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Topic: Music: family rivalry & rebelry Posted: July 02 2008 at 23:43 |
never had siblings and didn't want to rebel against my parent's music, but my mom listened to great jazz and my dad great classical, so I guess I figured why rebel
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Posted: July 02 2008 at 21:25 |
Her name is Alex not Sam. See, I have remembered this time! It is strange though how siblings go their separate ways musically when they're young and end up crossing paths later on in life. I was lucky though, as both of my siblings like music I consider "decent". All three of us have gone in different paths though. One was always into Jean-Michel Jarre, Oldfield, Floyd, Dire Straits and a few other bands and artists whilst the other was into Indie in the 1980s (Paul Weller, Ocean Colour Scene and that sort of thing) but has always liked blues, so he's still a blues and jazz fan. He also likes Klezmer music like I do. So all our tastes overlap and infact when the sibling who likes "generic" prog was over last, they heard me playing Guapo and liked what they heard. They also like some King Crimson now too (actually, said sibling copied me In the Court... and therefore started my proper prog journey). Whilst the other one has attended a few jazz and blues gigs with me. Maybe one day we will all play a tune we like.
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Posted: July 02 2008 at 19:06 |
I've never given this subject any thought until just now...
My only sibling, (my sister... I have to be careful here - she has started visiting this site, for reasons that will become evident by the last word of this sentence), is a couple of years younger than me so when we were growing up we were poles apart... I was into Floyd, VdGG and all things Prog and she was only into Bowie. Being musically curious I started listening to her albums and found some liked and some I didn't. So in 1973 when our Dad told her she could only go to Earl's Court to see Bowie if I took her, it was no big chore and off we toddled. Conversely, she took no interest in my record collection at all, until I went off to Uni and came home one day to find all my Moody Blues albums had vanished. Ho-hum - by then I'd grown out of them, having been sorely disappointed in Seventh Sojourn, so I though nothing of it and moved on. From then on our musical paths never crossed, her only brush with Floyd being See Emily Play on Pin-Ups (and much later - the 'duet' Bowie and Gilmour performed recently).
Fast-forward 30 odd years - we have both (obviously) flown the parental nest and have families of our own - my daughter (18) [James: you've got 30 seconds to name her ... starting now...  ], followed my taste for female-vocalled rock and metal so large portions of my collection can be found strewn across her bedroom floor (  ) as she sings along (very loudly) to Kate Bush, Switchblade Symphony, Nightwish and Siouxsie Sioux, but only knows the words to Run Like Hell because Kittie covered it. My nephew (19) now accompanies my sister to Bowie gigs and (to his credit) has acquired a respectable taste for Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd 
ps: I've since replaced all my lost Moodies albums, all be it only on CD.
Edited by Dean - July 02 2008 at 19:09
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Posted: July 02 2008 at 08:47 |
Thanks for the responses, everyone. There's some wonderful insights here and I guess I am not alone, which is good to hear.
Chris, you are correct with what you say, re: owning albums and especially collections is where I get the thrill. I also get a thrill out of owning albums few people have heard of or own. I do not purchase them for the sake of it either, I enjoy the albums in their own right but if the album happens to be a rare one, I get even more of a thrill out of knowing I am one of the few privileged to hear it.
I also happen to have an Alamaailman Vasarat MP3 ringtone on my mobile 'phone and I often wonder if I am the only person in the world with this? But of course, that's a question I will never be able to answer. The likelihood is small but that does not mean there are others with the same ringtone as I have.
At the end of the day, I want to be an individual but not for the sake of it. I do not want to own or play music I hate or dislike just because it is unpopular. I listen to music I enjoy and some of it just happens to be hard to come by,
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Posted: June 08 2008 at 10:11 |
Very interesting theme this and quite refreshing from the habitual 'DT can play faster than ELP any day ' etc juvenile banter that litters the site.
I have always been of the firm conviction that profound musical experiences are solitary affairs i.e being moved or inspired by artists really ain't a shared team game at all. Perhaps the most sublime work can only touch us on a very individual and subjective level and your reticence to engage in communal musical passions might betray this feeling ?
John Updike's line from his 'Rabbit Trilogy' has always haunted me:
'We contain chords that others must strike'
Chris S
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Posted: May 25 2008 at 03:19 |
James wrote:
M., you make some good points there, re: discovering music yourself. I think that is indeed similar to what I am experiencing.
The thing is though, sometimes I "discover" a band and then tell a lot of people on P.A. and sometimes I keep them to myself; it depends on the mood I am in and also what type of band it is. Zeuhl bands for instance most people know already, because it's one of those genres that people keep tabs on a lot. However, lesser known bands, like Nuit Caline a la Villa Mon Reve and Kandahar I tend to not wax lyrical about quite as much (although most people know I like them).
I guess I not only like to be as unique and individualistic with my tastes as possible but I also tend to want to discover as much as possible by myself. However, I am normally impressed by P.A. friends' recommendations, because I know their taste is similar to mine.
At the same time, I am also a completionist. If I buy an album by a band or artist I like who have a large discography, I then try and buy all of their discography, even the not so good stuff. I must stop doing this! That is why I have yet to officially buy any Magma, because it could take me some time to finish buying it all.
Addendum: the funky keyboard riff in Superstitious is great, it's a shame Stevie went a bit weird in the 1980s onwards
Great post James. Answers you will no doubt never find! Your point highlighted indicates that you are so passionate about your music that it is part of the thrill to complete some artist collections as well. I reckon that level of intensity perhaps is unmatched by some siblings, parents etc so maybe having ownership of your collection yourself is half the fun. Also PA allows all members to be as intense as they want without offending ( cos you can leave anytime  ). This is Cyberspace afterall but our musical journey whilst shared and enthused and enjoyed with others, is a very( IMO) very personal 'relationship'. In itself a bond that not even siblings or parents will truly understand?
Great topic 
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Posted: May 16 2008 at 18:08 |
I know that, Mike but I literally have no space for it in my bedroom. Not even my PC is in there.
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Posted: May 16 2008 at 18:04 |
James wrote:
My parents always come home from work at the most inopportune moments whenever I have an album on. The thing is, we have a stereo in the lounge with decent speakers and well, all I have is my PC, so I naturally want to play music on a proper stereo occasionally.
I put a CD on and it's usually halfway through, or near the end and one of my parents comes in or something and just ruins the moment.
And yes, the 'phone does seem to ring when I've got music on too and you have to remember, I rarely get 'phone calls.
It doesn't cost much at all to buy above average audio equipment, and for decent stuff it's even less.
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Posted: May 15 2008 at 07:41 |
James wrote:
Yes, the amount of Best Of..., Greatest Hits type albums my parents have is shocking! Most of them are cheap supermarket buys and some of them are even mislabelled. They bought a Creedance Clearwater Revival album the other week and it turned out to be a covers band. They have since brought a proper Best Of..., but still, that's parents for you. |
I am a parent; I've got three daughters aged 15, 17 and 18, and it's THEM that buy the 'greatest hits', not me!
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Posted: May 09 2008 at 19:56 |
I don't rebel against my family when it comes to music, unless I don't like what it is they're playing. For the most part my father was a huge influence in my music taste. Ever since I was a little boy he would throw on a Yes or Genesis album whenever there was nothing else to do. For the most part I didn't start listening to music (of my own will) until about 3 years ago, and when I did I remember going over to my parents album rack and grabbing a bunch of Phil Collins Genesis albums (I didn't know Peter Gabriel was in Genesis at the time and grabbed only ones with songs I knew), my dad then walked up and pulled out every album from Trespass to The lamb and handed them to me and walk off. Needless to say I listen to everything from Pink Floyd to Magma now.
My Brother had decent taste Tool, Megadeath, Metallica, Dream Theater. But after my dad converted me to the prog side i got at my brother, and now he has many King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Yes(I think that was my dad again though), ELP, Camel and others. My sisters music taste consists of pop and emo crap. NUFF SAID! My mom likes some of my dads stuff, my sisters stuff, and the stuff she listened to when she was young like Duran Duran and Def Lepard. So there is a (mostly)nice mix of Music in my house.
I just wanted to share!
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Posted: May 08 2008 at 19:30 |
My parents always come home from work at the most inopportune moments whenever I have an album on. The thing is, we have a stereo in the lounge with decent speakers and well, all I have is my PC, so I naturally want to play music on a proper stereo occasionally.
I put a CD on and it's usually halfway through, or near the end and one of my parents comes in or something and just ruins the moment.
And yes, the 'phone does seem to ring when I've got music on too and you have to remember, I rarely get 'phone calls.
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Posted: May 08 2008 at 18:02 |
Bluesaga wrote:
Are any of Hammill's 80s albums post-punk esque? For some reason, I think that would be an interesting and yummy combo. I have Moving Targets and one song gives me a post-punk vibe (Breakthrough I think?), and the rest is okay, even if My Experience is pretty cheesy. :P
And does anybody else get mad when their family disrupts music? It's usually annoying, sometimes awkward if what I'm listening to is weird - and most people think it's weird that I like jazz.
The phone. I hate the phone. If the phone goes off at a bad moment when I'm listening to something developed, I have been known to get angry.
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Posted: May 08 2008 at 17:41 |
There doesn't need to be a point, Andy. Any anecdotes are welcome in this thread. I guess it often helps to explore your past. It may make you a better person in the future too.
We should all step back look at things from a different perspective sometimes.
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Posted: May 08 2008 at 16:21 |
I'm an only child and my parents music tastes had no bearing whatsoever on mine. As a child I dont remember my dad listening to music at all. I din't have a 'record player' until I was about 8. It was a mono Dansette (type) player which my father brought from a junk yard for 78p.
BTW, James I'm 12 years older than you..
He knew I was showing a interest in music, and he acquired from jumble sales, and charity shops a load of old LP's for me; everything from Mud to Neil Sedaka. He encouraged my interest in music, although by the time I was 13 and listening to heavy metal, he was getting pretty fed up with the sound of Lemmy and Bruce Dickenson screaming the house down. My mother listened to Foster & Allen, Barbara Streisand, and Daniel O'Donnell. For my parents, who were nearing 40 when I was born in 1969, the 60's were just a non event.
So there may have been an element of rebellion on my part. My musical inspiration came from one of our neighbours kids, who was about three years older than me. I remember leafing through his record collection in 1980. He was 13 and had albums by Zep, Sabbath and Genesis among others. I remember looking at 'The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway' four years before I bought it, and being intrigued by the sleeve artwork. It was he who suggested I listen to a late night rock show on Radio 1 every Friday night. Thats when I really took to metal and first heard progressive rock. The rest is history as they say, but my influences were nothing to do with my parents thats for sure.
No point whatsoever to this story. Just a jaunt down memory lane, I guess..
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Posted: May 08 2008 at 11:14 |
I didnt listen to much music as I grew up at all, despite the fact that my dad was a jazz musician (tennor/alto sax), there just wasnt any being played in my house. It wasnt until my late teens that I started getting interested with music, firstly a brief period with mainly indie and some prog (mostly Floyd/ DT) and then diving in head first to world of prog, of which I still have no intention of surfacing from yet. Though my dad doesnt really listen to my music he does appreciate plenty of it , especially Floyd and Genesis, but I'm clearly the only avid music listener in the family. My brother and sisters tastes have grown very differently from my own, my sister is inot R&B mostly and my brother Hip-hop, rap and speed garage(  ). Because me a nd my brother have to share a room I think there is some kind of rivalry between our musial tastes, but I think we tend to just try and ignore each other in this case.
Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
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Posted: May 08 2008 at 03:56 |
Bluesaga wrote:
And does anybody else get mad when their family disrupts music? It's usually annoying, sometimes awkward if what I'm listening to is weird - and most people think it's weird that I like jazz. |
Hahaha, this is often happening to me! I live with a 'serial interrupter' who also has rather different taste in music to mine. But as I usually do the cooking, I can play whatever I want in the kitchen. He knows that interruption of cooking may result in interruption of food (oh no!), so I get left in peace!
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Posted: May 07 2008 at 18:05 |
Are any of Hammill's 80s albums post-punk esque? For some reason, I think that would be an interesting and yummy combo. I have Moving Targets and one song gives me a post-punk vibe (Breakthrough I think?), and the rest is okay, even if My Experience is pretty cheesy. :P
And does anybody else get mad when their family disrupts music? It's usually annoying, sometimes awkward if what I'm listening to is weird - and most people think it's weird that I like jazz.
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Posted: May 07 2008 at 16:19 |
Well I'm over halfway now with my Peter Hammill CD collection, which is excellent. I'm not sure exactly how many of his solo albums I still have to get though.
As for Magma, well I need to get them on CD but I've got so much other excellent music to get, some will be replacements for MP3s, which is actually more important to me in many respects as I always prefer the real deal, rather than digital files and others will be new music to me. Unfortunately, most of what I desire CD-wise I get from the U.S. via mailorder, so I do a bulk order every couple of months. I also have a vast amount of unheard of CDs which I need to get through.
As for the '80s, well, most artists of repute suffered it seems, even Peter Hammill and Robert Wyatt but they suffered a lot less than the likes of Collins, Wonder and others.
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Posted: May 07 2008 at 15:57 |
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Posted: May 07 2008 at 13:52 |
James wrote:
At the same time, I am also a completionist. If I buy an album by a band or artist I like who have a large discography, I then try and buy all of their discography, even the not so good stuff. I must stop doing this! That is why I have yet to officially buy any Magma, because it could take me some time to finish buying it all.
But Magma's one of the few bands where it would actually be worth it to get the entire discography!