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Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 15 2006 at 18:00 |
memowakeman wrote:
Andrea Cortese wrote:
Thanks, Guillermo. Excellent work on Edgar Allan Poe and Cincinnato. 
Luckily BTF continues to reissue all these fabulous recordsand then many hidden treasures are coming to light.
How about Zappa and his Trasparenze? Did you like it? |
Sure i liked it!
Is not as high as Celestion, but right now i would consider Trasparenze as the same level as Chatka, i also put it on the car stereo and my mom loved it   ...
A few listens more, and i´ll review it for sure
Thanks! |
Then you'll probably love Haermea! 
Edited by Andrea Cortese - December 15 2006 at 18:00
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 15 2006 at 18:04 |
Ghost Rider wrote:
I just saw the posts concerning NCCP. I used to love the band in the Seventies, and I saw them live on a couple of occasions - they were really great! Do you think we could suggest their addition to PA's database? I know that lists them, even if they say they're not strictly prog. Perhaps we could submit them to Hugues's attention. I remember that some time ago Alucard opened a thread in the Non-Prog section, though I was the only one who posted there. |
How about Parsifal, Raffaella? I presume you love it! The title track is wonderful! A sort of italian BJH...but more aggressive...
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Posted: December 16 2006 at 16:29 |
Leonardo Sanseverino: Organ & Synthesizer
Mimmo Sanseverino: Guitar & vocals
Mario Sanseverino: bass
Matteo Sanseverino: drums
Not to confuse with the homonymous french group that in 1976 carved an album for Crypto label the Atlantide was formed from four Sanseverino brothers. They lives in Rottweil (Germany) and formed this group in 1973 succeeding to play with Message, Atlantis and Scorpions. Ther sole album was produced in 1976 in a style that is the perfect mix between UFO for rhythmic and Uriah Heep (more Hard Rock) for arrengements and sound, even if the distortion guitar of Mimmo is the distinctive elements (like its voice). The album, how self produced is generally guide how produced from S label (how restored in the label) but likely is alone the abbreviation of their surname (Sanseverino).
"Francesco Ti Ricordi" (1976. CD by Mellow Records MMP 260)
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 08:35
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Posted: December 16 2006 at 16:45 |
Nino Antonino: guitar, II flure, bongos, chant
Pino Ferro: II guitar, chant
Oreste ferro: bass, chant
Adamo Biello: drum, percussion, chant
Alifranchini Guerrino: flute, tenor sax
Mario Barigazzi (Barimar): piano, organ, harpsichord, eminent 310, tumbe, arrengement and direction
Been based on from the composer Mario Barigazzi (Barimar) rofitabile from 60's published two album on Kansas label. The first one in 1972 "Orfeo 2000" presents Prog songs alternated at Beat or Post Beat songs. Excellent the Symphonic Prog "Cenacolo '70", the West Coast Beat "Why" (sung in English) and "Corri, Corri Corri"with an excellent flute and that remembers the moody Blues in Beat version. The second LP "LP Di Primavera" (1974, attribuited at Barimar & Capricorn College) contains 12 short pieces. Likely the group is itself divided immediately after.
"Orfeo 2000" (1972 Kansas; CD Mellow Records MMP 234 [1994])
"LP Di Primavera" (attribuited at Barimar & Capricorn College, 1974 Kansas; CD Vinyl Magic VM 026 [1991])
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 08:34
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 17 2006 at 02:05 |
Interesting bios, Andrea. It's good to see all this work on the most obscure and forgotten italian prog bands.
But what about the albums' covers? Can you add them? I fear that a name only cannot really be well remembered if not with the help and the support of a cover.
BTW, I have to recommend the last album of PFM, just issued and, in my opinion, very near to the masterpiece status!!!
Eight instrumental tracks thet will please and delight every italian prog aficionado!! 
Stati di immaginazione(Studio Album, 2006)
Title information (Edit) | MP3 | Reviews | Buy Music
4.33Excellent addition to any prog music collection 
Track listing
1. La terra dell’acqua (8:17) 2. Il mondo in testa (3:58) 3. La conquista (6:29) 4. Il sogno di Leonardo (6:44) 5. Cyber Alpha (4:28) 6. Agua Azul (3:53) 7. Nederland 1903 (3:23) 8. Visioni di Archimede (9:00)
Total time: 46:14
The DVD contains 8 videos with the same track listing of the CD Line-up
- Franz Di Cioccio / drums, percussion - Patrick Djivas / bass, fretless bass, plastic flute - Franco Mussida / electric, classic and acoustic guitars
Special guest:
- Lucio Fabbri / violin, keyboards
- Gianluca Tagliavini / keyboards, Hammond organ, Moog |
Edited by Andrea Cortese - December 17 2006 at 02:06
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Posted: December 17 2006 at 08:14 |
Andrea Cortese wrote:
Interesting bios, Andrea. It's good to see all this work on the most obscure and forgotten italian prog bands.
But what about the albums' covers? Can you add them? I fear that a name only cannot really be well remembered if not with the help and the support of a cover.
BTW, I have to recommend the last album of PFM, just issued and, in my opinion, very near to the masterpiece status!!!
Eight instrumental tracks thet will please and delight every italian prog aficionado!! 
Stati di immaginazione(Studio Album, 2006)
Title information (Edit) | MP3 | Reviews | Buy Music
4.33Excellent addition to any prog music collection 
Track listing
1. La terra dell’acqua (8:17) 2. Il mondo in testa (3:58) 3. La conquista (6:29) 4. Il sogno di Leonardo (6:44) 5. Cyber Alpha (4:28) 6. Agua Azul (3:53) 7. Nederland 1903 (3:23) 8. Visioni di Archimede (9:00)
Total time: 46:14
The DVD contains 8 videos with the same track listing of the CD Line-up
- Franz Di Cioccio / drums, percussion - Patrick Djivas / bass, fretless bass, plastic flute - Franco Mussida / electric, classic and acoustic guitars
Special guest:
- Lucio Fabbri / violin, keyboards
- Gianluca Tagliavini / keyboards, Hammond organ, Moog | |
For album cover: I do not know if it is a problem of my computer or other but I don't succeed to introduce them. However, Andrea Cortese, I sent you a PM to see if you succeed to explain me how I can do to resolve this problem.
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 18 2006 at 04:53 |
I've just answered by PM.
BTW, yesterday I've bought:
Ubi Maior - Nostos
Capsicum Red - Appunti per un'Idea Fissa
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Posted: December 18 2006 at 09:30 |
I added the photos in my articles. That of State O' Mind is lacking because I did not find it in Internet.
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 09:35
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Posted: December 18 2006 at 12:17 |
ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO recensions special (part 1)

JACULA — In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
In 1969 Mr Antonio Bertoccetti (Antonius Rex) decides to tranfert itself in London where the musical ideas were feer and decides finally of to record this masterpiece of the Black Prog. The album was printed in 300 copies+ 10 promo and distributed to nun sects! Substantially it is an album for church organ and electric guitar with recited vocal parts. The first listening I carried out it in a car and I should say that a headache got me... The second I carried out in this night, to the darkness, headphone and volume to the stars! That fear, that suggestions... all the songs put fear but "Magister Dixit", "Triumphatus Sad", "Intiatjo" and "In Cauda Semper" have an evocative power than has not equal. Hypnotic, darknesses, not songs... Go listened to night, to the light of the full Moon, in a castle (or church or abbey) in ruin. After not say me that the mental hospital is yours house!
Summarized: You go in and sought the page of Jacula and read the interview. You will understand because "In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum" is a sincere album, kind and gotic but ever above the lines. To have even if hated the treated subject.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

I do not know. This product does not seem succeeded me in all his components. The book is extraordinary, because me allowed to discover band to me strangers and of to discover that the magical Nomadi contribued to the Prog motion. The discography limit themeselves to the Prog album but are lacking those of last 10 years. Besides they are lacking the contemporary bands. However any Italian Progster will say that is just so (and also I approve). The graphic art is good, so like the photograph are good in relation to the format of the book. Instead the Cd I did not understood it. For a lot the Osage Tribe will be dark. For a lot is dark the Panna Fredda. However the songs are not in all of cases representative. The Libra deserved more space, the Panna Fredda and the Area deserved better songs (but "Arrow Head" is song of "Cucciolo" not of the Osage Tribe because is its drum to do the song!). Moreover the Motowns is an English group emigrate in Italy! Instead they are lacking The Trip that for two fourth (and then for two third) were Italian... Mah... However the quality is very high and these you lack pass in second plan.
Summarized: At my warning it went compelled with "I Grandi Successi Del Rock Progressivo Italiano", that contains only bands of the today Warner Galaxy. And, dulcis in fundo, the ransom of the Italian Prog (Rock Progressivo Italiano) in Italy is arriving!!!
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Thursday, December 14, 2006, 17:22 EST | Permanent link

LE ORME — Uomo Di PezzaReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
"Una Dolcezza Nuova" is the beginning of the second Prog album of an extraordinary group: Le Orme. Sweet, raw (if know the Italian language know thing I report myself), dreaming, poetic album. Never I experienced an it innocent play and that is to say to program a song in different order (how advised in the booklet). But first or then I will make and i will discover that this is a concept album on an innocent girl that was reped and on its fears (clear the order of the songs is altered, to the period he censorship would not have perdoned!). "Una Dolcezza Nuova" is an excellent beginning, very sweet and light, but in truth is the conclusion of the story. "Gioco Di Bimba", evergreen of Italian Prog, is a raw awaken for the man that now is regretted. "La Porta Chiusa" is one of the highlight of the album because describes in impressionistic manner the arrival of the man ready to work (and the action) with a musical subject extremely evocative. "Breve Immagine" describes the man the studies how to work (even in deviated and poetic manner). It follows "Figure Di Cartone", evergreen of the Italian Prog, describe the psyche of the little girl after the rape with pondered text that in truth some society speaks that it is awakened and discovers that is losing the fundamental values. Excellent song, today more fresh than in 1972!!! "Aspettando L'Alba", other evergreen of the Italian Prog, describes a typical party in beach and track a descriptionof the innocence of the girl and, more in general, of the humanity make lifting the tension in the listener aiming on a subject that in general is very sweet and, above all, evocative. Besides nothing does to think what then would have happened seen that the two enchented stroll to the clear of the moon. Brillant description of a carefree moment. It closes "Alienazione" that describes the empty created in the chins of two protagonists.
Summarized: Conceptually not easy to follow it is a concept strong altered, for obvious motive of censorship. Musically it is a mixed one between Quatermass and the ELP except for self-indulged, creating a sequel of the attractive album "Quatermass". One of the evergreen of the Italian Prog, aged also too well.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Monday, December 11, 2006, 10:40 EST | Permanent link

OSANNA — Le Più Belle Canzoni Degli Osanna
Almost ever a compilation can be used to indicate the value of a band. This not of the Osanna from Naples, capable of to make dream with its music. I read often that their music was like to that of the Jethro Tull. Fake nothing more and now I will seek explain because. "Introduzione", "L'Uomo" and "Vado Verso Una Meta" (from "L'Uomo") are not true Prog songs. They have Prog structure. Nevertheless they are blended rather Uriah Heep, Deep Purple and Jethro Tull with classic Folk of the zone of Naples. Being able and technically excelling but Rock. "Tema", "Variazione I (To Plinius)" and "Canzona (There Will Be Time)" come from the O.S.T. of the film "Milano Calibro 9" and are only Prog for the use of orchestra and electronic instruments. "Variazione I (To Plinius)" is wild Rock but pondered, "Canzona (There Will Be Time)" is a dramatic POP with majestic rhythm. "Oro Caldo/ Stanza Città" is the double track of "Palepoli". Continue rhythm change, dramatic parts, other cheerful, Folk or Rock (not to the Prog) but with little openings to the compromise. They closed "Landscape Of Life", "Fiume" and "Promised Land" (from "Landscape Of Life"). If "Landscape Of Life" is Rock, "Fiume" is dramatic story, majestic and dreamer, "Promised Land" is short American Folk. They close the Uno with "Popular Girl", honest Urban Blues.
Summarized: Not I can give not 5 stars to this compilation because fundamental summary of the gold period of Osanna. Their mix of Folk, Rock and Naples is really contagious. Even if hated the compilation this you should have it.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Friday, December 08, 2006, 12:37 EST | Permanent link
CIRCUS 2000 — Circus 2000Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Certainly the Circus 2000 are one of the better band of the Italian Prog. Today certainly forgotten. Nevertheless very present.
I wanted to intend here to review to signature Cesare Parmiggiani in the number of March 1971 of the monthly "La Cucina italiana" (that it is not taken care of music), just to understand how was treated to the period this band. "How many times we recorded in this page happened of groups foreigners in our country. Now,it looksat the case, we are in a position to signal a disc of four local young men that put on firm the social reason CIRCUS 2000, and that are doing noise and cash on the foreign market.In Holland are already in exclusive with a big publisher, wich has taken also for it happen the right. Then in Belgium and in France and also in America are courted with more than series intention. In Italy, how they have done acquiantance? Across the television, naturally. Are itself in: "Chissà Chi Lo Sa", "Tanto Per Cambiare" and "Gli Amici Del Bar" (an Italian television shows [Mandrakeroot addition]). They they have shown to Milan and Rome with intelligent programs in the big locals. The CIRCUS 2000 is a group for the new generation. So it say itself in turn. And, in effects, the definition can be accepted. The long-play can confirm it. Its sound is not more aligned with the rules of the old connect English, become now examples of custom, more or except for to condemn, but that some years does knew to say some thing of unpublished and revolutionary, but has a more reflective mailing. With everything this is adapted to a typically Anglo-Saxon atmosphere. In conclusion, are Italian that go to do a little of school in England. We propose the engraving to the young that love to renew itself also in the musical interest and to severe devotes of sets to light music"
That other to add? ...Soon agile too much.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Wednesday, March 08, 2006, 08:20 EST | Permanent link

IL BARICENTRO — SconcertoReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Other dark group (and album) of the extraordinary Italian Prog World! It it will not disappoint yourselves, above all if listened to it after to have assimilated the concept express in the sleevenotes (unfortunately alone in Italian).
Excellent Jazz Rock, a lot near the proposal of the Perigeo, but without sax and more Rock. Nevertheless I found it also more international. Less intellectual, therefore. The songs are loaded of mysticism. In fact they are wanted to carry the language of the Pop Rock (that derives from the Blues) and of the Classic Music in the Jazz putting the listener before the question: "Thing means this music?". Listening to the album is not easy to give a reply. But it that Peter Gabriel would please me went out with the absurd(?) assertion: "Il Baricentro and the Perigeo invented a musical language in Jazz and I carried it in my music"!
Summarized: If for you the music should speak... Have here what sought. If loved the Jazz Rock here found what sought (and in "Comunque... (Todo Modo)" also a Flamenco solo of bass guitar). If loved the Italian Prog World... Idem! It does to want of more?
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Monday, November 20, 2006, 05:02 EST | Permanent link
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 12:48
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Posted: December 18 2006 at 16:36 |
ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO recensions special (part 2)

I DIK DIK — Carlotto & Cucciolo Già Dik DikReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
This CD does reference to the formation created after the informal dissolution of the Dik Dik in 1983 (even if the limb continued to play like Dik Dik). In this formation is present "Cucciolo" Favia (already with Osage Tribe) that is one of the better Prog drummer of the story (not at random endorser of the U.F.I.P. cymbals became).
As for the music new records is presented that show us a "Cucciolo" uncontrollable (in this sense listened to "Guardo Te E Vedo Mio Figlio" honest Rock) but also suffering (in "Senza Luce (A Whiter Shade Of Pale)" or in "L'Isola Di Wight (Wight Is Wight)"). Besides I have the net impression that the other elements be alone to sorround to the excellent work of "Cucciolo" (even if capable and fundamental). The new arrangiaments transform almost all the songs in Prog Songs, thing that gives back them very fresh and it even if the original matrix is also too present. The vocal parts is not perfect, thing that does to lose much the office that the songs have and transmit.
I have not idea if the CD is easy to find itself (I found alone the cassette and on Internet did not find information on this CD). At any case if found a copy fairies yours this CD:
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:57 EST | Permanent link

I DIK DIK — Suite Per Una Donna Assolutamente RelativaReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Between the Beat groups that in '70's decided to try a Prog career I Dik Dik have not wrong certainty. Nevertheless I should observe that this is not true Prog because even though of Prog there is is to tons are very like to what were first (you see the compilation "Platinum Dik Dik" or "I Grandi Successi"). Nevertheless in all manual on the Italian Prog this disc results one of the more mattering for the Italian stage.
What it changes it is alone the use of the keyboards that, even though supported from the guitars, are the solo instrument. Their use moves the balance in Prog favor (you see the intro of "I Sogni"). The better songs are, however, "Le Gambe" and "Monti E Valli". The Moog is the element that transforms their music in Symphonic Prog. In fact where present the music has very high tickness. Elsewhere it is not aged well.
Important disc (not only for the Italian stage) is to revalue in every sense.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Monday, June 26, 2006, 05:07 EST | Permanent link

FORMULA 3 — Dies Irae (Formula 3)Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Certainly listening to "Dies Irae" not know him if we find ourselves before a Prog album of to Hard Rock album. This is the dilemma.
Listening to him beyond 7 minutes of "Dies Irae" thinks to before be a disc of Hard Rock. but it is not so. To understand than it is a Prog disc is necessary to arrive "Perché... Perché Ti amo", even if it not to large help. Already "Non è Francesca" had put us in guard, but are songs a lot of Hard, where the guitar of Radius is the true protagonist, showing that also in Italy there is big musicians. To the end of the fair, all the songs is more Hard than Prog, in a style that the Purple well could have Played. (P.s.: "Walk away Renee" sung directly in English).
In definitive this is a CD for the progster that love the band more Hard of the scene. But not only...
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Friday, April 28, 2006, 05:03 EST | Permanent link

FORMULA 3 — Formula 3Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
"Formula 3" is not an album Prog (in their discography are only "Sognando E Risognando" and, in smaller manner, "La Grande Casa"), but is an album Hard Rock with spacious psychedelic pages. For a lot of verse this album is the more warm than one the Formula 3 produced.
"Formula 3" is the transportation of Battisti and Mogol in Hard Rock key. In fact the songs are very powerful with scratching guitar and organ in obviousness. Often lapping itself. Being lacking the bass guitar and doing use pedals and pedal-boards the drum comereconciled in manner that the percussion is very dryand weighing. To note that Tony Cicco beyond that one of the better Italian drummer is also one of the better Italian singing. To listen "Formula 3" means to listen to an album that has not moment of yielding (really "Un Papavero" is too psychedelic and inferior to the other) also because presents songs than Mogol and Battisti write deliberately for the Formula 3 (only some songs subsequently engravingfrom Battisti in its album and "Vendo Casa" exists also in a good Dik Dik version) and therefore modeled on the capacity of the three musicians. How already said this is not a Prog Album, but the heavy twins parts of guitar and organ (of Radius and Lorenzi) and the extreme skill of the drummer as well as singing (Cicco) besides a writing and superior production (to care of Lucio Battisti) give back "Formula 3" an album without time.
Summarized: How said "Formula 3" is an album Hard Rock. In this sense is very like to "Dies Irae" but here there is greater understanding in all of the team involved. Sincerely it is an album that involves and that it is not forgetted a lot easily. A classic of the season of the Italian POP festivals and surely an excellent album.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Monday, November 27, 2006, 10:50 EST | Permanent link

FORMULA 3 — Sognando e RisognandoReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
In Italy are years that us asks itself if Lucio Battisti is a Prog or Rock artist. For me it is Prog and this "Sognando E Risognando" is of it the better test.
Written, produced and published from Lucio Battisti (for its "Numero 1" label) leaves me an alone doubt: we are secure that the arrangiaments were done from the Formula 3? "Sognando E Risognando" goes listened of a breath, forgetting the individual tracks. Only so they appreciate the guitars of Alberto Radius, the keyboards of Gabriele lorenzior the drums and the vocals of Tony Cicco.You can to say, reading this review, that in this disc the Formula 3 is transformed in a cover band. It is not so because rether it is necessary to consider that to the period it be it was the backing band of Lucio Battisti and that a lot you song were written express for the Formula 3 (I think besides to Bruno Lauzi, recented passed to best life. It was one of the better Songwritter of the School Of Genoa, but one of its big success was written from Mogol/ Battisti!!!)
Summarized: You did not wait for a cover album. or a tribute album. Rather you waited for a big album. Not almost Hard Rock like "Dies Irae" but a honest Symphonic album. However a small masterpiece.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 06:06 EST | Permanent link

AL DI MEOLA — Andrea Parodi Al Di Meola: Midsummer Night In Sardinia- ArmentosReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
It is not easy to describe this CD. In fact here they two meet themeselves "enormous" musicians: the immense Al Di Meola and the Immense Andrea Parodi. This last it is a extreme capable and in possession of a really attractive and warm voice. He, after the debut with the POP group Tazenda (singing in Sardinian) became the spokesperson of the traditional Sardinian music done an action of recover like to that of the artists of the Neo English Folk. This CD is sung in Sardinian except for "La Maza" that is in Spanish and "A Foua" that is is Savonish dialect (Parodi is 50% Sardinian and 50% Savonish).
You did not wait for a disc Prog or Jazz because here above all are contained song of Andrea Parodi. A Folk derives of it that in reality it is World Music. "Efix" is a Sardinian Folk (that is extremely different everything from that Italian) and "No Photo Reposare" is the most well-known piece of love of the Sardinian tradition. "La Maza" is the piece that make meet the two musicians and another piece becomes to listen to and to understand deeply. In this CD is contained also "Deo Ti Gheria Maria" that is is the Sardinian version of "The Sound Of Silence" of Simon & Garfunkel, attractive and nice, "Creation" of Al Di Meola (but written with Roberto Dani and Gavino Murgia for this project) that is an extraordinary exanple of Etno Jazz. It closes "A Foua", to the appearance it sets to music for children, in reality attractive nonsense rhyme to the it De André. How it said not a Prog disc. But the enormous sensibility of two artists is fundamental to transmit ourmind Sardinian landscapes than we will not forget ever.
To my warning farewell well a purchase and a place in the heart of every lover of the true music.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Monday, July 03, 2006, 05:33 EST | Permanent link

NEW TROLLS ATOMIC SYSTEM — NT Atomic SystemReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
I gained together the two album of the NTAS. Alone the first one is worthy of this group. In these two CD we find Tullio De Piscopo (and not D'episcopo) at the Drums that gives back even more granite the music.
The music is a lot more symphonic pf thet of the New Trolls. "La Nuova Predica Di Padre O'Brien" and "Quando l'erba Vestiva La Terra" are twosay little fantastic and they show how it does actual a musical proposalcourse to the success from other (the ELP in this case). The other songs send again too to the New Trolls (above all "Butterfly"). "Una Notte Sul Monte Calvo" of Mussorgsky, gone out to the period on 7" is interesting but nothing more. Good the flute.
Album to possess, large test for a group that a lot could have said of more.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Thursday, July 06, 2006, 04:56 EST | Permanent link

NEW TROLLS ATOMIC SYSTEM — Tempi DispariReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Interesting live. The Style is a Jazz that could please to who does not love too the Jazz. Nevertheless it is inferior to the first one.
Interesting "7/4 (Settequarti)", technical Jazz Rock and vibrating with little weak points. Is cold but not for this lacking a certain glamour. Instead "13/8 (Trediciottavi)" is a fall of style. In fact De Scalziit imitates Di Palo on the subject of "Shadow" and the thing seems weighing me, seen also the relations between the two (not than today is different...).
Good disc. Not palaces the comparison with "New Trolls Atomic System" being a honest disc of Jazz Rock. erred.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Thursday, July 13, 2006, 08:32 EST | Permanent link

L' UOVO DI COLOMBO — L'Uovo Di ColomboReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
I do not want that someone you think badly... But in Italy the musical fauna was populated from the large groups. L'Uovo Di Colombo was certainly one of these, producer, unfortunately, of an alone one (magnificient) LP.
The voice of Toni Gionta is winning element so like "Consiglio", Symphonic (POP) Prog like little. Warm, relaxed, technique, contagious... Is a song that you do not distract the listener in no way. Also "Vox Dei" conquest. But transmits except for feeling. Same thing for "Visione Della Morte", "Io" and "Anja". But are songs that every group should write.
Only listening toa disc so understands how much the Classic Music will not be able ever to die.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Friday, September 01, 2006, 11:19 EST | Permanent link

THE TRIP — Time Of Change Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Second album for this formation. If loved ELP this disc that does for you, It is not totally Symphonic. it is, rather, a Psychedelic Jazz Rock with Symphonic arrengements, excellent synth (used here for the first time) and a drum that splits like a woodcutter splits the firewood. Smaller production and for this a lot of glamour weraps the excellent compositions.
"Rhapsodia" is a long composition that occupation all side A to is sung in English. Best for power, use of voice and theatricality is a piece that the ELP would please myself mentioned like inspiration for their more free pieces. Piano, bass guitar and drum play a Jazz that alternates Swing, non conventional Rock and Classic Music. "Nuova Formula" is a weird piece for resonance but a lot of Jazz Rock for concept and with good use of the wah wah in the bass guitar that solo instrument becomes. Excellent also the piano and the varied percussions. In definitive it will please to the lovers of Santana. "De Sensibus" it is a very interesting for the playful use of the percussions and an atmosphere that will please surely to the lovers of certainly German avant-garde music for the atmospheres in is contained. "Corale" it is opened with a very religious organ to which they unite themeselves the bass guitar and the Tibetan bells and the excellent vocal part (in English). In general it is a piece a lot of liturgic. Is the most Symphonic piece of the album but also that more romantic. An autentic jewelry (forgotten) of the whole Italian Prog World. Finally "Ad Libitum" piece for piano and inspiring to the Romantic Music for piano but with Gothic arrengements.
Summarized: Forgotten album but worthy of discovery. If Keith Emerson had not decided to form the ELP would have arrived to produce an album like "Time Of Change", jewelry, how said, forgotten. Not easy certainty. A lot of listening want us to understand it and yet it remains weighing, soft... But, it believe myself, masterpieces so is much difficult to produce. Long life to "Time Of Change", therefore.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Monday, November 27, 2006, 18:11 EST | Permanent link

MAURO PAGANI — Creuza de mä Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
It is a tribute to Faber across intended it of 8 songs written from Mauro Pagani with Fabrizio De Andrè more three pieces of the only Pagani (the first), the seventh (with text of Martim Codax, Galician singer of the 13th Century) and the 11th with text of Alcmane (Sparta, VIII Century B. C.).
The text are in Genoan, mother language of Faber except for "Sidun" that is in Arabian and Israeli. Interesting to note like the music of Faber (Folk Prog Rock) meetings the Ethnic Prog and the World Music remaining poetry (even if with except for poetic value). In some points it a disc seems it seeks an artificial perfection, thing that does not weigh, however, in the final result. Also in this case there is not a superior song to the other but the use of the dialect increases the glamour of the CD.
For fans of Gabriel, De André and Pagani is, to the same time, a disc of absolute value.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 15:32 EST | Permanent link

FLEA ON THE HONEY / FLEA / ETNA — Topi o Uomini Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Between the band that they invented the Hard Prog, predecessor of the Prog Metal Flea On The Honey/ Flea/ Etna are between the more Hard. Here it is alone Prog for the rhytm and for the attitude. For the large remainder Hard Rock!
Already the Suite "Topi O Uomini" is a good example to understand what I say. Also "Amazzone A Piedi" offer the same diagram (rhytmic angry, twisted guitars beyond every limits [for the epoch!]). "Amazzone A Piedi" is however more Prog, cause rhytm.
"Sono Un Pesce" e "L'Angelo Timido" is almost two replenished (if so define!) with an enormous amount of originality.
Said this, it would please me that the Flea become one of your favorithe bands, because when the passion and creativity come before all means to have hit the center of all of the objectives.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Saturday, March 11, 2006, 15:59 EST | Permanent link
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 19 2006 at 00:47 |
Good work here!
How about a special in alphabetical order to be posted every week? (bands' names starting with A, B...). We should present a list with the covers of the most representative albums plus and a bio (or a review) plus a list of the lesser known bands whose names start with that letter.
Obviously we should underline and add bands and artists that aren't still included in the site as for Alan Sorrenti, Dalton ...
Maybe we'd better start with a list of the bands and artists to include.
Edited by Andrea Cortese - December 19 2006 at 00:51
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Posted: December 19 2006 at 04:02 |
Andrea Cortese wrote:
Good work here!
How about a special in alphabetical order to be posted every week? (bands' names starting with A, B...). We should present a list with the covers of the most representative albums plus and a bio (or a review) plus a list of the lesser known bands whose names start with that letter.
Obviously we should underline and add bands and artists that aren't still included in the site as for Alan Sorrenti, Dalton ...
Maybe we'd better start with a list of the bands and artists to include. |
Beh, I could do fo the band of the 70's because included in "Rock Progressivo Italiano and Italianprog (Otherwise impossible work in little time, seen that a lot of artists/ bands not Prog had songs almost Prog and it would be necessary to listen to them attentive for better judge). For those contemporary I would not know from where to begin because I do not know a lot of bands and a would risk to combine a big mess. If you want the contemporary band I leave them to you. Is a project that, naturally, I had already in mind and I wanted you it it.
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 19 2006 at 04:10
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Posted: December 20 2006 at 16:56 |
ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO recensions special (part 3)
FORMULA 3 — King KongReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Good return for the Formula 3 with two absolute masterpieces of their discography "La Folle Corsa" (very big NWOBHM song) and it "New Version" of "Dies Irae".
Actual it "New Version" of "Dies Irae" is the absolute surprese. Already dark in the original version here it am listenned to a short version that seems gone out from an album of Vangelis that it is amused to do a mix with Slash (in the very best solo of guitar where Radius imitates well the best Slash Blues). Besides seems to be in a live set in a medieval castle with inclusive phantoms. "La Folle Corsa" is a Hard Rock song without demands. Is however an of the better songs that the Formula 3 ever recorded. Simple, technique and ever banal. The refrain is done to to be sung under the shower. For the tremainder excellent POP songs, here and it also too Prog.
Excellent return for an excellent group. To have.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Friday, May 05, 2006, 05:13 EST | Permanent link

I GIGANTI — Concerto Live Al Teatro Regio Di Parma - 1968Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
The formula of "Teatro Canzone" was one of the tours de force of Giorgio Gaber. The I GigAnti in this case produce a very embryonic work. I should say that the sound is poor (due to problem to the means of the period) but however good. And the songs of the Beat period raise themeselves to masterpieces.
These are the just atmospheres to be able to understand the Beat music (that in CD and refined from the lacks of record seems aged bad). In fact today ordinary song like "Proposta" (but the uncomfortable pacifist anguish period) here seems (and the is) a masterpiece of the all music genre. But all of the CD is magical. Songs really attractive (and that in the compilation from me already reviewed) they had not said nothing here wrap themeselves of heat "In Città è Festa" ("A Taste Of Honey") is a Slow Waltz very exciting also today but here has an incredible magic. I Giganti at the utmost of the popularity and is not difficult to understand it the reason. And they make a show a lot of Prog although you are be still producers of attractive Beat songs. Certainly "Arrivano I GigAnti" or "Giorni Di Festa" to appairs bound to the period but are however magical.
I should say that if in the music sought magical atmosphears this is the album that does for you.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Thursday, September 07, 2006, 05:43 EST | Permanent link
OPUS AVANTRA — StrataReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
Like return on the scene is not badly. Nevertheless it is a very easy disc to understand how much difficulty to compose and to play. Donella Del Monaco, grandchild of the famous tenor Mario Del Monaco, has a sole voice but here hears itself little and is little incisive, except for "Canto Prima Della Primavera".
In general this disc is a disc of not songs because the songs do not have very rhythm but is a to stack notes, feelings and state of mind. In this sense the use of violin, violet and cello is put in contrast with the sinthetizers to create a contrast between nature and device. Only "Canto Prima Della Primavera" presents an unwinding to song and here Donella Del Monaco does us almost to cry so is being able, penetrating and endured its interpretation. And this is also the sole concession to the feelings, thing that deliberately comes forgotten in this album.
Summarized: To say the truth I waited for myself a more complicated disc. In a lot of points in front to the eyes they big churches of the Cistercens Abbey, empty, cold but so offies of passion and of the message that are carried. In other points "Strata" empties the mind, succeeds not to think. But so it is wanted "Strata", dry but not cool album.
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Friday, December 01, 2006, 13:07 EST | Permanent link
Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
To rediscover the Renaissance Music, the flavor of simple things and the meditation, the Jazz, the Classic Music, Chaos, not conventional Music and song where all is free. This in synthesis is "LYRICS". And nevertheless so neighbor to a world parallel, almost fairy, where the mind runs deep and all is perfect. Between Tibetan Monk, medieval castles abd Chinese Walls. Excellent music for the mind, to relax itself and for 43 minutes of reflection.
I do not succeed to review it otherwise. But this is also the summary of the concept of this (ever word is rightr and blundered simultaneously) Masterpiece!
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Thursday, March 16, 2006, 10:31 EST | Permanent link
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 20 2006 at 16:59
Tony R
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Posted: December 20 2006 at 17:11 |
The new PFM is wonderful!
Maybe not as good as their first three albums, probably because of the instrumental format, but I love it!!!!
Mussida's guitar-playing is sensational.
Enough superlatives, if you can get a copy I suggest you do.
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 20 2006 at 17:13 |
very well said, Tony. Stati di Immaginazione is a real beauty (ok, not just like a woman) but is going to become a PFM classic, in my humble opinion. 
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Posted: December 20 2006 at 17:30 |
Andrea Cortese wrote:
very well said, Tony. Stati di Immaginazione is a real beauty (ok, not just like a woman) but is going to become a PFM classic, in my humble opinion.  |
It will be not attractive like a woman... But like soundtrack when it is done the love (sex!!!) there is not nothing of better that PFM, LE ORME, BANCO DEL MUTUO SOCCORSO, DALTON, ATLANTIDE, OPUS AVANTRA, HOSTSONATEN, FIABA, OSAGE TRIBE or FORMULA 3           
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 20 2006 at 17:33
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Posted: December 21 2006 at 09:16 |
PREMIATA FORNERIA MARCONI (PFM) — Stati di immaginazioneReview by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)
PFM? Instrumental album?... I admit that the thing had left myself of indifferent everything. I did not imagine that the album was able to be so being able and interesting. I bought thinking it: "Other album of the PFM... Other album of Dinosaurs...". Uhm... Uhm... Uhm... Instead it is a big album. Are passed by now 30 years how long Franz and partners decided begin to live with the music, I Quelli had immediately happened and I should say that their musc pleases me much. Then they became I Krel, worn name simultaneously to the precedent, becoming an of the largest Prog band of the world. Erred that disagreements with Ricordi label have not allowed to continue with the name I Krel because with the dissident Battisti, Mogol, Colombini and Formula 3 given life to the Numero Uno label and change name. Today, instead, after labels' property passage, have the possibility of to do (like in their web site) a sole catalog but... Unfortunately it is not so. But if this is story, the present is "Stati Di Immaginazione". And I should say... A big CD+ DVD. Perhaps Franz and partners understood that to continue with the usual music (50% POP, 50% Prog) was a forcing. So they decided to make a thing that in Italy if not plays Jazz (and also in that case with a lot of distinctions, see Il Baricentro) is a risk. That is to say a totally instrumental album. And this is do Prog. The album from "Storia Di Un Minuto" to "Passpartù" are, naturally, of another planet (but is the magic of 70's discriminating it!). Nevertheless "Stati Di Immaginazione" it is a magical album. Franz plays the drum like pits on stage, Djivas and Mussida seem possessed and Lucio "Violino" Fabbri is more than a host. Even if in some moments it seem forced "Stati Di Immaginazione" it is a new beginning, not a leavetaking.
Summarized: Now appearance with impatience New Trolls and I Delirium. You tremble, the 70's is returned!!! Thanks PFM, thanks!!!
For always yours, Mandrakeroot.
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2006, 09:10 EST | Permanent link
Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 21 2006 at 09:18
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 22 2006 at 01:10 |
Glad to notice you also like the new PFM's Stati di Immaginazione
Today I hope to receive Aries, eponimous debut. 
Aries is one of the many projects of Fabio Zuffanti. The man is preparing another new project for us all: its name is Buc-Ur, if I well remember...let's wait for what it'll be.
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 22 2006 at 01:17 |
An interesting album, one of the few prog folk efforts in the italian contemporary prog scene:
4.00(Warning: only 2 ratings) 
Track listing
1. Zoicekardi'a (prologo) (2:04) 2. Ipuno? (4:15) 3. Scena dopo Scena (7:25) 4. Verso la Foresta (7:24) 5. Desideri (7:13) 6. Cuore di Metallo (4:41) 7. Dolce Mistero (0:54) 8. Zoicekardi'a (Il volo) (11:26)
Total Time: 45:22
- Gigi De Giorgi / vocals - Gianluca Milanese / flute - Emanuele Licci / guitars - Apollonio Tommasi / bass - Egidio Marullo / drums
ARIA PALEA — ZoicekardiáReview by Andrea Cortese (Andrea Cortese) COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist
Aria Palea is an italian contemporary prog band that focuses on acoustic and electric interplay, with an important role for flute. Instruments are reduced to the essence: flute, acoustic and electric guitar, bass, drums and percussions. The unespected element are the recitative and weird vocals that in some parts really reach the highest level of theatrical development I ever listened to. Just try, for example, the intro “Zoicekardìa (Prologo)” where recitative vocals alternates to strange laughings and noises until flute comes in and opens for an interesting duo/interplay with electric guitar, in a jazzy temper a la Jethro Tull's This Was. Very interesting, especially for Tull's lovers as I am.
The general sound of the album is clearly and freely inspired to early Jethro Tull, and also Stand Up features as the isnpiration here. The track “Scena Dopo Scena”, in particular, has a similar structure of the Tull's big classic “A New Day Yesterday”. Other tracks are more freely played with more improvisation and quasi-jazzy feel as “Verso la Foresta”. Very good work on acoustic guitar, I admit it. The whole record is convincing and should be in any prog folk collection.
The magnum opus here is the closer “Zoicekardìa (Il Volo)” which is the longer song, over 11 minutes with high level of progressiveness and improvisation with the opportunity for all the band's members to show their own talents. Lyrics are not in italian but, I presume, in local dialect from where the band comes: the southern part of Puglia. This is a peculiarity of the italian prog folk experience, since the folk side of music depends on, mainly, to the local traditions that still are very strong here. The most relevant example is Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare and their lyrics in Neaples' dialect.
Aria Palea really deserves much more attention, even from fans of the italian prog experience. The fact that the prog folk sound was and is still almost always behind the scenes, explain well why this fine band remains one of the most obscure ones.
Posted Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 16:30 EST | Permanent link
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Posted: December 22 2006 at 01:24 |
What about this one  I really love it and it's one of the most dark Italians Prog (?) albums that I heard... Opinions???
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