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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:05
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

No. I equate Hispanic pride or any other racial pride with disunity. It's quite the antithesis of assimilation. It's fine to be proud of where you came from as long as you realize what you are now, an American no different from any other American.
Yeah, I see what you are trying to say, but I don't think schools are teaching racial pride in the way that you claim. I have been teaching music in schools, both public and private, for 16 years in California and Tennessee and I don't recall encountering any programs that encourage racial exclusivity. Are there any specific schools that you can name that do this ?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:09
I wasn't saying that schools do this. I'm saying children are raised this way and the government in general promotes this as a good thing. The problem in schools is a result of this I believe. E.G. Black kids who study hard being harassed by their peers for trying to be white.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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StyLaZyn View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:13
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I wasn't saying that schools do this. I'm saying children are raised this way and the government in general promotes this as a good thing. The problem in schools is a result of this I believe. E.G. Black kids who study hard being harassed by their peers for trying to be white.
As a side note, in my son's high school, it is common to have white kids adopt the black culture (like hip-hop) and vice versa, although the former is more predominant. It shows to me that some culture barriers are being broken down.
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:18
I don't really know what "black" and "white" culture is but I'm not sure liking music is a sign of cultural barriors  breakingdown.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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StyLaZyn View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:20
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't really know what "black" and "white" culture is but I'm not sure liking music is a sign of cultural barriors  breakingdown.
I see.  Well they also dress and talk the part. Mannerisms inclusive.
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Easy Money View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:27
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I wasn't saying that schools do this. I'm saying children are raised this way and the government in general promotes this as a good thing. The problem in schools is a result of this I believe. E.G. Black kids who study hard being harassed by their peers for trying to be white.
Do you have a specific example of our government encouraging racial exclusivity ? Also, in my experience at schools I have never encountered African-American kids being harassed for imitating European-American kids. Smart kids of all races are usually considered "nerds" and are open to being bullied just like when we were kids.
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The Doctor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:33
Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't really know what "black" and "white" culture is but I'm not sure liking music is a sign of cultural barriors  breakingdown.
I see.  Well they also dress and talk the part. Mannerisms inclusive.
Not sure that's a good thing.  I agree that it would be nice to break down cultural and racial barriers.  But I'm not sure white kids emulating the whole gangsta scene is the way we want the cultural barriers eliminated.  Nor do I believe that the gangsta scene is representative of most of the black community.  They are a fringe element, associated with criminal activity, drug abuse and gang violence.  If that's the way racial barriers are being broken down, then we are better off leaving them up.   
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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StyLaZyn View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:42
Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't really know what "black" and "white" culture is but I'm not sure liking music is a sign of cultural barriors  breakingdown.
I see.  Well they also dress and talk the part. Mannerisms inclusive.
Not sure that's a good thing.  I agree that it would be nice to break down cultural and racial barriers.  But I'm not sure white kids emulating the whole gangsta scene is the way we want the cultural barriers eliminated.  Nor do I believe that the gangsta scene is representative of most of the black community.  They are a fringe element, associated with criminal activity, drug abuse and gang violence.  If that's the way racial barriers are being broken down, then we are better off leaving them up.   
Now wait, I didn't mean to present the "gansta wigging", as it's called by some, as a good thing.  It meant to show that the culture barrier is being invaded by either side. The entire problem with the negative elements you present is that they are accepted...period. I'd like to know why? Why is it desireable to be a criminal? Is it like a modern Jesse James or Billy the Kid?
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:44

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I wasn't saying that schools do this. I'm saying children are raised this way and the government in general promotes this as a good thing. The problem in schools is a result of this I believe. E.G. Black kids who study hard being harassed by their peers for trying to be white.
Do you have a specific example of our government encouraging racial exclusivity ? Also, in my experience at schools I have never encountered African-American kids being harassed for imitating European-American kids. Smart kids of all races are usually considered "nerds" and are open to being bullied just like when we were kids.

I wouldn't know where to find quotes to be honest with you. My best answer would be to turn on MSNBC or CNN or the like and you'll be sure to hear some elected official say something about the wonders of multiculturalism.

I looked and saw you were 50 years old. When you were going to school what I speak of wasn't a problem. Despite the injustices and segregation still present in America at the time we were still one country. Since then there's been a schism and we're seperated into Black America, White America, Asian America, etc.
Yes all schools have the problem of making fun of the nerdy kid who  keeps his head in his book 24/7. The differences is those insults are pretty harmless, usually reserved to the most extreme examples of nerdy kids, and easily shakable. In our schools today (thinking about it im not sure if this gains national attention but its a huge problem in Philadelphia public schools and surrounding city schools like Chester, around here its well known) a kid does the smallest things like homework, gets above a C on a test, is not just called names but tormented often physically. It's one thing to be called a nerd you can cope with that. However, when you're raised to have  a strong racial identity and insults are thrown at you saying you're betraying your race and "acting like the opressors" those tend to hit home moreso and aren't easily shakeable.
The average SAT score for a Philly public school student is 831 (this is the old SAT out of 1600). In a neighboring city, Camden, its even worse at 762. These are areas where this problem of glorification of gang culture and basically stupidity and the demonization of book learning run highest. For comparison Philly suburban public schools had an average score of 1011.

Edited by Equality 7-2521 - August 15 2007 at 12:46
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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The Doctor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:51
Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't really know what "black" and "white" culture is but I'm not sure liking music is a sign of cultural barriors  breakingdown.
I see.  Well they also dress and talk the part. Mannerisms inclusive.
Not sure that's a good thing.  I agree that it would be nice to break down cultural and racial barriers.  But I'm not sure white kids emulating the whole gangsta scene is the way we want the cultural barriers eliminated.  Nor do I believe that the gangsta scene is representative of most of the black community.  They are a fringe element, associated with criminal activity, drug abuse and gang violence.  If that's the way racial barriers are being broken down, then we are better off leaving them up.   
Now wait, I didn't mean to present the "gansta wigging", as it's called by some, as a good thing.  It meant to show that the culture barrier is being invaded by either side. The entire problem with the negative elements you present is that they are accepted...period. I'd like to know why? Why is it desireable to be a criminal? Is it like a modern Jesse James or Billy the Kid?
I agree with you. I'd like to know why it's accepted as well.  Not only accepted, but glorified in a lot of the media.  I'm not usually one to media bash, but I do feel that media outlets like MTV have done a lot to glorify criminal behavior in that setting.  And I think parents, the schools, the media, and the police should be doing a lot more to stamp out the disease.  But I guess since most of the gang violence is black on black crime, it's probably not a governmental priority.  But if I had a child, and he or she started dressing in the gangsta syle or sporting gang colors, I'd put a stop to it right away.  I don't know why parents allow their children to take part in that lifestyle. 
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:51
Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

Originally posted by StyLaZyn StyLaZyn wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I don't really know what "black" and "white" culture is but I'm not sure liking music is a sign of cultural barriors  breakingdown.
I see.  Well they also dress and talk the part. Mannerisms inclusive.
Not sure that's a good thing.  I agree that it would be nice to break down cultural and racial barriers.  But I'm not sure white kids emulating the whole gangsta scene is the way we want the cultural barriers eliminated.  Nor do I believe that the gangsta scene is representative of most of the black community.  They are a fringe element, associated with criminal activity, drug abuse and gang violence.  If that's the way racial barriers are being broken down, then we are better off leaving them up.   
Now wait, I didn't mean to present the "gansta wigging", as it's called by some, as a good thing.  It meant to show that the culture barrier is being invaded by either side. The entire problem with the negative elements you present is that they are accepted...period. I'd like to know why? Why is it desireable to be a criminal? Is it like a modern Jesse James or Billy the Kid?
@ The Doctor : I agree, that's what I was trying to get at
@StyLazyn : For one the ganster, criminal lifestyle is promoted and glorified by rappers who claim to be from the streets just like the youngsters listening to the music. They feel they can relate to these people and believe what they say. Further (especially in Philly) they see helping the cops with information as a white thing to do and to help the cops is to betray the race.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Easy Money View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2007 at 12:58
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

I wasn't saying that schools do this. I'm saying children are raised this way and the government in general promotes this as a good thing. The problem in schools is a result of this I believe. E.G. Black kids who study hard being harassed by their peers for trying to be white.
Do you have a specific example of our government encouraging racial exclusivity ? Also, in my experience at schools I have never encountered African-American kids being harassed for imitating European-American kids. Smart kids of all races are usually considered "nerds" and are open to being bullied just like when we were kids.

I wouldn't know where to find quotes to be honest with you. My best answer would be to turn on MSNBC or CNN or the like and you'll be sure to hear some elected official say something about the wonders of multiculturalism.


I looked and saw you were 50 years old. When you were going to school what I speak of wasn't a problem. Despite the injustices and segregation still present in America at the time we were still one country. Since then there's been a schism and we're seperated into Black America, White America, Asian America, etc.


Yes all schools have the problem of making fun of the nerdy kid who  keeps his head in his book 24/7. The differences is those insults are pretty harmless, usually reserved to the most extreme examples of nerdy kids, and easily shakable. In our schools today (thinking about it im not sure if this gains national attention but its a huge problem in Philadelphia public schools and surrounding city schools like Chester, around here its well known) a kid does the smallest things like homework, gets above a C on a test, is not just called names but tormented often physically. It's one thing to be called a nerd you can cope with that. However, when you're raised to have  a strong racial identity and insults are thrown at you saying you're betraying your race and "acting like the opressors" those tend to hit home moreso and aren't easily shakeable.


The average SAT score for a Philly public school student is 831 (this is the old SAT out of 1600). In a neighboring city, Camden, its even worse at 762. These are areas where this problem of glorification of gang culture and basically stupidity and the demonization of book learning run highest. For comparison Philly suburban public schools had an average score of 1011.
Yeah, "gangsta" culture is not good for kids of any race. I think our country's emphasis on materialism and "might makes right" contributes to this as well. Anyway nice chatting with you, I have to get off the computer and get out in the real world. As the kids say "Peace".

Edited by Easy Money - August 15 2007 at 12:59
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 18 2007 at 09:38

New Topic Anyone?
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 08:50
Here's to resurrecting a dead thread!
Anyway something I saw this morning that bothered me, thought I'd run it up the flagpole here....
There's a new movement that's growing (at least on the internet/facebook) called SCCC, or students for concealed carry on campus.  Since college campuses are traditionally 'gun-free' zones, they figure that they can be made safer by allowing any student to carry a concealed handgun to class or wherever.  Of course, they use the VT tragedy as an emotional plea for their arguments.  What's really sad to me is that as a result of this, they're actually growing in popularity.
Now, I'm not an anti-gun nut.  I believe in an individual's right to own a gun in their home, to protect from invaders, to hunt food or sport if they like, and theoretically to protect from an opressive government (the original intention of the 2nd amendment, though I doubt its effectiveness...).  But carrying a concealed handgun on a college campus is just preposterous to me.  I can't imagine how I would feel safer knowing that anyone passing by on the sidewalk could have a gun in their backpack.  It's not your job to be a vigilante for justice. 
You go to school to learn, not to be paranoid about the 1 in 10 million chance that a sociopatic moron might try to kill you today.  Having a gun will only create more tension and paranoia... and probably more sociopatic morons.
And stop using my dead/injured friends as examples to stir up cheap emotion in people who weren't there.
Just ranting... hope this made a little sense.

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Badabec View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 11:20
Well, GoldenSpiral, I am not exactely with you. I mean why do you complain when people own guns on college-/university-areas when you otherwise say that everyone should have the right to carry a weapon.
When citizens have the right to carry guns for self-protection anywhere then they should be able to do carry them everywhere, even on university areas.
But as an anti-gun nut I am generally against carrying weapons. I have to admit that my honest opinion is that, in terms of carrying guns, there goes something very wrong in the USA. I really have to say that I am really happy about the fact that not everybody, even every idiot can own his own weapon arsenal here in Germany. I feel much better when I go outside on the streets and I know that nobody there carries a gun. If nobody carries a gun, you need not protect yourself with one too. We have a police for that here.
Or if you are held up, you can use pepper spray, that hurts enough, you need not shoot the thief.
Actually, I think - I do not want to offend anybody here, but it is my personal opinion - that it is pretty perverse that you might get a gun when opening an account at a bank.
Didn't you ever think about why there are so many acts of violence (especially with fire arms) and so many murders in the USA, many more than in the european countries...? I can tell you the simple reason. Because you can get your own gun everywhere.
And why do so many people in the United States want to get their own fire arm? Because the media stokes fears by focussing their reports on crimes and violent acts. In terms of that, you have to change a lot in the USA, in my opinion.
I do not want any violence so I am not interested in owning a gun. If you start thinking that way, there will be no more violence. All I want is peace and love and harmony.

Mesmo a tristeza da gente era mais bela
E além disso se via da janela
Um cantinho de céu e o Redentor

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 11:51
Americans are crazy in a lot of ways. I think we're like the Romans in many ways; we do a lot for progress in civilization, but we're very brutal and barbaric at times. These outlandish things like armed students is one of them. Maybe it's not even brutality or an obsession with violence, but simply not conceiving the issue. I would never trust a student to hit a would-be murderer and subdue him rather than shotting classmates by acciedent instead. Attack the issue at it's source: the people who commit these crimes. And no, the problem is almost always not because of violent video games, but even if it were, that is no reason to limit violent games at all. People die, life's unfair, but you can't create a totalitarian situation or a free for all where everyone's armed because of incidents like Columbine or VT. Those were horrible killing sprees and everything within reason should be done to stop them. But these things are not reasonable.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 12:03
Wise words fellow posters.  These days, it seems that people are losing the hope of achieving a balance of peace and safety, and resorting to the selfish feeling of closure that comes with being runs on the assumption that everyone is out there to create harm (ahem, a big thank you to the media noise machine) and therefore we must step over the line to be safe (but in reality, creating a much more dangerous situation).
Image the fear administrators and faculty would be subject to if students could carry weapons....A+'s for everyone!!! And no lectures that might offend anyone!! Professor likes being alive ya know.....oh and we're no longer teaching evolution in class because it is much safer to fear an almighty, that way we keep everyone in their submisive place.
*brief rant concludes*

Edited by jimmy_row - November 01 2007 at 12:03
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 14:45
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Americans are crazy in a lot of ways. I think we're like the Romans in many ways; we do a lot for progress in civilization, but we're very brutal and barbaric at times. These outlandish things like armed students is one of them. Maybe it's not even brutality or an obsession with violence, but simply not conceiving the issue. I would never trust a student to hit a would-be murderer and subdue him rather than shotting classmates by acciedent instead. Attack the issue at it's source: the people who commit these crimes. And no, the problem is almost always not because of violent video games, but even if it were, that is no reason to limit violent games at all. People die, life's unfair, but you can't create a totalitarian situation or a free for all where everyone's armed because of incidents like Columbine or VT. Those were horrible killing sprees and everything within reason should be done to stop them. But these things are not reasonable.
Well....we are the American Empire. It may not be an empire quite in the old sense....but it is one still. And perhaps no empire has dominated the world, especially culturally, since the Romans.
And I disagree with the idea of allowing students to carry arms on campus. I have never been able to get concrete answers, so maybe someone here can help me.
IS crime less in Europe and countries with very strict gun control???
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 16:00
Originally posted by Badabec Badabec wrote:

Well, GoldenSpiral, I am not exactely with you. I mean why do you complain when people own guns on college-/university-areas when you otherwise say that everyone should have the right to carry a weapon.

Not really carry, so much as keep one in their home for protection/hunting/sport.  It's not all guns that are the problem.  Concealed handguns are the problem.  If you want to keep a rifle to shoot deer, that's not my thing but it's fine by me if you want to.
There's no easy solution to the gun culture problem in America, sadly.  It just really bothers me when people think the solution to gun violence is to put more guns in the hands of bystanders.  If bystanders have guns, then no one is a bystander anymore.  EVERYONE is a potential target or killer.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2007 at 16:09
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

And I disagree with the idea of allowing students to carry arms on campus. I have never been able to get concrete answers, so maybe someone here can help me.
IS crime less in Europe and countries with very strict gun control???

Of course it is. Here in Italy, many crimes in the family occur when there is a weapon in the house - it happened last month when a man, suffering from severe depression, shot his daughter dead because she told him he smoked too much. If he hadn't had a revolver in his house, the girl may still be alive. Our societies are not free from violence, far from it - but the fact that no one can waltz into a shop and buy a gun surely keeps outbursts of violence under control.
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