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Topic: Top 5 epics and why? Posted: May 03 2007 at 18:10 |
- CloseTo The Edge - YES. This was my introduction to prog and so I owe a great debt to this album for discovering the prog rock genre.
- Singring & The Glass Guitar - UTOPIA. An epic of epic proportions. It has everything from individual solo's, melodies by the score and of course Todd Rundgren's voice. Oh, it's also a fairy tale.
- Tarkus - ELP. Three musicians at the top of their game. I always prefer the live versions though as Emerson improvises like only Emerson can.
- Song of Seven - Jon Anderson. This choice might raise a few eyebrows but I love this song from his album of the same name. Makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time I listen to it.
- Six Degree's of Inner Turbulance - Dream Theater. Those who dismiss this band as being merely shredders on their instruments should listen to this epic track. They can write and perform beautiful music as good as anyone else when the mood takes them.
I just realised that four of my choices are actual album titles as well as individual songs. So remember this is asking for your top five epics and not albums.
Edited by raindance - May 03 2007 at 18:12
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 20:03 |
1. ELP's Tarkus. The first epic track I heard and my all time favorite.
2. Supper's Ready by Genesis. I don't think I have to explain the greatness of this piece. Simply breathtaking from start to finish.
3. Close to the Edge (Obviously). The one thing that really stands out about this one is it's uniqueness. CTTE sounds like nothing else out there.
4. Echoes by Pink Floyd. Listening to Echoes is like being gently carried away to a distant land were everything is green and submarine. Outstanding.
5. A Change Of Seasons by Dream Theater. Actually this fifth spot really belongs to Karn Evil 9, but ACOS has always been IMO way underrated. I find it superior to Octavarium and even Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence.
Edited by Hans - May 03 2007 at 20:04
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 20:18 |
I'm a sucker for epics and I'm especially fond of those written and performed by Neal Morse.
1. The Separated Man (Neal Morse). Perhaps my favorite song of all time. It's got just about everything I want in a song. I realize that it's somewhat of an unknown compared to the usual suspects, but I tend to like those songs that often get overlooked.
2. All of the Above (Transatlantic). I'm not sure why I like this song so much, but I do.
3. 2112 (Rush). I enjoy the story and the soft, subtle parts are very well done.
4. The Great Nothing (Spock's Beard). I told you I was fond of Morse's epics. This has tons of emotion and an amazing climax.
5. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (Dream Theater). This is easily my favorite song by Dream Theater. The rest of their stuff is ho-hum, as far as I'm concerned.
Edited by Lofcaudio - May 03 2007 at 20:45
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 20:23 |
Pink Floyd has 2 of my top 5
Dogs- best song on their best album. Its prog bliss- LOVE the guitar work/lyrics. Echoes. A classic! Atmospheric, soothing, deep- excellent track.
Cygnus X-1 by Rush. An amazing song by my favorite band. !st rate musicianship, great lyrics and it never, ever gets old. Well, all the above never get old.
My last two? Not sure
Possibly Six Degrees, and the Divine Wings of Tragedy- I am a prog metal nut.
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 20:30 |
My choices would have to be a healthy mix of everything people have mentioned so far.  And I can't be bothered explaining, this is just my list. 1. 2112 - Rush. 2. Tarkus - ELP 3. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence - Dream Theater 4. A Change of Seasons - Dream Theater 5. If Operation:Mindcrime - Queensryche counts as an epic then it would be here, if not then Cygnus X-1 by Rush.
My entertainment dollar is burning in my pocket!
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 20:43 |
1. Supper's Ready - Genesis 2. Thick as a Brick (both parts) - Jethro Tull 3. Nine Feet Underground - Caravan 4. Echoes - Pink Floyd 5. Dogs - Pink Floyd
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 20:48 |
"Tarkus" ELP
"Bel Air" CAN
"2112" Rush
"Supper's Ready" Genesis
"Echoes" Pink Floyd
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 21:11 |
Nice, I was going to make a "favorite songs over 20 minutes thread", this works just as well.
1. "Nine Feet Underground" - Caravan: Mmmm...over 20 minutes of In the Land of Grey and Pink goodness. 2. "Song Of Scheherazade" - Renaissance: Off my favorite Renaissance album, and one of my all time favorites. Beautiful. 3. "Suite Charlotte Pike" - Transatlantic: This seems to be one of the less popular Transatlantic tracks, but I just love it from beginning to end for some reason. 4. "Thick as a Brick" - Jethro Tull: I'm sure this doesn't need an explanation. 5. "Clearlight Symphony" - Clearlight: Very unique and amazing stuff. I'm not quite sure how to describe it.
Runner up goes to "Deborah, Jane, and Laurelie" by Laurelie. Not quite as flawlessly produced as the ones mentioned above, but a solid prog folk epic.
East of Lyra
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 21:20 |
1. Close to the Edge - Yes
2. Echoes - Pink Floyd
3. Xanadu - Rush
4. Thick as a Brick - Jethro Tull
5. Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Parts I-IX - Pink Floyd
I know, not very original choices, but I'm happy with that as a list. 
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 21:21 |
This is of course in no particular order. And it's rather lengthy, you can skim ahead if you don't care. I don't mind. Supper's Ready - Genesis - This is one of those pieces where I say "here comes my favorite part!" 30 seconds. I have to silence people in the room not paying attention whenever it comes on. Favorite part (yes, my favorite of the favorites) is from the 14:16 marker until the end. In Held (Twas) In I - Procol Harum - I chose this one because if it weren't for this one, many others might not have been made. Also it's an awesome epic on it's. I still don't know if I prefer the original version or the Transatlantic version. Probably the original just because it's the original. Favorite part in the Procol Harum version is Part 5, the choir sounds bad ass. Favorite part in Transatlantic version is the part where the vocals (after the monologue) come in. I don't care how you feel about Neal Morse's vocals, he absolutely nails that part. Amarok - Mike Oldfield - This is a fun one. It changes all the time and I always keep asking myself "what would this look/sound like live?". This is another one where my 'favorite part' is every few minutes. Yes, this track is mainly cheese but it's a really good cheese from famous places in continental Europe. Mr. Oldfield does cheese with class in my opinion of opinions. My most favorite (favorite favorite again) has to be 32:08 when the really cool sounding whistle/flute thing (i think it's the pin whistle) and accordion come in and then the whole thing shifts to this huge climactic bit filled with recurring themes and all. Thick As A Brick - Jethro Tull - All though the recording quality isn't great it's still one of my favorites. This one brings back memories of Christmas and Battlefield 2 because I was playing this while playing Battlefield 2 during Christmas. Yes, not quite the the album you would expect playing a modern war simulator  . Video games are a guilty pleasure. Then again so is this song. Favorite part from part 1 is when 17:07 into it until the end. It's near flawless. Bangkok/Fire Garden Suite - Steve Vai - Yes, big surprise here. I think these two tracks on the Fire Garden Album are the most musical things he's ever done and though to many of you that means nothing, to some it speaks volumes . He still shows off, but he always shows off. It's part of his style. He keeps it relatively musical here. My favorite part of the whole thing is the acoustic guitar and piano. That part always gives goosebumps. This song also has good examples of variating a given theme.
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 21:26 |
^^^ nice 1st post!!!
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 21:31 |
"Tarkus" - ELP
"Close To The Edge" - Yes
"A Tab In The Ocean" - Nektar
"Echoes" - Pink Floyd
"Karn Evil 9 Suite" - ELP
"Gates of Delerium"/"Nous Sommes Du Soleil" - Yes
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 22:22 |
Close to the edge- YES
Suppers ready-Genesis
Gates of Delirium-YES
Musical box- Genesis
Larks toungues in aspic Part 2-King crimson
Here is a few minor ones that I feel are also important:
Scenes from a memory(the whole album)-dream theater
Cygnus X-1 part two Hemispheres- Rush
You all know I like the old stuff and all these songs are my ultimate turn on!!! The only one you may question me on is the larks toungues, well its an amazing instrumental, in fact my favirout busting with more talent than any other instrumental ever!
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 22:28 |
Gong-Isle of Everywhere
Yes-Gates of delirium
Tull-Thick as a Brick
Sorry had to put six (five is a sh*tty number)
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 23:09 |
1. Dream Theater- A Change of Seasons 2. Yes-Close to the Edge 3. Rush-Cygnus X-1 Book 2: Hemispheres 4. Symphony X- The Divine Wings of Tragedy 5. Dream Theater- Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance
for me, i think the quality of the epic depends on the story, and how well the music conveys the essence of that story.
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 23:09 |
1) Yes - "Close to the Edge" - my first exposure to prog rock - WOW!
2) Tull- "Thick as a Brick" - some criticize this as being too cold and precise - HOGWASH!
3) Pink Floyd- "Dogs" - Love the lyrics.
4) Marillion - "Ocean Cloud" - second half of this song is simply awesome.
5) ELP - "Take a Pebble" - nice and mellow....
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 23:22 |
Close to the Edge because it was Yes' creative epoch and explores so much.
Echoes because it embodies long trippy segued psychedelia.
Tarkus is top notch instrumentally and showcases how a trio can still pull off what it takes Yes five people to do.
Supper's Ready because of Gabriel.
And Gates Of Delerium because even the second best Yes epic is still in the top five epics of all time.
Honourable mention to Dogs and Awaken because they were the last of prog's hayday epics.
Edited by Gaston - May 03 2007 at 23:23

It's the same guy. Great minds think alike.
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 23:29 |
The Wishing Well by Pendragon (basically the peak of Pendragon's songwriting thus far) Close to the Edge by Yes (do I even need to explain?) Supper's Ready (likewise) Gates of Delirium (an epic battle, a beautiful ending) 2112 by Rush (not Rush's best, but an excellent long hard rock song in epic style)
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 23:42 |
Thick as a Brick - Jethro Tull
Supper's Ready - Genesis
The Tain - The Decemberists
Mekanik Destructiw Kommandoh (whole album, it counts, right?) - Magma
Last 3 way tie between
Harmonium - Histoire Sans Paroles
Yes - Close to the Edge
Focus - Hamburger Concerto
 <font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]
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Posted: May 03 2007 at 23:49 |
mekanik destructiw kommandoh is definitely worth mentioning. talk about intense. and definately not the typical epic.
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