Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
cuncuna wrote:
¿Ever heard of a group called "Les Luthiers"?. You need some spanish to get it. I just can't laugh at expected jokes, nor my imagination can get driven away by things that I can think of or predict with no effort. Yes, god job, they sound. Bad job would be a soundless music album. That I might like. I'm sorry that the Keith Emerson plan won't work, being a bad tempered musican according to some stories. Maybe I'll just throw Britney, she's berzek. At least the proximity will give them 50 diseases.
| Les luthiers are OUTSTANDING and veryu intelligent humor, I'm not familiar with Tenacious D so I can't give an opinion, but watching Jack Black's movies, I can't laugh at his Jim Carey style comedy. Iván |
Yes, those guys are pure genius. I've always heard about that "funny bones" concept. This must be an example. They can simply breath, but it goes out as a damn funny thing that is simply impossible to ignore. Someone told that they also develope lectures on boring subjects in comedy format. This I can't confirm, but sounds cool and quite possible.