BaldJean wrote:
Dream Theater fans are the 2nd-most obnoxious fans, beaten only by Rush fans. what I mean by that is that they tend to go and say"...." (fill in they name of any band member) is the greatest player of .... (fill in the name of the instrument he plays)". now I have nothing against people saying "..." is a great musician on his/her instrument", but the best? how are you going to measure that? I am not saying that fans of other bands don't do that at all, but it is especially notable with these 2 bands. now while I certainly have my preferences as to whom I like best as a musician on a certain instrument I would not go and say anything like that; I would only say "I prefer ....'s (fill in the name of a musician I like best) style of playing". but best? how are you going to measure that? tempo? expression? ideas?
This wisdom from someone who told me I could not hold the opinion that VDGG's Pawn Hearts was IMHO an average album ?
Remember the two options you were allowing me ? Would this "pose" strike you as fanboyism ?
I would say that the fans of bands we dislike most are maybe the fans we find the most obnoxious.
(2nd occurrence of self editing of needless rant)
Anyway, be it music, sport, politics, whatever ... if you hate something enough, you're not going to be too excited about having to listen to someone rave about their fave representative of said field. And to somehow extend that opinion as an objective description is a bit much
Edited by debrewguy - June 16 2008 at 19:46