Well, this poll surpasses all my expectations.... (I won't say in which terms...)
Let's start by saying that in my case, Yes is not the best band.
Now, there's somethingmore important than more choices missing here:
...something after the "band" word.... You can't ask "would you say yes is the best band? ... band among what? what genre? what planet? what location? what what?
also, if you hadn't start the word Yes with a capital Y, we could've said your question was something like "would you say yes is the best band?" but meaning "would you answer to a hyp[othetical question with a yes?" In that case some punctuation marks are missing.
If we let those two problems go, and we face inly the options:
If I say YES, it's vague. Am I saying "Yes, Yes is the best band", or just "Yes", as in the BAND Yes? The second option isn't answering anything... but as I said, the question isn't questioning anything, so....
If we answer in the affirmative, we have to make oursleves clear: what does it mean. If the band is called YES, let's spare an extra 2 seconds or our valuable time adding some words after the "yes" remartk.
"No, I'm not giving options". No, this one couldn't be. The question is not about choices but about agreeance or not with a posibility. So we don't need any other option than NO, which is missing by the way. What you're not giving us is enough data ,. a context to locate the band.
I don't hate the fact that there are no more options. You can't hate the fact that you lack something that you don't need.
Edited by The T - February 11 2007 at 15:58