Which PA members could go out as the 7 Dwarfs?:
I suppose that:
Sleeper could be Sleepy
The Doctor could be Doc
Micky could be Happy. HAHAHA
Bashful could be any newbie with no posts or those that view the site but have not signed up to join in with the discussions yet.
Sgt Pepper could be Sneezy (alright a bit of a stretch but pepper makes me sneeze)
Dopey could be (well I'll leave this up to your imagination since I have no desire to make enemies and insult anyone.
There are many many candidates for Grumpy. I'm not sure whether this should go to an administrator for their monitoring of the threads or maybe Peter when he runs into bad grammar.
An honorable Dwarf mention would have to go to The Whistler for "Whistle While You Work", but there was no actual Whistler dwarf.