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Luke. J View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 06:14

So.. 70's prog is maybe the period of which I enjoy the music the most. After that comes the progressive metal. That's it. To be honest, I do not like the modern bands in most sub-genres. For some obscure reason I can not seem to see what is so great about them. There are exceptions, though. As someone else mentioned, I do not really care for the time, yet most music I like is from the same decade Tongue

That said, I am still discovering modern music, but most of it has nothing to do with prog..
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Darklord55 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 06:50

I have a family.  Trust me, the prog expenditures have not diminished.  Embarrassed
I agree.  I think mine actually increased.  However retirement is just around the corner.  Yoo Hoo!!!  That I'm afraid will cause me to lower my cd purchases.  Cry    Or maybe I could cut the food budget.  LOL
By the way I call myself a progressive listener, always discovering and listening to the old and new.!! 
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BaldJean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 09:18
I think I am a progressive listener, but most of today's prog simply bores me to death. and I find a lot of new pleasures in music which is not considered to be prog, like the French trio Hadouk (featuring Didier Malherbe of Gong) or oud player Rabih Abou-Khalil. one of the newer prog bands I find exciting are the Red Masque, which in my opinion get way too little attention

A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
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Toaster Mantis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 09:27
My listening habits go through phases, but I think that somewhere in the nineties music (and the arts in general) suddenly became way too self-conscious for its own good. I can count on choosing a random album released in 1978 and finding it to sound much more spontaneous and natural than a random album released today.
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Luke. J View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 12:54
Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

My listening habits go through phases, but I think that somewhere in the nineties music (and the arts in general) suddenly became way too self-conscious for its own good. I can count on choosing a random album released in 1978 and finding it to sound much more spontaneous and natural than a random album released today.
Thank you, for now I am able to express my thoughts Wink
The word I was looking for was "constructed". Yes, I consider modern prog to be more constructed but composed. Those bands who say "let's do prog" too often try to force their music in an old suite, with lack of more individuality (no, I am not only talking about some neo prog..). Otherwise, there are bands who play such an unlistenable noise and then claim to be "experimental". Those dissonant tones are a wall between me and the whole genre (please do not quote from Pink Floyd here!). Sometimes too monotonous. Also I miss the happiness. Most prog nowadays is much too depressing for me.
Ha! That's it! Post made! Thank you!
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The Quiet One View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 13:12
I listen mostly stuff from the 70's prog or hard rock. But there are some bands that I like that fall into Alt Rock, Grunge, New Wave, Pop, Neo-Prog, Retro Prog, etc, but those I listen, umm, 35% I think.

70's 65% I suppose, or mor
60's,80's,90's and 00's 35% or less.

Although from of your questions, YES, I'm constantly looking for new bands, mainly influenced by 70's, or some rare 70's ones. But as I said before, thx for PA, I discovered the Retro Prog and Neo-Prog, that thse IMO are modern bands, everything since 80's I consider modern.
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CCVP View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 13:15
holy cow, old school is definitely stronger that modern prog
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Bj-1 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 13:18
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Constantly looking for new music, but mostly listening to tried and true favorites.
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
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Avantgardehead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 16:33
I love finding new music. That being said, I rarely listen to any prog that isn't from the 70's and the vast majority of stuff I download is indie, post-rock, jazz, or black metal. I'm very picky about actual prog and haven't been able to find very many bands outside of the big and bigger names that I enjoy. Big%20smile
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crimson87 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 18:16

Of coure we all are progressive listeners , with progarchives I have reailzed that there can be pretty good bands from the 80 s 90 s and 00 s that can make some good ol' prog.Although the golden era is the golden era and no one can deny it.

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crimson87 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 18:35
Originally posted by Luke. J Most prog nowadays is much too depressing for me.
<DIV> </DIV>[/QUOTE Luke. J Most prog nowadays is much too depressing for me.
[/QUOTE wrote:

I feel the same , there's no need to
I feel the same , there's no need to be that depressing.I mean did someone beat Steven Wilson to death in his childhood?? Because I can't think of another reason that justifies PT being soooooo depressing.It can really bring you down.Also there is a lot of fake teenage angst to get teenagers to buy the records in a lot of cases.
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KoS View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 18:43
^ It's depressing because of a thing called catharsis.
Old prog is as much depressing as new prog.
You can't say that Peter Hammil's lyrics are uplifting, now can you?

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crimson87 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 21:50
Originally posted by KoS KoS wrote:

^ It's depressing because of a thing called catharsis.
Old prog is as much depressing as new prog.
You can't say that Peter Hammil's lyrics are uplifting, now can you?

Yes of course they aren't but lots of bands nowadays are really depressing.Besides the music is depressing.With VDGG , You had depressive themes but the music , I find it quite uplifting.
I can't say the same about "Fear of a blank planet" as an example.
By the way, where did you get that Hadouken thing???
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CCVP View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2008 at 22:09
Originally posted by KoS KoS wrote:

^ It's depressing because of a thing called catharsis.
Old prog is as much depressing as new prog.
You can't say that Peter Hammil's lyrics are uplifting, now can you?


Second: pink floyd is not a trip through the flower fields either. . . . .

Third: ah come on, forget Steven Wilson and Daniel Gildenlöw. Seriously!!! They both need a lot of happy pills. Besides, there are lots of today's prog that is happy. Take Glass Hammer, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Neal Morse, and so on.
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2008 at 01:45
Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

So I better start a fund for the children.. not for their college but for their "prog education"... more and more cd's! Tongue

i will go a bit off topic here, but i have ever had a doubt and this may be the opportunity to kill the doubt: why you must have a fund to have college education on "1st world countries"?
Is good college education only available in private colleges and is it so expensive that you have to save your money for decades so your children would be able to have that education?

College education in the United States is unbelievably expensive, to the point of lunacy.  Public (state) universities are less expensive but still very costly.  To offset these gargantuan costs, young people need to borrow an incredible amount of money such that the need for a good paying job after graduation is all the more pressing, as you are now in a lot of debt.  And if you want to go to medical school, law school, or some other graduate could have education debt until you're 50 years old!  Young parents like myself have already started college funds for their children (my son is not yet two years old), and even then I feel like there's no chance of me saving enough to cover the costs.


WHAT? That should be against the law! Damn, i know Brazil has yet to improve its education quality and our system to get in collages is not very fair with people who were to public schools (the best basic schools are private), but at least everybody have a chance to try its way to collage education (our best collages are federal universities, paid 100% with tax money, so there are no extra expenses, even tho private collages are becoming better every day. The law college i study, for example, is private and is the country 8th best and is the best law college in my state, even better than the federal one; however, it is fairly payable, not entering the ridiculous prices of US colleges).

See the thing is though if more people have degrees, they are devalued. The point of getting a degree is to prove you have special skills. It's simple supply and demand. I'll agree that it's a bitch but the world is just that way. Stupid world. AngryThis is why that as it gets easier and easier for people to get degrees, higher levels of degrees are becoming the standard. In engineering, you pretty much need a masters anymore. There are tons of my fellow classmates that just slack off and still manage to graduate. It's getting to the point where pretty soon you're gonna need a ph.D just to work at McDonalds. Dead Of course the stranglehold of Big Business on the US Gov't also has a lot to do with it as well. Our govenrnments practice of throwing money at rich people to stimulate the economy needs to stop.Ouch Eh, whatever, enough of my wacky political views that noone agrees with. I'm pretty much a centrist, so I'm hated equally by all parties.

So anyway, back on topic LOL, I'd say I'm fairly progressive, I discover new artists or new works by artists I already know quite frequently, though I have plateaued as of late. Mainly, I'm just  going back thru the ridiculous amounts of music I have already acquired and I'm making sure I give stuff a thorough listen. So far this year, I have discovered Ayreon and Univers Zero. Quite a schizophrenic taste I have, no?
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BroSpence View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2008 at 01:53
Hmm well, in general I'm a progressive listener.  In the prog world I'm maybe a bit conservative. I mostly like the old prog bands, but like a handful of newer prog bands, but mostly prog metal, and post/math rock bands when it comes to new bands.
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33rpm View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2008 at 03:09
I agree with Natural Science, why would you use this site if not to discover new music. I was a teen at the birth of progressive music and listen to the early giants often, but I am extremely happy to say that because of this site I have discovered many new and old groups in all genres that I would have never been exposed to otherwise. All in all I would say my listening time is about 70/30 in favor of the new discoveries, at least for now.
Vinyl just sounds better!!

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Zargus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2008 at 03:51

When i found out this site i wanted to find out more great prog bands ofcourse and since i started to visit in 2005 i been trying bands from allmost every sub gener, i get bored easey if i lisen to the same type of music so i wana have a wide music collection with losts of difrent styles i try to test some modern bands to but so far my main discoveris are old prog bands. I always try to be openminded about music and prog is yust one of many styles of music i lisen to even tough its one of my favorites ofc.

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fusionfreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2008 at 06:51
I began my progressive addiction by classics such as Magma,Mahavishnu Orchestra,King Crimson,Yes,Genesis,Soft Machine...........I really enjoyed them and still do.After I discovered krautrock
Amon Duul 2 is really my favourite alongside Guru Guru,Ash Ra Tempel and Faust......Italian prog
also made its way through my brain but I'm not only a seventies fan(I was born in 1976),I enjoy discovering
new bands such as Atheist,Cynic,Circle,Pharaoh Overlord,The Mars Volta,Beardfish...It's great fun to
listen to music and keep being enlightened.Prog is made for discovering new lands.  
I was born in the land of Mahavishnu,not so far from Kobaia.I'm looking for the world

of searchers with the help from

crimson king
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2008 at 07:13
Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

I wonder what is this site main user: the progressive or the conservative prog listener? If you guys keep discovering new bands, keep trying to find new things or if you listen only the same old bands.

Another thing in this question is: do you guys listen more old school prog (70's prog and prog made today that sounds like 70's prog, such as Glass Hammer) or modern prog bands (neo prog, prog metal, new wave of symphonic, etc).

In my case things are pretty balanced: i listen old school prog and modern prog almost 50/50. Now what about you Cool?

Must admit I am guilty of ignoring the newer genres on PA like prog/post/math/tech metal etc which means I'm probably missing out on a lot a really good new music. However I have forced myself to listen to some Dream Theatre and Tool and can honestly say that the former sound as though they were conceived while their parents were fully clothed and the latter couldn't have picked a more apt name. It stands to reason that not all the new stuff sounds like those two does it ? (I need convincing otherwise)
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