rock that was presented on their two LP records and concerts. The intent of this box set is obvious: to present a whole spectrum of diverse musical styles and releases issued by the group in the course of their 6-year long career (1968-74).

And here we have a problem of selection of the best and most representative songs. The least objections I have about two discs of "hit singles" although it must be said that not all of them are poppy singalongs; there are many excellent and even progressive rock songs issued in the 7" format too. The tracklist follows generally a chronological order starting from their debut single "Cigu ligu" of 1969 up to the English version of their Brighton Eurosong tune "Generation 1942" of 1974, thus presenting their five vocalists: Dušan Prelević, Dalibor Brun, Dado Topić, Zdravko Čolić and Zlatko Pejaković. Apart from the previously unissued title "Kosovka devojka" ("Kosovo Girl") all of these should be familiar to the owners of their previous compilations or the vinyl originals. Still, it is nice to have all these songs packed here together.

Bigger problem have I with the first disc, ambitiously titled "Progressive". Debut LP "Korni grupa" is represented with only one title, albeit perhaps the strongest one, "Put za istok" ("The Way to the East"); three tracks are taken from the second, so-called "Italian album" (because it was recorded in English language in Milan for the ltalian label Ricordi) "Not an Ordinary Life" - the title track, "Fall Off the Land of Women" and "The Man with a White Flag"; while two lenghtier non-LP tracks, both with Dado Topić as vocalist - 17-minute "Prvo svetlo u kući br. 4" ("The First Light in the House No. 4") and a live rendition of phenomenal "Jedna žena" ("One Woman"). But, all of these were already available in the compilation CD "Prvo svetlo neobičnog života" from 1995, so we see no surprises here. For instance, a long lost song from Topić era called "Žena je luka a čovek brod" ("A Woman Is a Harbour, a Man Is a Boat") remains in the unreleased obscurity to this day. Also, the neglected is the entire "1941" musical poem featuring vocals by Josipa Lisac and Dado Topić, only the short "Oj sokole" ("The Falcon") is included in the hit singles list.

The booklet is also rather poor. Apart from several nice old photos of the band and thumbnails of the entire official vinyl discography covers, not enough details were included. No biography, no special events, no studio details, no recording dates... only a somewhat pathetic liner notes by the band leader Kornelije Kovač.

But maybe I am personally too demanding - this box set may be very useful for younger generations who do not recall the vinyl era but are eager to listen and discover old "classic" rock music with an attitude! I mean not to prevent them in any way.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 13 2009 at 10:59
Good  Clap I have it in mp3, so we can later share our views about it and hopefully get him added here at PA.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 13 2009 at 07:59
Seyo, regarding Dr Spira's music  re - issued  in cd format, i find it on internet shop , that's 2CDset, which i already ordered! (you will understand why i can´t wait to heard the track titled "U 5 :15  za  Rumu" )

Edited by zicIy - February 13 2009 at 09:18
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 12 2009 at 03:11
Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

OK, but mind you - "prog related" means "not truly prog" or "mainstream pop/rock with occassional prog elements". Dr Spira is anything but "mainstream"... if you agree. I mean, to put him side by side with Queen is not very useful. Perhaps even Crossover prog would be OK, which is "real prog"...
yes...i´d to put Dr Spira with the bands as Queen or The Who  is out of order. Crossover prog...exactly! well, i´v been pretty sure that you will  find  some better place for him than prog-related.  
True, he started much earlier than New Wave - remember he penned a wonderful prog ballad "Prvi sneg" (was that Mellotron sound or any other keyboard in that atmospheric song?) for SUNCOKRET back in you heard his latter, live version of "Prvi Sneg", with "The Human Beings"? it´s fantastic and i think that live version you can find on youtube, where are (or were, probably they removed some) several songs from his 2007 gig. in that version they were using some good old fashion keys, but i dont know what is that exactly - but it sounds100%  like classic prog keys, no doubt. Cool
p.s. the Suncokret version really sounds to me as Mellotron aswell.
Any more opinions on DR. SPIRA, apart from Zicly's?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2009 at 04:57
Scented Gardens Of The Mind by Dag Erik Asbjřrnsen
Download in a MS help file format (click on "CHM" link) available at:

This is a brief guide to European progressive rock from 1967 to 1980 with alphabetical listing of the bands by country and selected albums discography. It concentrates on the more obscure bands who are virtually unknown and is a valuable guide to collectors.

I checked specifically the part on Yugoslavian bands and I must say the author is well-informed about the 1970s rock scene in Yugoslavia. Each band has a short biography and description of the style, which is followed by the list of essential LP records issued by 1980 (in certain cases up to 1982). Some minor typos of the names and titles should be corrected though, but perhaps to the non-South Slav reader it is not a big problem.

Based on this part of the book only, I can recommend a read.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2009 at 02:18
Thanks, I'll check that version too. Smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2009 at 01:59
Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

OK, but mind you - "prog related" means "not truly prog" or "mainstream pop/rock with occassional prog elements". Dr Spira is anything but "mainstream"... if you agree. I mean, to put him side by side with Queen is not very useful. Perhaps even Crossover prog would be OK, which is "real prog"...
yes...i´d to put Dr Spira with the bands as Queen or The Who  is out of order. Crossover prog...exactly! well, i´v been pretty sure that you will  find  some better place for him than prog-related.  
True, he started much earlier than New Wave - remember he penned a wonderful prog ballad "Prvi sneg" (was that Mellotron sound or any other keyboard in that atmospheric song?) for SUNCOKRET back in you heard his latter, live version of "Prvi Sneg", with "The Human Beings"? it´s fantastic and i think that live version you can find on youtube, where are (or were, probably they removed some) several songs from his 2007 gig. in that version they were using some good old fashion keys, but i dont know what is that exactly - but it sounds100%  like classic prog keys, no doubt. Cool
p.s. the Suncokret version really sounds to me as Mellotron aswell.

Edited by zicIy - January 30 2009 at 02:28
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2009 at 07:26
OK, but mind you - "prog related" means "not truly prog" or "mainstream pop/rock with occassional prog elements". Dr Spira is anything but "mainstream"... if you agree. I mean, to put him side by side with Queen is not very useful. Perhaps even Crossover prog would be OK, which is "real prog"...
True, he started much earlier than New Wave - remember he penned a wonderful prog ballad "Prvi sneg" (was that Mellotron sound or any other keyboard in that atmospheric song?) for SUNCOKRET back in 1977...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2009 at 04:55
Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

Taken from a web review:
"Radi se o vrlo kompleksnom djelu koje osim nekolicine new-wave skladbi ("Uvek isto zbogom", "Igrač na žici", Psyhoneurosis) sadrži i dobar dio ostavštine utjecaja kasnog sympho-rock, kraut-rock i akustičnog folk utjecaja na način vrlo blizak onome što će dvije godine kasnije daleko komercijalnije realizirati kratkotrajni beogradski projekt sastav Kozmetika. Tekstovi su vrlo ekspresivni s artističkim konotacijama koje su u nekim trenucima albuma vrlo blisko povezani s teatrom i filmom što je zbog same sofisticirane metode bio posve neuobičajen pristup ka tadašnjoj Yu novovalnoj sceni".
"It (=Dijagnoza LP) is a complex piece of musical art which, apart from several new wave songs, contains a considerable amount of influences from the late symphonic rock, krautrock and acoustic folk in the vein similar to that realised two years later by another experimental short-lived Belgrade group, Kozmetika. The lyrics are expressive with art attitude, sometimes bearing connection with film and theatre which was rather unusual method at the Yugoslavian new wave scene of the day."
This means it should be definitely checked. Artistic side of new wave is surely present (Talking Heads, Gang of Four, Magazine). Prog-related at least, but let me listen to the second LP I just found recently, in order to be sure. (hm, the mentioned Kozmetika is also on my PA list but it is more into electronic music).
Although Dr. Spira i Ljudska Bića went on the stage at the time of ex-Yu new wave movement, that music have just a little or even zero in common with new wave bands, imho.  well, i think that´s the reason why Dr Spira weren´t get any commercial success at the time, but now original LP is priced about 200 euros here in Belgrade. the first song i´v been heard from him was an cover of one of Riblja Čorba's early hits - beautifuly maked in the manner of dark colored Prog, no question. so i stay with my opinion that Prog-related is the best place for Dr Spira & The Human Beings in PA. Smile

Edited by zicIy - January 29 2009 at 05:08
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2009 at 04:08
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2009 at 04:02
Taken from a web review:
"Radi se o vrlo kompleksnom djelu koje osim nekolicine new-wave skladbi ("Uvek isto zbogom", "Igrač na žici", Psyhoneurosis) sadrži i dobar dio ostavštine utjecaja kasnog sympho-rock, kraut-rock i akustičnog folk utjecaja na način vrlo blizak onome što će dvije godine kasnije daleko komercijalnije realizirati kratkotrajni beogradski projekt sastav Kozmetika. Tekstovi su vrlo ekspresivni s artističkim konotacijama koje su u nekim trenucima albuma vrlo blisko povezani s teatrom i filmom što je zbog same sofisticirane metode bio posve neuobičajen pristup ka tadašnjoj Yu novovalnoj sceni".
"It (=Dijagnoza LP) is a complex piece of musical art which, apart from several new wave songs, contains a considerable amount of influences from the late symphonic rock, krautrock and acoustic folk in the vein similar to that realised two years later by another experimental short-lived Belgrade group, Kozmetika. The lyrics are expressive with art attitude, sometimes bearing connection with film and theatre which was rather unusual method at the Yugoslavian new wave scene of the day."
This means it should be definitely checked. Artistic side of new wave is surely present (Talking Heads, Gang of Four, Magazine). Prog-related at least, but let me listen to the second LP I just found recently, in order to be sure. (hm, the mentioned Kozmetika is also on my PA list but it is more into electronic music).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2009 at 03:05
Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

Originally posted by clarke2001 clarke2001 wrote:

Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Seyo, are we forget Dr. Spira i Ljudska Bića? Wink


Of course not! Step by step. I must admit I have not thoroughly listened to his only album "Dijagnoza". I need to revisit it in order to decide where could he fit (style/genre). I think recently this album was issued as CD remaster with some extensive bonus material.Need to check that too. Greetings Seyo! i need to check it too. the months ago i heard, at local fm,  that CD is on the way. I the meantime what would you say about his music style and where could he fit here at PA ?? Prog-related is nice and safety.Thanks for suggestions. cheers!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2009 at 09:49
Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Originally posted by Seyo Seyo wrote:

The latest album by Vlatko Stefanovski with Jan Akkerman has been added to his discography.
Reviews are welcome to submit...
i saw them with their backing band at Sava centar in Belgrade last year. What awesome gig; also that gig showed to me that Vlatko can´t battle Akkerman in blues. Akkerman has to let Vlatko to play that blues firstly, Akkerman just playing "in shadow", but when Akkerman was started his magical waves of blues, that was something different!

Hm, lucky you! I guess it is about age and experience. Vlatko actually learned from the 1970s giants...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2009 at 09:47
Originally posted by clarke2001 clarke2001 wrote:

Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Seyo, are we forget Dr. Spira i Ljudska Bića? Wink


Of course not! Step by step. I must admit I have not thoroughly listened to his only album "Dijagnoza". I need to revisit it in order to decide where could he fit (style/genre). I think recently this album was issued as CD remaster with some extensive bonus material. Need to check that too. I the meantime what would you say about his music style and where could he fit here at PA?? Thanks for suggestions. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2009 at 08:43
Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Seyo, are we forget Dr. Spira i Ljudska Bića? Wink


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