...or just search "Kill Your Radio" in the groups section. You'll probably recognize the logo.....
It's a facebook group I created called "Kill Your Radio". Tell me if you guys like it, or if I just sound like a complete snob. And I know a facebook group is really not all that important, but I feel that it could get big, and plus I'm just kinda proud of my little pet group.
It has only existed for a couple days, and I'm starting to get members from outside networks, and people who I didn't invite, which is very pleasing. If you have a facebook account and if you care, check it out, join and bring some input.
It's kind of a anti-commercial music group mostly inspired by prog rock and
this website specifically, because I mention PA in the
Alternatives???... thread.
What do y'all think?
Edited by explodingjosh - November 18 2007 at 01:58