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Topic: Porcupine Tree, NYC, October 6th 2006 Posted: October 12 2006 at 12:20 |
I was at the Boston show on the 5th. To be honest, I went to see Fripp and Belew, as I'd never heard a note of PT. Needless to say, ProjeKCt 6 was a major disappointment. I rather enjoyed PT. They opened with around 7-8 tunes from their upcoming album, took a 5 minute break (it literally was 5 minutes, kudos), and did some older material.
Being completely objective, I'd have to say that the new material was quite a bit more entertaining than the older material. That said, the bass work on the new material was little more than a drop-dead bore. The bassist's work on the older material was far better.
Crazy light show, tight crunchy odd time sigs. Not too bad. I'll probably pick up their forthcoming album.
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Posted: October 10 2006 at 10:51 |
It was an excellent show. The sound was not as good as in Philly the following night, but that was to be expected. The lights were great, as were PT.
I agree that the P6 sound was not good - what they needed was a bass player. Belew was not just playing drums on the v-drums, but also the bass lines. What he was doing was technically clever, it just sounded pretty rotten, with the result being both drum and bass parts that sounded like they could have been programmed with little talent or effort. It was a shame to see him do something that was challenging to play, but uninteresting in result.
In Philadelphia, Belew improved and really pulled off the first of the tracks in particular, getting a pretty hypnotic bass & drum grove going. However, I still found myself in the audience appreciating what he was doing more than how it was sounding, and that's not ideal in my opinion. Fripp was even better in Philly too - even with the limitations of the exercise, there's a chemistry between Fripp and Belew and it was evident that night. And the smiles were precious. :)
It was great to go to both gigs for PT though - they were superb on both occasions. However, NYC won for lighting and crowd ambiance (due to the standing section of the house) while Philly won for sound and atmosphere (the band appeared more relaxed). Of the six new songs they played them all well both nights, but the edge went to NYC for the sixth, and a clear win in Philly with the fourth.
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Posted: October 09 2006 at 19:09 |
Thanks to some for the correction re the encore: it was Halo, not Lazarus.
Also, I did forget to mention the wonderful lighting; as someone said, "especially for a small venue." I also forgot to mention (as someone else did) the line outside - which was the most annoying part of the evening (though Belew's lousy electronic drumming came a very close second...LOL).
Sorry I don't know any of you (except threefates - hi there!) well enough to have recognized you. And threefates: sorry I didn't see you either. I was sitting on the railing of the staircase just to the right of the bassist. Stayed there for most of the night.
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Posted: October 09 2006 at 11:13 |
I saw the shows in both NYC on the 6th and Phlly on the 7th. I agree with Maani about Belew. Just horrible. Even worse because I was on the rail, front centerstage.. and got the monitor feed which was a static electric drumkit.... :shudder:
Anyway PT were great... and I got quite a few good shots even tho the security guard stood in front of me and right in front of Steve Wilson all night. I took photos between my fingers, under my arms... atleast my camera requires no flash, but I had to crop lots of dregs (from that security guard) out of my pictures... 
The light show was only included in Boston and NYC. They couldn't afford to keep it, so the Philly show wasn't as entertaining visually... but the sound was so much better, it didn't really matter. Even Fripp and Belew sounded better.. and Fripp actually smiled most of his time on stage.
Edited by threefates - October 09 2006 at 11:16
Fight Club
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 16:27 |
Asyte2c00 wrote:
Porcupine Tree was amazing. Best Live show I have ever see, The lighting was stellar.
Steve Wilson made a joke on their first set that the song was musically challenging and that for Dream Theater would make it look like a "walk in the park."
Projekt Six was a technical exercise for both Belew and Fripp, altogether, a pretentious display of musicanship.
It was interesting to see the poeple who share the same interest as me on PA in a real setting.
Next PT album will surely be amazing
Yeah I thought the lighting was incredibly impressive for a small venue.
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 15:30 |
Fight Club wrote:
They closed with an encore of Trains, Blackest Eyes and Lazarus.
| I do believe you may be mistaken Maani,I dont remember them playing Lazarus... admin edit...poster is being unecessarily obtuse,so I have amended post to show him how it can be done courteously. |
The encore was "Blackest Eye" followed by "Halo"
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 15:29 |
Porcupine Tree was amazing. Best Live show I have ever see, The lighting was stellar.
Steve Wilson made a joke on their first set that the song was musically challenging and that for Dream Theater would make it look like a "walk in the park."
Projekt Six was a technical exercise for both Belew and Fripp, altogether, a pretentious display of musicanship.
It was interesting to see the poeple who share the same interest as me on PA in a real setting.
Next PT album will surely be amazing
Gravity Eyelids
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 15:16 |
Good thing I did not say hi then...
Edited by Gravity Eyelids - October 07 2006 at 15:21
Into this wild Abyss the fiend
Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while,
Pondering his Voyage.
Fight Club
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:45 |
Gravity Eyelids wrote:
Hey FC I could have swore I saw you. You were wearing a black DSOTM, 1973 tour hooded sweat shirt. You were up in the seated area right. I was gonna say high, but I din'dt want to make a fool of myself... 
Nah that wasn't me haha! I was wearing an tye dye Animals Pink Floyd t-shirt and was standing about 6-10 feet from the stage in the middle. I was also the one screaming Radioactive Toy at the top of my lungs towards the end of the show 
Edited by Fight Club - October 07 2006 at 14:48
Gravity Eyelids
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:41 |
Fight Club wrote:
I definately don't think they're becoming a disappointment, as I enjoy the later albums equally as much as the earlier. However, I think the new songs could still use some work. I agree with what you said about "digging deep to find a hook". I loved the new long track, and thought the chorus was quite haunting, but the only thing I think could have been better is if they added an intense driving chord section after the build up. The build up is impressive, but I was expecting a breakout of complete insanity following it, you know? I enjoyed the new material though, and overall I think the band will continue to keep duds out of their discography. |
Hey FC I could have swore I saw you. You were wearing a black DSOTM, 1973 tour hooded sweat shirt, and were up in the seated area right. I was gonna say hello, but I didn't want to make a fool of myself... 
Edited by Gravity Eyelids - October 12 2006 at 15:43
Into this wild Abyss the fiend
Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while,
Pondering his Voyage.
Fight Club
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:40 |
I heard Wilson mention before they were writing the new music as they were touring, so I imagine what we heard last night isn't quite the same as the stuff people heard earlier in the tour. And I have faith that they will perfect all the music before it goes on the albums. I can't see PT being the type of band to put music on an album that doesn't quite feel complete.
Tony R
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:32 |
I dont think the somgs are the finished article seemed to me that some sections needed further development.
Fight Club
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:27 |
I definately don't think they're becoming a disappointment, as I enjoy the later albums equally as much as the earlier. However, I think the new songs could still use some work. I agree with what you said about "digging deep to find a hook". I loved the new long track, and thought the chorus was quite haunting, but the only thing I think could have been better is if they added an intense driving chord section after the build up. The build up is impressive, but I was expecting a breakout of complete insanity following it, you know? I enjoyed the new material though, and overall I think the band will continue to keep duds out of their discography.
Gravity Eyelids
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:15 |
Arteum wrote:
Please see my independent report at my Live Journal page:
Nice Review, that line was long right. One gripe though.
"Clearly, PT is becoming heavier and poppy, which is a big disappointment. Even at concerts, they don't like to play their old "psychodelic" songs such as those from the wonderful "Up The Downstair", "The Sky Moves Sideways" or "Signify" albums. I don't think the "prog" community is going to appreciate this new direction, aimed, I fear, at conquering the American mass culture market. Or maybe Steve is just fed up with all the comparisons to PINK FLOYD and he decided to stray from PF sound radically? Let's hope his excellent songwriting skills and musicanship will let him move on to yet another phase in PT development after he is sated with his successfull foray into the American market."
In my opinion the new stuff wasn't that poppy (Heavy though, probably on the same level as DW). I had to dig pretty deep to find a hook. And the reason I think they don't play stuff from there earlier years is because, they want to give the show a certain feel, and not a greatest hits set. And the show was to promote the new CD and the DVD so thats what they played. Maybe when they're old and not pumping out CD's like they are now they'll play some of the older stuff. 
Into this wild Abyss the fiend
Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while,
Pondering his Voyage.
Fight Club
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 14:02 |
They closed with an encore of Trains, Blackest Eyes and Lazarus.
I do believe you may be mistaken Maani,I dont remember them playing Lazarus...
admin edit...poster is being unecessarily obtuse,so I have amended post to show him how it can be done courteously.
Edited by Tony R - October 07 2006 at 14:05
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 13:27 |
Please see my independent report at my Live Journal page:
Gravity Eyelids
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 13:10 |
^^  ^^ At the gig I picked up the DVD, and today I watched it. About halfway through Trains Steve breaks a string...  ... Oh well did not really hurt either show.
I also bought a SD shirt priced ridiculously high at 35$(!!!  ), and a size to big too. For some reason they only make larges. Nice shirt though a couple times through the wash and it will all be worth it.
Into this wild Abyss the fiend
Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while,
Pondering his Voyage.
Tony R
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 11:07 |
Thanks Maani.
Let's hope the new album lives up to the hype.
Hightea,thanks for the pix..pity about the over-zealous security...what kind of recording did they think you could get on a digital camera?
Eric,for some reason Steve always breaks a string,its almost a cliche.
When the band go mega with the new album maybe he can stop buying "used" strings.....
Edited by Tony R - October 07 2006 at 11:10
Gravity Eyelids
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 10:48 |
^^ Great pictures.^^
I thought it was a exellent gig too. Tracks 2, 3, and 4 were my favorites, 'the beast' had to be my favorite though. I loved the intro to it just had this epic foreshadowing quality too it, and the super heavey middle instrumental peice, then mellow ending w/ the vocal hamonies to pull it all together - After It I was just in awe. Tracks 1, 5, 6 I couldn't really get into, although I'm not really good w/ new material so I have no right to complain.
Second set was excellent too the highlights for me were: Buying New Soul, Halo, TSOSB, 3. I thought ASBNH was slightly off, but still great. And what happened to Trains, did Steve break a sting or something. 
Into this wild Abyss the fiend
Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while,
Pondering his Voyage.
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Posted: October 07 2006 at 02:13 |
Excellent show
I agree about Belew's drumming what was he thinking? Fripp's guitar sounds made up for it.
I really enjoyed the new material and thought it forced Porcupine Tree to show a mellower side to their live show.
Few shots before they took my batteries which were dead anyway 
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