Its been quite a while since I last posted to the Forum!! Just thought I'd dip my tow in to see if anyone out there in PA Land has an inside line on the most recent Colossus/Musea project, Inferno?
Apparently, the 3-disc set was due for release in early 2008, but it doesn't seem to have appeared yet.
I've always enjoyed these projects (earlier efforts included Kalevala, The Spaghetti Epic, The Colossus Of Rhodes, and The 7 Samurai among others), which bring together a variety of symphonic prog artists from all over the world and ask them to contribute original compositions based on a common theme. Usually, the compositions must be in a retro (70s) style, and where possible use original instrumentation (or at the very least a close approximation) of the time.
So, what news (if any) on Inferno?