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Topic: 50 (or 57) Nifty United States... Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:05 |
Remember 20 years ago when we heard what a moron Quayle was for the misspelling of "potatoes'? It's a gaff that we still hear about today. The media just ate it up with a spoon.
Not that we've seen it over the air with our lovely media, but during a television show Obama said that he's been to 57 states, but hasn't been to Hawaii or Alaska because his staff couldn't justify it (So, he must think we have 59 states). I would think somebody running for president should know that there are 50 states.
So, will this get the same attention as good ol' Dan's gaff? Just curious. I'm thinking no.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:33 |
Let's see....
Obama: "57 states..."
McCain: "Iran is training Al Qeada (three times)"
No, I think Obama will have to do more than that to mess up against this bumbling Arab-hunter.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:38 |
Not really looking for a Democrat vs. Republican debate. It's more a poll regarding the media. Keep that in mind.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:45 |
It's relevant nevertheless.
But if you like, the major TV networks should (going on their past actions) latch onto this and repeat it over and over, embedding it into American minds that he's incompetent, all the while continuing to ignore the idiotic things McCain says on a daily basis. Liberal bias my ass. However, it probably won't matter because it's a goof that anyone could make.
If one has any sense, he would have stopped trusting anything that comes out of the television to be fair.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:48 |
I'm regretting making the poll already.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:49 |
E-Dub wrote:
I'm regretting making the poll already.
Best to treat PA like a dinner party; avoid politics and religion.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 10:52 |
Good advice, Pat.  E
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:27 |
I remember this. Obama said he had visited 57 states, and had one more to visit because he couldn't find the time to visit Alaska or Hawaii. So obviously he misspoke 57 for 47. McCain has repeatedly confused the difference between Sunnis and Shiites, which is a hell of a big deal. Doesn't change a thing for me.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:37 |
Clearly my intent for this has (again) gone way off it's mark. I should have just created a poll with no comments <<shakes head>>.
And for the record, I'm far from a McCain supporter.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:42 |
Maybe he included DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, Guantanamo, Canal Zone (?), Palmyra & Johnstone, Wake Island, Midway, Antarctica Claims, Irak...
Easy Livin
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:45 |
... and the UK!
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:45 |
Maybe!  E
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:48 |
E-Dub wrote:
Clearly my intent for this has (again) gone way off it's mark. I should have just created a poll with no comments <<shakes head>>.
And for the record, I'm far from a McCain supporter.
How has it gone off the mark? It asked if Obama's misstatement would haunt him like Quayle's potatoe, but Quayle has a whole slew of stupid to rest his water-filled head on, and I think the posts in here reflect that the vast majority saw it as an innocent slip-up that won't be relevant- well, ever really but certainly not after a few weeks' time. And really, if, come general election time, the best the Republicans can hit him with is "you said 57 instead of 47," then they aren't the expert muckrakers a lot of us give them credit for. EDIT: And no claimed you were a McCain supporter (I didn't even think it), but Stonie and I just tried to offer perspective. On the one hand, you have a guy who said something stupid to be sure, but a one time mistake. On the other, you have a man already looking at a new country for us to possibly invade based on his false conceptions about Al-Qaeda and who has made multiple mix-ups between the two ever-warring sects of Islam.
Edited by 1800iareyay - May 19 2008 at 11:52
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:52 |
Easy Livin wrote:
... and the UK! | and Boardwalk, Vermont Ave., St. Charles Ave., Marvins Gardens, and Park Place, and Kentucky Ave., and....  E
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:57 |
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:57 |
1800iareyay wrote:
E-Dub wrote:
Clearly my intent for this has (again) gone way off it's mark. I should have just created a poll with no comments <<shakes head>>.
And for the record, I'm far from a McCain supporter.
How has it gone off the mark? It asked if Obama's misstatement would haunt him like Quayle's potatoe, but Quayle has a whole slew of stupid to rest his water-filled head on, and I think the posts in here reflect that the vast majority saw it as an innocent slip-up that won't be relevant- well, ever really but certainly not after a few weeks' time. And really, if, come general election time, the best the Republicans can hit him with is "you said 57 instead of 47," then they aren't the expert muckrakers a lot of us give them credit for.
EDIT: And no claimed you were a McCain supporter (I didn't even think it), but Stonie and I just tried to offer perspective. On the one hand, you have a guy who said something stupid to be sure, but a one time mistake. On the other, you have a man already looking at a new country for us to possibly invade based on his false conceptions about Al-Qaeda and who has made multiple mix-ups between the two ever-warring sects of Islam.
OK, fair enough. I just don't want this to get ugly is all. I'm treading on sensitive territory here and just being cautious. I do think there is a media bias and I've seen it for many years. That's my opinion and nobody's going to change it. Carry on.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 11:59 |
1800iareyay wrote:
E-Dub wrote:
Clearly my intent for this has (again) gone way off it's mark. I should have just created a poll with no comments <<shakes head>>.
And for the record, I'm far from a McCain supporter.
Quayle has a whole slew of stupid to rest his water-filled head on, and I think the posts in here reflect that the vast majority saw it as an innocent slip-up that won't be relevant- well, ever really but certainly not after a few weeks' time.
Actually, my favorite is the 'losing of one's mind' quote. I thought that was a whole hell of a lot funnier than the potatoe.  E
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 12:09 |
I think we should post out favorite Dan Qualye quotes. I'll start:
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."
"For NASA, space is still a high priority."
"The future will be better tomorrow."
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 12:11 |
1800iareyay wrote:
I think we should post out favorite Dan Qualye quotes. I'll start:
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."
"For NASA, space is still a high priority."
"The future will be better tomorrow."
| "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.
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Posted: May 19 2008 at 12:16 |
E-Dub wrote:
"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.
The first time I ever saw that one I nearly peed myself laughing. Honestly, I think Bush Sr. picked him because he knew he'd never be killed if Quayle was the one who'd take his place.
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