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    Posted: February 05 2007 at 09:50

The information below is taken from the band’s official website, which appears at the band’s page in PA. Mostly, the current problem is Czech diacritics, which are displayed not always in the right way. There are also some other inaccuracies. All the titles, names etc. are copied/pasted from the official site. The albums are listed in order of their appearance in band’s website. Most albums haven’t date of release. They have, instead, the “mastering” date. I’m not sure “mastering” can stand for “release”.


1. Muž bez uší (koncerty 1969-72) (mastering – 2002)



1. The Universe Symphony And Melody About Plastic Doctor (Part 1)

2. Muž bez uší

3. The Universe Symphony And Melody About Plastic Doctor (Part 2) (fragment)

4. The Sun (fragment)

5. Rosie Rottencrotch

6. The Song Of Fafejta Bird About Two Unearthly Worlds

7. Magor umravňuje publikum ve Slivenci

8. Never Seek To Tell Thy Love

9. Magor umravňuje publikum ve Zruči nad Sázavou

10. Magor umravňuje publikum v Krči

11. Indian Hay

12. Růže a mrtví

13. The Fairy Queen

14. The Tyger

15. Magor informuje o incidentu s PS VB

16. Na sosnové větvi

17. Fuddle Duddle Osh Kosh

18. Magor se loučí s publikem



Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-6, 8, 11-14, 16-17], vocals [4, 11-13, 17], choir [1, 3, 5, 16]
Michal Jernek / vocals [1-4], clarinet [1, 2, 4], mouth organ [1]
Jiří Števich / guitar [1-4, 11-14, 16-17], choir [1, 3, 4]
Pavel Zeman / drums [1-6, 11-14, 16-17], tubular bells  [8]
Josef Janíček / guitar [4-6, 8], keyboard [11-14, 16-17], vocals [5, 6, 8, 16], choir [4, 11, 13]
Jiří Kabeš / violin [5, 6, 8, 11-14, 16-17]
Paul Wilson / vocals [5, 6, 12-14], tambourine [5, 12], mouth organ  [11], kazoo [12]
Jan Jílek / trumpet [12, 16, 17]
Ivan Martin Jirous / speeches on concerts [7, 9, 10, 15, 18]



2. Vožralej jak slíva (koncerty 1973-75) (mastering – 1997)



1. NF 811

2. Jaro léto podzim zima

3. Komu je dnes dvacet

4. Růže a mrtví

5. My Guitar

6. Má milá je jako jabko (fragment)

7. Angel’s Hair

8. Jó – to se ti to spí

9. Já a Mike

10. Traktory

11. Francovka

12. Prší, prší

13. Má milá je jako jabko

14. Magor uvádí koncert v Mokropsech

15. Včera v neděli

16. Mír



Milan Hlavsa – bass [1, 2, 4-8, 10-14, 16, 17], vocals [1-11, 13, 14, 16, 17], flute [3]
Josef Janíček – guitar [1, 2, 4-5, 8, 10-14, 16, 17], keyboard [6, 7, 9, 14], vocals [1, 4, 10, 12, 13, 17], horn [3]
Jiří Kabeš – violin [1, 2, 4-8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17], theremin [7, 11, 13], flute [3], playing mill [7], vocals [9]
Vratislav Brabenec – saxophone [1, 4-6, 8, 10-12, 14, 17], kazoo [2], suzaphone [3], vocals [11, 16]
Jiří Šula – drums [1-8, 10-14]
Jaroslav Vožniak – drums [16, 17]


3. Egon Bondy’s Happy Hearts Club Banned 1974-75 (mastering – 2001)



1. Dvacet

2. Zácpa

3. Toxika

4. Magické noci

5. M.G.M.

6. Okolo okna

7. Elegie

8. Podivuhodný mandarin

9. Nikdo

10. Jó-to se ti to spí

11. Já a Mike

12. Ranní ptáče

13. Francovka

14. Jednou nohou

15. Spofa blues

16. Apokalyptickej pták

17. Píseň brance



Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-17], vocals [1-8, 11-14, 16-17]
Josef Janíček / keyboard [1, 2, 4, 6, 8-10, 14], guitar [3, 11, 13], vibraphone [15], vocals [11, 16]
Jiří Kabeš / violin [1-17], vocals [9, 10]
Vratislav Brabenec / alto saxophone [1, 2, 3, 6, 14, 16, 17]
Jiří Šula / drums [7, 8, 11, 13]
Jaroslav Vožniak / drums [1-5, 9, 14-17]
Vasil Šnajdr / flute [15]
Zdeněk Fišer / theremin [3, 4, 16, 17]



4. Ach to státu hanobení (koncerty 1976-77) (mastering – 2000)



1. Egon Bondy recituje Dvacet

2. Ach to státu hanobení

3. Píseň brance

4. Phallus impudicus

5. Koleda

6. Prší, prší

7. Apokalyptickej pták

8. Eliášův oheň

9. Magické noci

10. Spofa blues

11. 100 bodů

12. Nebo jití jest Hospodinovo



Milan Hlavsa / bass [2-12], vocals [2-5, 7-11], choir [12]
Josef Janíček / guitar [2, 3, 6, 7], keyboard [3-5, 7-9, 11], vibraphone [6, 10], harmonium [12], vocals [2, 3, 6, 7, 9-11], choir [12]
Jiří Kabeš / violin [2-8], viola [9-11], theremin [9], vocals [10], choir [12]
Vratislav Brabenec / saxophone [2-5, 7-11], vocals [12]
Jaroslav Vožniak / drums [2-8]
Jan Brabec / drums [9-12]
Zdeněk Fišer / theremin [3, 7]
Jaroslav Unger / choir [12]
Jan Schneider / percussion [12]

Egon Bondy / recitation [1]


5. Pašijové hry velikonoční 1978 (this album seems to be absent in the discography) (mastering – 1997)



1. Exodus 12

2. Nebo jití jest Hospodinovo

3. Kázání na hoře

4. Nepotřebujeme krále

5. Čist jsem od krve

6. Zhřešil jsem

7. Trojjediná

8. Otče

9. Noc temná



Milan Hlavsa / bass [2-6, 8-9], choir
Vratislav Brabenec / alto saxophone, soprano saxophone [3-4, 6-9], vocals [2, 5], choir
Josef Janíček / keyboard [2-9], vocals [6], choir
Jiří Kabeš / viola [2-9], choir
Jan Brabec / drums, percussion [2-9], choir
Pavel Zajíček / vocals [1, 4, 7-9], choir
Jaroslav Unger / vocals [3, 7], hammer [6, 7], tambourine, choir
Ladislav Leština / violin [2-9], choir
Ivan Bierhanzl / contrabass [2, 6], choir
Jan Schneider / percussion, vocals [7], choir


6. Jak bude po smrti 1979 (mastering – 1998)



1. Jak bude po smrti

2. Slavná Nemesis

3. Jsem absolutní vůle



Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-3], vocal [1-3]
Vratislav Brabenec / alto saxophone [1-3], reed-pipe [2], vocals [1]
Josef Janíček / keyboard [1-3], vocals [1]
Jiří Kabeš / viola [1-3], vocals [3]
Jan Brabec / drums [1-3]


7. Co znamená vésti koně 1981 (mastering – 2002)



1. Co znamená vésti koně

2. Slovo má buben

3. Samson

4. P.F.

5. Májová

6. Delirium

7. Fotopneumatická paměť

8. Rozvaha neuškodí ani kuřeti

9. Mše

10. Osip



Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-10], vocals [2-4, 7-9], choir [10]
Vratislav Brabenec / bass-clarinet [1-9], alt0 saxophone [10], vocals [1, 10]
Josef Janíček / keyboard [1-10], vocals [1, 3, 5-8], choir [10]
Jiří Kabeš / viola [1-10], choir [7, 10]
Jan Brabec / drums [1-10], vocals [2]
Ladislav Leština / violin [1-10], choir [7, 10]
Josef Rössler / clarinet [1-10], choir [7, 10]


8. Kolejnice duní 1977-82 (mastering – 2000)



1. 100 bodů

2. Dopis Magorovi

3. Phil Esposito

4. Metastáze

5. Kolejnice duní

6. Sociálně blízcí



Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-2, 4-6], vocals [1, 3], acoustic guitar [3]
Vratislav Brabenec / alto saxophone [1, 2, 4-6], recitation [2]
Josef Janíček / keyboard [1, 2, 4-6], vocals [1], recitation [2]
Jiří Kabeš / viola [1, 2, 4-6], recitation [2]
Jan Brabec / drums, percussion [1, 2, 4-6]
Ladislav Leština / violin [2, 4-6]
Jan Schneider / recitation [2], percussion [2]
Ivan Bierhanzl / recitation [2]
Jaroslav Unger / recitation [2]
Pavel Zajíček / recitation [2]
Marie Benetková / choir [2], recitation [2]
Věra Jirousová / choir [2], recitation [2, 3]
Jiří Němec / recitation [2, 3]
Václav Havel / recitation [2]
Eugen Brikcius / recitation [3]
Vladimír Voják / recitation [3]
Václav Stádník / flute [4-6]


9. Hovězí porážka 1983-84 (mastering – 1997)



1. Šel pro krev

2. Prasinec

3. Kanárek

4. Nenávist vola k řeznickýmu psu

5. Petřín

6. Moucha v ranním pivě

7. Bleskem do hlavy

8. Špatná věc

9. Papírový hlavy



Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-9], guitar [5, 6], vocals [1, 3-5, 7-9]
Josef Janíček / keyboard [1-9], synthesizer Korg [3-8], vocals [1, 2, 5, 8]
Jiří Kabeš / viola [1-9], vocals [6, 7]
Jan Brabec / drums [1-9], vocals [7]
Ladislav Leština / violin [1-9]
Václav Stádník / bass-clarinet [1, 3, 4, 7], flute [2, 5, 6, 8, 9]
Petr Placák / clarinet [1, 3-7], bass-clarinet [2]
Milan Schelinger / guitar [8]
Vratislav Brabenec / alto saxophone [9]


10. Půlnoční myš 1985-86 (mastering – 2001)



1. Půlnoční myš

2. Ruka

3. Co zde sním a co zde vypiju

4. Mladý holky

5. Leze

6. Podvlíkačky

7. Vrátí se

8. Podél zdi a doleva

9. Z kouta do kouta

10. Zpívá

11. Pokoušení




Milan Hlavsa / bass [1-10], vocals [1-5, 7-8], choir [6, 9]
Josef Janíček / synthesizer Korg [1-10], vocals [1, 3, 6, 7, 9], choir [5]
Jiří Kabeš / viola [1-10], choir [5, 6, 9]
Jan Brabec / drums [1-9], xylophone [9], choir [5, 6, 9], automatic drums [10]
Ladislav Leština / violin [1-10]
Václav Stádník / flute [1, 5-7, 9], bass-clarinet [2-5, 8, 9]
Petr Placák / clarinet [1-9]
Vladimír Dědek / trombone [2-8, 10]
Jan Macháček / guitar [1, 4-10]
Tomáš Schilla / cello [10]



11. Bez ohňů je underground 1992



1. Úvod – Ivan Martin Jirous

2. Light My Fire

3. Waiting For The Man

4. Garden Is Open

5. Modrý autobus

6. Podivuhodný mandarin

7. Magické noci



Michal Jernek / vocals, clarinet
Jiří Števich / guitar
Pavel Zeman / drums
Josef Janíček / guitar, keyboard, vocals
Jiří Kabeš / guitar, viola, violin
Jaroslav Vožniak / drums
René Starhon / drums


12. The Plastic People Of The Universe 1997



1. Podivuhodný mandarin

2. Dvacet

3. Zácpa

4. Toxika

5. Okolo okna

6. Spofa blues

7. Prší, prší

8. Nikdo

9. Elegie

10. Šel pro krev

11. Vrátí se

12. Kanárek

13. Špatná věc

14. Magické noci

15. Jó - to se ti to spí




Jan Brabec / drums
Vratislav Brabenec / saxophone, vocals [6, 9]
Milan Hlavsa / bass, vocals [1-5, 9-14]
Josef Janíček / keyboard, vocals [6, 7, 9-11, 13, 14]
Jiří Kabeš / viola, vocals [6, 8, 9]
Joe Karafiát / guitar

Zdeněk Fišer / theremin [14]



13. Líně s tebou spím | Lazy Love / In Memoriam Mejla Hlavsa 2001



1. II. Podzim / The Second Autumn

2. Bylo to nedávno / Recently

3. Ach líně, líně... / Oh Lazy, Lazy

4. Teď už vím / Now I Know

5. V konečcích prstů / Tips Of Fingers

6. Konec léta / Summer’s End

7. Sen o hadech / Snake Dream

8. Pan K. / Dear Mr. K.

9. Spáč / The Sleeper

10. Moc jsem si neužil / It Wasn’t Such A Blast



Vratislav Brabenec / bass-clarinet [1], alto saxophone [2, 4, 7, 9, 10], vocals [3, 6, 8], clarinet [8]
Josef Janíček / keyboard [1-10], vocals [2, 3, 4, 9]
Jiří Kabeš / viola [1-10], vocals [7]
Ludvík Kandl / drums [1-7, 9-10], vocals [1]
Joe Karafiát / guitar [1-2, 4-10], bass [3]
Eva Turnová / vocals [1, 3, 5, 6], bass [2, 4, 7, 9, 10]
Ivan Bierhanzl / contrabass [1, 5, 6, 8, 10]
Milan Hlavsa / vocals [10]



14. The Plastic People of The Universe & Agon Orchestra - Pašijové hry / Passion Play 2004 (this one is listed as a third album of the discography, instead of mine number 5)



1. Exodus 12

2. Nebo Jití jest Hospodinovo / For It Is The Lord¨s Passower

3. Kázání na hoře / The Sermon On The Mount

4. Nepotřebujeme krále / What Need Have We Of A King

5. Čist jsem od krve / I Am Innocent Of Blood

6. Zhřešil Jsem / I Have Sinned

7. Trojjediná / Trinity

8. Otče / Father!

9. Noc temná / Dark Night



The Plastic People of the Universe
Vratislav Brabenec / saxophones, solo voice [2, 5), choir
Josef Janíček / keyboards, sólo voice [6], choir
Jiří Kabeš / el. viola, sólo voice [8], choir
Ludvík Kandl / drums, sólo voice [4, 7], choir
Joe Karafiát / el. guitar, choir
Eva Turnova / bass, sólo vocal [3, 71, choir

Pavel Zajíček (DG 307)  voice [l, 9]

Agon Orchestra
Martin Čech / flute, piccolo, choir
Tomáš Čistecký / clarinet, tenor saxophone, choir
Karel Dohnal / bass-clarinet
Tomáš Hustoles / baritone saxophone
Jan Musil / french horn, choir
Ladislav Kozderka / trumpet, choir
Ivo Kopecký / trombone
Jan Jaroš / tuba
Tibor Adamský /.percussion
Daniel Mikolášek / percussion
Michal Nejtek / clavinet, piano
Jan Šimůnek / violin, choir
Vladimír Klánský / violin, choir
Igor Lecian / violin, choir
Veronika Vališová / violin, choir
Pavel Hořejší / viola, choir
Mikoláš Čech / viola, choir
Kryštof Lecian / cello
Vít Petrášek / cello
Ivan Bierhanzl / double bass

Petr Kofroň / conductor

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 10:49
OK ... I am going to keep updating this post as I go along, otherwise I shall lose track LOL

1. Muž bez uší

The track listing looked OK to me.  Line-up cut-&-pasted.

2. Vožralej jak slíva

Oh, yes it is hereEmbarrassed. Track listing looked OK but I swapped it over anyway. Line-up cut-&-pasted. Title updated.

3. Egon Bondy’s Happy Hearts Club Banned 1974-75

There are now more tracks .... I have done it so that both the old [LP]and new [CD] lists are displayed. 2001 will have to do for the date. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

4. Ach to státu hanobení

Spelling errors corrected. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

5. Pašijové hry velikonoční

This IS the album we have defined in PA for 1978. The pic they have on the band website is not an actual LP cover. See also my comment at 14 below. Spelling errors corrected, including title. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

6. Jak bude po smrti

One or two spelling errors done. Line-up updated.

7. Co znamená vésti koně

Title corrected and a couple of spelling errors in track listing. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

8. Kolejnice duní

Couple of errors corrected in track listing. Line-up cut-&-pasted - is now much more extensive.

9. Hovězí porážka

Title needed re-doing, but track list looks OK to me. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

10. Půlnoční myš

One error in track listing, otherwise OK. Line-up cut-&-pasted & is now much bigger.

11. Bez ohňů je underground

Track list OK. Line-up updated.

12. The Plastic People Of The Universe 1997

One error in track list. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

13. Líně s tebou spím | Lazy Love / In Memoriam Mejla Hlavsa

Rightly or wrongly (Smile) I have changed the title to Líně s tebou spím / Lazy Love. This would seem to be consistent with the track listing style here. Two errors in track listing, both in the English spelling (LOL). Line-up cut-&-pasted.

14. The Plastic People of The Universe & Agon Orchestra - Pašijové hry / Passion Play

This is not the album we have defined for 1978. It was recorded in 2004 ..... "Recorded live on 24.4.2004 at the Archa Theatre in Prague" ..... We do not have this currently defined on PA. Agreed? If so I can add it if you wish.

Edited by Joolz - February 05 2007 at 12:19
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 10:58
You're right.
Surely, many things will be OK. I didn't check it one by one. I just noticed there are some misspelling, due to (my beloved (LOL)) diacritics, mostly. Therefore I just posted all the albums, with all the track-listings and lines-up. I think it's easier, for you, to have the complete information in front of you. Anyway, I'll take a look at this discography after that.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 11:00
"2. Vožralej jak slíva

Is not defined on PA"

It appears as "Ožralej jak slíva"
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 11:05
Oh, and, Joolz: my post lacks tracks length. Please, don't erase the already existing ones, while copying/pasting.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 12:21
OK. Done hopefully. Check my earlier post .... especially relating to entries 5 & 14.

Originally posted by Fassbinder Fassbinder wrote:

Oh, and, Joolz: my post lacks tracks length. Please, don't erase the already existing ones, while copying/pasting.

Haha, no worries Wink

Great A'Tuin he say "coffeeeeeee ....... "

Edited by Joolz - February 05 2007 at 12:23
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 14:08
Originally posted by Joolz Joolz wrote:

5. Pašijové hry velikonoční

This IS the album we have defined in PA for 1978. The pic they have on the band website is not an actual LP cover. See also my comment at 14 below. Spelling errors corrected, including title. Line-up cut-&-pasted.

14. The Plastic People of The Universe & Agon Orchestra - Pašijové hry / Passion Play

This is not the album we have defined for 1978. It was recorded in 2004 ..... "Recorded live on 24.4.2004 at the Archa Theatre in Prague" ..... We do not have this currently defined on PA. Agreed? If so I can add it if you wish.

My thoughts are:
1. I think that 5. should appear as "Pašijové hry velikonoční", with the cover from their website (a picture of the band), or any other cover, only not with the violet one (see 2. below).

2. 14. is a different album. It has a "The Plastic People of The Universe & Agon Orchestra - Pašijové hry / Passion Play" title and violet cover (the one currently appearing near the "Pašijové hry velikonoční" album). It should be added with a separate entry. I can add it by myself, also (hopefully).

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 14:45
If you look closely ..... the album cover we have for the 1978 album is ....

The cover for the 2004 album is ....

There is no conflict, so the existing 1978 cover can stay.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 15:03
Yes, you're right once again. I didn't look closely, indeed... Embarrassed
Then I'll try to add the 2004 live album (if I fail I'll notify you).
I also have changed the status of one of the early albums from "Studio Album" to "Boxset/Compilation".
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 15:07
Thumbs%20Up    go for it ......
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 15:20
Live 2004 album is added. Its title is The Plastic People of The Universe & Agon Orchestra - Pašijové hry / Passion Play. Feel free to change it to The Plastic People of The Universe - Pašijové hry / Passion Play (with Agon Orchestra), if you think this more fits the rules.
Anyway, Joolz, thanks for the collaboration. You've done the great job Thumbs%20Up.
And ClemofNazareth, who added the band to the database, too.
The band is very interesting. I've listened for the free-download tracks -- was really impressed.
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