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Prog Reviewer
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 07:09 |
Lonely Progger wrote:
I've noticed that a lot of people don't enjoy Dream Theater, constantly accusing them of technical masturbation, well in what does Yes' very technical music differ from Dream Theater ?
Yes' music is actually good  Also Dream Theater aren't a very technical metal band.
Prog Reviewer
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 11:06 |
My problem with Dream Theater, is mainly the 'metal element' Same as Peters problem really.
In addition to this, I dont like modern digital production in rock music. It renders the music sterile. Bands like ELP and Yes were there first. There is a sincerity about their music and genuine sense of something happening for the first time. You dont get this with Dream Theater. I've sat through Octavarium, Images & Words and thought 'That bit sounds like..This bit sounds like' It's all been done before. Just with sterile production.
They are good musicians and have ahuge appreciative audience who love them so fair play to them I say. I've dipped my toes and bought a few of their albums in the past, but they dont touch me, so I wont be buying anymore. That said, it's good to see a 'modern' prog band playing arenas in the UK.
Edited by Blacksword - October 19 2007 at 11:13
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 11:41 |
I don't like Dream Theater because their noodling didn't happen in the 70's
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 12:24 |
heyitsthatguy wrote:
I don't like Dream Theater because their noodling didn't happen in the 70's
If this was sarcasm, I love you. Neo-prog is progressive music which has been refined to the point of near-perfection. My problem with 70s progressive is people overrate it, and underrate the new stuff. In reality, the 70s guys had more of a grip of what they were doing...but the new guys have more energy. Dream Theater is twice the band most of the 70s prog bands will ever be (need I give examples?) because of that energy. As well, people can't realize the truth: 70s prog is dyingEveryone in these prog bands are hitting their near 60s in age, and are declining musically. Example: I was disappointed with the newer King Crimson works, Rush's new album will never touch 2112 or Moving Pictures, and Yes aren't going at their work much anymore. Don't get me started on how much I despise Phil Collins for what he did to Genesis. Let us embrace the new and move on from what was then.
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 13:21 |
Well, see, this is one thing that thick-headed DT fans* don't understand when comparing these bands.
Yes and ELP have this thing. I don't know the word for it, but it's when there's a loud song that gets quiet again. And another thing where every song sounds different...Hmm, man, I forgot the name for that.
And there's that thing where sometimes they don't play technically at all, with songs like Still...You Turn Me On, or Your Move...and that feature where songs have multiple things happening at once, but not like 2 solos at the same time, more like a musical idea conveying an emotion or reflecting the lyrics (as in "I Get Up, I Get Down"), oh, I know what it's called! Subtlety! Which DT sorely lacks.
* - not all DT fans are thick-headed, just the thick-headed ones are
steve j
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:05 |
I am new around here, and I cannot believe the slating Dream Theater get. I would say, if you cannot say anything positive then move onto the next forum.
Dream Theater's AVFAM is as good an album in the top 50 albums as any other. Yes it has some metallic bits, but the whole album is a true prog album with a balance between the heavy and the light and flows between tracks quite beautifully. Absolutely classic. As for YES and ELP, both have done their apprenticeships and are now masters of their trade. Dream Theater are not quite there yet, but I am sure in the fullness of time will get there. A few more classic albums and they will be. DT are classically trained musicians and it shows.
I personally do not like SC but that's because of the subject matter only. I am still going to see them on tour next month.
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:25 |
steve j wrote:
I am new around here, and I cannot believe the slating Dream Theater get. I would say, if you cannot say anything positive then move onto the next forum. |
Get used to it, man. Everyone on this forum (probably exception me) is so right winged, it's disgusting. Thank you for being open minded :3
Edited by Lucent - October 19 2007 at 15:26
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:32 |
I like Dream Theater too, but don't go around calling people here closed minded. People have different tastes, that's all.
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:34 |
Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Prog Reviewer
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:36 |
Lucent wrote:
steve j wrote:
I am new around here, and I cannot believe the slating Dream Theater get. I would say, if you cannot say anything positive then move onto the next forum. | Get used to it, man. Everyone on this forum (probably exception me) is so right winged, it's disgusting. Thank you for being open minded :3 |
Everyone? Right winged??
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:37 |
I don't understand this remark either....
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:39 |
puma wrote:
Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day
like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Right winged in the sense of which there's such a high detestment
towards a certain type of prog over another. It's close minded, thus
right winged.
darkmatter wrote:
I don't understand this remark either....
Explained above. I love how I come in and defend something, and everyone gets their panties in a knot.
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:41 |
Lucent wrote:
puma wrote:
Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day
like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Right winged in the sense of which there's such a high detestment
towards a certain type of prog over another. It's close minded, thus
right winged.
Wow, that's deep.
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:45 |
Lucent wrote:
puma wrote:
Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day
like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Right winged in the sense of which there's such a high detestment
towards a certain type of prog over another. It's close minded, thus
right winged.
darkmatter wrote:
I don't understand this remark either....
Explained above.
I love how I come in and defend something, and everyone gets their panties in a knot.
I don't have a problem with you defending someone, but you're taking shots at people here by calling them closed minded, which is untrue.
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 15:48 |
darkmatter wrote:
I don't have a problem with you defending someone, but you're taking shots at people here by calling them closed minded, which is untrue.
You have a point. Sorry :3
Prog Reviewer
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 16:02 |
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 16:32 |
Well, I like some Dream Theater stuff but I also find some of their stuff pretty annoying. It's like sometimes they play some really fast solo or whatever for several minutes just to say "look how fast I play", yeah very impressive but I don't enjoy it at all. It doesn't happen to me with ELP for example, but it's just a matter of taste after all.
In the end the love you take is equal to the love you made...
Ghandi 2
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 16:50 |
rileydog22 wrote:
Lucent wrote:
puma wrote:
Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Right winged in the sense of which there's such a high detestment towards a certain type of prog over another. It's close minded, thus right winged.
Wow, that's deep.
Right and left winged refer to politics, not being "close-minded." You could argue that it is "conservative" to prefer '70s symph, but that is something different (the terms are politically used intergangably because the right is usually also resistant to change), so calling it "right wing" is just stupid[i/]. It's dangerous to use words when you don't have a full grasp of their meaning. Although saying Dream Theater (or any other group) is twice the band of any '70s group is a stupid thing to say, anyway (regardless of your preferences, saying something like that only demonstrates ignorance), and since they are easily the most popular prog-metal band, I'm not sure how much more "open-minded" it makes you.
That was especially silly since politically most people here are practically bloody Communists. ;-)
I agree that '70s prog is dying, but does that change anything? Traditional Classical music is dead, but I still like it (and I like 20th Century Classical music as well).
Edited by Ghandi 2 - October 19 2007 at 16:57
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 17:09 |
Lucent wrote:
puma wrote:
Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day
like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Right winged in the sense of which there's such a high detestment
towards a certain type of prog over another. It's close minded, thus
right winged. |
Right wing is a political orientation, dude. It has absolutely nothing to do with music in any way, and basically it will destroy the validity of any argument you try to make from now on.
Edited by puma - October 20 2007 at 03:12
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Posted: October 19 2007 at 17:13 |
puma wrote:
Lucent wrote:
[QUOTE=puma]Whew, Lucent, good thing you're here, always saving the day
like you always do. Come on, man, get over yourself, are you 14?
And how does "right winged" relate to liking Dream Theater?
Right winged in the sense of which there's such a high detestment
towards a certain type of prog over another. It's close minded, thus
right winged.
Right wing is a political orientation, dude. It has absolutely nothing to do with music in any way, and basically it will destroy the validity of any argument you try to make from now on.
It's the same type of thinking is what I'm getting at here.