The T wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
This post has made my point more than all the quotes, if a free forum considers some lyrics offensive, why shouldn't society ban them equally?
This forum is private property; it's like a tv network that decides not to broadcast a program, it's the network's choice; if every citizen personally chooses not to listen rap music, that would be heaven, great, a wonder of wonders. BUT NO STATE OR EVEN LESS, ORGANIZED RELIGION, I don't want them telling me what to choose from....
WEll, the state is already telling everybody that it's against law to praise God in Public places, so don't blame Religion.
Why can't the state consider that aguy asking to kill policemen is banned?
man did this get off hand!.. The state hasn't ruled that is agaist the law to PRAISE God in public spaces.... it's illegal STATE-sponsored praising, lest it show any preference for any particular religion. Let's call black black and white white: this is part of the "political correctness" campaign started due to pressure of the jewish community (please, I'm NOT RACIST, I'M JUST MENTIONING FACTS) because that community has such a tremendous power in the States and, maybe with some reason, they felt excluded when everywhere what was set as rule was christian facts and myths and celebrations... that's also the main reason behind the "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas" campaign that today is so criticized by many (me including) in the US.....
The first ammendment of the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech... I could go to a public square and pray to GOD and none could jail me for illegality (maybe, due to outside pressure, they would cleverly find a reason like "disturbing social peace" to do it).... Hey, there's even nazis and aryan organizations here! Freedom of speech is the rule, and with THAT ONE I agree, so that's why f the police is not banned... now if you GO AND KILL A cop, well, you'll face the consequences (the hardest ever, i may predict)
give the choices, give people the choices, they'll choose what they want, we ARE NO SHEEPS. Or, well, as in religion, maybe there are some that want us to be sheep.
The base of Religion is freedom of choice, there's no merit in saying you believe in God if you really didn't choose that option, so Religion is pure freedom.
Couldn't agree more. But remember, not everyone has your knowledge, some people can TOO EASILY be directed into doing what other people want them to.... So is in the interest of the state not to appear as sponsoring so.
We can make our own minds. Of course children can't; so let's control the distribution of such "music" (there's no music to be found there) and, better yet, let's educate our children better. PARENTS should educate children, not SOCIETY.
Then praising God wherever you want should also be accepted...Equal circumstances deserve equal rights.
Of course! What am I saying! But religion-classes in school, when those classes are not optative but MANDATORY PART OF THE curriculum, well, that is against that equality.... remember: it was only christianity what was told, not jewish religion or islam or whatever... again, is a question of the state not sponsoring just ONE creed, not FAVORING one creed.
It's like the battle against drugs: the "punitive" school of thought thinks the best solution is to punish, to avoid future recurrence; how disastrous results have been!
So drugs must be legal? Drug dealers shouldn't be sent to prison?
No, no, no. I'm talking about the CONSUMER part of the deal. Please don't misrepresent my words, I haven't said such an atrocity. Maybe I didn't make myself clearer: the CONSUMER SIDE of the affair. Instead of thinking putting every addict to jail is the solution (which is clearly not), better TRY TO EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN TO SAY NO... that is easier than going against forces YOU WON'T EVER DEFEAT. Put the resources to good use, to WORTHY use.
You have to TEACH, EDUCATE, NOT PUT IN A CAGE. That's the best weapon against such disgusting manifestation of, well, I don't know what rap is. But I prefer to live in a society where such an atrocity CAN EXIST, that one where "moral authorities" tell me what to do, how to do it, when to do it.
Why don't you complain when the same society tells you where you can or can not pray? Isn't this exactly the same case?
Society may tell me that praying somewhere is inadequate, but society doesn't tell me WHOM TO PRAY TO. It may tell me "please, do it at home better than in a public place", it may (though, as I said, inconstitutional it may be), it doesn't tell me "pray to GOD", or "pray to Alah", or "pray to Jah" or whatever deity.... if we forbid people to say what they think (even if that is I HATE THE POLICE AND WANT THEM DEAD) is like saying "you CAN'T THINK THIS WAY".
That would be living 1984 all over again, but this time not because of a communist party (Ingsoc) but a religious organization.
Again, Religion is already banned from public places, and my rejection to people telling others how to kill a cop is not religious, it's concern about public safety.
You're right. I agree. I wouldn't let my kid buy straight outta compton at least until he's old enough to discern the difference between what a group of guys think and A MESSAGE TELLING YOU to go kill a cop... but when he's old enough, when he's past letting crap influence his acts, I CAN'T tell him what to listen to... is HIS freedom.
And so is OURS. If NWA want to kill a cop, ok, good for them. It's not my problem. My problem would be when the state tells me "if you listen to the guys that want to kill a cop, you're fried"
All with the utmost respect to your creed. To all creeds. (except the band)
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